Chamois Colored Goat: Goat Breed Profile and Information

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Switzerland is responsible for developing a new breed of mountain goat known as the Chamois-colored goat. 

They use these domesticated goats for both milk production and meat production; their flesh is of high quality, and their milk is delicious (and other dairy products). 

In many regions, people raise these animals primarily to keep them as house pets or on farms because of their peaceful demeanor and attractive appearance.

You can find the chamois-colored goat across the entirety of Switzerland and in some areas of northern Italy and Austria.

Additionally, you can see this kind of breed in several other European nations, notably France.


The Chamois colored goat is indigenous to Switzerland, and people classify it as a member of the Swiss Mountain group. 

In addition to their use in the production of milk and meat, People use them as pack animals, which can assist them in transporting various items. 

Throughout its history, the breed has expanded to several regions in Austria and northern Italy and even been to France and several other nations worldwide.

The herd record for this goat in Switzerland came into existence in 1930. A few alternative names for the Chamois-colored goat people refer them to in certain regions.

In the French language, it is famous as Chèvre chamoisée; in the German language, it is famous as Gamsfarbige Gebirgsziege; and in the Italian language, it is famous as Camosciata Delle Alpi. In Italy, people refer to the brees as Camosciata Alpi. 

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The Associazione Nazionale Della Pastorizia, the Italian national association of sheep and goat breeders, keeps a genealogical herd book for each of the eight indigenous goat breeds native to Italy. This breed’s book is one of the entries in that book.

The Chamois-colored goat comes in two different genetic strains. The one is a hornless type that originated in what was formerly the bezirk of Oberhasli and the region of Brienz and Lake Brienz in the Bernese Oberland, which you can locate in the middle of Switzerland. 

The horned and hornless variants are popular as distinct breeds in many regions of the world. Therefore, in many places, the name “Oberhasli goat” refers to the hornless version of this animal. The Chamois-colored goat is raised chiefly today to produce meat and milk for human consumption.

Overview of Chamois Colored Goat

Personality and Temperament

They are famous for their temperament, which is highly docile and mild, which is why it is also easy to maintain them as pets.

They are particularly capable of finding food on their own and have great adaptability. In addition, they are not frightened of water or other natural elements that you may find along their paths.


The Chamois colored goat is a robust-looking animal with a size and weight that falls in the middle.

Compared to the length of some other Swiss goat breeds, they are significantly shorter. They have black face stripes, bellies, back stripes, and legs in addition to their predominantly brown coloring.

The Chamois Colored goat, as its name suggests, is unmistakable of the chamois color, which refers to a range of shades of red extending from light to dark (like brown).

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Some white hairs are visible on their coat as well. When opposed to does, bucks typically have a more significant amount of black coloration on various regions of their bodies.

In addition, they feature a pair of eyes that are pretty noticeable, as well as a broad forehead.

The body weight of a Chamois Colored buck must be at least 75 kg. In addition, they must have a minimum body weight of 55 kg.


In 2013, the registered population statistic for chamois goats in Italy was 6237, whereas the number of chamois goats they claimed to exist in Switzerland was 13,000. The population of Austria was estimated to be between 2526 and 3000 in the 2012 census.

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