There are several types of beetles in Massachusetts, one of the states in the United States, and other invertebrates are found therein, too.
Beetles, like all insects, belong to the phylum Arthropoda and, therefore, have an exoskeleton made of chitin.
This gives them their shape and protection from predators and environmental hazards.
So, Beetles are one of the most diverse types of insects in Massachusetts, with over 400 species identified to date.
However, there are many more that have yet to be discovered and named.
And hundreds or even thousands of new beetle species may live in Massachusetts today!
Moreover, beetles are found almost everywhere around the world.
So, definitely, there are many different types of beetles in Massachusetts.
In fact, about 200,000 different species have been discovered so far! Let’s learn about the ones compiled here for you!
1. Seedcorn Beetle
Seedcorn beetles are the first on our list of the types of beetles in Massachusetts.
This type of beetle can be found in many different regions and climates but is more commonly found throughout the United States.
These beetles are about 1/4 inch long and have brownish-black scales on their wing covers. They eat seeds, corn kernels, and sometimes other insects.
Seedcorn beetles lay eggs inside kernels, which will hatch when it becomes hot enough to do so.
The larvae eat the kernel from the inside out until they emerge as an adult through a small hole at one end of the kernel.
2. Antelope Beetle
The Antelope Beetle is a large, black beetle, reaching a length of up to three inches and a width between one-and-a-half and two inches.
The thorax is usually marked with three longitudinal yellow stripes. The head is black, slightly narrower than the abdomen, and narrower than the thorax at its widest part.
Further, the antennae are long and threadlike. This beetle can be found throughout Massachusetts but is more common in the southern counties.
It prefers moist areas such as wet meadows, mountain bogs, and swamps; it has been observed in gardens near ponds or streams.
This insect comes second on our list of the several types of beetles in Massachusetts!
3. Earth-boring Scarab Beetle

The earth-boring scarab beetle, or bolbocerasoma sp., was first discovered in the United States.
The species is found primarily in the eastern and southwestern U.S. but has been found as far north as Ohio and as far south as Texas.
In addition, the adult beetles measure one inch long, have a round body shape, and are black to grayish-brown with yellow legs.
They can be seen from May through October feeding on flowers and fruits, including dogwood, apple, cherry, hawthorn, oak trees, lilac bushes, and grapevines.
Similarly, they are on the list of the types of beetles in Massachusetts!
4. Eastern Eyed Click Beetle
The Eastern Eyed Click Beetle (Alaus oculatus) is a nocturnal beetle that lives under logs, rocks, and other detritus on the forest floor.
The adults are dark brown to black and grow up to 1 cm long with flattened bodies. They have well-developed eyes that help them navigate at night, hence their name.
These types of beetles in Massachusetts use their antennae to explore for mates, food, and egg-laying sites.
They have an audible mating call that sounds like tapping or ticking, hence their second name, ‘clicking beetles.
The larvae feed on decaying organic material, such as dead leaves and other plant matter, while they mature into adults.
5. Checkered Beetle
The checkered beetle is a beetle that lives primarily in the Eastern United States and Canada.
It typically inhabits areas with deciduous trees, such as maple, oak, and beech.
Moreover, the checkered beetle has a black shell with irregularly spaced yellowish spots forming a grid-like pattern.
These insects are generally small, about 1/4 inch long, and live for about one year.
Are you wondering about the types of beetles in Massachusetts and how many they are?
Well, now you are on the verge of knowing there are many, and Checkered Beetle is one!
6. Dung Beetle
Yes! Dungeon beetles are another type of beetle in Massachusetts. These are a type of scarab beetle found in various habitats, from fields to marshes.
Often, Dung beetles are used as a natural form of pest control because they feed on and reproduce in the droppings of other animals.
They are also beneficial for recycling nutrients back into the soil.
Dung beetles may have originated in Africa and later spread through Europe as domesticated livestock.
The species seen most commonly in Massachusetts is the dung beetle (Dichotomius spp.), which belongs to the Scarabaeidae family.
The larvae or grubs live within animal feces while they develop, feeding on any available organic matter. These include the plant material, fungi, and bacteria that come with it.
7. Cocklebur Weevil

The Cocklebur Weevil (Rhodobaenus quinquepunctatus) is a beetle that feeds on cockleburs.
This particular beetle is black, with five white spots on the wing cases, one on the thorax, and two on the head.
Equally important, they are one of the types of beetles in Massachusetts.
Meanwhile, when they are ready to mate, they will emit a yellowish or greenish secretion from their abdomen.
Females lay eggs in clusters of 15-30 under leaves or other plant material where cockleburs grow.
The eggs hatch after about 10 days, and larvae feed for 6 weeks before pupating and emerging as adults.
8. Bumblebee Scarab Beetle
The bumblebee scarab beetle is often mistaken for a bee and is often seen hovering over flowers.
The bumblebee scarab beetle can fly, but they also can walk with its six legs.
Usually, the larvae are found near moist soil and decomposing vegetation, where they feed on decaying matter.
In the adult stage, they feed on nectar and pollen from flowers while pollinating simultaneously.
9. Clay-colored Billbug

Of the types of beetles in Massachusetts, Clay-colored billbugs are a type of scarab beetle.
They live on or near the ground, where they spend most of their time eating grasses, vegetables, and other plants.
Moreover, the female has a long curved snout that she uses to dig in the soil for food and lay her eggs.
Clay-colored billbugs can be found throughout the continental United States but are more common east of the Rocky Mountains.
10. Ashy Gray Lady Beetle

The ash gray lady beetle, Olla v-nigrum, is a beneficial predator of other harmful insects and plant pests.
They are found throughout the eastern United States and have been introduced to other parts of the world.
This is a result of how beneficial they are as one of the types of beetles in Massachusetts.
Besides, they can be identified by their gray color with black spots. The larvae look similar to adults but have six spots instead of seven.
The length ranges from 3-4 mm for adults and 2-3 mm for larvae.
11. Burying Beetle
Burying beetles is one of the most common types of beetles in Massachusetts.
They are nocturnal insects that are typically found buried under logs or leaves during the day.
Again, the burying beetle is a social insect that spends a lot of time cooperating with other buried beetles.
They find food, bury dead animals and larvae, and care for their offspring.
These beetles feed primarily on carrion but occasionally eat fruit or scavenge for other plant material to supplement their diet.
12. Asian Multicolored Lady Beetle

The Asian Multicolored Lady Beetle is the most common ladybug in Massachusetts.
It has a black head, orange or red with black spots on its elytra (wing coverings), and yellow-orange legs and underside.
As the name suggests, this beetle can also be found throughout Asia.
However, it was first introduced to North America as a means to control aphids and other pests that were damaging crops.
Generally, these types of beetles in Massachusetts are not considered pests themselves. But, they can become a nuisance when congregating indoors during winter.
Also, they can overwinter outdoors if food sources are abundant enough to survive long enough without going into diapause.
13. Banded Ash Borer

The Banded Ash Borer is a type of beetle that was first spotted in the United States near Boston, MA, in 1992.
They are typically found living on ash trees, which they feed on. The larvae bore into the wood and lay their eggs there, which hatch and eat away at the tree’s interior.
Consequently, this can cause branches to fall off or the whole tree to collapse if left untreated.
There is no risk to humans from these types of beetles in Massachusetts.
However, it does threaten many ash trees across Massachusetts and other parts of North America.
14. Banded Net-winged Beetle

The Banded Net-winged Beetles, also known as Calopteron discrepens, are beetles in Massachusetts.
This beetle has a black head and thorax with dark brown elytra. The wings are transparent, and the abdominal segments are covered with yellowish scales on their dorsal side.
Though this species may be mistaken for other beetles because it looks very similar to some other types of beetles found in the United States, there are no large or consistent differences from other beetles to help distinguish them from one another.
The Banded Net-winged Beetle also lives near water bodies like ponds, lakes, and marshes. However, they can be found at any elevation level within this region.
15. Carolina Pine Sawyer

Carolina Pine Sawyer is not excluded from the list of the several types of beetles in Massachusetts.
This black beetle is three inches long and feeds on pine trees. Typically, they lay their eggs in the bark of dead, dying, or weakened trees.
The larvae bore into the tree, disrupting its ability to transport water and nutrients. This can cause the tree to die. These beetles have also been known to attack live trees at times as well.
16. Cedar Beetle
One of the destructive types of beetles in Massachusetts includes the Cedar Beetle.
The cedar beetle is a type of weevil, which are beetles with a long snout that resemble an elephant’s trunk.
It is also known as the sand log borer because it feeds on and tunnels through the sapwood and heartwood of cedar logs.
When it has finished feeding, it will lay eggs in galleries made by the larvae. The larvae will then bore into the wood to pupate and emerge as adults after about 20 days.
The adult will then chew its way out from the outside of the log, leaving holes through which yellowish-white frass may be seen.
17. Bean Leaf Beetle
Bean leaf beetles are small, about 1/4-inch long, with flattened bodies. They are brown to black and often have a green sheen.
These beetles can be found on the leaves and flowers of bean plants and other leguminous plants like peas, alfalfa, and clover.
The larvae of these types of beetles in Massachusetts feed on roots, and the adults eat the leaves.
So if you’ve ever seen small creatures swarming around your bean plants, there’s a probability that they are the Bean Leaf Beetle.
18. Six-spotted Neolem
The six-spotted neolema, also known as the seven-spotted ladybug, is a common beetle found throughout North America.
It is about 1⁄2 an inch long and has two red spots on its wing covers. Like most types of beetles in Massachusetts, it feeds on other insects like caterpillars and aphids.
One way to tell if you have found a six-spotted neolema is by looking at the elytra or wing covers.
If there are seven spots in a row with one spot at each end, then it is not this type of beetle.
But if you find that there are six spots arranged irregularly, then it is a six-spotted neolema.
19. Soft-winged Flower Beetle

Soft-winged flower beetles are found throughout the United States and Canada.
The adults are brownish-gray, with orange legs, and the larvae are black hairy caterpillars. They feed on decaying plant material, often near freshwater sources.
Also, they can be found on carrion and dung. This beetle does not fly like most other beetles in Massachusetts but crawls or hops to find food or mates.
Soft-winged flower beetles live for about one year as an adult before mating and then dying off.
20. Shining Leaf Chafer

The Shining Leaf Chafer is a species found in North America.
They are native to the United States, including Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and New Jersey.
They are also found up north into Canada and southern Quebec. So they aren’t just types of beetles in Massachusetts alone; they are worldwide!
Though it is unknown whether or not this beetle is limited to just those areas, the Shining Leaf Chafer can be identified by the antennae with four segments with two rows of fringe at the tip.
Also, the large corneous appendages on the front coxae cover most of the head capsule.
Only a small portion of the top where the eyes are located is not covered.
21. Seven-spotted Lady Beetle

We are still on our list of the various types of beetles in Massachusetts. The Seven-spotted Lady Beetle is a small, round beetle that is usually red with seven black spots on its back.
It’s about 1/4 inch long and has wings that extend about 3/8 inch from the body.
Moreover, the Seven-spotted Lady Beetle is common throughout the eastern United States, from southern Canada to Florida and west to Minnesota.
They are often seen feeding on aphids and other soft-bodied insects that they spot while flying around.
They can bite humans if handled roughly, but they don’t sting or hurt people who leave them alone.
22. Soft-winged Flower Beetle

The Soft-winged Flower Beetle is a distinctive red and black beetle that measures up to 7 mm long.
The species is found throughout the northeastern United States, southern Canada, and Central America.
These are types of beetles in Massachusetts that prefer deciduous forests with open canopies.
They are attracted to fallen leaves and flowers but eat fungi and fruit.
The Soft-winged Flower Beetle is active during the day and hides by night in fallen leaves, flower beds, or logs on the forest floor.
Also, it can be found from June through September, when it’s mating season for this beetle.
23. Predaceous Diving Beetle

Predaceous diving beetles have a flat head and a thorax that extends to the tip of their abdomen. Predaceous diving beetles are aquatic and can be found on or near the water’s edge.
Predaceous diving beetles will dive underwater and capture prey with their large front claws.
The front claws are used for catching food, while the rear set of legs is used to grip surfaces underwater.
Meanwhile, Predaceous diving beetles have long, thin bodies with short legs and long antennae.
They tend to be blue-green or brownish-green in color, with dark spots along their back and sides.
Generally, males are larger than females, but there is no noticeable difference between genders regarding behavior or appearance.
Above all, they are one of the types of beetles in Massachusetts!
24. Pustulated Carrion Beetle
Types of beetles in Massachusetts? The pustulated carrion beetle is one! Typically, it is found on the Eastern seaboard of North America, from Florida to Maine.
The adults are long and slender, with a body length of around 1.8-2.7 cm.
Additionally, they have a distinctive white ‘V’ on their thorax surrounded by black spots on their back and yellow spots at the end of their abdomen.
One way to distinguish this species from other Nicrophorus beetles is their very small eyes and antennae. As a result, this makes them seem more like grubs than beetles.
25. Rainbow Darkling Beetle
The Rainbow Darkling Beetle (Tarpela micans) is found primarily in the eastern United States and Canada.
It is typically red or black with yellow or orange stripes but can also be brown, dark green, and blue-gray. It has a dome-shaped body that is covered by many scales.
These are one of the types of beetles in Massachusetts usually found near water sources. They eat other insects and spiders, such as mosquitoes and grasshoppers.
The females lay eggs on the ground, hatching them into larvae that live under rocks or logs until they become adults.
Adults measure from 1/8-inch to 1/4-inch long with a wing span of up to 1 inch wide.
26. Red Flat Bark Beetle

The red flat bark beetle is a small brown one that feeds on the sapwood and heartwood of coniferous and hardwood trees.
It prefers to live under the bark. This type of beetle is most common during the winter months but can be found year-round, depending on geographic location.
The red flat bark beetle will lay eggs in cracks or crevices during the summer months. The eggs are white and oval-shaped, less than 1mm long.
After, larvae hatch within ten days and feed on tree sapwood until they pupate into adults approximately three weeks later.
The adult beetles are dark reddish-brown with distinctive white spots on their backs, usually making them easy to identify.
27. Red Headed Ash Borer

The Red Headed Ash Borer is next to be discussed on our roll of the different types of beetles in Massachusetts.
This is a species of beetle that feeds on ash trees. It is native to North America, and its territory stretches from New England to the Atlantic coast.
They will lay their eggs under the bark of an ash tree, which will hatch and make their way into the tree, where they feed on sapwood.
This can eventually kill the tree. The adult beetles are dark brown with red heads and measure up to 1/2 inch long.
Females have slightly wider heads than males. The larvae are white, legless, cylindrical grubs with brown heads and measure up to 3/4 inch long.
28. Red-legged Buprestis

The red-legged buprestis beetle is identified by its bright red legs, metallic green elytra (wing covers), and black thorax.
It can be found throughout the eastern United States, Canada, and parts of Mexico. The larvae are white or cream with a black head and can grow to be about an inch long.
Usually, the adults are about an inch long, too. They eat leaves, flowers, seeds, and other plant materials in gardens or forests.
These beetles have been known to cause serious damage to trees when their numbers get large enough.
29. Red-lined Carrion Beetle

The Red-lined Carrion Beetle is a small, black beetle that is about 1/4 inch long. They are found throughout North America and as far south as Costa Rica.
The larvae feed on decaying organic matter, such as carcasses or dung. On the other hand, the adults will eat flower nectar, fruit juices, and other sugar sources.
Of the types of beetles in Massachusetts, they are not considered a pest species because they do not damage crops or houses.
Carrion beetles got their name from the idea that they typically fly over carrion, looking for dead animals to lay their eggs on.
30. Redbud Borer Beetle
The Redbud Borer Beetle is a pest to redbuds, viburnums, and other woody plants.
Adult beetles emerge from hibernation around late May or early June and feed on the leaves of their host plant while they mate.
After mating, females lay eggs by inserting them into the bark or leaf tissue with a needle-like ovipositor or egg-laying organ.
Then, larvae hatch after 2-3 weeks and bore into the woody stem. This is where they live for one year before emerging as adult beetles and completing their life cycle.
Like some types of beetles in Massachusetts, it causes significant damage to ornamental shrubs, forest trees, and turfgrass plants.
31. Rhinoceros Beetle

The Rhinoceros Beetle is not native to the United States. It came to North America from Cuba and has now been found in Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia.
However, the name Rhinoceros Beetle comes from their huge size and horn-like structures on their head.
They can grow up to two inches long! These are types of beetles in Massachusetts you don’t want to run into outside at night!
32. Rose Chafer

The Rose Chafer (Macrodactylus spp.) is one of the types of beetles in Massachusetts.
This beetle is not a household pest but can cause damage to grass, cereals, and tobacco.
The beetles are usually grayish-brown or black-colored with a distinctive, reddish-brown head and thorax.
Coupled with that, the larvae resemble maggots and have blackheads. They feed on decaying matter, such as dead animals or feces.
The larvae mature into adult beetles, which are about 8 mm long and 3 mm wide.
33. Round-headed Apple Tree Borer

The round-headed apple tree borer (Saperda candida) is a species of beetle that causes significant damage to apple trees.
This is a small, shiny, metallic blue beetle that lays its eggs on the bark of a host tree.
When the eggs hatch, larvae bore into the cambium layer and feed on phloem tissue.
Sometimes, they will tunnel inside the fruit while it is still on the tree.
Majorly, it prefers to attack young or newly planted trees. Moreover, larvae are creamy-white with brown heads and grow up to 1.6 inches long.
Adults range from 0.6 to 0.8 inches long, have a dark brown body, and are covered in fine hairs, giving them a fuzzy appearance.
Talk about destructive types of beetles in Massachusetts; here is one of them!
34. Rove Beetle

Speaking of the different types of beetles in Massachusetts without mentioning the Rove Beetle? No, that’ll be wrong.
This is a common insect found all over the world and is found in many parts of Massachusetts.
In addition, it’s named for its tendency to run when disturbed and can be identified by its long antennae.
Rove Beetles are scavengers that feed on decaying plant material and animal corpses, which they find using their sense of smell.
They have been known to consume dead insects up to 3 times their size!
35. Rustic Borer
The rustic borer beetle is a common insect found throughout the Northeastern United States, including Massachusetts.
These beetles typically feed on decaying wood and other organic materials, which helps keep them hidden from predators.
The larvae stage of this species feeds on fungi that grow on the logs and stumps where the adults dwell.
These are one of the types of beetles in Massachusetts that are most active during the summer months when they are most likely to be seen by humans.
When threatened or disturbed, these beetles emit a foul-smelling substance from their antennae that has been described as smelling like rancid butter.
However, it is thought to be a form of self-defense.
36. Scarites Ground Beetle

The Scarites Ground Beetle is one of the most common beetles in Massachusetts and New England and can be found throughout the region.
The body shape is elongated with a curved abdomen, while the wing covers are broad and oval-shaped.
They are generally brown or black, with some dark patches on their wing covers.
These beetles can grow to just over an inch long and have antennae that are as long as their body length.
Generally, these beetles live in wet places such as marshes or bogs, but they can also be found near decaying vegetation such as leaf litter or decomposing fruit.
Their favorite food source is snails which they will dig out of the ground with their powerful mandibles.
Then, they carry it back to their burrow, where they will consume it.
37. Sculptured Pine Borer Beetle

A type of beetle, the Sculptured Pine Borer Beetle (Chalcophora virginiensis), is found in Massachusetts and considered invasive.
Native to North America, it has been documented as far south as Florida, first recorded on October 3rd, 1891.
Originally, the beetle was introduced into New England when its host tree, the Red Pine (Pinus resinosa), was introduced from Europe.
The Sculptured Pine Borer Beetle, one of the types of beetles in Massachusetts, is a nocturnal insect that feeds on pine trees.
It attacks stressed or dying trees most often, but healthy trees can be attacked. This is if they are too close to dying ones and thus may become sick themselves.
38. Seedcorn Beetle
This seedcorn beetle is another different species on the list of the types of beetles in Massachusetts.
This European species was accidentally introduced to the United States and has now spread across the country.
Seedcorn beetles can feed on maize, barley, oats, and other grains.
They are attracted to light-colored grains and can cause significant damage when found in high numbers.
Furthermore, Seedcorn beetles have a distinctive body shape with flattened wing covers.
Adults are 3/8-inch long with gray or brown wings extending out from their bodies.
Females lay eggs inside grain kernels, which hatch into larvae that pupate before emerging as adults.
39. Bee-like Flower Scarab Beetle

The Bee-like Flower Scarab Beetle is a small, brown, and yellow striped beetle with a horn on its head. These beetles are seen in the summertime on flowers such as milkweed and goldenrod.
The larvae feed on other insects, such as caterpillars, while adults feed on nectar. They are often seen hovering over flowers and may be mistaken for bees.
The flower scarab beetle’s larval stage consists of white grubs that live underground.
They feed on decaying organic matter or insect eggs falling to the ground.
Meanwhile, adults of these types of beetles in Massachusetts emerge from the ground during summer.
They can be found hovering over flowers where they drink nectar to supplement their diet with proteins, fats, and minerals needed to reproduce.
40. Bicolored Flower Longhorn Beetle

Massachusetts has several types of beetles, including this bicolor flower longhorn beetle.
This beetle is found throughout the eastern United States, including Massachusetts.
They are about 1/4 inch long with a brown or black body and cream-colored antennae.
Plus, Flower longhorns have a long, slender body that allows them to easily bore through stems and petioles in search of pollen and nectar.
This species is common in gardens where they feed on sweet william, impatiens, morning glory, and petunias.
They also eat some vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant.
41. Big Dipper Firefly

The Big Dipper Firefly is an insect native to the eastern part of the United States.
They are usually found within the following states: Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware, and Pennsylvania.
The adult beetle emerges from beneath the earth mid-summer to mate and lay eggs.
Besides, they are nocturnal and will not fly unless disturbed by a predator or accidentally lit on fire.
When mating occurs, males often attach themselves to females and live as a pair for one night before dying.
Females will lay their eggs near rotting wood and die soon after laying them.
Then, the larvae hatch from these eggs approximately four days later. Afterward, they are left without parents to care for or guide them through this process.
42. Big-headed Ground Beetle

The Big-headed Ground Beetle is light brown with patches and green, yellow, and black streaks.
These types of beetles in Massachusetts are active from April to October, mainly at night. They are found mostly along the eastern coast of North America.
Moreover, this beetle is about 2 inches long and has a large head that takes up one-third of its body length.
It uses its head as a defense mechanism by swinging it back and forth when threatened.
The larvae feed on rotting vegetation in moist soil or decaying wood, while the adults feed on plant roots near surface level.
Also, they are attracted to lights at night, making them easy prey for owls and bats as they fly close to the ground looking for mates during mating season (May-August).
43. Black Blister Beetle
The Black Blister Beetle (Epicauta pennsylvanica) is one of the most recognizable beetles found in the northeast region.
Adults are black and shiny and have a body measuring between .7-1.2 cm long.
The larvae are yellowish-brown, C-shaped grubs with a row of six black spots on each side and one red spot on their back end.
The Black Blister Beetle gets its common name from the two rows of glands that produce a caustic liquid.
This liquid protects it against predators and gives it an unpleasant taste.
44. Black Caterpillar Hunter

The black caterpillar hunter is a newcomer to the area and was first recorded in 1993. It does not appear to be displacing any native species.
For that reason, it is considered a beneficial insect on the roll of the types of beetles in Massachusetts.
The beetle’s larvae prey on certain pests, such as cabbage worms and tomato hornworms, which can cause extensive crop damage.
In addition to being an effective predator, the black caterpillar hunter has few natural enemies. As a result, its populations are likely to increase over time.
45. Black Firefly

The black firefly, or the lucidota atra, is a nocturnal insect that resides primarily in wooded areas.
The larvae of this species feed on a wide range of fungal spores and are often found under logs or other debris.
In addition, adults can be seen flying around during the night, emitting flashes from their bioluminescent abdomens.
This beetle is relatively small, measuring only 2 to 4 mm long with a wingspan of up to 8 mm long. Uniquely, Black Firefly is one of the different types of beetles in Massachusetts!
46. Broad-necked Root Borer

Our list of the numerous types of beetles in Massachusetts is almost made, but we have the Broad-necked Root Borer (Prionus laticollis) on it.
This beetle is found in the Eastern United States, including Massachusetts.
Moreover, it prefers to live near trees but also makes its home under rocks and logs.
Typically, the beetles are black with orange or red stripes on their backs. They are most active from late May through September.
47. Ladybugs
Finally, the Ladybug is one of the most adorable types of beetle in Massachusetts! Ladybugs are often associated with good luck and protection.
These colorful beetles are also known for their appetite for aphids and other small insects, making them a valuable asset to many farms.
Moreover, Ladybugs are native to the US but have spread to many countries worldwide.
Approximately 500 ladybug species are found worldwide, with only four in the US. One species is typically found on every continent except Antarctica.
One type of ladybug in Massachusetts is the convergent lady beetle (Hippodamia convergens).
Usually, Convergent lady beetles can be identified by their red and black coloration, with about 15 black spots on each wing case.