16 Different Types of Wasps

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Photo by Ralphs_Fotos

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t overthink about wasps until they get in your way or someone tells you they got stung by one.

However, this shouldn’t be the case, as wasps are exciting and helpful insects that deserve studying and understanding.

Therefore, knowing the different types of wasps you may encounter will help ensure it’s not dangerous.

And can help you avoid any confrontations with them altogether. 

And so, here’s a comprehensive list of the different types of wasps you may encounter based on where you live.

1. Paper Wasp

Types of Paper WaspsPin
Photo by Johnnys_pic

This type of wasps, typically black and orange, feeds on soft-bodied insects and spiders.

Although they prefer to feed on honeydew rather than nectar, Paper Wasp populations are often lower than other wasps. 

Because they have a hard time finding enough trees with large amounts of sap and insects to eat, Paper Wasps are capable fliers and are often seen hovering outside windows or over flowers in search of food. 

However, if their nest is threatened, Paper Wasps will defend it by stinging anything that gets too close.

They can also be found inside homes throughout North America in places like attics or basements.

Lastly, if you find one of these nests, don’t try to remove it yourself; contact a professional exterminator immediately.

2. Cuckoo or Jewel Wasp

Cuckoo Bees - Types of Bees in IowaPin
by Judy Gallagher is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Both cuckoo and jewel wasps lay their eggs in other insects‘ nests. When their larvae hatch, they consume their hosts from within. 

Thankfully, from the different types of wasps, humans have nothing to fear from these tiny terrors.

Cuckoo wasps are about 2-5mm long (about twice as big as a mosquito). Jewel wasps have an additional needle-like beak at the front of their head. 

They are relatively docile, though you should avoid getting stung by one if possible!

If you’re stung by a cuckoo or jewel wasp, apply ice to reduce swelling and pain. Seek medical attention if symptoms persist.

3. European Hornet

European HornetPin
by Judy Gallagher is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The European hornet (Vespa crabro) is similar to yellow jackets in appearance and behavior.

However, it is a little larger than a typical yellow jacket, measuring about 3 cm long, with brownish-yellow markings on its abdomen.

This wasp species can be found throughout Europe and Asia but is common in Australia.

Unfortunately for people living in these areas, all three European hornet queens lived together in one colony, allowing them to overpopulate easily.

Like yellow jackets, European hornets eat other insects caught using their legs or jaws.

If given the opportunity, they will also prey on small mammals like mice or birds and may even sting humans if threatened enough!

While not as aggressive as other types of wasps, European hornets deserve respect and should never be handled without gloves or protective clothing.

4. Yellow Jacket Wasp

Yellow Jacket WaspPin
by fotopamas is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The most common wasp in North America. These social wasps can be found nesting underneath porches, leaves, and anywhere else, giving them easy access to food sources. 

Notably, they do not build their nests out of paper like other types of wasps, making it much easier to locate them.

There is a distinct difference between yellow jackets and other social wasps.

Because they’re typically larger and have more markings on their bodies, it’s also sporadic for these wasps to sting humans.

However, when they do, it is usually because they feel threatened or are protecting their nest. 

Related:  16 Types of Caterpillars in Canada

If you encounter one of these creatures, don’t panic; walk away calmly and try to avoid contact with them.

Yellow jacket stings aren’t life-threatening unless you’re allergic.

If you want to eliminate them without calling an exterminator, try pouring boiling water into their holes or spraying cooking oil around their entrances.

5. Bald-faced Hornet

Bald-faced Hornet -Types of Hornets in GeorgiaPin
by The NYSIPM Image Gallery is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Bald-faced hornets are medium-sized wasps (about 2 inches long) that live primarily in wooded areas.

Unlike other types of wasps, especially yellow jackets, bald-faced hornets prefer being inside the wall. And under siding where they can find dark places to nest. 

Unfortunately, they will often choose homes built by humans if there isn’t enough natural shelter nearby.

Once inside a home’s walls or ceilings, bald-faced hornets will begin building combs where females lay eggs and store honey.

6. Velvet Wasp

Velvet WaspPin
by Judy Gallagher is licensed under CC BY 2.0

These wasps are often mistaken for bumblebees. They typically sport a black velvet body with bright yellow wings, orange hairs, and red eyes.

They use these colorful features to scare off predators. Furthermore, the females lay their eggs in caterpillars or beetle larvae before dying.

The larvae feed on their host’s insides until they mature into adults. Velvet wasps are not aggressive like other types but will only sting if they feel threatened.

7. Potter Wasp

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by Frank.Vassen is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The potter wasp, scientific name Eumenes coarctatus, is a solitary wasp native to parts of Central and South America.

They’re typically red or orange and are known for creating clay nests measuring 3 to 15 centimeters (1-6 inches) long. 

They’ve earned the title of human parasite because they build their nests on human structures.

While they don’t cause structural damage, people may be annoyed by their presence.

Potter wasps feed on caterpillars, paralyzing them with venomous stingers before dragging them back to their nests. 

Once there, they lay an egg in each caterpillar’s body and seal it up so it has fresh food waiting when it hatches. Unlike other types of wasps, potter wasps don’t eat pollen.

8. Sand Wasp or Mud Dauber

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by jeans_Photos is licensed under CC BY 2.0

These wasps build mud hives in protected areas. They use spiders and other insects to feed their young.

They tend to be non-aggressive, a different, unique type of wasps. These wasps have smooth, oval abdomen without any hair.

9. Crab Spider Wasp

Crab Spider WaspPin
by In Memoriam: Ecuador Megadiverso is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

One of only a few wasp species on the different types of wasps that look like spiders.

Crab spider wasps are so-named because they can be seen running on plants and other surfaces.

Crab spider wasps are solitary predators. Hence, they rely on their coloration to remain inconspicuous while hunting other insects (like bees).

The crab spider wasp is typically dark brown or black with white stripes or spots (which may help mimic a flower).

Its legs have tarsi on them, which gives it its name (the plural for tarsus is tarsi). 

In addition, their body shape resembles that of a crab; hence, a crab spider wasp.

Although they may seem scary and threatening to humans, these winged insects are not dangerous. Some people keep them as pets!

10. Eastern Yellowjacket

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by greyloch is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The yellow jacket wasp may look dangerous but is not considered very aggressive.

When you are in an area with yellow jackets, avoiding them will be best, and not attempting to provoke them. 

Of all the different types of wasps, this type of wasp will eat various foods, including insects, fruits, vegetables, and meat.

If you spot a yellow jacket in your garden or while hiking, do not go near it. Instead, give it plenty of space, and it will fly away.

Related:  21 Different Wasps You’ll Spot in Wisconsin

While some members of its species can be aggressive, most are not interested in attacking humans.

Like other types of wasps, they are more likely to sting if threatened. However, they have been known to sting multiple times when attacked.

If stung by one, apply ice packs to help reduce swelling and pain and seek medical attention if necessary.

These wasps build nests that resemble hanging upside-down paper bags. 

It is of note that their nests can be found under eaves, porches, or decks. As well as in tree cavities, empty walls, or attics of homes.

A perch should never be destroyed without first contacting a pest control company.

They can access products that kill these pests without harming nearby people or pets.

11. Thread-waisted Wasp

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by JonRichfield is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

These insects, including yellow jackets and hornets, are distinguished by their skinny thread-like waists among different types of wasps.

Male wasps are smaller than females, who sport an extra stinger on their bellies. The best way to avoid these critters is to recognize their nests early on. 

They’re typically located outside near trees or in attics/wall voids and sealed off.

Once inside a wall void or attic, you could end up with a significant infestation that isn’t cheap to eradicate.

If you accidentally come into contact with one of these stinging pests, don’t try to swat it away; run! 

Because they’ll only chase you faster if you try fighting back, most people only have mild reactions to being stung by different types of wasps.

However, some can have severe allergic reactions (hives, swelling) that require medical attention. To reduce your risk of exposure: 

  1. Keep garbage cans tightly sealed so they can’t enter through openings and 
  2. Don’t leave pet food outdoors where they can find it. Hornets are particularly attracted to meaty food sources. If you’ve already been exposed, See your doctor as soon as possible for treatment options.

12. Proctotrupid Wasp

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by gailhampshire from Cradley, Malvern, U.K is licensed under CC BY 2.0

These wasps are part of a large family, including parasitoid and hyperparasitoid wasp species.

They are minimal, with many species having a body length between 1mm and 2mm, making them some of the smallest insects on Earth and on our list of different types of wasps. 

They often have complex morphologies as they are specialized in their hunting techniques.

For example, some hunt spiders or caterpillars, while others rely on wood-boring beetle larvae for food. This is one example of hyperparasitism. 

Indeed, they also have a very diverse diet, including flies, moths, butterflies, beetles, and cockroaches.

However, most feed on nectar from flowers to provide energy for flight. 

While over 3,000 Proctotrupid wasps and other types are known today, these tiny insects can be found worldwide except in Antarctica.

13. Diaprioid Wasp

by maxson.erin is licensed under CC BY 2.0

These wasps are non-stinging insects in an infraorder of parasitoid wasps with almost 5,000 species.

They attack and lay eggs inside immature or adult insects (including other types of wasps).

The term wasp is used for any insect in a family called Vespidae, including ants, yellow jackets, and hornets. 

Furthermore, most of these insects are very large, but not all of them; many look like tiny black or orange dots when they fly.

Some have wings that fold under their bodies like umbrella ribs.

Others, such as yellow jackets and paper wasps, have smooth, long wings that cover most of their bodies.

Related:  29 Different Types of Wasps in Delaware

Conversely, these different types of wasps can sting repeatedly and are attracted to meat products.

Such as meat left on picnic tables or dropped on the ground by animals. Their nests can be found in logs, trees, shrubs, and wall voids. 

But they can become aggressive when disturbed by humans who get too close to them or their nests. If you find one nest, there could be others nearby. 

If you’re allergic to stings from bees or wasps or stung by one accidentally.

Seek medical attention immediately because reactions can be severe even if you don’t feel pain immediately.

14. Crown Wasp

Crown WaspPin
by DocJ96 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

These wasps are usually yellow or orange and typically nest underground.

They do not consume wood but will use it to construct their nests. The adults look similar to hornets but have no stinging capability. 

And so, the large black larvae feed on other insects and can be found on lawns during warm summer days.

If you are concerned about having a crown wasp nest on your property. Contact a pest control professional or your local extension office for treatment options. 

Moreover, this is especially important if you have children playing outside regularly.

While most species of these types of wasps are harmless, they can still deliver a painful sting if they feel threatened.

15. Ensign Wasp

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by treegrow is licensed under CC BY 2.0

These wasps get their name from their black and yellow stripes resembling a sailor’s insignia.

They are parasitoids, meaning they kill or incapacitate their prey before laying eggs on them, a unique trait of these different types of wasps. 

Furthermore, this trait is called sequestration and helps ensure survival for egg-laying females without a food source to provide for their offspring.

These wasps would have to live on nutrients stored from when they were larvae.

Ensign wasp eggs hatch into larvae that consume their host before maturing into adult wasps.

Note that Ensign wasp species include Ancistrocerus arenosus and Leptopilina heteroatom.

One genus, Stenodynerus, is considered an endangered species in Britain due to habitat loss and pesticides.

The European population declined by over 90% between 1989 and 2004.

16. Trigonalid Wasp

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by Judy Gallagher is licensed under CC BY 2.0

While most people are familiar with yellow jackets, different types of wasps come in various shapes and sizes, and their highly narrow waists generally distinguish them.

If you see a wasp with a skinny, pinched-looking waist, it belongs to a group called Trigonalidae (also known as thread-waisted wasps). 

Only about 250 species exist worldwide, most of which are found in Australia, but that doesn’t mean they should be taken lightly.

They have an aggressive temperament and can deliver painful stings to humans, especially when they feel threatened or need food for their young. 

Like other social wasps, they build nests out of paper made from chewed wood fibers.

The nest is often placed inside a tree hollow or another hole to protect against predators. 

However, these nests may become too large and fall into human spaces like porches and garages.

When that happens, it’s important not to disturb them because they may react aggressively if you get too close.

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