53 Different Types of Beetles in Michigan

Types of Beetles in MichiganPin
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Michigan may be best known for its cars, but it’s also home to an impressive variety of insects! There are different types of beetles in Michigan.

The Beetles, in particular, make up over 25% of all insect species.

So it shouldn’t be surprising that Michigan state has many different types of beetles. 

Therefore, if you’re lucky, you might even spot some rare beetles in Michigan! This list will take you through the types of beetles in Michigan and teach you about their habits and habitats.

If you’re lucky, maybe they’ll inspire new creative business ideas while doing it!

1. Rainbow Scarab Beetle 

This is the first on our list of different types of beetles in Michigan. Rainbow Scarab Beetles are found worldwide and are very common in Michigan. They live primarily on flowers and fruit but consume other insects, such as aphids.

However, one way to tell if you have a Rainbow Scarab Beetle is by looking at its head: it will have two black antennae that meet in the middle and two red spots on the side of its head.

These bugs can be found anywhere from June to November.

2. Red Flat Bark Beetle 

This is the second on our list of different types of beetles in Michigan. If you live in Michigan, there is a chance that you may see the Red Flat Bark Beetle.

While they are not commonly found, they live on dead trees or logs. They are also known to feed on other beetles and larvae.

The adult beetle has a copper-red body with black wing covers and antennae. The larvae are reddish brown and grow to be about one inch long before pupating into adults.

3. Squash Lady Beetle 

Squash lady beetles are a type of beetle in Michigan and Canada. These insects typically feed on aphids and other pests. 

Also, they are known to eat squash plants. The adult beetles measure between one-quarter and three-quarters inches, while their larvae can be up to two inches long.

Squash lady beetles appear orange or yellow with black spots on their backs and heads.

4. Red-Headed Ash

The red-headed ash borer (Neoclytus acuminatus) is one of the different types of beetles in Michigan that is indigenous to North America.

It is a member of the longhorn beetle family, and the adults are typically between 2-2.5 centimeters long. They feed on ash, juniper, and mountain ash trees. 

The larvae or grubs are one centimeter long. They are typically orange-yellow with dark brown spots. The grubs live under the bark and can be found anywhere from 3 to 30 meters deep inside the tree trunk.

This particular type of beetle has been found throughout the Midwest region. But it prefers to live in areas where there are many oaks.

5. Stag Beetle 

This is one of our list of different types of beetles in Michigan. The Stag Beetle is a large beetle that can grow up to 3 inches long.

The distinctive feature is the pair of long, curved mandibles used for defense and fighting. Male Stag Beetles are known for locking their mandibles with other males during mating season. 

Most of the time, the Longhorn Beetle is a shiny, dark-brown beetle that can be found all over North America. They are one of the largest beetles found in the US, growing up to four inches long.

The beetle’s primary diet consists of woody plants, such as pine trees and fruit trees, that cannot defend themselves against this hungry insect. 

The Rhinoceros Beetle is one of Michigan’s most recognizable types of beetles due to its size and pointy horn on its head.

6. Red Milkweed Beetle

The Red Milkweed Beetle is a common beetle found in Michigan and throughout the Michigan States. Michigan’s different types of beetles are often seen on milkweed plants, where they eat the leaves. They are also attracted to lights at night. 

Therefore, the Red Milkweed Beetle typically has a red body with black stripes. But some variations have more white or yellow markings.

This beetle can be found throughout North America and in other parts of the world, like South America, Australia, and New Zealand.

7. Red Oak Borer 

The red oak borer is also one of the types of beetle in Michigan. It’s also called the powder post beetle and infests hardwood trees like oak, hickory, and maple.

The larvae bore through the tree, creating dust that looked like sawdust. After feeding on the wood, they pupate at the bottom of their tunnel. 

As adults, they’ll sometimes chew their way out and start all over again.

8. Tiger Beetle

These medium-sized types of beetles are found throughout Michigan States and Canada. They can be identified by their long, flat body and elytra with distinctive stripes or spots.

Some species also have hind legs that resemble antennae.

9. Red-legged Buprestis 

Beetles are insects from the order Coleoptera. These insects are characterized by their hard shell-like forewings, called elytra. Which covers and protects the delicate hindwings during flight.

They have chewing mouthparts, and most species are predaceous. 

Sometimes, beetles in Michigan are scavengers or herbivores. The Beetle’s body is divided into three sections: head, thorax, and abdomen.

The head is located at the front of the insect’s body. The thorax covers the first three segments (of six) on the beetle’s abdomen.

10. Red-lined Carrion Beetle 

The red-lined Carrion Beetle (Necrodes surinamensis) is one of the common types of beetles in Michigan. These beetles are also known as carrion beetles because they eat carrion and other dead animals, not just plants. 

Carrion beetles have oval-shaped bodies. It is covered with short hairs resembling bristles, and its legs are about the same length. 

Also, they have unusually long antennae, with clubbed antennae comprising many segments. This species has a dark brown to black coloration on its backside, with a reddish-brown coloration on its underside and legs.

11. Redbud Borer Beetle 

The Redbud Borer Beetle (Ptosima gibbicollis) is one of the types of beetles in Michigan and North America.

It has red hair-like setae on its elytra (the hard wings covering its body) and lives primarily on trees like oaks and ashes.

It lays eggs under the bark, and larvae eat their way out to feed on the inner bark before they pupate into adults. The adult beetles then lay their own eggs, creating an endless cycle.

12. Rustic Borer

The rustic borer is a black beetle with a metallic green or blue sheen to its body. The rustic borer is about half an inch long and has a two-inch wing span. They are often seen walking on the ground but can fly if startled. 

So, They have been known to cause damage to trees by boring into the wood and laying eggs inside. Adults feed on leaves and other plant parts, while larvae bore through the bark and wood of plants, including tulip poplars, oaks, maples, sycamores, and apple trees.

13. Scarites Ground Beetle 

The Scarites ground beetle is one of the most common beetles that can be found on the Gulf Islands National Seashore.

Scarite ground beetles are only a few millimeters long, typically brown or black, and have a shiny appearance.

These types of beetle in Michigan feed on small invertebrates and live on the forest floor, where they lay their eggs under rocks, leaves, and logs. 

Most Times, females will lay 20-30 eggs at a time while they are mating. But they don’t store sperm, meaning their eggs will not hatch unless they mate again.

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As an adult scarites ground beetles, you may find them burrowing into soft materials. Such as sand or loose soil to feed on small animals such as worms or insects.

14. Scarlet Lily Beetle

The Scarlet Lily Beetle is a colorful beetle that can be found throughout the eastern Michigan States. They are most commonly seen in fields, meadows, and gardens.

Furthermore, these beetles in Michigan feed on plants such as strawberries, cabbage, beans, potatoes, and tomatoes.

They are considered to be agricultural pests because they can cause millions of dollars worth of damage to crops. 

Mostly, the body of this beetle is usually red with white spots on it; however, the coloring can vary depending on where they are located geographically or what kind of diet they have been eating.

15. Seven-spotted Lady Beetle

The seven-spotted ladybeetles in Michigan are the most widespread ladybug species found in Michigan and North America.

It can be identified by its black head and six orange spots, five on the elytra (wing covers) and one on each side. As a result, it is also called the C-7 or septempunctata.

The two other common species are the two-spotted lady beetle (Adalia bipunctata) and the nine-spotted lady beetle (Coccinella novemnotata).

16. Shining Leaf Chafer 

The Shining Leaf chafer is a type of beetle that can be found worldwide. The chafers are not a large group of beetles but can be found throughout the Michigan States. They are mostly seen as pests because they eat through plants and trees.

The Shining Leaf chafer is one type that is native to Michigan. If you have any more questions, contact your local pest control company.

17. Signate Lady Beetle 

Ladybugs are beetles that are a common sight on flowers and homes all year round. Their bright, vibrant colors make them stand out from other insects.

The most famous species is the ladybug or ladybird type of beetle in Michigan (Family: Coccinellidae), which is found on every continent except Antarctica. 

So, over 5,000 known species of lady beetles worldwide exist, but only a few hundred occur in Michigan and North America. One kind you can find around Michigan is the seven-spotted lady beetle (Coccinella septempunctata).

18. Soft-winged Flower Beetle 

Soft-winged Flower Beetles are small, dark beetles with a height of around 5mm. They are dark brown to black with a yellow band on each wing cover. 

The soft-winged flower type of beetles in Michigan are the only members of this family found throughout Michigan, North America, Central America, and the Caribbean. They can be found around flowers and foliage as they feed on pollen and nectar. 

Moreover, they are the most active at night when they come out to mate, eat, and find mates. Females lay eggs in clusters under bark or rocks, where larvae will develop until they pupate into adults two months later and emerge from their cocoons to start the cycle all over again.

19. Reticulated Net-winged Beetle

The Reticulated Net-winged Beetle (Calopteron reticulatum) is a beetle found in some parts of the state of Michigan.

When they are young, they are red and brown, but when they get older, their color changes to black with orange patches on their wings

The larvae feed on fungi and plant roots. One fascinating aspect about this species is how it defends itself against predators: it extends its abdomen and head to mimic a snake’s head when disturbed!

20. Rhinoceros Beetle

The Rhinoceros Beetle (Xyloryctes jamaicensis) is one of the types of beetles in Michigan. The body is black, with a yellow band on the wing covers.

The size ranges from 10-15mm, making it one of the largest beetles found in North America. While this species is not endangered, it has become vulnerable to deforestation and habitat loss.

21. Rice Weevil

A rice weevil is a tiny, brown beetle that feeds on grains and seeds. It can be found worldwide but is the most common type of beetle in Michigan and eastern Asia. 

These pests are attracted to food with high protein content, often found near kitchens or pantries. They burrow their way into grain products and use their mandibles to chew through anything blocking their way. 

Therefore, If you have any produce stored inside your home, inspect it for signs of infestation occasionally.

If you notice a rice weevil, don’t throw away the entire bag or container – take out what you need for your meal and seal the rest tightly before putting them back into storage.

22. Rainbow Darkling Beetle 

The Rainbow Darkling Beetle is one of the more colorful beetles in Michigan. These beetles are typically found on leaves, flowers, and fruits during summer. But they can also be found on plants during autumn.

They are often mistaken for ladybugs but have a different coloration and are smaller than ladybugs.

So, If you’re looking for them, you’ll usually find them near the soil. They eat aphids and other small insects, so if you have an infestation of aphids or another insect problem, then this beetle is just what you need!

23. Pustulated Carrion Beetle 

The Postulated Carrion Beetle (Nicrophorus pustulatus) is one of the types of beetles in Michigan. It is also known as a painted lady. The females are usually lighter brown than the males.

Like most beetles, the larvae feed on decaying matter and are often found with carrion.

24. Predaceous Diving Beetle

The Predaceous Diving Beetle (Cybister fimbriolatus) is a species of aquatic beetle in the Michigan States. Adult beetles are typically about 2.5 cm long, with a black upper body and a red lower body.

They have wide, flat heads that allow them to swim more easily underwater. The larvae live near the bottom of freshwater ponds and streams.

So, they feed on worms, snails, and other insects they can find there. Larvae look similar to adult beetles but are smaller with narrower heads.

25. Poplar Borer Beetle

The Poplar Borer Beetle is a common species that can be found throughout Michigan states, specifically in the eastern half.

This beetle lays eggs on the bark of poplar trees, and the larvae bore into the tree’s inner bark or cambium layer, where they feed and develop.

The females then lay their eggs inside these tunnels, which are usually filled with a dark liquid known as frass.

The larvae pupate inside these tunnels and emerge as adults later in summer or fall, even though the Poplar Borer type of Beetles in Michigan is typically black with white spots on its wing cases but can also be brown, greenish, or gray-colored.

26. Plum Curculio 

The plum curculio, sometimes called the fruitworm beetle, is a type of weevil. The adult plum curculio has a reddish-brown coloring with black legs and antennae.

Plum curculios are most active during June and July when they seek out plums, peaches, apricots, cherries, and apples. They’re known to inflict significant damage on fruit trees. 

So, after mating, females lay eggs inside the fruit that males have already punctured. When the eggs hatch, larvae will feed on the pulp around the pit or core before pupating for about three weeks.

27. Pleasing Fungus Beetle

The Pleasing Fungus Beetle, Megalodacne heros, is native to North America and was named for its tendency to bury itself in the dung of herbivores.

They are most active at night, often mating during the day. They live about 4-6 weeks as adults. They feed on fungi, hence the name Pleasing Fungus Beetle.

28. Pink Spotted Lady Beetle

The Pink Spotted Lady Beetle (Coleomegilla maculata) is common in Michigan. These beetles are generally less than an inch long and vary from reddish brown to black.

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They have a small spot on each wing cover, which gives them their name. They eat aphids and other insects that harm plants, making these little bugs a gardener’s best friend.

29. Pigweed Flea Beetle

The pigweed flea beetle is a common type of beetle that feeds on the roots and leaves of plants. They can be found throughout Michigan.

These types of beetles in Michigan are typically brown or black, which makes them easy to identify. The larvae feed on roots and leaves while the adults eat leaves. 

The larvae can cause stunted growth if left untreated, so it’s important to identify these beetles early on to avoid further damage.

30. Swamp Milkweed Leaf Beetle

Leaf of swamp milkweed Although they belong to a different family, beetles resemble lady beetles in appearance.

This beetle prefers the juices found in the leaves of the swamp milkweed plant, while other varieties of milkweed can be used as a substitute. 

Adults and their snail-like larvae make cuts into the veins of leaves, which then suck the liquid that oozes out. This well-liked perennial is where many butterflies and other insects live and die. 

Even though these types of beetles in Michigan steal nutrients from the plant, there is typically little lasting damage because rarely many are active at once. Leaf of swamp milkweed In wetlands such as bogs, swamps, and marshes, beetles can be found.

They also thrive in more populated locations, such as backyards, byways, and parks where milkweed is grown. 

Sometimes, orange tubular eggs are laid on the underside of milkweed leaves in the spring. Adults spend the winter in leaf litter.

31. Pennsylvania Leatherwing Beetle

The Pennsylvania Leatherwing Beetle is one of the types of beetles in Michigan that can be found worldwide.

The red-shouldered leatherwing is sometimes called because its shoulder patches have a reddish tint.

This insect can grow to about 1 1/2 inches long, and, like other beetles, it has large wings that allow it to fly. There are a few species that look similar to this one.

But this particular beetle is identifiable by the two pointy projections on either side of its head. So these projections are called antennae and give off an odor when they rub together, which helps them communicate with other beetles.

32. Pennsylvania Firefly

The Pennsylvania Firefly is a type of beetle found across the Michigan States. They are typically around two inches long and have a brownish body and long antennae.

They are called fireflies because they emit light from their abdomen to attract mates and scare off predators. Another common name for this type of beetle in Michigan is glowworm.

33. American Burying Beetle

The adult usually lays eggs on carcasses, and the larvae feed on the remains. This is a federally listed endangered species and one of two beetles that can be legally collected for educational purposes in Michigan.

34. One-spotted Tiger Beetle

The one-spotted tiger is one of the types of Beetle in Michigan. It has a black body with an iridescent blue sheen and a single orange spot on each wing cover.

The one-spotted tiger beetle is generally nocturnal but will occasionally be seen out during the day. Adults feed on nectar and other insects, while larvae eat plants or animals, they find near water.

35. Oil Beetle

Oil beetles are one of the beetles in Michigan that can be found in many different habitats, including forests and gardens.

They feed on plant oils and larvae, so they are commonly seen around flowers. Oil beetles are distinguishable by their hard exoskeleton with ridges and bumps, almost like a turtle shell.

They have a very strong defense mechanism. Even when threatened, oil beetles release an oily substance from their abdomen that smells unpleasant to predators.

These insects also can change color from black to brown based on temperature and humidity levels.

36. Oak Timberworm Weevil

One of the types of beetles in Michigan is the oak timber worm weevil. The oak timber worm weevil is a wood-boring beetle that prefers to live and eat on hardwoods like oak.

This particular species is also known to burrow into old trees, feeding on decay and eventually killing the tree. Other beetles found in Michigan include ladybugs, known for their red and black coloration.

So, Ladybugs are considered beneficial because they eat aphids, scale insects, mealy bugs, whiteflies, other small soft-bodied insects, and mites.

37. Notched-mouth Ground Beetle 

The Notched-mouth Ground Beetle (Dicaelus purpuratus) is one of the most common types of beetle in Michigan.

These beetles live near shrubs, flowers, and other plants. They are usually dark green or brown with a small notch on their lower mouth. The average life expectancy for these beetles is about ten months. 

Sometimes, they are known to eat aphids and other similar insects that attack crops and gardens. One interesting thing about this type of beetle in Michigan is that they have no wings!

38. Notch-tipped Flower Longhorn Beetle

One type is the Notch-tipped Flower Longhorn Beetle (Typocerus sinuatus). It is a small, brown beetle with a dark-rimmed notch on the front end of its wing cases.

The larvae are black with many white spots and feed on decaying organic matter, especially plant roots. 

These types of beetles in Michigan live under logs, bark, and stones. Sometimes. They can be seen from April to November but fly more at night. The other type is the Large Milkweed Bug (Oncopeltus fasciatus). 

They are greenish-brown insects with an orange band behind them and two black dots on their back. These bugs eat milkweed plants by sucking out their juice through a straw-like mouthpart called a rostrum.

39. Northern Corn Rootworm Beetle

The northern corn rootworm beetle (Diabrotica Barberi) is one of the types of beetles in Michigan. It feeds on corn and soybeans, two major crops grown throughout Michigan States.

The larvae feed on the roots, while adults feed on foliage. This can lead to stunted plant growth and eventually death if not controlled. 

Due to their burrowing habits, the larva is also responsible for destroying many acres of cotton and sugar cane fields yearly.

It’s important to take precautions against these types of beetles in Michigan because they have become resistant to most pesticides, and populations are increasing yearly.

40. Northeastern Pine Sawyer

Northeastern Pine Sawyer, Monochamus notatus, is one of the types of Beetles in Michigan. They are a member of the family Cerambycidae (long-horned beetles).

Michigan’s adult types of beetles are fairly small and can measure up to 2 cm (0.8 inches) long. Their body is brown, and they have black spots or stripes on their elytra. 

Even though they also have long, thin, black antennae. The larvae feed on dead trees, preferring conifers such as eastern white pine and red pine, sometimes attacking living trees when the bark has been heavily damaged by some other agent such as fire or windstorm.

This is why Northeastern Pine Sawyer is considered a pest species in some regions where it has been introduced.

41. Net-winged Beetle

Michigan is home to a variety of beetles, some of which you are more likely to see than others. The net-winged beetle is one of the relatively common types of beetle in Michigan.

This beetle can be found around the perimeter of lakes and streams and near decomposing organic matter.

They come out at night to eat flying insects attracted to lights, but they will also feed on non-flying insects that are active at night.

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Sometimes, male net-winged beetles use their antennae to sense females and fight other males during mating season.

Female Net-winged Beetles lay their eggs in rotting vegetation, where the larvae hatch and burrow into the soil below.

42. Mottled Tortoise Beetle 

The Mottled Tortoise Beetle is one of Michigan’s many types of beetles. It is found throughout the Michigan States and Canada, though it can be more common in the Great Lakes region.

It has a brown body with orange-red spots on its elytra (wing covers). The Mottled Tortoise Beetle’s larvae are voracious predators that feed on small snails, slugs, and earthworms. 

So, they are often used as a biocontrol agent to keep those populations under control.

43. Metallic Wood-boring Beetle 

These types of beetles in Michigan are insects because they undergo complete metamorphosis. It isn’t easy to distinguish between a larva and an adult beetle.

The metallic wood-boring beetle, Chalcophora (Chalcophora fortis), is an insect most commonly found in the Great Lakes region.

The adults are shiny, black beetles with a metallic sheen on their elytra, which helps them camouflage themselves among tree bark and leaves. 

They can be found year-round on dead and dying trees and logs decaying near streams. Larvae burrow into the wood of living trees while they feed off the sapwood.

44. Mealybug Destroyer

The Mealybug Destroyer is a beetle that feeds on mealybugs and other soft-bodied plant pests such as scale insects, aphids, and mites.

It is native to Australia but has been introduced to North America for biological control. They are small and flattened beetles with distinctive white stripes on their backs.

The males emit loud squeaks when they sense danger or if they’re handled roughly by humans.

45. May Beetle

The May beetle is a type of scarab beetle that can be found all over Michigan States and Canada. It is named for its habit of swarming around fields in the month of May. 

They are also called June bugs or beetles, but these names are only sometimes used. The name May bug became popular because they were first observed during the month of May.

In some parts of the world, their larvae are eaten as a delicacy known as scotch bacon. The adult types of Beetles in Michigan have shiny black bodies with white or brown stripes on their wing covers and red legs and heads with white spots on their wings.

46. Marsh Beetle

Marsh beetles are members of the long-horned beetle family. They are black or brown, and their antennae have a small hook on the end.

Marsh beetles fly low to the ground and may be drawn to lights at night. The larvae feed on decaying plant material, while adults eat pollen and nectar.

47. Margined Blister Beetle

The Margined Blister Beetle is one of the types of Beetles in Michigan that can be found worldwide. It is a small black and orange beetle with two rows of orange spots on the elytra.

The Margined Blister Beetle has been spotted in Michigan and is considered to be an invasive species. This particular beetle lays its eggs on decaying wood, where they hatch into larvae, or grubs, which feed on the wood. 

Adult beetles will sometimes lay their eggs on trees, fences, other types of wood, and various plants such as clover and grasses. 

Margined Blister types of Beetles in Michigan are one type of insect you can find living in Michigan year-round; however, their numbers increase from April until November.

48. Long-Horned Beetle

The Long-Horned Beetle is one of the most popular types of beetle in the Michigan States. They are large and often have a greenish or brown shell with a black head. 

These beetles have long antennae that come from their head and can grow over 4 inches long! These beetles are also known as rhino beetles because they have a horn that looks like a rhino horn on their front legs. 

Although the males and females look the same, the females’ horns may be shorter than those of the males. Long-horned beetles live mostly in forested areas but may also be found in fields, meadows, and backyards!

49. Long-jointed Beetle 

The long-jointed beetle is one type that can be found in Michigan. These types of beetles in Michigan are brown with spots and stripes on their wing covers.

They are about an inch long and have straight, narrow bodies. They will stand on their hind legs with their forelegs raised like boxing when threatened. 

Also, have long necks and antennae that curl at the tip. This beetle lives near water sources, such as marshes and streams, along the sides of roads.

50. Maize Weevil 

The Maize Weevil, also known as the Wheat Weevil or Rice Weevil, is one of the types of Beetles in Michigan. It is a common pest on many crops, such as corn and wheat. 

The Maize Weevils feed on maize kernels by chewing holes in them. They will also eat other cereals and seeds such as millet, sorghum, rice, barley, oats, and beans. 

Once these pests have eaten their fill, they eventually emerge from the kernel to pupate elsewhere. The larva (or grub) has a brown head with a black thorax and six small stubby legs that are yellowish-brown on top. Its body is white with brown markings on its back.

51. Rose Chafer

The rose chafer, also known as the European rose chafer, is a beetle found in Michigan and North America.

The beetle varies in color from dark brown to light yellow, with brown and black stripes on its wing covers.

They can grow up to two inches long. When they are out at night looking for a mate, they emit pheromones that attract other females to them.

This makes it difficult for males who are trying to find a mate because there are so many females around. 

So, one of the most interesting facts about these types of beetles in Michigan is that they do not fly very often; instead, they jump or hop from place to place.

52. Round-headed Apple Tree Borer

The round-headed apple tree borer is a type of beetle that lives in Michigan States. It typically lays its eggs on dying or dead trees, and its larvae eat the wood underneath. 

The larvae are white and about 1/4 inch long with brown heads. They make winding tunnels under the bark as they burrow, weakening trees to the point where they might break or fall over. 

Therefore, the adults are tan-colored beetles with rounded heads that grow to be around one inch long. They typically fly from June through September, looking for new locations to lay their eggs.

53. Rove Beetle

The Rove Beetle is a beetle that lives in prairies, meadows, and grasslands. They are often found in flowers, which feed on pollen, nectar, and other substances. 

Meanwhile, The Rove types of Beetles in Michigan have a very long abdomen, which helps them reach into flowers to get their food. As larvae, they live underground, where they eat plant roots.

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