51 Types of Beetles in Missouri

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If you’re among the many people in Missouri who love to spend time outdoors, you might have encountered some of the state’s beautiful beetles over the years.

Unfortunately, plenty of harmful types of beetle species can wreak havoc on your property and crops. 

But if you want to know more about the types of beetles in Missouri, check out this list, which includes common beetles you may encounter during your travels through the Show-Me State.

Also, it explains why these types of Beetles in Missouri deserve your respect (and not just because they’re adorable).

1. Rhinoceros Beetle

The rhinoceros beetle is one of the types of Beetles in Missouri. Adults range from 5 to 8 centimeters (2 to 3 inches) long and have an oval, shield-shaped brown body with a tan or black head. 

The larvae are white grubs with brown heads. Rhinoceros beetles are one of the types of beetles in Missouri and are found throughout the state.

Their presence may be beneficial because they eat decaying wood, helping recycle nutrients into the ground.

2. Flower Longhorn Beetle

The Flower Longhorn Beetle is a small, black beetle (1/4 inch) with a long, thin body that is usually folded up.

Flower Longhorn Beetles are a type of beetle in Missouri and are found in moist woodlands and around streams. 

Sometimes, the larvae live on decaying fungi and dead leaves, but the adults feed on nectar from flowers. Flower Longhorn Beetles are sometimes called flower beetles because they feed on flowers. 

They may not be flashy like some other types of beetles in Missouri. However they serve an important ecological role by decomposing organic matter.

3. Rustic Borer

The rustic borer beetle is a small reddish-brown beetle with a black head that lives and feeds primarily on dead trees.

The adult types of Beetles in Missouri emerge from the soil in late summer, mate, and then lay eggs beneath the bark of living trees. 

But, when the larvae hatch, they feed on the moist inner layers of the tree. Eventually, the larvae pupate, and adults emerge to mate again.

4. Rose Chafer

The Rose Chafer is a common type of Beetle in Missouri. The adult beetles with blackheads are brownish-red and measure 1/2 to 3/4 inches long. 

Although females lay eggs on plants, their larvae hatch from these eggs after about two weeks. Larvae then burrow into the ground to pupate for one month, emerging as adults in late summer or early fall.

These types of beetles in Missouri can cause damage to crops but are not considered pests.

5. Four-spot Sap Beetle

The four-spot sap beetle, Glischrochilus quadrisignatus, is a member of the family Nitidulidae and measures about 2 mm. The larvae feed on decomposing organic matter like dead leaves and fungi. 

Even the adults are predatory, using their mandibles to scrape pollen from flowers rather than bite prey. This unusual behavior is not seen in any other members of the Nitidulidae.

It also may serve to help pollinate plants by transferring pollen from one flower to another.

6. Redbud Borer Beetle 

The redbud borer beetle is a large, black, and brown type of Beetle in Missouri. These types of beetles in Missouri are attracted to the pollen of the redbud tree, which they eat and then lay their eggs on. 

So, when the larvae hatch, they bore into the trunk and limbs, making them susceptible to splitting or toppling over.

A larva typically does not finish development until at least two years after it hatches, so infestations can be long-lasting if left untreated.

7. Red-legged Buprestis

Red-legged buprestis (Buprestis rufipes) is one of the types of beetles in Missouri that can be found worldwide, including in many places in Missouri. The adults feed on leaves, while the larvae eat roots and other plant material.

Red-legged buprestis are considered agricultural pests due to their tendency to eat crops and their ability to transmit plant diseases like soybean rust. 

The red-legged buprestis was first described by Johan Christian Fabricius, who classified it into the family Buprestidae. In 1775, Johann Wolfgang Textor named it Pachnoda rufipes after examining a specimen from Surinam.

8. Red Milkweed Beetle 

The Red Milkweed Beetle (Tetraopes tetrophthalmus) is a small, black, red beetle found on the back of milkweed leaves.

This type of beetle in Missouri feeds exclusively on milkweed plants and lays its eggs there. So, the larvae then feed on the roots before pupating and emerging as adults, ready to start the cycle again.

These types of beetles in Missouri are essential for the survival of milkweed populations. They act as pollinators for this plant species and help increase seed production by dispersing pollen from one plant to another.

Unfortunately, this species has declined significantly over time due to agricultural practices such as pesticide use and weed removal.

9. Giant Stag Beetle

The Giant Stag Beetle is an endangered species with a rapidly declining population. There are only two places left on Earth where this beetle lives, both in Missouri.

Most of the time, these types of beetles in Missouri spend most of their time underground and can live up to five years without eating. The males fly in the summertime to find females, and they will stay with them.

So until they lay eggs, usually at the beginning or middle of October, females do not eat while they are pregnant, and after they lay their eggs, they die very quickly because they have used up all their energy stores. 

Males also die, but it takes them much longer because they don’t use as much energy during reproduction. Instead, their main focus is finding food for themselves.

10. Fungus Weevil 

The Fungus Weevil, Euparius marmoreus, is a beetle native to Missouri. The Fungus Weevil eats fungi and can be found in gardens and forests

These types of beetles in Missouri have oval bodies that are between 1/3-inch and 1/2 inch long. Its colors vary from light brown to dark brown, with two red stripes on each wing cover. 

Also, It has two tiny antennae on the head, which are extended when looking for food sources. In addition to eating fungi, this insect eats dead leaves and insects such as flies and mosquitos.

11. Glowworm

Glowworms, also known as Phengodes spp., are also one of the types of beetles in Missouri that are found all over the Missouri States. Glowworms are most commonly found on tree trunks and logs. 

Although the glowworm is typically a dark reddish brown color with a bright green light at the end of its body, which can be seen from distances up to 50 feet away, glowworms emit this light through bioluminescence, which is the emission or production of light by a living organism. 

Therefore, this process occurs when an enzyme within the glowworm combines with oxygen and releases a chemical called luciferin.

The luciferin reacts with oxygen to produce energy in the form of light, which is then emitted through glowing structures within its body.

12. Gold-and-brown Rove Beetle

The Gold-and-brown Rove Beetle is one of the beetles in Missouri that feeds on living and dead trees. It has been found to feed on many species, including oak, ash, hickory, cottonwood, and maple. 

The larvae develop inside the tree by feeding on the sapwood. With no natural enemies to stop them, they can cause significant damage to the trees they infest.

13. Golden Tortoise Beetle

The Golden Tortoise Beetle is one of the common types of Beetles in Missouri, found in central North Missouri. The beetle lives on the ground and is primarily active during the day. 

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It can be identified by its golden color, six small black spots on each wing cover, and its domed shape. Despite its name, it has no shell or any other armor covering its body, as most tortoises do.

The beetle has a diet consisting mostly of pollen from various flowers.  It will also eat nectar from some plants and small insects it may encounter while out foraging.

The larvae feed on decaying organic matter such as leaves, grass clippings, fallen fruit, and animal carcasses.

14. Goldsmith Beetle

Goldsmith beetles are members of the family Cetoniidae, and they are often found under logs, tree bark, and other debris. This is because the larvae feed on decaying fungi and fungi spores. 

So, Goldsmith beetles are a type of beetle in Missouri that has a distinctive golden color with black spots on their elytra.

These beetles can be found in many parts of the world, including Europe, Africa, Asia, North America, South America, and Australia. 

So, if you find a goldsmith beetle, it is important to remember that they are harmless to humans. If you want to learn more about this type of beetle or see some pictures, visit this website.

15. Grapevine Beetle

This beetle is Missouri’s most common grub-eating type and can be found from May to October. It is most commonly seen feeding on the roots, bulbs, or other underground plant parts.

Like many other beetles in Missouri, it lays eggs inside dead plants. The eggs hatch after one to two weeks, and the larvae eat out of these decaying pieces before pupating underground.

So, The adult types of beetles in Missouri emerge after three to four weeks, feed for a few days before mating, and then die.

The grapevine beetle is not harmful to humans or animals. However, they can become agricultural pests when they attack new plantings or gardens while feeding on roots and bulbs.

16. Green June Beetle

Green June beetles are one of the types of beetles in Missouri that can be found worldwide, but they are especially prevalent in the northern region of Missouri States.

There are many different species and sub-species. But all green June beetles have a metallic, bluish-green body with two or three black stripes that run down the length. 

Females have orange heads, and males have black heads. The larvae are cream-colored with brown heads, which is how they get their name from looking like little June bugs.

The larvae types of Beetles in Missouri feed on moist decaying organic matter and decompose quickly to provide them with food. This includes dead leaves, bark mulch, compost piles, fruit tree litter, manure from horse stables, and dairy barns.

17. Ground Beetle Grub

Ground beetles are a large and diverse family of types of beetles in Missouri, with over 14,000 species known worldwide. Ground beetles have an elongated body shape and can be black or brown. 

Ground types of beetles in Missouri grubs are often very hard to see because they live underground and feed on decaying organic matter.

Ground beetles will eat other insects, such as termites and small mammals like mice or rats, that come too close to their tunnel entrances.

18. Hairy Rove Beetle

A few other rove beetle species are also found in Missouri and are all classified as rare. One example is the Hairy Rove type of Beetles in Missouri, Creophilus maxillosus, a yellowish-brown rove beetle that grows up to a quarter-inch long.

Sometimes, this species can be distinguished by its setose (or hairy) elytra and protruding mouthparts. The Hairy Rove Beetle usually lays its eggs on plant material but has also been known to live in bird nests. 

The Hairy Rove Beetle is found primarily in the eastern United States. But also can be seen as far west as Ohio and Texas. It was first documented near St.

19. Hermit Flower Beetle

The hermit flower type of beetle in Missouri, also known as Osmoderma eremicola, is an invasive species that poses a significant threat to crops. This beetle was first seen in the United States in the 1980s and has since spread across most of the country. 

So, The hermit flower types of beetles in Missouri feed on soybean plants and can cause significant damage to the crop. The life cycle for this type of beetle starts with eggs laid on soybean plants or other host plants. 

The larvae hatch and burrow inside the plant’s stem, feeding for several weeks before maturing into adults and leaving their host plant.

Adult types of Beetles in Missouri emerge from their host plant and mate, laying eggs on new plants nearby or along any other available food source before dying just days later.

20. Hister Beetle

Hister beetles are small, oval-shaped insects living in moist, decaying organic material. These dark, shiny types of Beetles in Missouri are often mistaken for roaches and can be found under logs or hidden under bark slabs. 

Hister beetles are a type of beetle in Missouri. They are also known as stink bugs because they emit a strong odor when threatened or crushed. The hister beetle is one of the most common types of beetles in Missouri.

21. Horned Passalus Beetle

The horned passalus beetle (Odontotaenuis disjunctus) is one of many native species in Missouri. This colorful bug is about a half-inch long and is typically brown with yellow stripes. 

The horned passalus types of beetles in Missouri feed on snails, slugs, and other slow-moving creatures that live in or near the moist ground. These types of beetles in Missouri are also known to feed on plant roots and fungi spores.

But, they are not pests to humans or domesticated animals. They are beneficial insects because they help control agricultural pests! 

Missouri’s horned passalus type of Beetle has one of the most unusual life cycles among all insect species. The female lays her eggs during her mating flight.

22. Ivory Marked Beetle

The ivory-marked beetle is a rare, native species once found all over the prairies of Missouri. It has since disappeared from much of its former range.

But it’s now listed as a threatened species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The population size is estimated to be less than 10,000 individuals. There are several reasons why the number of these types of beetles in Missouri has decreased.

23. Large Rove Beetle

The Large Rove Beetle is a brown-black, 3/4 to 1-inch-long beetle. The head and thorax are hairless, while the elytra (wing coverings) are short and hairy. It has a long rostrum (snout). 

It is also called the Rose Chafer. The larvae types of Beetles in Missouri feed on the roots of grasses and cereals, as well as root crops such as potatoes and carrots.

24. Larder Beetle

The Larder Beetle is a common household type of Beetle in Missouri and around the world. The larvae feed on animal products like lard, bacon, and other meats

Although it is not as well-known as other household pests like silverfish or ants, the Larder Beetle can cause major damage to your food supply if left unchecked. 

Females will lay eggs on a stored food source, each laying between 50 and 150 eggs simultaneously.

Once hatched, these grubs feed on the food source until they mature into an adult beetle and fly off to find another food source. 

25. Linden Borer Beetle

The Linden Borer Beetle is also one of the types of Beetles in Missouri that can cause significant structural damage to buildings and other structures.

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The Linden Borer type of Beetles in Missouri lays eggs on the bark of linden trees, and the larvae hatch, burrowing into the tree. 

The larvae feed on the wood beneath the bark, weakening it. This beetle can be found throughout Missouri but is more common in urban areas with linden trees. 

26. Locust Borer Beetle

Megacyllene robiniae is one of the types of beetles in Missouri that feeds on grasses, soybeans, and other legumes.

It was accidentally introduced to the Missouri States from its native area on the Mediterranean coast. Locust borers can cause significant damage to crops and pastures.

These specific types of Beetles in Missouri cause more than half a billion dollars of crop damage each year and are one of the most destructive pests in agriculture.

27. Long-Horned Beetle

The long-horned beetle is a large, hairy, brown, or black bug with long antennae that can reach up to 1.5 inches. These types of beetles in Missouri live in the soil and feed on plant roots. 

The females lay their eggs on the ground, and once they hatch. The larvae use their mouthparts to chew through the roots and leaves of plants before pupating for about two weeks. 

Adults will emerge from the soil when fully grown by pushing themselves out with their front legs. These beetles typically live for about three years but can live as many as six years if enough food sources are available.

The long-horned types of beetles in Missouri have been spotted in Missouri since 1910 after crossing over from Europe.

28. Long-jointed Beetle

Long-jointed beetles are one of the most common types of beetles in Missouri. This type of beetle is typically red, orange, or yellow and has long antennae. 

These types of Beetles in Missouri can be found under stones, logs, or leaves on the ground. Long-jointed beetles are mostly scavengers and will eat dead insects or decaying plant materials.

Missouri’s long-jointed type of beetle is a generalist species, meaning it can adapt to different environments.

29. May Beetle

The May Beetle is also known as the June bug. It has a wide range and is found throughout North America

There are over 20,000 species of beetles. But they can be classified into three groups: ground beetles, rove beetles, and scarab beetles. 

The many types of beetles in Missouri fall into the ground beetle category. Ground beetles are usually small, and most are nocturnal with short antennae.

30. Mealybug Destroyer 

Mealybug destroyers are predatory beetles native to Missouri. In the 1930s, they were introduced into the Missouri States to combat mealybugs, sap-sucking insects that can damage plants. 

Mealybug types of Beetles in Missouri have a waxy covering, making them difficult for some predators to eat. But the mealybug destroyer has a long, slender mouthpart that it uses like a straw to suck out the mealybug’s insides. 

So, If you’re growing plants indoors or outdoors and dealing with problems with these pests, you might want to consider releasing some of these beetles into your garden or farm.

31. Metallic Wood-boring Beetle

The Metallic Wood-boring Beetle, Chalcophora fortis, is a beetle species in the family Buprestidae. It is one of the most common types of beetle in Missouri.

However, it is also known as the pontifical beetle because it has been used to symbolize high rank and power. The metallic wood-boring beetles live in decaying stumps and logs. 

Also, at any other place where trees have recently died. The larval stage will eat away at the wood until they pupate into adults and emerge from their pupae as full-grown beetles.

32. Mottled Tortoise Beetle

Mottled tortoise beetles are a common species found throughout Missouri. These types of Beetles in Missouri are found in fields, forest edges, and at the borders of swamps and ponds. 

Mottled tortoise beetle adults have a brownish-red coloration to their bodies, with black stripes and spots on their wing covers. The larvae are white or yellow, often with black markings around the head region. 

This species is part of the family Chrysomelidae. Adult mottled tortoise beetles feed on foliage from soybeans, peas, beans, and tomato plants.

33. Net-winged Beetle

The net-winged beetle (Calopteron terminale) is one of the types of beetle in  Missouri. The beetles are usually found on the ground and are most active at night. 

Due to its thin frame, this type of beetle in Missouri gets its name from its long, delicate wings that resemble a net or parachute. 

These types of Beetles in Missouri have a length that ranges from three to four millimeters with a dark brown coloration on the top and black on the bottom.

It should be noted that this type of beetle in Missouri is considered rare because it has not been recorded often since researcher G.A. first discovered it.

34. Northeastern Pine Sawyer

Northeastern Pine Sawyers, also known as Monochamus notatus, are a type of beetle that belongs to the long-horned kinds of beetles in the Missouri family.

They can be found in the country’s eastern half and along the Rocky Mountains in the Missouri States. 

Although their habitat is usually near dead or dying pine trees, northeastern Pine Sawyers are capable of causing significant damage to these trees by tunneling through their bark and laying eggs inside.

So, the eggs hatch into larvae that chew their way out from inside the tree’s bark. Large areas around each egg site become riddled with holes as it dies from the injury.

Northeastern Pine Sawyers is one of the types of beetles in Missouri that can devastate timber resources if left unchecked for too long.

35. Northern Corn Rootworm Beetle

The Northern Corn Rootworm Beetle (Diabrotica Barberi) is one of the most damaging corn types of Beetles in Missouri. Adults are about 1/4 long, yellowish-brown beetles with a reddish head and brown legs. 

Adult types of Beetles in Missouri emerge from the soil at night to feed on leaf tissue and lay eggs near the base of corn plants. The eggs hatch into larvae that tunnel into corn roots, where they feed, causing plants to wilt and die.

36. Notch-tipped Flower Longhorn Beetle

The Notch-tipped Flower Longhorn type of Beetles in Missouri has a long, slender body, usually black.

Along with the flower longhorn beetle, they are the only beetles with antennae that are as long or longer as the body. 

Male and female flower longhorn types of beetles in Missouri can be distinguished by their antennae – females have club-shaped tips, while males do not. The larvae have legs near their head and six curved spines on their back.

37. Notched-mouth Ground Beetle

The Notched-mouth Ground Beetle (Dicaelus purpuratus) is one of the types of beetles in Missouri that is usually around 3/8 inches and can be found under rocks, logs, and leaves.

The male species has a yellow head with black forewings, while the female has a brown head with brown forewings. 

Although they are relatively small insects, they play an important role in keeping the environment healthy by eating other insects and fungi.

38. Oil Beetle

Oil beetles are small, black beetles that produce combustible oil. This oil can be used as a lubricant or fuel and is also known as cantharidin, the active ingredient in many popular ointments, including Spanish flies.

Oil types of beetles in Missouri come from all over the world, but 13 species are found throughout Missouri.

These small insects have an oval-shaped body that averages 2-3 mm long and has short antennae with knobs on end.

39. One-spotted Tiger Beetle

The one-spotted tiger beetle is a small insect found throughout Missouri. It is brown with a black stripe down the center and has one spot on each side of its thorax.

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But, It is common in moist areas like marshes, bogs, and meadows. When threatened. It can spray an irritating fluid from its abdomen to ward off predators. The larvae feed on other insects, including ants, flies, and spiders.

40. Pale Green Weevil 

The Pale Green Weevil is found throughout the state, from the river valleys to the plains and hills. It is typically found on hardwood trees and prefers elm, maple, and willow trees. 

The larvae types of Beetles in Missouri feed on bark and wood at or near ground level, while adults feed on leaves. The Pale Green Weevil is a member of the leaf beetles family (Chrysomelidae). 

The larvae have three pairs of legs near the head end, with two pairs near their rear end. This species has an oval-shaped body that measures 1/5 to 5/8. 

Adult coloration varies by sex, with males mostly yellowish-brown to black with some greenish areas between segments. While females are mostly green or brown with black markings along their sides.

41. Pennsylvania Firefly

Pennsylvania fireflies are a type of beetle found mainly in eastern Missouri. The adults fly during night hours and emit a greenish-blue glow from their abdomens to attract mates.

But, both male and female beetles emit light, with females being brighter than males. Females also have bigger abdomens than males.

When mating, the male flashes his light briefly until he is sure the female is following him. This will happen until the female signals she wants to stop by turning off her light for a short period and then turning it back on.

If the female does not signal to stop, they will continue to mate. Until one stops signaling or becomes too tired and stops flying.

42. Pennsylvania Leatherwing Beetle 

Pennsylvania Leatherwing beetles are one of Missouri’s largest and most distinctive species. Pennsylvania Leatherwing types of Beetles in Missouri spend their first three years underground, feeding on plant roots; then they pupate before emerging as adults.

Adults live for only a few weeks, during which they seek out mates and lay eggs. These types of beetles in Missouri are threatened by habitat destruction and pollution.

43. Pigweed Flea BeetleBeetle

The Pigweed Flea Beetle is a small beetle with black and white speckled elytra. Like other flea types of Beetles in Missouri, they are often found in weeds.

But the Pigweed Flea beetle prefers to feed on pigweeds. It can be found across the southern Missouri States and some parts of Missouri. 

The female lays eggs near a food source and buries them so they hatch below ground once they are covered with soil. This makes it difficult to prevent their spread. 

However, some methods can be used to control them.  Such as insecticide or plowing fields after harvesting.

44. Pink Spotted Lady Beetle

The Pink Spotted Lady Beetle (Coleomegilla maculata) is about 3/4 inch long. It has a pink or redhead and a black body with yellow spots on the wing covers. 

The larvae are white with black spots. These types of beetles in Missouri feed on many pest insect species, including aphids and other soft-bodied insects. 

All stages feed by sucking fluids from their prey which often results in the death of the prey insect. The Pink Spotted Lady Beetle is native to North Missouri, east of the Rocky Mountains, but has been introduced to many other parts of the world.

45. Pleasing Fungus Beetle

The Pleasing Fungus Beetle is a small, black, red type of beetle in Missouri that feeds on the mycelium (fungal threads) found in decomposing organic matter. The beetle’s larva also consumes this fungus while they are developing. 

This is important because it helps to break down decomposing material such as wood, plants, and leaves; if there were no beetles like the Pleasing Fungus Beetle, it would take more time for these materials to decompose naturally. 

The Pleasing Fungus types of Beetles in Missouri can be found throughout North Missouri and Europe. But mostly in areas with moist soil or decaying wood.

46. Plum Curculio

The plum curculio beetle is about a half-inch long and has a yellowish-brown or grayish-brown body.

The types of Beetles in Missouri larvae are legless, white grubs that can be found under the skin of developing fruit. 

Adults feed on leaves and fruit, leaving behind small holes in the surface of the produce. These types of beetles in Missouri also introduce bacterial diseases to crops they come into contact with.

The plum curculio beetle is highly mobile within its host crop, dispersing from plant to plant and field by flying or walking.

47. Poplar Borer Beetle

If you live anywhere in Missouri States, you’re probably familiar with some beetle species. If you live in Missouri, you’ve likely seen a few beetles who call our state home. 

One beetle, the Poplar Borer Beetle (Saperda calcarata), is a type of Beetle in Missouri that can infest and destroy Poplar trees. This post will discuss how these beetles are formed and why they matter to Missouri residents.

48. Predaceous Diving Beetle

Predaceous Diving Beetles are a fascinating species with a unique way of catching prey.

The Predaceous Diving Beetle is one of the most common types of beetles found in Missouri, with adults ranging from 2-3 cm long. Predaceous Diving Beetles can be found throughout Missouri States, Canada, and Mexico

Predacious diving types of beetles in Missouri are commonly found near water sources such as ponds or creeks but will also be seen on land during the night, where they feed on other insects. 

So, Diving beetles have several adaptations that allow them to catch their prey. Their legs are designed to push them off the surface they’re standing on and into the air.

49. Pustulated Carrion Beetle

The Pustulated Carrion Beetle is a scavenger most commonly found in the Midwest. It is one of the first species to arrive at a carcass and will often fly from animal to animal, feeding upon carrion that other scavengers have not yet attacked. 

The Pustulated Carrion types of Beetles in Missouri’s presence of a carcass can indicate if it has been dead for less than two days.

This beetle’s larvae, which are maggots, feed on the decaying flesh and tissues at the site of death before pupating into adults.

50. Rainbow Darkling Beetle

This species is a small darkling beetle measuring approximately 2mm. It has dark brown elytra with reddish-brown patches. 

Male adults are flightless, but females are capable of flight. These types of Beetles in Missouri larvae are white and legless grubs that live in rotting logs or under the bark of dead trees.

51. Red Flat Bark Beetle

The Red Flat Bark Beetle is considered a significant pest because they feed on several tree species and are responsible for transmitting several diseases. One disease these types of beetles in Missouri are known to transmit is the Dutch elm disease. 

This particular beetle feeds exclusively on elm trees, which means it has been a primary transmitter of this disease

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