8 Different Types of Flies in California

Different Types of Flies in California
Photo by Antaryami Das
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Welcome to this article on the numerous types of flies in California!

If you live in California, you’re probably familiar with the different types of flies you can encounter throughout the year.

From small fruit flies to larger, more intimidating species, the state of California is home to various fly species. 

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the different types of flies in California that you might encounter and offer some tips on how to get rid of them.

Keep reading to learn more about the different fly species in the area and how to keep them out of your home.

What Are Flies?

Generally speaking, a fly is any little flying insect. The word, however, only refers to the species of the genus Dipterans.

The subarctic and high mountains are home to these “genuine” flies, which can be found worldwide.

Fly mouthparts are designed for sucking and piercing, with a moveable head and enormous, complex eyes.

The shape of their wings makes it simple for them to fly, while the claws and pads on their feet let them stick to smooth surfaces.

Let’s get to know the different types of flies in California now!

Types of Flies in California

1. Blow Fly

by patrickkavanagh is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The blowfly is one of the most common types of flies in California.

They are usually metallic green, bronze, or blue and typically measure 12-13 mm long.

Blow flies are attracted to anything with a strong odor, such as garbage, food scraps, and rotting animals. 

These flies can carry diseases, such as salmonella, making it important to prevent them from entering your home.

To keep blow flies away, be sure to keep your trash cans clean and tightly sealed, and make sure to dispose of any spoiled food quickly.

If you find many blow flies in or around your home, contact a pest control professional for help.

2. Fruit Fly

Fruit Fly - Types of Insects That Fly
by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Fruit flies are second on this list of some of the most common types of flies in California.

They have an average size of 1/8 inch and have tan-colored bodies with red eyes.

These flies are found near fermenting fruits and vegetables, as they are attracted to the smell of rotting produce. 

Fruit flies can also be found around drains, garbage cans, and other places where food debris may accumulate.

They can reproduce rapidly and lay hundreds of eggs in a few days, so keeping food covered and quickly disposing of rotten produce is important.

To eliminate fruit flies, homeowners can use fly traps, sprays, or insecticides. 

Homeowners should regularly inspect and clean areas where fruit flies are present to remove any potential breeding grounds.

Finally, ensuring no standing water or uneaten pet food around the house is important.

Following these steps can help prevent an infestation of fruit flies in California homes.

3. House Fly

House Fly
by Bugldy99 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

House flies are not left out of this list of the different types of flies in California.

They are greyish-brown, typically about 1/8 inch long, and have four dark stripes on their thorax.

These flies prefer to lay their eggs near food sources like animal waste, garbage, and other decaying organic matter. 

House flies tend to feed on various foods, including human and pet foods and liquids such as milk, soda, and beer.

Fortunately, house flies can be controlled and eliminated from your property by practicing good sanitation habits such as regularly disposing of garbage, using traps or sprays, or hiring a professional exterminator. 

Furthermore, you can use preventative measures such as ensuring that all windows and doors are properly sealed and screened.

Also, keep food covered to discourage these pests from entering your home.

4. Garbage Fly

Phorid Flies
by treegrow is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Garbage flies, or phorid flies, are common in California and the rest of the United States.

These small flies have dark gray or black bodies and measure approximately 1/8 inch in size.

They prefer damp, warm environments, which is why they are often found in garbage cans and compost piles. 

Garbage flies also lay their eggs in organic matter and feed on decaying material.

This attracts them to garbage cans, compost piles, and other places where decomposing food and other organic materials can be found.

Removing garbage flies, one of the types of flies in California can be difficult as they breed quickly and lay many eggs. 

To combat this problem, you should keep your garbage cans tightly sealed and store them away from direct sunlight.

Additionally, you should clean your trash cans regularly and dispose of any organic matter that may attract the flies.

If these methods fail to eliminate your fly infestation, seeking professional pest control services may be necessary.

5. Gnat Fly

Gnat Fly
by stanlupo (Thanks for 4,000,000 views) is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Gnat flies, also known as “no-see-ums,” are small biting insects found in California.

They are types of flies in California that are typically brown and have a 1/8th of an inch or less wingspan.

Gnats feed on nectar, plant sap, and other organic matter and tend to stay near water or moist areas. 

Unfortunately, gnat bites can cause itching and irritation, and they can be difficult to avoid in areas with standing water.

To get rid of gnats, it’s best to eliminate sources of standing water and keep the area dry.

An insect repellent containing DEET or lemon eucalyptus oil may help keep them away.

6. Drain Fly

Drain Fly
by Nick Goodrum Photography is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Small (1/16 to 1/5 in, 2 to 5 mm), brownish, and densely hairy adult drain flies are brown in hue.

They keep their broad wings folded or spread out over their bodies when sleeping.

Drain flies devour the bacteria, fungi, algae, and other microscopic things they find in the movie.

The walls of restrooms, showers, and toilets usually have them on them.

On the outside, in little puddles and tree holes, the dark, worm-like larva grows in organic muck.

It is one of California’s different types of flies that may flourish inside sewers, sink traps, and household plumbing dead-flow areas.

7. Stable Fly

Stable Fly
by jeans_Photos is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Although it resembles a house fly, the stable fly has a slender, pointed beak that it uses to pierce the skin and suck blood.

Since both sexes feed on the blood of animals, including humans, and frequently bite around the ankles, stable flies are particularly noteworthy. 

Females lay their eggs in piles of moist animal feed, decomposing straw, manure, and yard waste.

It is mostly an outdoor fly that feeds on domestic animals but can enter buildings when it rains.

We aren’t done with this list of various types of flies in California!

8. Flesh Fly

Flesh Fly 
by Carlos Eduardo Joos is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Like house flies, adult flesh flies are dark in color (gray or black). Most species’ thoraxes have three black stripes on them.

They are slightly larger than house flies and have an abdomen with a checkerboard pattern.

They devour animal remains or animal carcasses. Flesh flies indoors indicate a house that isn’t properly animal-proofed. This wraps up our list of types of flies in California!


Living in California can be a wonderful experience, but it can also come with its own set of insect problems. One of the most common insect issues is flies.

California is home to various fly species, ranging from small fruit flies to large house flies. 

In the comprehensive guide above, we explored the different types of flies in California that you may encounter and provided tips on how to get rid of them.

Whether you are dealing with fruit flies, house flies, or other types of flies, this post will give you the information you need to get rid of them for good.

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