52 Different Types of Beetles in Arizona

types of beetles in arizona
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Beetles are among the most commonly found insects worldwide, and Arizona is no exception to this rule. Around 1,500 different types of beetles in Arizona have been documented, with new species being discovered every year. 

This article will introduce you to some of the common types of beetles in Arizona, including their coloration and size. The list includes helpful tips on identifying them and what they might be attracted to.

1. Luminescent Click Beetle

The starter of our list of the various types of beetles in Arizona, the luminescent click beetle, is a member of the rove beetle family.

They are also commonly found in northern parts of America and have a shiny, dark red body with two antennas. The light on their posterior comes from two glands on their abdomen that produce light using bioluminescence. 

Furthermore, it is believed that the purpose of this is to serve as a warning mechanism against predators such as birds. They can easily detect birds, thanks to their excellent eyesight. 

Also, they emit a clicking sound when disturbed, which may be used to ward off potential threats. Or scare potential prey away from hiding places where they might be found.

This tactic works well for them because they are often found under rocks and plants during the day and come out at night to hunt small insects or larvae.

2. Kerns Flower Scarab Beetle

The Kerns Flower Scarab Beetle is only found in central and south-central Arizona. It is a large scarab beetle with two white spots on the wing covers. Consequently, this makes it easy to distinguish from other types of beetles in Arizona. 

The beetles are active during the day, so they can be seen flying or walking around looking for food on flowers or leaves near ground level.

Often, the male beetles are seen mating with females by grasping them by their heads. And then carrying them off to find a suitable place to deposit their sperm packets, called spermatophores.

3. Black-and-white Click Beetle

The black-and-white beetle is also known as the black-and-white speckled click beetle (Chalcolepidius webbi). This is an insect found throughout the southwestern United States.

The beetles are often found on or near the ground or among vegetation. Though they can be seen during the day, they are most active at night. 

They are considered beneficial species of the types of beetles in Arizona because they eat other insects that compete with humans for food and habitat.

There is no specific data available on population numbers, but it is estimated that there could be as many as 40 million black-and-white click beetles living in Arizona alone.

4. Boll Weevil

One of the destructive types of beetles in Arizona is the boll weevil. This type of beetle is endemic to the southern United States.

The insect was first introduced into the United States from Mexico around 1892 and has since spread throughout the South. 

Primarily, it is found in cotton fields, where its larvae feed on and damage cotton balls. This renders cotton useless as a textile fiber. As a result, this beetle has enormously impacted Southern agriculture and the economy over time.

5. Jewel Beetle

Jewel beetles are members of the family Buprestidae, which includes metallic and non-metallic types. The genus Buprestis contains over 100 species, most found throughout North America. Also, they are found in South America, Asia, and Europe. 

Further, Jewel beetles are a vivid green or bluish-green and have clubbed antennae. One of the most common species is the buprestis spp., which is usually about 1 to 2 inches long with a shiny metallic appearance. Nonmetallic types are usually dull brown or black with irregular patterns on their wing covers.

6. Blue Death-feigning Beetle

The blue death-feigning beetle, also known as Asbolus verrucosus, is a ground beetle found in Arizona States. The adult beetles are colored bright blue and grow to be about 8 mm long. 

Typically, the females are larger than males, with males being approximately 4mm long. They get their name because they will feign death when disturbed or threatened by predators. Equally important, they are on our roll of the various types of beetles in Arizona.

7. Black Vine Weevil

The black vine weevil is one of the types of beetles in Arizona that is mostly native to the state. It’s a small, dark beetle with long antennae and a curved snout. These beetles are usually found on the leaves and stems of grapevines and related plants. 

What’s more? They feed on the plant fluids by puncturing the plant tissue with their sharp mouthparts and sucking out the juices.

The larvae (immature stages) are pale brown, legless grubs that live inside tunnels they bore into the stems or roots.

8. Ivory Marked Beetle

The ivory-marked beetle (Eburia quadrigeminata) is a type of ground beetle found in the Southwest region of the United States.

The adults are about half an inch long and yellow, with black markings on their heads and prothorax. Females lay eggs under tree bark, logs or rocks during spring, summer, or fall; they do not feed as adults. 

Again, larvae hatch after two to four months, then pupate over winter before emerging as adults during the following spring, summer, or fall. Adults of these types of beetles in Arizona live up to one year.

The diet consists primarily of decaying organic matter such as dead leaves and animals that have died from natural causes such as disease or predators. They also feed on living plants but will only eat those that have been softened by decay.

9. Black Blister Beetle

The black blister beetle is one of the most common types of beetles in Arizona. The general coloration pattern on its back is brown or grayish-brown with a black outline. 

In addition, these beetles can inflict a painful sting when touched, so caution should be taken when dealing with them.

They are generally found near flowers and foliage, as they feed on plant nectar and pollen. And their larval stage feeds on fungal spores that grow within the trees.

10. Black Bladder-bodied Meloid Beetle

The black bladder-bodied meloid beetle, also known as the black blister beetle, is one of Arizona’s more common types of beetle.

They are usually about 3/4 long and have a dark brownish-black body with reddish-brown legs and antennae. 

Besides, adult beetles feed on nectar and pollen from flowers, but larvae may feed on plants. Above all, these beetles are found throughout the state but prefer drier habitats such as deserts and chaparral areas.

11. Black and Red Blister Beetle

This is one of the different types of beetles in Arizona. The Black and Red Blister Beetle (Megetra cancellata) is a beetle also found in the southwest US and Mexico. They are black with red spots on their wing covers ranging from bright to dull.

This species feeds primarily on the fronds, leaves, and flowers of plants such as cacti, Agave sp., Opuntia sp., or Saguaro cactus.

The Black and Red Blister Beetle also produce yellow-orange secretions when threatened or disturbed. It is not typically seen during daylight hours due to its nocturnal nature.

However, it will occasionally be seen at dusk or during rainy weather. These beetles are often found under rocks or logs but have also been known to hide inside houses.

12. Black Carpet Beetle

The black carpet beetle, also known as Attagenus spp., is a small black beetle that can often be found on carpets, rugs, and other wool-like items. This species prefers dark, cool places and often hides behind baseboards or carpeting.

That said, they feed on dead animal matter like dried skin and fur. These beetles are most commonly found in late summer when they emerge from the ground to find a mate.

Afterward, they return underground for the winter. By the way, we are far from done with our list of Arizona’s various types of beetles. Read further! 

13. Horse-bean Longhorn Beetle

The Horse-bean Longhorn Beetle (Trachyderes mandibularis) is a beautiful beetle native to Arizona. It has a brown body with creamy yellow stripes and black markings on its elytra (wing covers). 

Moreso, the Horse-bean Longhorn Beetle, is a predator that feeds on other beetles, ants, and spiders. They are common residents of mesquite trees, which provide them with the food and shelter they need to survive.

So, talking about the most beautiful types of beetles in Arizona, which are beneficial as well, the Horse-bean Longhorn Beetle is one!

14. Iron Cross Blister Beetle

The Iron Cross Blister Beetle is a species of blister beetle that measures anywhere from 6 to 8 millimeters in length.

They are usually metallic blue or green with a dark cross on their back. The beetles get their name from the round, shiny black blister-like markings on their thorax and abdomen. 

Basically, this beetle is found in the southwestern United States, specifically Arizona, New Mexico, southern California, and western Texas.

The Iron Cross Blister Beetle can often be seen feeding on flowers at night during the springtime.

15. Big-headed Ground Beetle

The big-headed ground beetle is a species of beetle in the family Carabidae. They are the types of beetles in Arizona that are typically about 3/4 to 1 inch long.

It can be found across much of the United States and parts of Canada, Mexico, Central America, and South America. 

Also, they are sometimes referred to as Arizona beetles. The Latin name for this species means underground because they live under stones or logs on the ground.

Plus, these beetles feed on other small invertebrates, such as millipedes and centipedes, but they can also eat fruit if they find it lying around.

16. Beetle Grub

Were Beetle Grubs to be on our roll of the different types of beetles in Arizona? Well, they are!  Additionally, they are found under the bark and roots of trees or in the soil. 

Moreover, they have a worm-like appearance and are usually a creamy white color with brown heads. They can be found year-round but are most active during the summer months.

17. Bee-like Flower Scarab Beetle

The Bee-like Flower Scarab Beetles, as their name implies, are small types of beetles in Arizona that can be found on the flowers of plants. Adults are 3 to 4 millimeters long and have a black head and elytra with a red thorax. 

Furthermore, larvae are white with black heads, which is where they get their name. They are common in California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. To summarize, they can be found in many different types of flowers.

18. Banded Ash Borer

The Banded Ash Borer is one of the types of beetle in Arizona. It’s not harmful to humans but can be destructive to ash trees.

The adult beetles have black and yellow stripes on their wings, while the larvae are white with black dots along their sides. 

On the one hand, the larvae bore into the bark and formed tunnels through which they feed on the tree’s sap. Adult beetles lay eggs nearby, which hatch into larvae that bear into the bark.

19. Banded Alder Borer Beetle

The Banded Alder Borer Beetle is a species that resides primarily in the Pacific Northwest region. Though these are types of beetles in Arizona, they are not known to be established and are likely vagrants. The adults are about 2-3 mm long with a black head and light brown body. 

Meanwhile, eggs are laid on the bark of dying or recently dead branches of trees, including willow, poplar, birch, oak, and alder.

Larvae hatch from eggs and burrow into the wood, feeding on sapwood for about 3 years until pupation. The adult emerges from its woody home to mate and lays eggs before dying.

20. Asian Multicolored Lady Beetle

Undoubtedly, this is one of the most adorable beetles in Arizona. The Asian Multicolored Lady Beetle is a beetle native to Asia, as its name depicts.

This beetle is a member of the Coccinellidae family, which also includes other types of ladybugs. 

Other types include Coccinella septempunctata and Hippodamia convergens. Also, the Asian Multicolored Lady Beetle has been introduced to North America, Central America, and South America from its native habitat in Asia.

21. Ashy Gray Lady Beetle

The ashy gray lady beetle (Olla v-nigrum) is one type of beetle that is found in Arizona. It has a black body with a white head and thorax. The antennae are black and measure about three-quarters the length of its body. 

To survive, this species needs to eat aphids which can be difficult because they have no mouthparts. They have to use their special fluid, which is injected into an aphid, to get the food out. Also, they may prey on other insects like caterpillars, earwigs, and leafhoppers.

22. Acorn Weevil

The Acorn Weevil is likewise one of the most common types of beetles in Arizona. These beetles are a type of weevil and feed on the acorns found in the area.

The vernacular name comes from their habit of overwintering as larvae inside an acorn shell. After this, they then chew through the shell and pupate into an adult beetle at the end. 

However, this beetle can cause significant damage to oak trees by eating through acorns before they can be harvested or used for any other purpose. They also infest other seeds, such as pistachios, walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, almonds, and chestnuts.

22. American Carrion Beetle

The American Carrion Beetle is a dark brown beetle with black spots. It can be found in the deserts and scrubland of the southwestern United States. They are nocturnal predators and feed on dead animals like rodents and birds. 

Females lay their eggs at the entrance to burrows where they have buried carrion. Then, the larvae eat the carrion, which will serve as food for them when they become adults.

Besides, the American Carrion Beetle has a long life span and can live anywhere from six months to three years, depending on its location.

These types of beetles in Arizona are most common in areas with hot summers, cool winters, and sandy or loamy soil.

24. Burying Beetle 

Burying beetles have a small, black body ranging from 1.5 to 2.5 inches long. They are found throughout North America, but they were first discovered in the Sonoran Desert region of the United States. 

The female buries dead animals (or her feces) to feed her young, born alive, not eggs. Of the various types of beetles in Arizona, Burying beetles is considered an important part of the food web. This is in view of the fact that they recycle nutrients back into the earth that would otherwise go unused.

25. Calligrapha Beetle

Now, we all are in know that there are numerous types of beetles in Arizona, and Calligrapha is one of them. Most beetles are harmless, but some can be pests damaging crops and other plants.

The Calligrapha beetle is a small, slender insect with shiny black or dark brown elytra (wing covers). 

This beetle is also found in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Adults feed on pollen and nectar, while larvae feed on the roots of grasses and other plants.

26. Case-bearing Leaf Beetle 

On our list of the different types of beetles in Arizona, Case-bearing leaf beetles are considered a major pest. And this is due to their ability to damage and kill plants.

They feed on the foliage and then lay eggs inside the leaf, which causes it to turn brown eventually. 

Specifically, the larvae hatch and feed on the plant before they pupate, emerge as adults and fly off. These beetles are typically found on corn, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, cotton, soybeans, and more.

27. Cedar Beetle

Speaking of the destructive types of beetles in Arizona, Cedar beetles are among them. Cedar beetles are leaf beetles that feed on juniper trees and are native to the Mediterranean region.

However, they were unintentionally introduced to Arizona by people moving infested plants and firewood from Southern California.

Cedar beetles are now found throughout much of the Southwest U.S., including Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and New Mexico. 

Moving on, the black cedar beetle (C. pini) is another species that is native to North America. But it has also spread out into other parts of the continent and Europe and Asia.

Adults have a shiny black bodies with red or orange spots on their wing covers. Larvae eat bark and wood, sometimes causing extensive damage to trees.

28. Checkered Beetle

The unique checkered pattern on its back is the most distinctive feature that distinguishes the checkered beetle from other types of beetles in Arizona. This pattern typically consists of alternating black and white squares. 

Additionally, they are dark brown with a yellowish-orange band near the end of their thorax. The checkered beetle can be found worldwide, but only five states have them: Colorado, California, Utah, Nevada, and Arizona.

29. Clay-colored Billbug

The clay-colored billbug, or Sphenophorus discolor, is one of Arizona’s most common types of beetle. These bugs are often mistaken for the cottonwood borer due to their similar appearance and behavior. However, they are easy to tell apart by looking at their antennae. 

The antennae on a clay-colored billbug are clubbed at the end and have a yellow line across their back. Compared to that, a cottonwood borer has more straight antennae without any markings on its back.

30. Click Beetle

Click beetles, also known as Melanotus spp., are named for the audible clicking noise they make with their hind legs when they are startled or threatened. They are typically black or brown and can be found among leaf litter and under stones on the ground. 

Moreso, it is rare to find click beetles on plants because they prefer humid habitats near water sources. Click beetles are most active at night and feed on snails, slugs, other insects, and small reptiles such as lizards.

Certainly, our role with the numerous types of beetles in Arizona is only complete with the Click beetles! 

31. Grapevine Hoplia

Grapevine Hoplia beetles are a part of the Coccinellidae family and can be found in various habitats. Their habitats include old buildings, trees, and tree stumps.

Grapevine Hoplia beetles have distinctive black antennae that are usually twice as long as the body. Compared to other types of beetles in Arizona, the Grapevine Hoplia beetle is fairly large, with adults measuring up to 1 inch (2.5 cm) long.

32. Convergent Lady Beetle 

Like some others, the Convergent Lady Beetle is also one of Arizona’s most common types of beetles. It has a black head and thorax, with orange-red wing covers (elytra).

The elytra are marked with three longitudinal white lines, and the convergent lady beetle can be identified by its converging white spots on the elyperum. 

With that said, these beetles have a short life span, typically only lasting a year. Equally important, they are considered one of the most important predators because they feed on aphids, mealybugs, leafhoppers, and other insects.

33. Goldsmith Beetle

The Goldsmith Beetle is a beetle found mostly in the southwestern United States and Mexico. The Goldsmith Beetle can be identified by its light brown color and yellow markings on its wing covers. 

Coupled with that, it has a long, narrow body shape that measures around an inch to 1.5 inches long. It is not as common as other types of beetles in Arizona but can be found near streams and lakes, under rocks or fallen logs, or in deserts.

34. Cottonwood Leaf Beetle

Cottonwood leaf beetles, one of the different types of beetles in Arizona, feed on the leaves of cottonwoods and willows.

They are typically found near the top of trees, around branches, and on the underside of leaves. These beetles can cause significant damage to a tree’s foliage by eating away at it. 

Cottonwood leaf beetles are often confused with Willow Leaf Beetles because they have similar markings. But they do not fly, and willow leaf beetles attack willows only. Adult cottonwood leaf beetles live for about two months. 

Going further, they lay their eggs close to the trunk or base of a tree, where they hatch into larvae that feed on the bark. After, they burrow into the soil to pupate for one month before emerging as adults in late summer or fall.

35. Glowworm

Glowworms are a type of beetle that is found mainly in the western United States. They are most commonly found in New Mexico, Texas, and parts of California and Nevada.

Glowworms are nocturnal insects and spend most of their time at night on the ground or on low-growing plants. Usually, they eat various types of beetles, bugs, and larvae. 

Glowworms have a long lifespan, with some individuals living up to 10 years. When they come across prey, they use their antennae to sense vibrations made by their victims before they bite them with strong mandibles.

The glowworms release a sticky substance that paralyzes the victim before the glowworm consumes it whole.

36. Dark Brown Click Beetle

Next on our list of the several types of beetles in Arizona is the dark brown click beetle. This large, heavy-bodied beetle is found in the southwest United States. 

It can be identified by its color and by the clicking mechanism on the pronotum (back of the thorax), which produces a noise when disturbed. The dark brown click beetle lives among shrubs and trees and feeds on plant leaves.

37. Glorious Scarab Beetle

The Glorious Scarab Beetle, also known as Chrysina gloriosa, is a type of Scarab beetle that can be found throughout Arizona. This beetle lives in the Sonoran Desert and can grow to be about 1 1⁄2 inches long and 1⁄4 inches wide. 

Additionally, the Glorious Scarab Beetle’s diet consists mainly of various plants such as cacti, mesquite leaves, tree bark, and fruit.

It is most likely to be seen from March to October, with its larvae living underground until wintertime when they mate and lay eggs. Uniquely, this is one of the types of beetles in Arizona!

38. Darkling Beetle 

Darkling beetles are found worldwide but are most common in the northern hemisphere. They can be found on soil and under logs and bark. They feed on dead plant material and scavenge for food. 

Darkling beetles are small insects with black bodies covered with white hairs. Adults measure between 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch long.

Meanwhile, we are still on our roll with Arizona’s various types of beetles. There are more beetles you definitely want to learn about. Continue reading!

39. Globemallow Leaf Beetle

The Globemallow Leaf Beetle, also known as the Calligrapha serpentina, is a type of beetle which was first discovered in 1859. They are common throughout the Western United States and parts of Canada. 

In addition, they live on or around globemallow plants and feed off the sap. Their diet consists mainly of these plants’ leaves, flowers, and seeds. The Globemallow Leaf Beetle is included in our list of the several types of beetles in Arizona. 

40. Dentate Stink Beetle 

The Dentate Stink Beetle is one of the most common types of beetle in Arizona. They are characterized by their light brown color, small size, and distinctive pattern on their back.

A male Dentate Stink Beetle will have a large, curved horn on its head that can be used as a defensive weapon against predators. 

Usually, these beetles are found at night on flowers, feeding primarily on nectar and other plants. The female will lay her eggs directly onto the ground, and she may use the male’s horn to do so if he is present. The eggs that hatch into larvae undergo three stages before becoming adults.

41. Desert Stink Beetle 

While thinking about the various types of beetles in Arizona, did this Desert Stink Beetle pop into your head? This beetle is native to the southwestern United States and Mexico. 

In the US, it is found from Southern California east to central Texas and north to eastern Colorado. The Desert Stink Beetle is a member of the family Carabidae or ground beetles.

42. Devil’s Coach Horse 

The devil’s coach horses (Ocypus olens) are large, shiny beetles that live all over the United States. They are most commonly found living in wooded areas with moist soil.

The life cycle of this beetle begins as an egg laid by a female beetle under the bark of a decaying log or tree stump.

Once hatched, they will burrow deep into the soil and pupate. Adults emerge from the pupa after several weeks and can grow up to 2 inches long.

These beetles have 6 black spots on their wings, forming a pattern resembling a skull or death’s head on their back.

43. Dogbane Leaf Beetle 

The Dogbane Leaf Beetle is a fairly large, heavy-bodied beetle that can measure anywhere from 5 to 8 mm long.

The beetles are typically brown or green with black spots and have a distinctive pattern on their wing covers. The Dogbane Leaf Beetle was first found primarily on plants such as dogbane, milkweed, and columbine.

What’s more about these insects that are also types of beetles in Arizona? These beetles are herbivores feeding mainly on leaves, but they have been known to attack other types of plant material, such as fruit or seeds.

These beetles feed during the day and lay eggs after mating around the base of host plants. They will lay up to 200 eggs at a time in the soil close to host plants so the larvae can find food when they hatch.

44. Drugstore Beetle

The Drugstore Beetle is a small household pest that is on the list of the types of beetles in Arizona. It feeds on dried foods such as flour and grains.

They are found throughout the United States and can be identified by their black, brown, or yellow-white color with a metallic sheen. 

In addition to that, adults are about 1/8 inch long and have wings that cover their abdomen when at rest. The larvae (immature stage) can grow to 1/2 inch long and live beneath items containing food that they chew on to eat.

45. Dung Beetle

We are still talking about the various types of beetles in Arizona here! The Dung beetles are often not considered insects, but they are actually classified as such.

They are one of the most common animals on earth and are found in many different types of environments. 

Dung beetles lay their eggs inside the cow, sheep, and other animal dung and then bury it under the ground so that their young will have a safe place to hatch out. After hatching, the larvae feed on the dung inside the ball until they pupate into an adult beetle.

46. False Bombardier Beetle

The false bombardier beetle is a small, brown beetle with 11 segmented black or brownish-red body that can be found throughout the United States.

The false bombardier beetle has a unique defense mechanism where it ejects an oily and caustic fluid from its abdomen if threatened by predators. This fluid can cause significant damage to human eyes, skin, and lungs. 

Sometimes, the false bombardier beetle is often confused with the Bombardier Beetle, which also uses its rear end to spray chemicals onto any animal or predator that threatens it.

However, the Bombardier Beetle only travels to northern parts of North America, while the False Bombardier Beetle travels all over the country.

47. Festive Tiger Beetle

The Festive Tiger Beetle is a type of ground beetle found throughout the United States. They can be found in many different habitats but prefer open and sandy places.

They are most common in the southwestern states, where their range includes California, New Mexico, Texas, and Utah.

This species, one of the types of beetles in Arizona, has a long history of use as live bait for fishing. 

Moreso, this tiger beetle is identifiable by its unique metallic blue body with black stripes on the elytra that make it look festive, hence its name.

The average size ranges from one to two inches long, and they have large mandibles which they use to defend themselves when threatened. As larvae, they eat ants, while adults eat other insects, such as grasshoppers or beetles that are around their size or smaller than them.

48. Fire-colored Beetle 

The fire-colored beetle is a small, black beetle that can be found worldwide. It gets its name from the red coloration on its elytra. The elytra are the hard shell protecting the wings and abdomen. 

Also, the fire-colored beetles are types of beetles in Arizona, and they have an oval shape and measure about 3 mm long.

They are active during the day and feed on plants or other insects, sometimes even living as parasites on larger insects or spiders.

49. Four-spot Sap Beetle

The four-spot sap beetle, or Glischrochilus quadrisignatus, is a type of beetle found primarily in the southwestern United States.

The life cycle for this species consists of eggs laid on tree bark and larvae that emerge and feed on the sap. Next, pupae turn into adults, and adults mate and lay eggs to begin the cycle anew. 

Because they are so prevalent in the southwest United States, they are often known as the Arizona beetle. The four-spot sap beetle is an interesting species because it has no natural predators due to its nocturnal behavior.

Also, it has difficulty with chemical control because it hides under rocks and logs during daylight hours to avoid predators.

50. Firefly

Fireflies are a type of beetle that has the ability to create light. They use this light as a form of communication with other fireflies. When they fly, they flash their lights to say hello; when they land, they flash to say goodbye. 

And you know what? Yes, you guessed right! Fireflies are types of beetles in Arizona that can be found throughout the state. However, some species are more common than others; For example, Photuris spp.

51. Flatheaded Hardwood Borer

The flathead hardwood borer is a distinctive beetle species in the United States. This beetle was originally found in Missouri, but it can now be found across the country.

Also, it has been discovered as far west as California and as far east as Michigan. 

Besides, the larvae are responsible for most of the damage to wood and are known to bore into both hardwoods and softwoods. These beetles typically have a dark brown head with reddish-brown antennae, thorax, and prothorax.

They are types of beetles in Arizona that also have three or four black spots on their back when viewed from above.

52. Flower Longhorn Beetle 

The flower longhorn beetle, also known as a long-horned beetle or flower beetle, is a type of brightly colored beetle found only in the southwestern United States and Mexico.

There are about 2,000 species belonging to this family, with some measuring up to 1 inch (2.54 cm) long. Many people like to keep them as pets due to their bright coloration and because they don’t bite or sting. 

Flower longhorn beetles can be distinguished from other beetles because they have two horns on their heads and one on their thoraxes near the front legs.

They also have longer antennae than most other beetles. The larvae of these beetles live underground during the day and come out at night to look for food. Finally, this insect winds up our list of Arizona’s several types of beetles!


While beetles have thousands of different species, they each have distinctive characteristics that make them unique, not just to humans but to other beetles as well.

Beetles are important members of Arizona’s ecosystem. Consequently, we compiled this list of the types of beetles in Arizona. 

Whether they’re pollinating the flowers in your backyard or consuming your favorite fruits and vegetables, they are all important!

In this guide to different types of beetles in Arizona, you will learn about different types of these fascinating insects that you’ll want to keep an eye out for the next time you visit the Grand Canyon State!

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