62 Different Types of Beetles in Kansas

Types of Beetles in KansasPin
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Beetles are a family of insects with over 400,000 known species.

Throughout the world, beetles live in almost every habitat and have evolved to fill nearly every niche possible, making them one of Earth’s most successful groups of organisms.

But what about different types of beetles in Kansas?

With so many beetle species roaming around, it’s no wonder some types of Beetles are in Kansas!

There are at least 1,400 different types of beetles in Kansas State, and more than 350 of them can be found in the great state of Kansas alone!

1. Ten-lined June Beetle

The ten-lined June beetle is a black, white, and yellow-striped type of beetle in Kansas that can grow up to an inch in length. They have long, flexible necks and strong pincers that are used to hold onto their prey. 

The ten-lined June beetle is native to Kansas and often found in moist soil and under tree bark. But can also be seen on plants or hanging from grasses. 

These types of Beetles in Kansas feed mostly on plant roots, providing them with moisture for the dry areas where they live.

The life cycle of this insect consists of three stages: egg, larva, and pupa. Eggs are laid near the food source which hatch into larva in about two weeks.

2. Stag Beetle

The Stag beetle is a species that lives in eastern Kansas States and Canada. Their Latin name, Lucanus elaphus, also knows them. 

Sometimes, the Stag types of beetles in Kansas can be found in places such as forests and parks where trees and shrubs serve as food sources for them.

The female stag types of beetles in Kansas can lay up to 400 eggs, with each egg deposited in rotting wood. When they hatch, they will stay close to the area they hatched until they pupate into adults.

3. Triceratops Beetle 

The Triceratops Beetle, also known as the Giant Horned Dung Beetle, is one of the largest types of beetles in Kansas. The beetle can be found in most states and territories but is more prevalent in Kansas. 

The Triceratops types of Beetle in Kansas have a wide head with three horns protruding from the top. Males have a more robust body than females. 

Adults are typically between .5-1 inch long and .25-.5 inches wide at their widest point. The larvae are typically 1-2 cm long when they hatch and grow to 2-3 cm by adulthood.

4. Two-lined Leather-wing Beetle

This beautiful beetle is native to Kansas and ranges from Texas to Quebec. The larvae are small, white, and legless.

They feed on fungi in decaying logs and stumps. The adults are about 1 inch long with a black head, thorax, and wing covers (elytra). They have a black abdomen with yellowish spots on the underside.

5. Tormentose Burying Beetle

This small, black beetle is one of the most well-known burying types of beetles in Kansas. It is a member of the family Silphidae and is found throughout Kansas, Canada, and Mexico.

This particular species was first documented in 1891 by Haldeman, who collected specimens from Illinois and named them Nicrophorus tomentosus in honor of their hairy thoraxes.

The adults measure approximately 2 cm in length and have wings covered with brown scales. 

They have elongated bodies with three pairs of legs that are all about the same length. The head has a pair of antennae but no mandibles or maxillae. Adults do not eat or feed because they are adults!

6. Whirligig

Gyrinus spp is a small genus of whirligig types of beetles in Kansas. They are generally brown and have a body shape that appears more like a caddisfly than a typical beetle, with an elongated abdomen and long antennae. 

Gyrinus spp types of beetles in Kansas larvae live exclusively in the water. They also feed on other invertebrates, such as mosquito larvae and tadpoles.

7. Water Scavenger Beetle

This is a small, yellowish type of beetle in Kansas that can be found in water habitats. The larvae are filter feeders, and the adults typically eat aquatic insects.

They can sometimes come out onto land to find food or look for mates, but they prefer water sources. Females lay eggs, and they hatch into larvae in two weeks.

So, The duration of the larval stage depends on the species and environmental factors. Still, it usually lasts around three months before the larva pupates and transforms into an adult beetle. 

Sometimes, Water scavenger types of beetles in Kansas are most active at night, hunting their prey with their antennae while swimming through plants or weeds at the bottom of ponds or other bodies of water.

8. Vivid Metallic Ground Beetle 

The vivid Metallic Ground Beetle is a species of ground beetle that is found in the Kansas States. It has been seen in all 48 contiguous states and can be found in various habitats. 

They are typically brown or black with metallic green or blue coloration on the elytra. They are most commonly seen near rivers and streams, but they can also be seen near woodlands and forests

Although these beetles in Kansas have small heads, their antennae are clubbed at the tip. This insect has five visible abdominal segments when viewed from above.

The hind femur is about as long as the body length of these beetles.

9. Variegated June Beetle 

The variegated June Beetle, Polyphylla variolosa, is a species of scarab beetle in the genus Polyphylla. These beetles in Kansas can be found on flowers and foliage, feeding on plant juices. 

Even the larvae feed on roots and decaying organic matter. It prefers to lay its eggs in soil that is rich in organic material.

The adult beetle has a shiny black body with yellow and white stripes along the wing covers.

10. Vietinghoff’s Ground Beetle 

Carabus vietinghoffii are ground types of Beetles in Kansas. The adults are between 11 and 15 mm long and black with yellow markings on the wings.

If they are capable of flight, they typically remain close to their place of origin. Their diet consists primarily of snails and slugs, which they find by digging through soft soil or leaf litter.

They can be found near bodies of water and in moist environments such as rotting logs or under stones.

11. Andrew’s Snail-eating Beetle

Andrew’s Snail-eating Beetle is a type of beetle native to Kansas state. It was first classified by entomologist James Andrew, for which it is named

These beetles in Kansas live exclusively on snails and usually hang out on rocks or trees near water sources, but they also have been found in high grasses and shrubs.

They typically lay their eggs under rocks or fallen tree bark, where they later pupate and hatch.

12. Banded Ash Borer 

The Banded Ash Borer beetle is found throughout Kansas and is common in areas with ash trees. It is one of the most destructive insect pests for ash trees. 

The larvae tunnel under the bark, feeding on sapwood and cambium. Sometimes, girdling the tree just below ground level.

But, this is a serious threat to all ash trees, especially those that are already stressed from other environmental conditions such as drought or floods.

13. Beetle Grub

The beetle grub is a larva that spends most of its time under the ground, feeding on decaying plant matter. The grub types of Beetles in Kansas have four stages that are all spent underground.

The first stage is called a larva, which will eat for about 2-4 weeks before molting and going to the second stage, called an imago.

The image will eat about 3-5 weeks before it molts and becomes a pupa. After about 3-4 weeks as a pupa, it will turn into an adult type of Beetle in Kansas and fly off to reproduce.

14. Ashy Gray Lady Beetle

The ash gray lady beetle (also known as the ashy gray ladybird or the European lady beetle) is a type of ladybird. They are found mainly in Kansas and North America, but it is possible to find them anywhere.

So, these adult types of beetles in Kansas usually have a light brown body with an ash-gray head, and their elytra are usually marked with six black spots on each side. The larvae have blackheads and an orange-red abdomen. 

A larva will eat about 400 aphids during its development from egg to pupa to adult. In most cases, this species prefers plants over insects for food when given a choice.

15. Notch-tipped Flower Longhorn Beetle

The Notch-tipped Flower Longhorn Beetle is another common species that is found throughout Kansas. These types of beetles in Kansas are typically about 1/4-inch long and have brown wing covers with a cream or yellow stripe running down the center. 

Notch-tipped Flower Longhorns types of beetles in Kansas also have a white dot on each wing cover that looks like an upside-down letter N.

The antennae on these small insects are black, while their heads and legs are brownish red. 

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One member of the longhorn beetle family, known as the American Elm Bark Beetle (Parlatoria securifera), is found only in eastern Kansas.

16. Metallic Wood-boring Beetle

The Metallic Wood-boring Beetle (Chalcophora fortis) is a species endemic to Kansas. This beetle is typically found in eastern Kansas and feeds on the sapwood of hardwoods. 

However, it is most commonly found in sycamore, maple, walnut, hickory, and American beech trees. The larvae are wood borers that create winding galleries in the sapwood as they feed.

The adults have a shiny reddish-copper body with a metallic sheen and are active during summer.

17. Big Dipper Firefly

The Big Dipper Firefly is a type of beetle that is found in the Kansas States. They are most commonly found in eastern Kansas and will be seen flying at dusk.

The female types of beetles in Kansas are typically larger than the males, with four to six centimeters wingspans. The males have a wingspan between three and five centimeters. 

So, Females will fly higher than males, often remaining at about one hundred fifty feet above ground level. At the same time, males fly lower, around fifty feet or less from ground level.

18. Big-headed Ground Beetle

The Big-headed Ground Beetle is a beetle that lives on the ground. These types of beetles in Kansas are usually found in the summer months and live underground during winter.

Males and females have differently shaped heads, which is a way to tell them apart. The male head is bigger than the female head. 

Although, Females are about 3/4 inch long, and males are about 1/2 inch long. Their color ranges from reddish brown to light gray, and they have large, dark patches on their elytra.

19. Goldsmith Beetle

The goldsmith beetle is a type of weevil that feeds on dead animal carcasses and dry plant material. This species is native to Kansas and is found throughout the continent, including the state of Kansas.

Goldsmith types of beetles in Kansas are often found near cemeteries, where they feed on dead bodies, or near farms, where they feed on old hay and straw.

These types of beetles in Kansas primarily live outdoors but occasionally enter homes searching for food. They are shiny black with gold stripes across their backsides and measure about 2 centimeters long when fully grown.

20. Green June Beetle

Green June Beetles are commonly found in Kansas and southern parts of North America. These types of beetles in Kansas are usually green or brown with a small redhead.

They emit an unpleasant odor if they are threatened or crushed. Green June types of Beetles in Kansas overwinter as adults under tree bark, logs, stones, or other objects.

Although, In the spring, they emerge to feed on the leaves and flowers of many plant species. Females lay their eggs on plants and then die soon after laying eggs.

The larvae hatch and feed for one to two years before pupating and emerging as adults that look different than their parents.

21. Hairy Rove Beetle

The Hairy Rove Beetle, Creophilus maxillosus, is a type of beetle that is found in the state of Kansas. It is a member of the rove beetle family and is most commonly found near bodies of water. 

These types of beetles in Kansas are usually about one inch long, brown to black, with orange-yellow hair on their backs and sides. Seven different species live in Kansas alone!

22. Hermit Flower Beetle

The Hermit Flower Beetle is a small black beetle with a white stripe on its back. They usually hover near the ground, eating aphids and other insects. 

The Hermit Flower type of beetle in Kansas is a small black beetle with a white stripe on its back. They usually hover near the ground, eating aphids and other insects. 

The male has an orange head, while the female has no distinguishing marks. It has long legs, which makes it look like it is carrying something on its back. (hence the name hermit) and orange wings that are folded over its body.

There is also an orange dot between the front pair of wings and another orange dot at the end of each wing.

23. Knapweed Root Weevil

Knapweed root weevil is a beetle that feeds on the roots and crowns of common ragwort and other plants.

Knapweed root types of beetles in Kansas adults emerge during the summer, mate, and lay eggs in the soil near host plants. 

So, the eggs hatch into legless grubs, which feed on host plant roots. The grubs pupate in the soil, and adults emerge after overwintering as new adults. Females lay eggs nearby to start a new generation next year.

24. Large Rove Beetle

The Platydracus cinnamopterus (large rove beetle), also known as the long-headed rove beetle, is a member of the family Staphylinidae and a common inhabitant of Kansas.

They are typically found on dead logs, stumps, and under the bark. 

Though, they may be found under rocks or loose wood that has been lying around for a while. These types of beetles in Kansas have five pairs of rather short legs and are about 1 cm long when fully grown. 

Adults are typically dark brown with pale brown stripes across the elytra. Larvae usually live under loose bark or in rotting wood; they feed on decaying plant material.

25. Linden Borer Beetle

The Linden Borer Beetle is a small, black beetle about 2-4mm long. It is one of the most common types of beetle in Kansas and has been recorded throughout the United States and Canada. 

The larvae feed on the inner bark of linden and basswood trees, stunting or killing them. They are sometimes called basswood borers because they tend to attack basswoods more than other tree species.

26. Locust Borer Beetle 

Locust Borer Beetles are one of the most common in Kansas, and widespread scarabs are found throughout Kansas.

The larvae feed on the roots, stems, and sometimes leaves of locusts (Robinia pseudoacacia) and other trees.

Adult types of beetles in Kansas feed on leaves, flowers, and seeds. The adults are often seen feeding during the evening hours.

Locust Borer types of Beetles in Kansas are about 1/4 to 3/8 inch long, have a brown-black body with a copper or bronze sheen, and have white hairs at the base of the elytra (wing coverings).

Their underside is light brown or yellowish with black stripes.

27. Long-jointed Beetle 

The Long-jointed Beetle, Arthromacra aenea, is a species of beetle that is found throughout Kansas. They are usually found on flowers and leaves. 

The adult types of Beetles in Kansas are 5-7 millimeters long and have long antennae with eleven segments.

They lay their eggs around flowers, and when the larvae hatch, they eat their way out through the flower petals or leaves.

28. Margined Blister Beetle

The Margined Blister Beetle is one type of beetle that is found in the state of Kansas. The blister beetle has a convex, hemispherical shape with a distinctly margined body.

These types of beetles in Kansas also have a black head, thorax, and red-orange elytra, which have black margins.

These types of beetles in Kansas are usually found on flowers such as thistles, daisies, clovers, goldenrods, and even apple trees.

They are the most common blister types of Beetles in Kansas. They feed on pollen and nectar from flowers, which they pollinate while feeding themselves simultaneously with their long proboscis.

29. Black Blister Beetle

The black blister beetle is a ground beetle with a body about 1/4 inch long. The color is usually dark brown but may also be reddish-brown or black. 

There are two large spots on the pronotum (the front portion of the thorax) and two smaller spots on each elytron (the forewings).

They emit an unpleasant odor when disturbed, which has led to some people calling them stink bugs. 

They are active from early spring to late autumn and feed on living plants and seeds, although they will also eat dead insects when necessary.

Kansas’s black blister type of beetle lays its eggs in the soil at night during early summer.

30. Black Carpet Beetle

Black carpet beetles feed on wool and other natural fibers. They are often found in the dark, damp areas of homes.

These types of beetles in Kansas have black bodies with yellowish or reddish-brown heads. Even the larvae are white worms that grow to around one inch long, with a brown head and up to three pairs of legs.

If a larva is disturbed, it will release a noxious odor from its glands as a defense mechanism. Adults also have this ability to emit an unpleasant smell when threatened.

Although they don’t do any structural damage, these beetles in Kansas may present health risks by contaminating foodstuffs through their droppings or being brought into the home on contaminated items such as wool clothing or carpets containing fabric fibers (even if not visible).

31. Black Caterpillar Hunter

Although not technically a beetle, this black and orange insect is a predator. The black caterpillar hunter Beetle ranges from five to six inches long as an adult, with larvae being about one inch long when fully grown.

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These types of beetles in Kansas are found throughout the United States but predominately inhabit the Midwestern states of Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri.

Caterpillar hunters, which are types of beetles in Kansas, feed on the larvae of other insects such as tent caterpillars and Eastern tent caterpillars.

One way to tell if there are any black caterpillar hunters around your home is if you find their larval skins in your yard or garden.

32. Black Firefly

When black fireflies light up the night sky, the black firefly is a small Beetle that is about 1⁄4 inch long and is often confused with its cousin, the lightning bug. 

The main difference between the two beetles is that the firefly has an extra appendage called pedipalps on each side of its body for feeding and mating.

Fireflies are a type of beetle in Kansas that have been around for at least 300 million years and are still strong today!

33. Broad-necked Root Borer

The Broad-Necked Root Borer is a type of beetle that was first discovered in Kansas, but it has since been found throughout the Midwest. The larvae are known to feed on tree roots, making them one of the most destructive forest pests. 

They burrow into healthy trees and eat them from the inside out. These types of beetles in Kansas are known for tunneling under the bark and into the cambium layer, which is where sapwood meets heartwood.

Once they get there, they will chew up the cambium layer and create a hole that disrupts water transportation to branches and leaves.

34. Burying Beetle

Burying Beetles are beetle types in Kansas usually found on the ground near animal carcasses. They often bury themselves in the soil with their head and legs exposed, waiting for an unsuspecting small mammal to come along. 

So, when it does, they jump out and grab it, then drag it down into its hole, where it will feed on the carcass.

Burying types of Beetles in Kansas are great for maintaining healthy ecosystems. Because they help make sure that dead animals don’t accumulate and cause problems for other animals, such as bacteria or scavengers.

35. California Root Borer Beetle

The California root borer beetle is a type of long-horned beetle that comes from the Prionus genus. These types of Beetles in Kansas mostly live in forested regions and are mainly found in Kansas.

But they are also known to inhabit parts of Arizona and New Mexico. The larvae feed on tree roots, which disrupts the trees’ water and nutrient uptake systems, leading to eventual tree death.

The larvae live for about two years before pupating and emerging as adults about one month later.

36. Calligrapha Beetle

The Calligrapha Beetle is an uncommon Beetle that is primarily found in Kansas. Adults are black and up to three centimeters long with antennae that are three times as long as the body. 

These types of Beetles in Kansas live outside under stones and logs, sometimes near ants‘ nests. Larvae are cylindrical white grubs with brown heads and feed on roots, decaying leaves, and other organic matter. The larvae pupate in the soil, emerging as adults after two weeks to a month.

37. Case-bearing Leaf Beetle

Case-bearing Leaf beetles are the most common type of beetle in Kansas. These beetles are large, with a brown or black body, and have spots on their wing covers. 

They feed on plant material, and they’re attracted to plants that have been recently sprayed with insecticide.

The larvae develop inside the cases these adults make from leaves and other plant material, so it’s easy to identify this beetle by finding these cases on foliage or trees.

The Case-bearing Leaf types of beetles in Kansas are not one of the most destructive insects for humans or our agricultural practices, but they feed on many plants that we want to keep intact!

38. Cedar Beetle

The cedar beetle is a type of pine engraver that is native to Kansas but has since spread all over the United States.

The female cedar types of beetles in Kansas lay their eggs on the bark of injured or dead pine trees. 

Sometimes, When they hatch, they burrow through the tree’s bark and feed on its inner tissues. This causes large amounts of sap to flow from the site where it was laid, attracting other insects that feed on the sap. 

Eventually, this leads to death for these trees. If caught early enough, a resin treatment can be applied to seal off any entry points into the tree so no more larvae can reach the inside.

39. Checkered Beetle

The checkered beetle is the most common type of beetle in Kansas. They are black or dark brown, with a yellow pattern on their wings.

The larvae feed on decaying organic matter, and the adults eat plants and flowers. They are commonly found near streams, where they live under rocks and logs. 

40. Doug Beetle

The dung beetle is also very common in Kansas, as they feed on animal excrement. They are black or dark brown like the checkered beetle but have white spots instead of yellow patterns on their wings.

Females lay their eggs inside cow poop so that when it’s time for them to hatch, there will be food for them to eat!

41. Cocklebur Weevil

The cocklebur weevil is a beetle that feeds on the seeds and pods of cocklebur plants. These types of beetles in Kansas damage crops such as alfalfa, soybean, wheat, and others. 

Cocklebur weevils are not picky about their food sources because they will also feed on other related plants. They are often found near the edge of fields or woods where the food sources are dense. 

Kansas’s adult types of beetles emerge from the ground during late summer and early fall. The adults have long snouts that they use to suck up plant fluids from leaves and stems while feeding on them.

42. Convergent Lady Beetle 

The convergent lady beetle is a large, red ladybug native to Kansas and Canada. It used to be more prevalent than it is now due to the extensive use of pesticides, but it is still widely found in the Midwest.

They are often seen on window sills during spring and summer because they are attracted to light.

Convergent lady types of beetles in Kansas are also known as the ladybird beetle or multicolored Asian lady beetle.

43. Cottonwood Borer Beetle

The Cottonwood Borer Beetle is one of the most common Beetles found in Kansas. These types of beetles in Kansas feed on the leaves and shoots, which causes significant damage to the tree.

The larvae overwinter under bark and then emerge as adults to lay eggs on the underside of leaves.

In late summer, these eggs hatch into white grubs with brown heads that feed on roots and other plant parts below ground during fall and winter.

44. Dark Brown Click Beetle

The Dark Brown Click Beetle is a predator of other insects, feeding on aphids and other small insects. It does not feed on plants or pollen. 

The Dark Brown Click types of beetles in Kansas are typically found in fields, cereal crops, and gardens. Its larvae are dark brown with white spots along the side. 

The larvae feed on the roots and stems of plants, while the adult feeds on other insects. These types of beetles in Kansas were once common, but numbers have been declining due to the loss of habitat and the use of pesticides.

The Dark Brown Click Beetle is native to Kansas, but it is not known how far south it extends its range into Mexico.

It prefers dry habitats with sparse vegetation covers such as fields, meadows, gardens, orchards, vineyards, pastures, and cereal crops.

45. Desert Stink Beetle

The Desert Stink is the most common beetle found in Kansas. They are about a half-inch long, dark brown or black, and have two prominent white spots on their wings

More than 20 species belong to this family and are found worldwide. If threatened, they release an oily substance with a strong odor from their abdomen, hence the name stink.

46. Dogbane Leaf Beetle

The Dogbane Leaf Beetle is a native beetle that feeds on the pollen and nectar of many flowering plants. They are usually found on milkweeds and dogbanes, which is where they get their name.

These beetles in Kansas are an attractive green with a white band across their wings, making them easy to identify among other insects. They have an average lifespan of seven weeks.

47. Drugstore Beetle

The drugstore beetle, also known as the biscuit beetle, is a small, oval-shaped beetle that is typically brownish-black or dark red.

Drugstore types of beetles in Kansas are about 1/4 inch long and live on stored products such as cereal, nuts, dried fruits, and pet food. 

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Sometimes, They are attracted to light and fly toward windows at night. The drugstore beetle can survive for up to six months without eating anything.

They have been found in grocery stores worldwide, including in Europe and Australia.

48. Dung Beetle

Dichotomius Beetles (Dichotomius spp.) are found worldwide but thrive in warmer climates. These types of beetles in Kansas are primarily scavengers, feeding on fecal matter and other decaying organic material. 

Dung Beetles are also important for dispersing seeds from plants that have evolved to be dispersed by this species.

The larvae feed on the dung and help break it down into a more palatable form for other animals and microorganisms to consume.

The larvae then pupate inside their dung ball, and adult Dichotomian Beetles emerge from their pupa after a few weeks to continue their life cycle.

49. Earth-boring Scarab Beetle

The earth-boring scarab beetle is the most common type found in Kansas. Earth-boring scarab beetles are large, sometimes reaching a size of two inches long. 

They lay their eggs just under the soil, and females will often dig a hole to lay them in. The female will then plug the hole with dirt, preventing other animals from eating her eggs.

The female usually lays eggs around July and August, but it is not uncommon for them to be seen all year round. 

Earth-boring scarab beetles in Kansas typically feed on tree roots and decaying plant material underground. So, they are often found near trees or plants that other animals or people have dug up.

50. Eastern Hercules Beetle

The Eastern Hercules Beetle is a large insect, with males reaching lengths of up to three inches. This beetle prefers to live in deciduous forests and is attracted by light.

These types of beetles in Kansas are also known for their overwintering habits, typically burying themselves deep within tree bark or soil during winter. 

When spring arrives, the beetle will emerge from its hiding place and fly off to search for a mate. The most distinguishing characteristic of this species is its antennae, which are extremely long and filamentous.

Male types of Beetles in Kansas typically have these antennae sticking out from the front corners of their heads. While females have them sticking out from the back corners.

51. Eggplant Flea Beetle

The eggplant flea beetle is the most common pest found on eggplants. They are small and black with a red abdomen. 

These types of beetles in Kansas are more attracted to diseased plants, so it is best to grow healthy plants and avoid herbicides or pesticides. 

So, remove any weeds around your plant and spray them with neem oil twice a year to eliminate them.

The eggs hatch between 5-10 days after the female beetle lays them, so it is important to keep an eye out for them.

52. European Ground Beetle

The European Ground Beetle (Carabus nemoralis) is a beetle that lives primarily in Kansas and the United States. They are most active during the summer months.

The adult beetles grow up to 18 millimeters, and their elytra are dark brown with a patterning on them, resembling fingerprints.

They have four small holes near the outer edges, which they use to release pheromones. This is how they attract mates.

In addition, they have three pairs of wings that are used for flying short distances when they need to move or escape predators.

If they feel threatened or cannot escape, they will curl up into a ball shape so that only their hard shell remains exposed to protect them from predators.

53. False Bombardier Beetle

The bombardier beetle, or false bombardier beetle, is a type of ground beetle that is native to Kansas. These types of beetles in Kansas typically live in open areas such as fields, meadows, and forests.

They are nocturnal and will fly away if disturbed by humans. When threatened, they will eject a yellowish liquid containing hydrogen peroxide and hydroquinone from their abdomen.

The liquid can reach up to ten feet from the insect before exploding into an orange ball. This explosion creates enough heat that it causes pain in human skin while also being strong enough to kill ants and other small insects if they come in contact with it.

54. Fiery Searcher Caterpillar Hunter

The Fiery Searcher Caterpillar Hunter is a type of beetle that has been found in the state of Kansas. It is classified as a predatory beetle, which eats other animals

They usually eat caterpillars and insects, but occasionally, small vertebrates like birds and rodents. This type of beetle’s habitat varies based on what time of year it is and where they are located geographically.

In winter, they prefer to be near the ground because there are fewer predators than higher up in trees.

55. Flat-faced Longhorn Beetle

Kansas is an excellent place to explore the world of beetles. As a landowner, you’ll likely come across a beetle or two at some point, but there are many different types of beetles in Kansas, and it’s hard to know what you’re looking at without being able to identify them. 

So, This guide will help introduce the reader to some of the most common types of beetles in Kansas that they might encounter when exploring their land.

The Flat-faced Longhorn Beetle (Graphisurus fasciatus) is one such insect found in Kansas.

56. Four-spot Sap Beetle

The four-spot sap beetle is one example of a type of beetle that can be found in Kansas. There are a total of 4,600 species on the planet.

These types of beetles in Kansas are typically less than an inch long and come in many shapes and colors. They feed on leaves, other plant material, fungi, insects, mosses, lichens, and wood.

57. Fungus Weevil 

One such bug is the Fungus Weevil (Euparius marmoreus). This Beetle can be found anywhere from Kansas to Nebraska and south to Louisiana. It’s one of the most common beetles found in Kansas. 

This beetle will eat anything, including rotting wood, fruit, or manure. It’s a small insect growing about three-quarters of an inch long.

Female types of beetles in Kansas have shiny black bodies with brown wing covers and reddish-brown antennae. At the same time, males are duller black with brown wing covers and light brown antennae.

58. Giant Stag Beetle

The Giant Stag Beetle is a large and impressive beetle that lives primarily in Kansas. It’s not easy to find, but it’s a sight to behold when you do. 

The Giant Stag type of beetle in Kansas has two horn-like mandibles at the front of its head that are used to fight other males during mating season and as a defense mechanism against predators.

These mandibles are powerful enough to pierce through the skin, so lumberjacks also use them when cutting down trees.

The Giant Stag Beetle is on the watch list for many conservationists because their numbers have dwindled rapidly due to habitat loss and over-harvesting.

59. Glowworm

Glowworms are a type of beetle found in Kansas. They are also sometimes called Caterpillar Hunters. 

The reason for this name is that they eat caterpillars. They have slender bodies, and a small membrane connects their wings.

Some call them Puss Moths or Luminous Beetles, but these names have been used interchangeably with other types of beetles in Kansas that are not the Glowworm.

60. Gold-and-brown Rove Beetle

The Gold-and-brown Rove Beetle, Ontholestes cingulatus, is a small beetle with a brown head and pronotum. Like many rove beetles, they use long antennae to probe the ground for potential prey. 

The larvae live on the ground and feed on other insects and plant material. This species is not considered threatened or endangered as of yet.

61. Golden Tortoise Beetle 

The Golden Tortoise Beetle is one of Kansas’s many types of beetles. They are brown beetles with dark markings and golden shells. 

This type of beetle is about 3mm long, or about 1/4th inch. Their appearance resembles that of a tortoise’s shell, hence the name tortoise beetle.

These types of Beetles in Kansas are often found on flowers and leaves during the day but will also come out at night to feed on other insects, such as aphids.

62. Mealybug Destroyer

Mealybug Destroyers are a type of ladybird with a more destructive appetite than their counterparts. The larvae feed on mealybugs, and the adults feast on aphids.

Although, these types of beetles in Kansas are widespread throughout the world. It has also been introduced to several other countries for pest control, including Australia, China, and New Zealand.

They are most commonly found in the southern U.S., Mexico, and Hawaii in North America.

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