30 Different Types of Black Beetles

Different Types of Black BeetlesPin
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Different types of black beetles can live either indoors or outdoors.

There are several distinct subspecies of black beetles, each with unique behavioral and anatomical characteristics.

Although most people refer to them as black bugs, black beetles are distinct in that they can chew their meals.

This food is a mixture of foods originating from plants and foods obtained from animals.

There is evidence that you can find different types of black across most continents. The following are the species of black beetles that are most frequent worldwide.

1. Horned Passalus Beetle

Adults of the Odontotaenius disjunctus can grow to more than one inch lengths. They have sleek black bodies and dark-colored legs.

These types of black beetles are prevalent across the world, but especially in temperatures considered to be temperate.

Because they feed on rotting wood, people generally consider them to be beneficial beetles.

Dark beetles also belong to this genus in the United States, notably in wooded areas.

These black beetles, which are always on decaying wood within the forest, thrive best in oak and hickory forests, which provide the ideal home for them.

If they perceive any threat, these black beetles are known to make a squeaking sound.

2. Common Eastern Firefly

This particular black beetle is one of the rare insects that can emit light. The Common Eastern Firefly, also known as Photinus pyralis, is a firefly with a black ventral side.

Most people are familiar with this species because of its lower abdomen’s capacity to emit light signals. During the mating rituals, both men and females interact with one another via light signals.

These beetles can also deter spiders from their territory. In addition, this particular species of black beetle employs a foul odor as a form of self-defense.

3. Eastern Eyed Click Beetle

These black beetles, known scientifically as Alaus oculatus, are distinguished by the big eyes and white markings that span their dorsal surfaces.

The beetles that belong to this genus are not among the most helpful pests because they feed on crops, plants, and flowers. When they are still in the larval stage, these black beetles are helpful to the environment.

It is common knowledge that the larvae of the Eastern Eyed Click Beetle feed on black beetles, which are insects that feed on rotting wood.

As a direct consequence of this, the majority of Eastern Eyed Click Beetles inhabit wooded areas. In addition, these black beetles are well-known for feeding on plant pollen and sipping the nectar of plants.

4. Oriental Beetle

The Oriental Beetle, or Exomala Orientalis, is well-known for having a black portion of its body. This kind of beetle, which causes extensive damage, was brought from Asia to North America.

The fact that the Oriental beetle enjoys eating plants and flowers is one of the primary reasons for concern over this insect.

The larvae of the Oriental beetle consume both the grass and the grassroots on the lawns they inhabit. Adult beetles of this genus are notorious for feeding on a wide variety of plant life.

It is challenging to keep these types of black beetles at bay. To physically eliminate the beetles in the United States, traps are utilized.

5. Winter Firefly

There is just one firefly species in the world, and its name is the Winter Firefly (Ellychnia corrusca). Although scientists refer to members of this genus as beetles, they are not true.

They are an uncommon variety of fireflies that cannot emit light on their own. They can only produce light signals when they are larvae or in the early stages of their adult existence.

The ability of Winter Fireflies to survive in chilly conditions is undoubtedly their defining characteristic. These insects emerge in February and have little trouble surviving in snowy conditions.

Even on the cloudiest, coldest days of winter, you can find fireflies warming themselves on the bark of trees, making this one of the greatest spots to look for them.

6. American Carrion Beetle

One of the enormous black insects with a white head is the American Carrion Beetle, scientifically known as Necrophilia Americana. This insect lives in rotting raw meat.

The larvae of the American Carrion Beetle and the adult beetle feed on rotting meat as their primary food source. The larvae and the adult feed on various insects and insect larvae that grow on rotting flesh.

7. White-spotted Sawyer Beetle

One of the world’s largest types of black beetles is called the White-spotted Sawyer Beetle, and its scientific name is Monochamus scutellatus. Because of its extremely long antennae, this species is easily identifiable.

The antennae of the White-spotted Sawyer Beetle may be several times longer than the body. This species lives in woodland areas and frequently feasts on wood that has deteriorated over time.

White-spotted Sawyer Beetles got their name from the white spots found on their otherwise black bodies.

8. Punctured Tiger Beetle

The Punctured Tiger Beetle, scientifically known as Cicindela punctulata, is widespread throughout the United States. This species is easily identifiable by its dark-colored body.

One of the most widespread species of black beetles, the Punctured Tiger Beetle, can be found close to bodies of water. Ambush hunting allows it to consume a wide variety of bug species as food.

Punctured Tiger Beetles lie in wait near their burrows for prey insects of a smaller size before launching themselves at them to capture their prey.

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9. Big-headed Ground Beetle

The Caribbean is home to Scarites subterraneus, a species of beetle that lives underground. The beetle is easily recognizable due to the color of its body, which is black, as well as its size and the size of its head.

The beetle spends most of its life on the ground, as one might expect, given its name. Invertebrates make up the diet of these types of black beetles.

Because they consume numerous unwanted insects, such as ants, they are advantageous insects in particular contexts.

10. Black Firefly

A species of firefly known as the Black Firefly (Lucidota atra) is distinguished by its prominent pronotum. In most cases, the only colored component of the Black Firefly’s body is the shoulder.

Its orange pronotum wraps around the skull and serves as a defense mechanism against possible enemies.

The species reside in the vicinity of water supplies. Although it is prevalent in many regions of the world, many people believe it glows as brightly as other fireflies. This is not the situation at all.

11. False Mealworm Beetle

There is a species of black beetle known as the False Mealworm Beetle (Alobates pensylvanicus), which may grow to a maximum length of 23 mm. It has three pairs of thick legs and a long, elongated body.

In beetles of this genus, the square pronotuma and the elongated oval elytra may be easily distinguished. Forests in the United States and Canada are among the natural places the False Mealworm Beetle prefers to call home.

This dark beetle is well-known for feeding on rotting wood and, more specifically, the wood in forests. The beetle is most active under logs and downed trees during the summer, which is also the greatest time of year to observe.

The Imitation Mealworm It’s common knowledge that beetles eat other insects, and even their larvae would eat other insects.

12. Bronze Ground Beetle

The black beetle originally seen in Europe has since reached North America. The Bronze Ground Beetle, also known as Carabus nemoralis, is one of the few black beetle species in populated regions.

Because it prefers to remain near people, it is most prevalent in public parks and gardens. In addition, this species is famous for having a dark body, as its name suggests.

It is also one of the black beetles that consume worms and slugs, in addition to the many different kinds of little eggs it can discover on the ground. In addition to centipedes and other insects, the diet of the Bronze Ground Beetle also includes spiders.

When it isn’t populating suburban areas, the Bronze Ground Beetle is more prevalent in damp wooded regions with a high concentration of slugs.

13. Black Blister Beetle

The Black Blister Beetle, or Epicauta pensylvanica, is considered invasive on crops. This beetle has been known for a long time to be one of the most common beetles that consume all different kinds of flowers.

In modern times, the Black Blister Beetle has become most well-known for its appetite for goldenrod, even though it also feeds on sunflowers and other flowering plants.

The grassland, prairie, and high-elevation habitats are typical for this species. It is common knowledge that members of this genus of black beetles remain active throughout the day. As a consequence of this, it can be challenging to find them.

14. Strawberry Seed Beetle

The Strawberry Seed Beetle, or Harpalus rufipes, got its name from the seeds of the strawberry plants that it most enjoys eating.

It is a well-documented fact that this invasive species is responsible for the financial losses sustained by commercial strawberry growers.

The bodies of these beetles are black and have deep grooves all over the surface. Their legs are thick and orange.

The Strawberry Seed Beetle lives in woods and eats pine seeds as well as the seeds of other coniferous trees.

The species is predominantly nocturnal, and individuals are very active during the day. Strawberry Seed Beetles can fly and frequently invade homes.

15. Tomentose Burying Beetle

Burrowers are another name for these black beetle types, identified scientifically as Nicrophorus tomentosus. They do this by burrowing animal remains, which they then consume.

They are one of the very few black beetle species with a club, which is a broader section of their antennae that aids in detecting scents. This beetle uses its club to locate dead animals or corpses, which is how it survives.

When they find a corpse, they gather it into a ball and coat it in a substance that acts as a preservative before being wrapped up.

The animal’s carcass serves as a food source for an entire family of Tomentose Burying Beetles. The adults consume it and then regurgitate it for the benefit of the juveniles.

These black beetles live in communities where both males and females share the responsibility of parenting young. Even if the female Tomentose Burying Beetle passes away, the male can take care of the young.

16. Oblique-lined Tiger Beetle

The body of these beetles, known as Cicindela tranquebarica, is noted for having white markings on a black background. The markings are similar to stripes, which may be another characteristic of these beetles.

However, the white markings on their bodies are not used for camouflage because these black beetles prefer to make their burrows in sandy soil, where they are easily visible.

These beetles have a black-and-white coloration; nevertheless, in certain regions of the world, they are recognized for having a coloration that is black and red.

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Instead of burying the animal carcasses, they cover them up to preserve them. Some of these beetles are also renowned for building little trenches where animal carcasses are strewn out and covered with leaves and sand. Certain species make these pits of beetle.

17. Black Caterpillar Hunter Beetle

The body of the black beetle is entirely black, and it has several deep grooves running down its dorsal surface.

Because this particular species of beetle (Calosoma sayi) is a ground beetle, it forages for other beetles and insects on the ground’s surface. Caterpillars and moths are their primary prey.

Black Caterpillar Hunter Beetles, which are nocturnal, have been observed flying indoors because they love artificial light.

The Black Caterpillar Hunter Beetle can live for up to three years if given the proper conditions.

However, because many animals can eat this beetle, the vast majority of members of this species do not live as long as this.

During spring, the beetle larvae first emerge from the earth, which is the optimum time to observe these types of black beetles. The Black Caterpillar Hunter Beetle maintains its active lifestyle into the fall season.

18. Texas Flower Scarab

Belonging to the family Trichiotinidae, the Texas Flower Scarab (Trichiotinus texanus) is a black beetle found throughout central Texas.

The Texas Flower Scarab is one of the rare species of black beetles that feed solely on flowers and make their homes in them.

These scarabs can sometimes suck the nectar and consume the pollen on the colorful blooms they feed on.

Most Texas Flower Scarabs love the blossoms of cactus plants. When found in states other than Texas, these black beetles consume pollens from blooms in those other states.

More than eight species of Texas Flower Scarabs reside in the United States and Canada. Although it is not quite as prevalent as in Texas, the species has been found as far north as Northern Canada and south as Southern Canada.

19. Shiny Flea Beetle

The Shiny Flea Beetle, or Asphaera lustrans, is well-known for having a black portion of its body. The upper portion of their body is orange, while the lower portion is black.

Researchers have not observed any color variation in the species from Texas to Florida. Compared to beetles of other US species, these are quite a few.

Shiny Flea Beetles that have reached adulthood can grow to a maximum length of 7 millimeters.

They have residences in many states in the United States, most notably in Texas. Skullcap flowers are the favorite food of beetles belonging to this species. These flowers are well-known for their soothing properties.

20. Willow Leaf Beetle

As its name suggests, the Willow Leaf Beetle, or Plagiodera versicolora, is almost exclusively associated with willow. It is possible to spot members of this beetle species on poplar and other trees close to water.

One of the primary reasons for the presence of the Willow Leaf Beetle is the presence of food. Willows can suffer from black beetle infestations because the insects consume the leaves of the trees.

These types of black beetles can fly, and they are most common in the summer. Consequently, it is not uncommon to see them quite far from willows, but you can still find them near rivers.

21. Sugarcane Beetle

The Sugarcane Beetle, or Euetheola humilis, is a type of black beetle that is an invasive species and a nuisance in the United States.

The Southeastern United States was where they first saw them, but they have since moved up into the more northern portions of the country.

Even in South America, it is possible to come across huge areas with these insects. The most significant issue that has arisen due to these insects is the damage they have done to sugarcane.

However, as time has passed, their harmful impact has spread to rules, most notably those that govern golf courses across the country.

On golf courses, Sugarcane Beetles are quite noticeable and easy to locate. They have a completely black body with very fine grooves that are barely visible along the body.

22. Broad-necked Root Borer

The antennae of these types of black beetles, known as Prionus laticollis, are renowned for their extreme length. Because the species rely on them for food, they are frequently spotted both on trees and at the bases of trees.

These beetles have dark bodies and are among the most destructive pests of trees because they feed on trees and the roots of plants.

Even the young of the species are known to make their homes under the soil, where they will spend their days quietly feeding on the roots of trees.

There is a clear indication that members of this species can burrow or dig far into the ground. All stages of the beetle, including males, females, and larvae, can bore deeply into the ground and reach even the most buried tree roots.

23. Bronzed Tiger Beetle

It is well known that members of this species (Cicindela repanda) have a body that is partially covered in hair and can be either brown or black.

Beetles belonging to this genus are numerous in the northern United States and the region surrounding the Great Lakes.

Bronzed Tiger On the Earth is where beetles make their home. They favor sandy and soft soils, which they walk about while foraging for insects all day.

The consumption of fruits and plants is another mode of nutrition for this species. Especially if you live in one of the Northern states, it may be one of the black beetles that feed on the fruits in your garden.

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24. Diabolical Ironclad Beetle

The Diabolical Ironclad Beetle, also known as Phloeodes diabolicus, is a species of black beetle found in the United States. It is one of the insects that are difficult to spot.

Because they conceal themselves within the bark of trees, ordinary black beetles are difficult to spot. Their position serves as a form of camouflage for them. Diabolical Ironclad Deserts in the Northwest are home to various beetle species.

Because it feeds on fungi, it is most common on trees infected by fungi and grows on trees and under the bark of trees.

It is also well known that members of this species can survive for a very long time. In contrast to most other insects, which only live for a few weeks, Diabolical Ironclad Beetles can live for several years.

25. Twice-stabbed Lady Beetle

It is common knowledge that lady beetles resemble ladybugs in appearance. Chilocorus stigma is the scientific name for the Twice-stabbed Lady Beetle, which is a kind of black beetle. In addition, there are two red markings on this species.

These lady beetles are known to consume aphids and reside in woodlands across the United States and Canada.

Black beetles hibernate throughout the winter in dead leaves and do not emerge until March. The flight season for these birds continues into November.

26. Armored Stink Beetle

There have been reports of black beetles known as Eleodes armata reaching sizes ranging from 24 to 35 millimeters.

The Armored Stink Beetle was a nocturnal creature throughout the summer months, which led to the misconception that it belonged to an endangered species.

Only during the winter months, when they actively seek warmth during the day, can Armored Stink Beetles behave as diurnal insects.

Deserts in the United States of America and Mexico are home to this species. It has a huge black torso and thick black legs.

People who keep beetles as pets in their homes frequently keep black beetles of this kind. Black beetles are a popular choice. They are usually housed in tanks with significant sand substrate to imitate their natural habitat.

27. Sculptured Pine Borer

This beetle, known scientifically as Chalcophora virginiensis, is distinguished by its dark brown stripes running over its body. Coniferous woodlands are its natural habitat, mainly in the eastern region of the United States.

Belonging to the family of black beetles, the Sculptured Pine Borer resides in pine forests. It makes its nest in rotting pine, which it also likes to consume, and it enjoys eating decaying pine.

The Sculptured Pine Borer may bore into live pine to a lesser extent. One of the most significant issues these beetles cause in live pines is the damage they cause to the tree.

The presence of an excessive number of Sculptured Pine Borer larvae might eventually result in the death of a pine tree by obstructing the flow of naturally occurring nutrients within the tree.

28. Woolly Darkling Beetle

This black beetle, known as Eleodes osculans, is easily identifiable by its small brown hair covering its entire body. It is a well-known darkling beetle species you can only find in the United States.

Chaparral settings in California offer the finest opportunities in the United States to spot the Wooly Darkling Beetle native to that state.

Beetles of this genus are often dark in color and feed on plants, trees, and roots. When they encounter other people, they take an aggressive stance.

When they encounter potential threats, beetles are known to raise their front legs in a posture similar to a defensive stance.

29. Eleodes acuticauda

This particular kind of black beetle has an elongated body. It resembles Wooly Darkling Beetles in appearance but has a more extended abdomen. It is completely black.

These black beetles are unique to the state of California and the neighboring territories of Baja California.

Although you can occasionally spot them in the suburbs of Los Angeles, the black beetle is most at home in the dry temperatures of Southern California.

30. Eleodes Obscura

This particular species of black beetle can be seen quite frequently in North America. You can find it in the state of Oregon and the states that are close by, as well as in the province of British Columbia in Canada.

Like many other black beetle species, the Eleodes Obscura beetle is big. It can grow to a size of up to 1.2 inches.

Examining the deep grooves that run down its body is one of the simplest approaches to determining its identity. It is renowned for having several grooves running parallel to each other on its dorsal surface.

Its diet is more complicated than the typical, monotonous black beetle. Eleodes Obscura is known to consume animal items in addition to tree roots, vegetation, nuts, and seeds in its diet.

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