14 Different Types of Spider Mites

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Image credit: Gilles San Martin via Wikimedia

Spider mites can be difficult to get rid of, but by getting to know the different types, you’ll be better equipped to handle them and prevent them from invading your home or garden.

Several different varieties of spider mites affect plants, and each kind has its own unique qualities and methods of control.

To keep these pests under control, it’s essential to learn to distinguish between the different types of spider mites so you know exactly what kind you’re dealing with. 

Spider mites are arachnids, like spiders and ticks, so they’re related to spiders in more ways than just the obvious!

There are many different types of spider mites, but they all belong to the same family (Tetranychidae) and genus (Tetranychus).

Here are some of the most common spider mite species you might encounter. To learn more about the types of spider mites, visit our blog post today!

1. Carmine Spider Mite

If you have a carmine spider mite infestation in your garden or on your plaessentialnts, it is important to take action quickly.

These types of spider mites are hardy and difficult to get rid of once they have taken hold.

If you notice any signs that look like leaf wilting or an excessive amount of webbing around your plants, then it’s time for treatment with a pesticide that contains imidacloprid (e.g., Admire Pro). 

When spraying the plant, be sure not to apply the pesticide too close to the leaves to prevent damage.

Once you’ve used the insecticide, stay away from your plants for at least 2 hours before returning to avoid disturbing them.

2. Two-Spotted Spider Mite

Different types of spider mites are named for the number and location of spots on their bodies. They are spread by various plants, including strawberries, tomatoes, and cucumbers.

The two-spotted spider mite is a common pest in greenhouses and high tunnels throughout the United States. 

They feed on plants by injecting a toxin that causes leaves to wither, turn yellow or brown, and fall off. Adults lay eggs on the underside of plant leaves and hatch within one week.

Two-spotted spider mites are more difficult to detect because they do not live in colonies as do other species, such as whiteflies and thrips.

3. Spruce Spider Mite

Spider mites are a problem for many gardeners and farmers. Spruce spider mites are one of the types of spider mites that can be particularly hard to get rid of.

These spiders feed on plants and cause leaves, flowers, and fruit to curl up or turn yellow and die. The most common symptoms associated with spruce spider mites are stunting, yellowing leaves, and curling foliage.

If these symptoms don’t sound familiar, but you have seen webbing around your plant, you likely have another of spider mite infestation.

Some signs that might indicate different types of spider mite infestation include white spots on the undersides of leaves, brown stippling, holes in the top side of the leaf where feeding has occurred, and wilted flowers and fronds. 

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4. Broad Mite

Broad mite, also known as spider mite or two-spotted spider mite, is the most common type of pest found in greenhouses.

Broad mites are small enough to easily travel from plant to plant, feeding on the leaves and moving on. 

They typically suck out leaf cells, leaving a telltale tiny yellow speck on the leaf where they’ve been feeding.

Broad mites prefer humid environments with warm temperatures and will often die when exposed to cold weather or lower humidity levels for an extended period.

These types of spider mites live for about five days without food and will cause significant damage over time if left unchecked.

5. Rust Red Mite

Spider mite infestations are one of gardeners’ and farmers’ most common pest problems. These types of spider mites are also red because they often leave rust-colored droppings on plants.

The most common food sources for these pests are roses, hollyhocks, alfalfa, clover, and soybeans. 

If you notice any unusual discoloration or abnormal growths on your plants, it’s essential to take action as soon as possible before the population grows out of control.

These pests can cause significant damage by sucking plant juices and leaving tiny wounds in leaves, stems, buds, flowers, fruits, and vegetables

They will create openings in the plant’s tissues where disease organisms can enter. For this reason, it is best to keep plants well-fertilized with a high-nitrogen fertilizer to produce muscular tissues that cannot be penetrated easily by these pests.

6. European Red Mite

If you have a lawn, chances are you’ve noticed spider mites. But did you know there are different types? The European red mite is one kind that can feed on a variety of plants, including tomatoes and peppers.

They get their name because they’re most commonly found in Europe – but these days, they’re becoming more common in the United States.

Like many other types of spider mites, the European red mite usually starts as an egg or larva before turning into a pupa and then an adult. At this stage, it’s only about 0.3mm long and can’t be seen without magnification. 

It feeds by sucking sap from the plant. That might not sound like much, but the pest will cause yellowing leaves and stunted growth over time. Red mites also like humid environments, so ensure your garden has enough space for plenty of airflow.

7. Lace Bug

While the Lace Bugs are one of the types of spider mites, they are also known as lace webbers. As the name suggests, these insects spin webs around themselves.

The Laces Bugs then stay hidden and wait for prey. This type is not typically found on lawns but is more common in agricultural fields.

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They can also be found near lakes, streams, and other bodies of water. The larva lives underwater and feeds on algae, plants, or anything else alive. 

Adult lace bugs are about 1/4 inch long with long legs that help them walk across water easily. These insects do not produce silk-producing glands, so their webs aren’t sticky like other types of spider mites. 

8. Cyclamen Mite

Spider mites are a common problem that can leave your plants wilted, leafless, and covered in webs. Cyclamen mite infestation is not uncommon in gardens with cyclamen plants, but it’s not just cyclamen that they love.

These pests are one of the most common garden pests worldwide. They come from the spider family, hence their name.

They thrive in high temperatures and humid environments and reproduce quickly when disturbed, so keep your eyes peeled for any signs of their presence. Their favorite targets include cucumbers, beans, peas, strawberries, and roses.

If you see speckling on your plant leaves or webbing along the edges of leaves, you may have cyclamen mites!

9. Hemp Russet Mite

Hemp russet mite larvae spin silk webbing while they feed on leaves and flowers. As they mature, they also produce a yellowish secretion that may appear as a light coating on leaves or buds.

When there is extensive webbing, young plants may have stunted growth and an unhealthy appearance because their leaves will be covered with secretion from both types of spider mite species. 

To prevent this infestation, control weed growth so it does not touch your plants. 

Pesticides are often used to combat hemp russet mites, but one must be careful when using these chemicals due to the proximity of other vegetation nearby.

If pesticides are used for pest control, spray at dusk when it is more relaxed and humidity levels are higher; this makes the chemical droplets stick better to the target rather than drifting off elsewhere in windswept conditions.

10. Clover Mite

Clover mite outbreaks can often be treated by spraying the infested areas with insecticidal soap or horticultural oil sprays.

It is important to note that a clover mite infestation can happen quickly, so if you have noticed a lot of webs and cocoons on your plants, it’s best to take action before it becomes a problem.

You can take several preventative measures to minimize the chances of a clover mite infestation in your garden. 

Thoroughly inspect all new plants before bringing them home. Many plant stores sell clover mite eggs that have yet to hatch and will use them as free or cheap fillers for hanging baskets and other small containers, so it’s essential not to bring these plants into your home.

11. Predatory Mite

There are a variety of spider mites in the world, with different types, habits, and effects. One group, predatory mites, feeds on other arthropods,s including spider mites.

They go after their prey in a specific way- they bite it and paralyze it with their neurotoxic venom before sucking out its body fluids. 

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These predators are just one example of how we have found to control these pests. Are you tired of those pesky little red dots all over your plants?

If so, keep reading to learn more about the different types of spider mites that might be causing your problems.

12. Olive Spider Mites

Olive spider mite (Tetranychus oleivorus) is the most common type in the United States and can be found in more than 300 different types of plants.

They thrive in warm, dry climates and are often found on citrus trees and potted flowers. The olive spider mite is small, typically yellow-green, and feeds by sucking sap from plant tissue. 

Their feeding causes yellowing leaves, reduced growth, and leaf drop. They reproduce quickly, producing several generations each year.

These types of spider mites worsen during drought or high-heat periods when plants do not have enough water to support themselves.

13. Gall-Forming Spider Mite

Spider mites are typically hard to spot, but there are a few different types you should know about.

Gall-forming spider mites, for example, create little balls on your plant’s leaves and stems that eventually turn into sawdust.

These can cause lots of problems for plants and make them look unattractive.  

These spider mites are the most common type and can be found all over North America (though they’re more prevalent in warmer climates).

These types of spider mites feed off your plant’s sap, which will affect the growth and color of your plant as well as leave it dry and brittle.

If you find any signs of these spider mites on your plants, don’t hesitate to kill them off as quickly as possible!

14. Spruce Spider Mite

Spider mites are known for their ability to thrive in the most adverse conditions and can destroy crops with frightening speed.

You must know what types of spider mites you’re dealing with to take appropriate action, whether using pesticides or physically removing the pests.

Two main types of spider mites affect plants: spruce spider mites and two-spotted spider mites. 

Spruce spider mite adults have a rusty orange head and body, while the two-spotted adult has a dark brown head and body with an orange stripe down its back.

The white spines on its back can identify the spruce spider, but it is more commonly found in coniferous trees than broadleaf ones like oak trees.

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