10 Different Types of Tuna Fish

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Photo by 27707

It is no news that consuming fish, especially different types of tuna, is a good source of nutrients, yet it is uncertain which fish would be ideal for us.

It turns out that tuna is a fantastic fish with numerous medical advantages.

There is also a wide range of options for eating(raw, cooked) and preserving it (canned).

There are various types of tuna fish, but there are more subspecies inside these.

Let us quickly look into ten different types of Tuna fish.

1. Longtail Tuna

Otherwise called Northern bluefin fish, longtail fish is a slender fish species.

It additionally has shorter fins than other fish, which is very discernable.

Anglers can track down longtail fish in the Indian and Pacific oceans. It is medium, estimated 4 feet long, and weighs 80 pounds.

Sadly, longtail fish are in danger of overfishing due to their inability to grow and reproduce faster, making this remarkable species lack the regenerative turnover other fish possess.

2. Blackfin Tuna

Blackfin TunaPin
by Stewart is licensed under CC BY 2.0

While some fish are huge, others are much smaller, similar to the blackfin fish.

These little fish develop to be 3 feet long and weigh only 45 pounds.

Blackfin fish thrives in the Atlantic Ocean, seen as far north as New York and south in Brazil.

It can require impeccable skills to catch a blackfin fish tuna.

While you can utilize genuine or counterfeit traps, they can be very agile once caught.

Nonetheless, blackfin fish create a flavorful dinner once brought in, and an entire fish can take care of many individuals.

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3. Pacific Bluefin Tuna

Pacific Bluefin TunaPin
by tombenson76 is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Popular known as the king of tuna, the Pacific bluefin fish is gigantic.

It can grow up to 10 feet in length and weigh as much as 1000 pounds.

While there are different types of tuna fish, as we will find in this article, this species rings a bell among the vast majority.

Pacific bluefin fish have many fascinating properties.

They are pelagic fish, and instead of swimming close to the lower part of the sea depths or by the shore, they swim in the vast water.

The market is so high for them in Japan, causing them to go at extravagant costs.

4. Yellowfin Tuna

Yellowfin TunaPin
by Elias Levy is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Just as the name implies, the yellowfin tuna has discernable yellow blades.

Anglers can track down yellowfin tuna in the Atlantic Ocean; however, it is more plentiful in the Pacific Ocean.

They flourish in hotter waters around the Philippines and Thailand and can develop to about 200 pounds and 6 feet long.

You can likewise appreciate yellowfin fish more, as it barbecues and sears pleasantly, making it one of the best edible tuna fish on the list of different types of Tuna fish

5. Little Tunny

Anglers often mistake the little tunny for the albacore tuna as they share comparative attributes.

In any case, this little fish only grows up to 2 feet in size and 30 pounds in weight.

Little Tunny is in both the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans. While one can consume little tunny, their size makes them an ideal snare for bigger tuna fish.

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6. Albacore Tuna

Albacore TunaPin
by quinet is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Albacore Tuna fish resides in the Pacific Ocean and lives from California to British Columbia.

They possess long pectoral blades, which makes them more recognized among different types of tuna fish.

Anglers can get white Albacore tuna with actual snare and are likewise caught with fake bait.

The expression “chicken of the ocean” alludes to the Albacore tuna.

The meat of Albacore tuna fish is white-shaded when buying canned tuna in a supermarket; this is, in many cases, the kind of tuna you will find.

7. Bullet Tuna

Tiny and thin in size, Bullet tuna is generally found in the Mediterranean Sea and hotter regions of the Pacific Ocean.

It is blue-dark in variety and has fascinating dull markings on its body.

Bullet tuna can develop to be 20 inches long and don’t have too much weight.

People often purchase bullet tuna from the market at a reasonable cost.

8. Mackerel Tuna

Mackerel tuna is distinct and has nothing to do with other fish species. Despite being little, they compete fiercely when put in a line.

Mackerel fish can be good traps for larger fish because they don’t have a lot of meat.

9. Slender Tuna

Thin fish, native to the Southern Hemisphere, is undoubtedly relatively small.

They feature a long, slender body, one side of which is blue-dark while the other is large, bright, and variably dim.

The average length and weight of thin fish are about 3 feet and 25 pounds.

Catching one can be pretty cumbersome, but their highly slippery meat is used to make canned fish when caught.

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10. Southern Bluefin Tuna

Southern Bluefin TunaPin
by Dimitry B is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The Southern bluefin fish is expensive when inspecting different types of tuna, just like all other bluefin species.

Over the last years, its population has substantially declined due to being targeted for its size and taste.

Satellite symbolism and GPS are two technological advancements in the fishing industry linked to the overfishing of Southern bluefin fish.

As a result, there are currently strict restrictions on the fish each country can import.

Although gigantic, southern bluefin fish are typically not as big as other bluefin species, and they may weigh as much as 600 lbs and measure 8 feet in length.

The Southern Hemisphere is where you can find Southern bluefin fish.

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