The Pandora pine moth is one of several types of moths discovered in Oregon and is also one of the most notable.
It may be found in Central Oregon in the summer. They are drawn to light sources quickly, which may have contributed to the heavy infestation of the Vince Genna Stadium during the 2017 Bend Elks baseball game.
Finally, the authorities got rid of them using leaf blowers. The blinded sphinx moth, with a brownish body and pink patches, is among a few other enormous moths worth mentioning.
Oregon is also home to the enormous Polyphemus moth, recognizable by its conspicuous eyespots.
A day trip to the Metolius Preserve may allow you to see the elegant day moth, which has yellow-pink and blackish wings.
Let’s discover more types of moths in Oregon!
1. Achemon Sphinx Moth

Sphinx of Achemon Members of the hawkmoth family includes moths.
They are also known as Eumorpha achemon and are the starters of this list of the different types of moths in Oregon. Additionally, it is big, powerful, and swift.
This species is nocturnal and can be seen consuming nectar from various flowers, such as petunias, phlox, and Japanese honeysuckle.
Their wings have the potential to beat so swiftly that they may pass for hummingbirds. They cover most of the North American continent and are active all summer.
Adults have symmetrical dark brown spots near the “shoulders” at the middle and tip of each wing, and they are light brown or tan in tint.
When spread, the tiny hindwings display a vivid pink hue. Cream-colored hairs cover the furry legs. Despite the moths’ beauty and size, vintners do not want their spawn.
Like the adult, the caterpillar’s larva is brown. They are larger than caterpillars from other families.
Seven thin white lines run diagonally down the side from the head to the other end of the hairless body.
Its long spine, or “horn,” at the end of its body distinguishes it from the other caterpillars in the hornworm family.
The horn gradually disappears as the caterpillar matures and grows, and an eyespot occurs.
This species is a known nuisance in vineyards because it feeds on grapevine leaves.
Other preferred food sources for this caterpillar on our list of moths in Oregon include woodbine and Virginia creeper.
In August and September, it is frequently observed nibbling on leaves.
2. Afflicted Dagger Moth

Afflicted Dagger Moth, also Acronticta afflicta, has each wing as a central orb-shaped area that is either white or light gray.
It might not be easy to distinguish between the moth and its close cousins because they both have mottled colors. The hindwings are pale or light gray with little markings.
The caterpillar consumes many kinds of oaks. Its back is black with a thin black stripe running down it.
Like the rest of the body, the orange-brown head is sparsely coated with wispy, white hairs, which could make it seem out of proportion to the body.
Two broods of these types of moths in Oregon can be generated each year.
There is nothing physically wrong with the Afflicted Dagger. It emerges from hiding at night because it is a nocturnal moth.
Look for them in areas with oak trees, such as woods, woodlands, and even parks or gardens.
This common moth sits with its wings tented over its body in various settings. Omnivorous green caterpillars eat inchworms and oak leaves.
3. American Lappet Moth

The American Lappet Moth (Phyllodesma americana) uses its distinctive profile to create depth while well-camouflaged among dried vegetation to evade predator detection.
The brown moth’s lighter-colored stripes and scalloped wing edges also aid this goal. Some people are tawny or golden brown, while others are dark brown.
It can be found in most of the continent’s metropolitan and less developed locations.
Caterpillars of these particular types of moths in Oregon consume the leaves of roses, alder, birch, and poplar trees.
The caterpillar has several lappets, which are fleshy protrusions or lobes that generate thick tufts of hair near the lower sides of its body.
The two vivid orange stripes between segments by the caterpillar’s head are visible when stretched out. It is a grayish-brown color.
Moreover, when the orange bands are hidden, they seem to be short twigs.
There may be two broods yearly, providing numerous opportunities to observe both larvae and adults.
4. Army Cutworm Moth

The Army Cutworm Moth (Euxoa auxiliaris) caterpillar enjoys eating many types of grass, including plants like immature wheat.
The grayish-brown larva, often known as the Army Cutworm, feeds by chewing through cut blades and removing “glass panes.”
The outcome is a plant that looks scraggly and causes trouble for farmers who are cultivating crops.
The chubby caterpillars have a broad, lighter “back” stripe with pairs of little black spots running along it. As the caterpillar becomes older, long, thin stripes appear.
The adult moth is also known as a Miller Moth due to the misconception that its dusty appearance resembles flour from a mill. It is also on our list of the different types of moths in Oregon.
The light brown moth must go north and even upward into the mountains each summer to dine on wildflowers.
This is because it cannot withstand the cold winters in the northern section of its territory. In the drier south, eggs are laid more lazily.
When a food patch is completely devoured, newly hatched larvae move beneath the soil surface to fresh food patches at night.
Farmers inspect their fields for signs of cutworm damage to be aware of in case it is severe and needs management or control.
5. Bagworm Moth

Caterpillars belonging to the Bagworm Moth family (Various spp.) conceal themselves in containers made of plant detritus.
Until a closer look is taken, cases of dried plant leaves, evergreen needles, or lichen fragments frequently appear to be moving independently.
As it advances, the tiny, worm-like caterpillar reveals itself by extending its head and legs.
This insect, which is on our list of moths in Oregon, prudently retires into its protective cover while at rest or under threat.
Thanks to cases, the caterpillar may blend with its environment while it feeds. Additionally, it shields it from the weather.
When it’s time to pupate, caterpillar silk helps the insect secure its case to beams or branches.
Depending on the species, these bagworms eventually develop into winged adult moths that are either two-toned, light brown, or dark brown.
6. Bent-Line Carpet Moth

The edges of the wings of this moth (Costaconvexa centrostrigaria) bend in a short line of dark hues.
Using a bent line, The female carpet has darker streaks of color, whereas the male is predominantly gray.
Around the head, at the base of the wings, are rippling lines in shades of brown, dark gray, and ivory.
The bent line is located where two longer lines intersect the center of the wings. On each forewing’s gray band, a black dot is present.
When carpet moths, which are types of moths in Oregon, are resting on tree trunks, their oblique color makes it difficult to notice them.
Due to their dark color and slender bodies, caterpillars are easily concealed amid the stems of branches.
This species consumes smartweed, knotweed, and many other low-growing plants.
7. Blinded Sphinx Moth

The hindwing of the Blinded Sphinx (Paonias excaecata) possesses a sizable blue eyespot that can only be seen when the wings are extended wide.
Since the pupil of a human eye is missing in this eyespot, vision is unlikely. This peculiar differentiation has given it its confused popular name.
Sphinxes that have been blinded have eyes on their heads and can see like any other moth.
They are types of moths in Oregon with darker streaks in the middle of their light brown forewings. A purple overlay might cover the darker area.
The forewings’ bottom edges are curved and have a small white and brown border around them.
If the more enormous wings are not covering them, the smaller hindwings’ peculiar bulge at the outer tips gives them a peculiar profile.
The hindwings are pink near the body and have the previously stated blue eyespots. The wings’ bottom edges are also scalloped.
Meanwhile, the caterpillars of the blinded sphinx moth, which is on this list of various types of moths in Oregon, are velvety and green.
They consume the leaves of many deciduous trees, including basswood, birch, poplar, black cherry, and willow.
They are safe to handle despite the soft horn or spike at the back.
Because the juvenile caterpillars blend in nicely with the lush foliage, hungry birds and parasitic wasps are hoped to pass them by.
8. Bristly Cutworm Moth

On one of its green wing patches, a Bristly Cutworm Moth (Lacinipolia renigera) has a bright white border surrounding it.
The color green may be drab, vibrant, and new, depending on the person.
The wings of this insect, which is on the list of types of moths in Oregon, have two dark oval patches just below the thorax.
The wings have a little “whip-stitched” border around the outside.
The caterpillar for which this moth is named. Whether green or brown, the Bristly Cutworm is encircled by tiny hairs that emerge from both the sides and the top of each segment.
Due to a slight diamond pattern on them, the larval segments appear pointed and less rounded from a distance.
Black lines that interlace may be seen on the brown skull.
Although not a significant problem, this caterpillar eats various short, herbaceous plants and crops.
Adults are active from early spring through early autumn, allowing them plenty of time and favorable conditions to breed. Each year, there are two broods.
9. Cattail Caterpillar Moth

The Cattail Caterpillar Moth (Acronicta insularis) is relatively light and brown. Many people appear plain and without any markings.
Others have dark brown coloring in between the bright veins of the wing. This moth has a velvety appearance due to the fluffy hair covering its creamy white or ivory thorax.
In addition, its caterpillar is distinctive. Unlike the adult’s seeming downy ethereality, the caterpillar is spiky and fiery.
On the sides of the body, it is bright orange and has a black body. Spiky hairs in shades of orange, white, and black cover it.
As the larva grows, deep crimson tones may form, giving it more ominous hues that can scare off predators.
The handling of this caterpillar has gone smoothly despite its ominous appearance.
It consumes grasses, cattails, willow and poplar trees, smartweed, and sedges.
Keep an eye out for it and the moth in marshes and other wet locations where host plants grow.
10. Cinnabar Moth

The red and black Cinnabar Moth (Tyria jacobaeae) was intentionally brought over from Europe.
The food source for this species caterpillar is tansy ragwort, a European herb that is poisonous to cattle, horses, and other foraging animals in open areas.
Even plant-based honey is harsh. The introduction of the Cinnabar Moth has slowed down the spread of the noxious plant.
Females lay their eggs under the plant’s leaves. The caterpillars’ consumption of the leaves and, thankfully, the blossoms that follow decreases the plant’s capacity to reproduce.
When a larva is young, its head is black, and its body is yellow, but as it gets older, its body develops a striking black and yellow banding pattern.
If either one of these moths is seen, consider having both the adult and caterpillar in Oregon around.
11. Clover Looper

Although most moths are brown, some of them have a gray undertone. Every forewing features a dark arc that, when viewed from above, may resemble a “C” or even two bands of color.
The inside middle of the wings is where the points of these arcs almost come together.
Near the bottom corner by each wingtip, there are one to three minor black marks. Men are generally smaller than women. They both work nonstop, day and night.
Caterpillars consume lupine and clover leaves as food. They are types of moths in Oregon that also consume many grasses and herbaceous plant species.
In a single year, three or more broods can be produced. When the tubular larva advances, its body curves into a loop.
The head and rear make up the top of the ring, and it arches its back upward.
Clover looper moths (Caenurgina crassiuscula) and caterpillars can be found in yards, vacant lots, open fields, and by the road since clover is a significant food source and spreads quickly as a weed.
12. Corn Earworm Moth

Corn Earworm Moths (Helicoverpa zea) have so many diverse forms that when gathered and placed next to one another, they appear to be entirely from a different species.
While some have rich green undertones, others are tawny and golden brown, and others are a blend of light brown and light green.
All mature moths have green eyes, a characteristic uncommon among moths.
Most adults’ forewing also has a circular mark with a dark dot in the center.
The pointy tips of a brown or dark scalloped line towards the base of the wings have white or white-and-white spots.
Depending on the individual, dark wavy lines in the top region of the forewings may be evident or barely perceptible.
The corn-loving caterpillar is also one of the several types of moths available in several hues in Oregon.
They may be pink, yellow, or black with brown, orange, or green markings. The thin spines that cover the squishy body give it a textured, almost rough appearance.
This species has been examined and is still being studied since their chosen host plant is a vital staple crop.
When the larvae aren’t chomping on corn silk to stop pollination, they can be seen consuming ripe kernels within the corn ear.
They also consume popular vegetable crops like lettuce and tomatoes, occasionally digging into lettuce tops while eating the fruit.
13. Cross-Striped Cabbageworm Moth

Anyone who grows cabbage, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, or any other leafy green vegetable is at risk from the Cross-striped Cabbageworm Moth’s larvae (Evergestis rimosalis).
Silk holds the white, tubular eggs to the underside of a leaf.
After hatching, the light green caterpillars start eating through the leaf they are on, eventually spreading to nearby leaves as they grow.
They transform into black creatures with yellow sides and orange heads and sprout brief white stripes all over their bodies.
The stripes on more enormous caterpillars are thicker. Equally important to note, they are not excluded from our list of Oregon’s different types of moths!
The moth continues to reproduce throughout the summer. Thus, a single collard green leaf may contain caterpillars of all ages.
A gardener might believe that numerous distinct types of caterpillars are attacking the leaf due to the changing hues as the plant ages.
The simplest method of eliminating this garden problem is to prevent the adult female from laying eggs on the plant.
If you see the small brown moth near the garden, take precautions. It has dark smudges on its wings and black eyes.
Row coverings will prevent the female from attaching her eggs to a food source and attaching them to plants.
14. Dingy Cutworm Moth

On the Dingy Cutworm (Felita jaculifera) Moth’s wings, a mosaic of brown hues is contained by precise geometric patterns.
The dark brown and tan wave fills a basic triangle shape on each forewing.
Near the base of each wing is a jelly bean-like orange-brown mark. Sharp lines create its characteristic pattern.
A thin fringe frames the underside of the wings. A hairy thorax (or “shoulder”) has an ivory margin and a black core.
The Dingy Cutworm Moth is an owl moth belonging to the world’s most extensive moth family.
This particular species is distributed all over the continent of North America and makes up 25 percent of all moths.
Like most moths, they are nocturnal and most active at night; however, they occasionally become active during the day. They are also drawn to lights.
Adults enjoy being outdoors from the end of summer to the beginning of fall.
15. Emerald Moth

Small variations enable this species (Nemoria pistaciaria), one of many green moths, to stand out from other emerald-colored moths.
It lacks the white stripe found on the Wavy-lined and southern Emerald Moth, which gives it a green body.
In contrast to the White-fringed Emerald Moth, the wings of this insect are strewn with a single white line and maybe tiny black spots.
Although caterpillars are active from early spring until late October, it is still unclear what they eat.
Two broods of this insect, one of the types of moth in Oregon, can be generated each year.
16. Forest Tent Caterpillar Moth

Adult forest Tent Caterpillar Moths (Malacosoma disstria) are active from spring through summer.
A dark brown bar frequently runs down the center of the forewings of this golden brown moth. When extended flat, the tips of the wings have a slight flare.
The Forest Tent’s Caterpillar Large groups of the Caterpillar Moth and its relatives are frequently seen on tree trunks.
It has a diversified diet and can be found on deciduous trees in forests, parks, or backyards.
Aspen, alder, cherry, birch, basswood, maple, and oak are typical hosts.
When resting, this insect, which is on our list of the types of moths in Oregon, creates mats on bark with its siblings using caterpillar silk.
Even though a group of these voracious caterpillars can strip a limb of leaves, the tree is usually unharmed.
17. Four-Spotted Gluphisia Moth

No matter how the rest of the moth looks, the four spots that give a Four-spotted Gluphisia (Gluphisia avimacula) its name can be found in the exact locations.
Near the head, two tiny orange specks are occasionally covered by the thorax’s tangle of hair.
The other two, which rest on the central band of color in the center of each wing, are more noticeable and more prominent.
These two orange spots may resemble a curving check mark or a letter “V” in shape.
While the moth can have several colors, two hues are frequently seen. The lighter is a pale brown, nearly tan moth with a wavy golden-brown center band.
The darker version features an orange-colored center band and a wavy, black head and thorax.
Two additional bands are gray. Only at night and near artificial lights can one view this nocturnal moth.
Caterpillars like poplar trees as their host plants; thus, they can likely be found in backyards, parks, and wooded areas.
They are not excluded from this list of Oregon’s fantastic types of moths!
18. Friendly Probole Moth

The Friendly Probole (Probole amicaria) is a common moth called a Red-Cheeked Looper.
Because of the differences in appearance, individuals were once thought to belong to different species.
Some have purple undertones along the wing edges, while others have dark brown around the head.
Of all the types of moths in Oregon, what the caterpillar eats is somewhat unknown.
Although sourwood and dogwood have been observed being consumed, it is thought that, given their wide range, they have a broader appetite.
19. Giant Leopard Moth

Compared to other types of moths in Oregon, the Giant Leopard Moth (Hypercompe scribonia) can reach enormous sizes, large enough to fit in the palm of an adult’s hand.
Males are nearly twice as big as females. The side stripes and bands are reddish-orange, while the body is an iridescent blue-black. Black and white bands encircle the legs.
When threatened, they expel an unpleasant-smelling, yellow fluid as protection against predators.
They are nocturnal, like most moths, and are drawn to lights at night. A male will cover a portion of the female with his wings during mating.
Because mating takes a long time, the male may raise and carry the female throughout the process to warmer or cooler regions.
The Giant Leopard Moth caterpillar has a black body with red streaks that become visible when it extends.
There are clumps of long, black, spiky hairs all over it. It is often referred to as a “woolly bear.”
The adage “Don’t touch spiky caterpillars” does not apply to this particular caterpillar.
It is safe to handle cautiously because neither the caterpillar’s teeth nor bristles sting. When touched, they frequently curl up.
20. Grape Plume Moth

Instead of hair, Grace Plume Moths (Geina periscelidactylus) appear to have feathers on their bodies.
They frequently rest with their thin wings at a straight angle, perpendicular to the body, protruding from the sides of the body. When viewed from above, this gives them a T-shape.
Orange-brown in appearance, the Grape Plume Moth is adorned with white lines and dots.
When the body is resting, the back pairs of legs and the abdomen are visible. The legs have a spiky look, with hair tufts flared out at the joints.
The white-haired green caterpillar, which consumes grapevine leaves, is green in color.
They are one of the many types of moths in Oregon that consume a local vine called Virginia creeper.
A leaf is rolled to conceal a freshly hatched larva, which chews the top layer of the leaf while hiding inside.
As it ages, it might spread to other vine components, such as the stem. Although it rarely becomes a significant pest and does not pose a commercial danger to vineyards, this species is common among grapevines.
21. Gray Scoopwing Moth

The Gray Scoopwing (Callizzia amorata), a member of the Swallowtail Moth family, is one of the group’s less conspicuous types of moths in Oregon.
While its relatives prefer tropical settings, it also travels to colder areas. Those relatives resemble Swallowtail Butterflies because they are large, vibrant, and have tails.
Even though this kind of moth is little and has earthy tones, it has distinctive characteristics.
The Gray Scoopwing’s hindwings are devoid of tails and are punctured with rounded notches that resemble a scoop that took some of each wing’s underside.
The scoops on the may be challenging to notice since these smaller wings are occasionally folded.
The lengthy forewings frequently reveal a lovely appearance by being flattened down and spread out widely.
This moth can be any shade of brown or tan, from light to dark, gray to even pale green.
The center of the wings is covered in dark streaks, while the bottoms have brown patches.
Various ecosystems across the continent are home to this moth.
The caterpillar consumes snowberry, also known as waxberry, and is a member of the honeysuckle family and honeysuckle plants.
Adults are visible in the early spring on the east of the continent, while in the west, they are visible in the early summer.
22. Hahncappsia Moth

A group of gleaming blonde moths is named Hahncappsia (Hahncappsia spp.).
The thin, brown lines that span the wings of each species vary in how wavy they appear, but they all have them. Along the bottom of the wings is a lengthy, silky fringe.
The moth is covered in a semi-glossy sheen, shimmering in the sunlight.
The eyes are big and protrude from each side of the head, and the face looks like a short snout or nose.
This moth is a summer species, and in its location, it is most active in the warmest months of the year.
One caterpillar species in this genus is fleshy, yellow, and covered in big black spots.
Mint, ragweed, dock, goldenrod, morning glory, and tobacco have all been employed as food sources for the larvae of this species.
23. Himmelman’s Plume Moth

The morphological characteristics of Himmelman’s Plume Moths (Geina tenuidactyla) are very distinctive, aiding identification.
The long antennae have black and white checkered patterns.
When the brown and ivory wings are at rest on a leaf, they form a capital “T” shape because they are perpendicular to the abdomen.
Tiny, feathery hairs fringe the underside of the wings (called a plume). At several of the joints of the legs, there are dark hair tufts.
The legs also include long, slender “thorns” or “spikes” growing at right angles.
The back legs closest to the abdomen are where these “thorns” are most noticeable.
Even with these distinctive qualities, the Himmelman’s Plume Moth could still pass for a mosquito when flying. It might easily be mistaken for dead, prickly plant stuff when at repose.
The Himmelman’s Plume Moth’s green caterpillars have little yellow hairs covering them.
The types of moths in Oregon consume dogbane blackberry bushes, and raspberry.
24. Hummingbird Moth

The Hummingbird Moth (Hemaris sp.) resembles a little hummingbird thanks to its swiftly beating wings and furry body.
But a real hummingbird has a long, narrow beak that is one of its distinguishing features.
On the other hand, the Hummingbird Moth has a proboscis that can penetrate deeply into flowers.
It flits between plants, sipping the nectar of various blooms and contributing to their pollination.
Unlike actual hummingbirds, the moth also flies quietly, which makes a low buzzing sound.
Another sign that the hummingbird moth is not a genuine bird is that its wings are largely translucent with dark borders.
The lower body is brown with a broad yellow band near the end of the abdomen, and the head area is yellow-green.
Even though it is without feathers, this moth appears to have tail feathers. Since they adore flower gardens, hummingbird moths will likely visit various plants.
In addition, you can find these types of moths in Oregon next to forests and in meadows.
The Sphinx Moth family includes hummingbird moths and foragers who feed at night. Adults are most active from late spring to early fall.
25. Hydriomena Moth

The Hydriomena woodsy moths (Hydriomena spp.) blend in with the trees they rest on.
Since the moth’s wings are normally open and flat, it isn’t easy to notice their presence.
Many species’ wings have mottled gray, brown, and green patterns that match the lichen-covered tree bark that may be found in every forest.
The middle or lower portion of most forewings contains a band of light color. These types of moths in Oregon are often referred to as Highfliers.
Along the margins of woodlands and evergreen woods, look for moths from the genus Hydriomena.
Some species are tree-specific when selecting a host plant for their progeny, while others are more diversified and may use deciduous trees.
This genus uses aspen, alder, fir, spruce, pine, and tamarack trees. If one is prepared for the endeavor, hiking through wooded areas in the spring and summer is a fantastic method to attempt to spot them.
26. Leafroller Moth

When resting, Leafroller moths (Various spp.) frequently overlap their forewings.
The base of the wings has a fringe that may form a straight line across the bottom.
Some species have waves of color covering them, while others have mottling or veining on their forewings.
Adults are almost universally nocturnal and will seek out lights at night. It is common knowledge that the caterpillar will climb up a leaf and coil itself within.
As the larva rotates the leaf into position, caterpillar silk holds a curve in place. It can conceal itself there from the view of raptors like birds.
Moreover, the pupating caterpillar falls to the ground with the dying leaf when it dies.
Although there are species across the entire continent, leafrollers are more prevalent in warm places like Florida.
27. Little White Lichen Moth

Little White Lichen Moths (Clemensia albata) are white but also have a scattering of gray and black spots.
These spots resemble two improvised lines across the wings, one above and one below the center of the wings. The wings have striations of pale brown shading.
Each forewing has a black crescent mark along the lower line, closer to the outer margin.
The underside of the wings is trimmed with a black and white striped fringe. Lichens are made up of both fungi and algae.
They are frequently observed quietly growing on the sides of rocks, boulders, and tree trunks.
Due to the lichen’s algal component, the Little White Lichen Moth caterpillar feeds on it.
Although it also consumes algae as it develops on its own, it is most frequently observed in lichen; thus, the term remains.
This moth can be found wherever lichens and algae are present. The best places to seek it are woodlands and parks.
Within their range, they only fly during the warmest seasons of the year.
As a result, some types of moths in Oregon survive far longer in the warmer southern states and provinces than in the northern ones.
28. Lunate Zale Moth

In North America, lunate Zales (Zale lunata), one of the several types of moths in Oregon, are ubiquitous. The Owlet family includes these giant moths.
They have “pelts” of fur on their “shoulders,” and their brown bodies are covered in fur.
Although they appear uninteresting at first glance, this species’ wings have subtle, wavy striations or bands of color that spread over them like ripples on the lake.
This moth loves to sit with its wings open and flat to appreciate this fascinating pattern better.
Apple, cherry, plum trees, oak, maple, and willow are all food sources for lunate Zale caterpillars.
Adults can be found in forests, orchards, and woodlands, where these trees flourish because of the plants their larvae eat.
They can also be found in canyons, close to rivers and streams, and in other moist places. Adults are most active in the spring.
29. Many-Spotted Tiger Moth

The Tiger Moth family includes this species of moth (Hypercompe permaculata).
Most family members show striking fore- and/or hindwing colors or patterning.
The Many-spotted Tiger Moth is a good member of that family. Its head and pure white wings are covered in little black dots. Its body has a lot of furs.
Among the many types of moths in Oregon, tiger moths can hear very well.
Many are poisonous, making it less likely that birds, bats, and arachnids will consume them.
Meadows, open fields, woodland margins, prairies, parks, and backyards are all good places to look for the Many-spotted Tiger Moth.
They are active from mid-summer to mid-autumn. Adult Tiger Moths most likely do not eat, like other species. The diet of their larvae is little understood.
30. Meal Moth

The ability of humans to store dried grain crops has allowed the Meal Moth (Pyralis farinalis) to spread around the world.
This species’ larvae don’t prefer grain and will consume supplies of wheat, barley, corn, rice, and other mainstays.
Because of the global trade in preserved grains, the meal moth may now find a food source anywhere there are grains.
It has been discovered in storage facilities for distribution, home pantries, and grain-growing areas.
The Meal Moth, on this list of types of moths in Oregon, can be found all year round because most storage spaces are climate-controlled.
The United States and Canada are home to only this particular species of all the different types of moths in Oregon.
The adult moth has a central band of lighter brown color that may also contain hints of olive green.
It has a chestnut brown tint. This paler band runs down the middle of the wings and is surrounded by slender, white, wavy lines. The center of the wings is dark inside.
Sometimes, the abdomen can coil upward and stick out between the wings.
The caterpillar has a brown head and a creamy white tint. Its chubby form can be observed inside grain bags or containers as it consumes the seemingly limitless food source.
31. Mexican Tiger Moth

On its creamy white wings, the Mexican Tiger Moth (Apantesis proxima) exhibits a variety of geometric black shapes.
Black blocks are used in the forewing’s upper portion, thinner dashes are used in the center, and triangular shapes are at the tips of the wings.
Three black lines run down the white fuzzy thorax: one down the middle and two on either side.
The thickness of these lines varies from person to person. An orange-pink tinge can be seen in the hair near the face and upper legs.
Bright pink dots go down the “spine” of the abdomen, and these dots may even unite to form a line.
Only when the wings are extended wide are the smaller hindwings visible.
Females have bright pink hindwings with black spots near the lower borders, while males have white hindwings.
Mexican Tiger Moths are native to states in Mexico and the western United States, despite their name.
Adult Mexican Tiger Moths are active from the spring through most of the fall.
Caterpillars likely consume the leaves of herbaceous plants because they are covered in hair.
Numerous generations of these moths in Oregon can be created each year.
32. Modest Sphinx Moth

The Modest Sphinx (Pachysphinx modesta) is a big, hairy, and occasionally multicolored moth.
The color of the wings can be gray, taupe, or brown. The upper part of each forewing is light gray, and the lower half is nearly black, forming two leading color bands.
Some people also have waves of lighter bands on the lower half, which gives the area a rippling, gradient appearance.
Each forewing has a white caret or dash in the darker middle. The hindwings are a rich purple color when they are fully extended flat.
The undersides of the wings have scalloped edges and a faint white line around them.
The Big Poplar Sphinx Moth, a close relative of the Modest Sphinx, resembles it. This species once went by the same popular name, leading to confusion.
Females deposit fertilized eggs on the leaves of the host trees. The modest sphinx caterpillar consumes the leaves of cottonwood trees, poplar, aspen, and willow.
The Modest Sphinx can be found in every nation in North America because these host trees are so common there.
The squishy, green caterpillar has tiny white dots all over it. This concludes our list of the different types of moths in Oregon!