Beetles are a fascinating and diverse insect family, and Oklahoma is home to many species.
If you live in Oklahoma and are curious about the types of beetles in Oklahoma, our blog post is for you!
Here, we’ll examine some of the most common types of beetles in Oklahoma, including their characteristics and habitats.
We’ll also discuss how to identify them and where to find them.
Whether you’re a bug enthusiast or just looking to learn more about the beetles in your backyard, this post will give you the information you need.
1. Ashy Gray Lady Beetle

The Ashy Gray Lady Beetle (Olla V—nigrum) is the first on our list of beetle types in Oklahoma. Adults of this species have two color variations.
The grayish-white version has two large black blotches with many small ones on its elytra (wing covering).
This is in stark contrast to the black version, which has two large red spots on its elytra and slight white coloring on its pronotum (‘shoulders’) and head.
Like all Lady Beetles, larvae are entirely different in shape and appearance.
This larva’s long, black, tubular body is covered in spiky ridges, and it almost resembles a mini-alligator.
This species has a series of yellow dots and dashes on its back that look like a yellow sword, with the ‘blade’ pointing at the abdomen and its two ‘hilts’ near the head. Females lay yellow fertilized eggs under the leaves.
Females lay their yellow, fertilized eggs under the leaves. The newly hatched larvae consume aphids and other tiny insects.
They develop into pupae and continue to eat insects as adults. Because their diet eliminates plant-harming insects at all life stages, this species is advantageous in gardens.
Adults can survive up to two years and overwinter in groups in or near buildings for warmth.
The Ashy Gray Lady Beetle’s range extends deep into South America but ends at the southernmost point of Canada.
2. Asian Multicolored Lady Beetle

The Asian multicolored lady beetle (Harmonica axyridis) is also on our list of beetle types in Oklahoma.
Because of their diet, lady beetles have historically been seen as helpful insects.
They are a welcome ally on a farm or garden because they are known to consume aphids and other insects that injure plants.
Therefore, in recognition of the family of beetles’ contribution to food production, they were all “dedicated” to “Our Lady.”
They are called ladybirds in the UK and ladybugs in the United States.
The exotic Asian Multicolored Lady Beetle, despite doing wonders to get rid of pests in the garden, has become a bit of a pest in its own right.
Native to China, Japan, and eastern Russia, this species of lady beetle. It’s thought to have arrived in North America in the late 1970s.
This species is fecund and resilient, adaptable to various environments and temperatures.
As a result, it is starting to creep into areas where native North American lady beetles originally lived, replacing them across the continent.
The frustration continues after that. This species not only dominates its native region but also overwinters in groups, typically in warm buildings (houses, offices), where a few can enter through the external walls into the interior of the building.
As a defense against predators, they can release a pungent stench that, when released in large numbers, can produce an unpleasant stink in the area of the structure where they cluster.
They also bite, but it doesn’t usually result in a serious injury.
3. Bean Leaf Beetle

The bean leaf beetle (Cerotoma trifurcata) is next on our list of types of beetles in Oklahoma, and the color and pattern of the bean leaf beetle might differ.
Others are brown or even crimson, while others are green. Two on a single leaf might be mistaken for two beetles.
The majority display six black, square-shaped dots on the back. In contrast to the sequence of spots found on the Spotted Cucumber Beetle, which is a close relative, the sides have a long black stripe.
The top of the wings has a triangular black mark. Other individuals of this species have plain wings and no black markings.
All individuals have a black head, and the pronotum (collar) is the same color as the rest of the beetle.
4. Bicolored Flower Longhorn Beetle

This tall, slender beetle resembles wasps in appearance and has long antennae. It visits flowers not just to collect pollen and nectar but also to mate.
Adults can often be found in deciduous woodlands where fertilized eggs are laid. Larvae consume dead maple and oak tree wood.
Bicolored Flower Longhorns (Stragalia Bicolor) are active from May through July.
5. Black Blister Beetle

Black Blister Beetles (Epicauta Pennsylvania) are dark and have a shiny coating on their pronotum, wings, and head.
The only other color on this species is a small amount of hidden yellow on the abdomen.
On human skin, they can emit a chemical that can irritate, cause redness, and eventually lead to blister formation.
It serves as a protective mechanism to keep them safe from predators and other dangers.
They become rather unpleasant due to this chemical, which helps them survive.
The Black Blister Beetle, which is common throughout the continent, feeds on flowering plants, particularly goldenrods and asters.
6. Burying Beetle

A deceased bird or small mammal can be buried by beetles, who may even go so far as to remove the feathers and hair. It is shaped into a ball before females lay eggs on the carcass.
The beetle covers the carcass with earth or plant debris to protect it from other creatures that consume rotting carcasses.
In several species, the emerging larvae feed on the animal’s remnants after the eggs hatch. The parents assist in feeding the freshly hatched larvae.
Burying Beetles (Nicrophorus spp) have big red patches that resemble puzzle pieces on their elytra and are otherwise black (wing covering).
The tips of antennas are huge red clubs or knobs. Adults consume carrion, decaying fruit, and larvae in addition to themselves. They can buzz in a raspy, bee-like manner when startled.
The noise is caused by the belly pressing on the elytra. The burying beetle’s startling color and sound may help it avoid encounters with prospective predators.
It is also thought that the noise serves as a call to feed for freshly hatched larvae. There are numerous species of burying beetles in North America.
The ground surfaces of fields, meadows, and forests (deciduous and mixed woods) are part of their environment. Nighttime activity is more common than daytime activity.
Burying types of beetles in Oklahoma help swiftly replenish nutrients to the food web by devouring dead or rotting material at both life phases.
Although its food supply is not scented or attractive, it is nonetheless vital to the environment.
7. California Root Borer Beetle

The California Root Borer (Prionus Californians) resembles its relatives, particularly its “cousin” in the east, the Broad-necked Root Borer, and other types of beetles in Oklahoma in the genus Prionus.
Both feature three points on either side of the pronotum and long, serrated antennae.
West of the Mississippi River, California Root Borers can be found. Males’ antennae feature more pronounced “serrations,” while females’ antennae are thinner.
Although most members of this species are reddish-brown in appearance, a few could be completely black.
Each side of its pronotum, or “neck” region, sprouts three well-formed spikes.
When seen during the day, its elytra (wing coverings) have a fine texture that gives them a matte sheen.
However, when males look for females to mate with at night, they become more active.
In wooded places, you can frequently spot them ambling around the ground. They skip meals.
The name of this beetle species comes from its larvae, which are underground and feed on the roots of various deciduous trees.
They have also consumed shrubs, vines, and above-ground decaying wood roots.
They may remain immature for a few years before transitioning to the pupa and eventually the adult form.
Due to their food, these types of beetles in Oklahoma are considered pests in orchards and vineyards, where their feeding activities may adversely affect the health of the trees and the fruit crop.
8. Carolina Pine Sawyer

Carolina Pine Sawyer (Monochamus carolinensia) is next on our list of types of beetles in Oklahoma.
The soft pine tree shoots are a food source for Carolina Pine Sawyers.
Although their consumption of this plant matter can slightly stress the tree, this is not the main issue.
Little nematodes, wormlike organisms that exit the beetle and enter the pine shoot’s chewed-up wound, live inside the breathing pores of the Carolina Pine Sawyer.
This method of infection also occurs when mature female Carolina Pine Sawyers bore holes in tree bark to deposit fertilized eggs.
These holes also serve as entry points for nematodes into the tree. Phloem and xylem tissue are what pine wood nematodes consume.
The vascular tissue known as the xylem moves water up the tree, and nutrients are moved up and down the tree through the phloem.
The destruction of either tissue hampers a tree’s ability to transfer its vital components.
These beetles in Oklahoma eventually cause the tree to dry out and the leaves to wilt, causing it to slowly perish.
It is a long-horned insect called the Carolina Pine Sawyer. Longer than its entire body, its antennas.
The elytra of the dark brown beetle are textured (wing coverings).
It resembles rough tree bark because of the little pits or dimples and white and dark color flecks.
Each elytron has a clear white patch close to the head flanked by a white half-circle where the ‘neck’ joins the abdomen. Although it can fly, tree trunks are where it is frequently seen.
9. Case-Bearing Leaf Beetle

Case-bearing Leaf beetle (Various spp) is also on our list of types of beetles in Oklahoma.
Some are matte black with orange dashes, while others are glossy black with red dots. Some have crimson bodies with white patterns or copperheads.
Some are entirely black and have a lot of texture, making them look warty.
This subfamily has a variety of hues and characteristics. But all types of beetles in Oklahoma have tiny, worm-like larvae. These defenseless larvae construct protective covers for themselves out of adjacent trash, even their feces.
Dark, tubular cases provide some protection from the weather and disguise.
It can walk since its head and legs protrude from the case’s aperture. Many of them have orange or red bodies with blackheads.
10. Cedar Beetle

Larvae of cicadas have a parasitic connection with the cedar beetle.
When one sees female beetles on tree trunks, they may appear to assault the tree like other insects since female beetles lay their eggs on trees (i.e., the Asian Longhorn Beetle).
When the Cedar Beetle’s (Sandulus sp.) eggs hatch, the larvae dig beneath the surface for immature nymphs or grubs of cicadas that may have been buried there.
The beetle’s larva will cling to the cicada and gradually eat through its outer layer, entering the insect and killing it.
Cedar types of beetles in Oklahoma appear completely black from above, but their wing coverings conceal their orange abdomens.
The beetle’s abdomen is normally only visible when its wings are spread. Thanks to ridges, the elytra have texture.
Their antennas have tips that resemble fans. These tips might expand the surface area, making it easier to gather more data about the surroundings and environment.
They are active during the day and can be mistaken for fireflies when flying.
11. Checkered Beetle

This beetle’s name was inspired by the vibrant banding pattern on its elytra (wing covering). Checkered beetles have red heads and thoraxes.
The abdomen is multicolored, with bulging bands of black and yellow in the back and red near the head. Black defines the segmented antennae and legs.
From the end of spring until the beginning of summer, adults can often be observed around flowers and weeds.
In its life stages, this beetle is particularly adept at devouring insects, including weevils, borer beetles, and bark beetles.
The adult Checkered Beetle (Enoclerus rosmarus) consumes various adults. It can be seen relaxing on blooms and perhaps even sipping nectar.
Despite their immaturity, checkered beetle larvae are nonetheless effective predators.
To get to the larvae, they travel through the tunnels and trails left by wood-boring and bark beetle larvae.
The internal damage to the tree is stopped when Checkered Beetle larvae devour them while still inside the tree trunk.
12. Click Beetle

Click Beetles (Melanotus spoke) are elongated, slender insects that do not harm humans.
Although many species are black, others might be brown, reddish brown, or any shade.
When they need to flee quickly from a predator, they are renowned for the noise they produce.
The beetle is propelled out of danger when a stiff spine snaps violently on its anterior (belly) side. It makes an audible click when it snaps.
A beetle caught on its back may be flipped back to its feet by force.
Because an upside-down beetle is defenseless, it can be saved by quickly rising to its feet. Wireworms are the name for the larvae of this genus of click beetles.
They consume the roots and tubers of crops like corn, potatoes, and wheat and are lean.
Since they travel from plant to plant underground and may do so for years before pupating into adults, they are considered a pests.
13. Convergent Lady Beetle

Although the elytra (wing coverings) of all Convergent Lady Beetles (Hippodamia convergent) are reddish-orange with black spots, some have all 13 black spots while others have fewer.
The prothorax, often known as the “shoulder plate,” is surrounded by identical white lines that meet behind each individual’s head.
The top of the prothorax is indicated by two white dashes, one on each side.
Lady Beetle larvae are entirely different from the adult form and resemble small alligators.
Larvae have six legs close to the head and long, tubular bodies. They have spiky bodies that are covered in orange spots.
They undergo another shift as pupae, becoming spherical and swollen like snails.
They are currently an orange tint with black dots, which is the opposite of how they were when they were larvae.
Convergent lady types of beetles in Oklahoma frequently congregate in groups on the ground or close to one another on plants during all life cycles.
They are natural biological defenses against fruit-destroying plant pests like aphids.
In Oklahoma, convergent lady types of beetles can be purchased in containers for release in gardens and farm fields while their efficacy is still being researched.
If populations can survive in agricultural areas, these types of beetles in Oklahoma give farmers and gardeners a reliable, natural way to safeguard their harvests.
14. Cottonwood Borer Beetle

The Cottonwood Borer is a member of the Long-Horned Beetle family. It has very long antennas that extend past its body’s length.
The beetle has black antennae and a white face. Its body is creamy white or ivory, and each wing is covered in two rows of black blocks.
The pronotum, or neck region, is white and covered in enormous black spiky ovals.
It ranks among the largest North American beetles. Cottonwood Borers enjoy poplar, willow, and cottonwood-tree-filled forested regions and reside near riverbanks.
Throughout the summer, this species forages on trees. Adults climb the branches gradually, gnawing and shredding them until they reach the leaves.
These boring beetles can infest woodlands with enough time, occasionally removing the trees from neighborhood blocks.
To lay her eggs, the female adult Cottonwood Borer (Plectrodera scalator) cuts holes into the tree bases of the prey.
When the larvae hatch, they devour the interior wood into pulp and sawdust, destroying the tree.
Additionally, they gnaw on the tree’s weak underground root system until it can no longer take water or nutrients from the soil.
Affected trees weaken and dry out over time, eventually toppling at ground level.
15. Darkling Beetle

Darkling Beetles (Various spp) can be found in sandy dunes and deserts, inside hollowed-out logs, and under stones. Some are reddish or brown, but the majority are entirely black.
Some species feed on fungi, while others consume living plants or decomposing plant material.
Some people find manure and carrion to be attractive. Many go unnoticed and are unimportant, but some create pests and are grain.
The Darkling Beetle has a wide range of behavior and life cycle. The larvae are grub-like yellow-tan worms.
The larvae of one particular genus of the Darkling Beetle family make up the mealworms sold commercially.
As adults, several species have chemical defenses, including spraying or secreting unpleasant substances.
Some beetles have long, thin bodies. Some, like the lady types of beetles in Oklahoma, have spherical or tapered bodies.
Despite having wings, none of the species in arid areas can fly because their wings are fused to keep moisture from evaporating.
They are an interesting family to examine because of their diversity.
16. Desert Stink Beetle

Dessert Stink Darkling beetles (Eleodes spp) tend to walk with their heads bowed as though searching for misplaced contact lenses.
This causes their abdomen to be raised above their heads, earning them the nickname “Headstand Beetle.”
Many remain still when startled but gradually lift their hind legs to prepare for defense.
They can spray an offensive secretion toward a potential assailant from the tip of their abdomen.
This benefit can also be found in Skunks, which is why this beetle species is called a Skunk Beetle.
Usually, a faceful of this repulsive chemical is enough to deter predators.
To counter such chemical attacks, a species of field mouse that eats Desert Stink types of beetles in Oklahoma has learned to hold the beetle’s butt to the ground while biting off its head.
The arid Stink color of beetles is a satiny black. Although some species have ridges and dimples on the elytra, many species have entirely smooth abdomens (wing coverings).
They cannot fly because this genus’s wings are fused shut to hold onto moisture.
The dry Sonoran desert is home to this beetle, most frequently seen around mesquite and oak trees.
When bright sunlight heats the ground, it burrows beneath the sand, emerging at night to search for food in the colder atmosphere.
17. Drugstore Beetle

Due to its propensity to consume pharmaceuticals, these beetles in Oklahoma are frequently discovered at pharmacies.
Additionally, nearly anything else is consumed by this small brown beetle.
Like other pantry bugs, it consumes flour, grains, and bread. Additionally, it destroys delicacies like cake mixes, chocolate, and cookies.
Animal parts like leather, wool, and fur can be eaten, and libraries and museums may discover them leafing through books.
It is a pest that affects the entire planet, and the white larvae usually cause damage. The worm-like grubs have brown heads and white bodies covered in tiny hairs.
Females can lay over 50 eggs at a time, which allows infestations to appear indoors almost overnight.
Identifying their primary food source is essential to managing and eradicating them.
In households, storing food in airtight containers helps keep it out of the pantry or cabinet.
According to the University of Florida, freezing non-food objects for days will kill all phases of this beetle’s life cycle.
In markets and retail establishments, regularly cleaning and monitoring shelves for insects is essential to prevent outbreaks from potentially contaminated new stock.
18. Earth-Boring Scarab Beetle

Domed and round, digging the Earth Scarabs (Bolbocerasoma sp) are tiny, tank-shaped insects with orange extensions in the shape of discs on their antennae. The body is primarily orange and black, with a black head.
The elytra’s top, sides, and center (wing coverings) are marked by thick black bands, and a black patch next to the head is covered in horn-like lumps. Legs are orange and black, with short, thin hairs covering them.
According to their name, Earth-boring Scarab types of beetles in Oklahoma make deep holes in the ground, sometimes reaching 2-3 meters (6-9 feet).
An egg is laid at the end of each lengthy tunnel, and nourishment is put there for the developing grub.
Larvae’ food sources include fungi, manure, compost, and dead plant matter.
After hatching, the beetle grub consumes its food supply, climbs the tunnel to the surface, and pupates into its adult form with wings.
Adults also consume hummus, rotting plant stuff, and dung. They can frequently be seen on (or in) manure piles and compost heaps.
Although the diet of the Earth-boring Scarab Beetle appears rather disgusting to humans, the nutrients in the substance assist valuable resources in returning to the food web.
It offers a rapid, natural technique to recycle and repurpose vitamins and minerals.
19. Eggplant Flea Beetle

Eggplant Flea Beetles (Epitrix fuscula) are small, black leaf-eaters that can occasionally be spotted scurrying through open spaces.
They collectively harm a variety of plants in the nightshade family. Potatoes and cigarettes are also on the menu.
Despite being a beetle, this tiny insect hops like a flea. Leaf inspection typically reveals evidence of feeding activity in the form of tiny brown dots with edges on every leaf surface.
The larvae begin gnawing on underground roots while the adults begin nibbling the center of the leaves.
Both can damage a plant’s health, leading to smaller fruits, a lower yield, or even plant mortality.
Row coverings are a good way to prevent the beetle from discovering the plant and controlling infestations until bloom time.
Springtime may find larvae in the ground since these beetles in Oklahoma overwinter close to food sources.
Two other methods for managing populations are chemical sprays (administered according to the label’s instructions) and tilling the area around the plant.
The earlier the Eggplant Flea Beetle is identified, the better the chance of preventing significant plant damage.
20. Emerald Euphoria Beetle

Depending on the region, this large beetle may be seen until the beginning of fall, but its main activity is from May to July. It can fly while maintaining the closed position of its elytra.
A beetle’s wings are often exposed when in flight by opening both wing coverings.
Considering its size, it is quite an accomplishment that the Emerald Euphoria (Euphoria fulgida) can fly using only the second pair of wings.
In addition to its typical green color, the beetle can also be blue, purple, or even orange-red in hue.
It glows in the light with a satiny gloss. This scarab resembles the Green June Beetle in appearance.
The Emerald Euphoria visits flowers to get nectar as other Flower Chafers do.
Unlike other scarabs, this is active during the day, increasing the likelihood of running into one.
This vibrant insect can be found in woodlands, gardens, and fields next to plum trees and on decaying fruit.
21. False Bombardier Beetle

False bombardier beetle (Euphoria fulgida) is next on our list of Types of beetles in Oklahoma.
More than anything else, the False Bombardier Beetle is defined by its limitations.
This insect resembles a family of beetles that can shoot pulses of hot chemicals toward potential predators, living up to its name (including humans).
Although it is the same hue, it lacks that amazing defense mechanism. An orange thorax separates the black head and abdomen. Legs of orange are sturdy and lengthy.
The elytra are ridged along lines. Vital orange segments protrude from the head of the long antennae.
The False Bombardier Beetle might be less targeted because of the notoriety of its harmful clone.
The huge and diversified ground beetle family includes false bombardier beetles. They inhabit backyards, wet regions, and wooded areas.
They may be active day and night, meandering around rocks, logs, and leaf litter.
22. Festive Tiger Beetle

The Festive Tiger Beetle’s (Cicindela scutellaris) body has a shiny sheen. The sides of the skull project big, wide eyes.
There are occasional hints of orange-bronze on the dark, earthy red abdomen. Its legs and underbelly are emerald green, and the head and thorax may have a few white hairs.
There is also a chance for blue, purple, and copper tones. Legs have shiny black tones with hints of green.
This beetle has several subspecies; depending on the locale, they may have varied colors.
This energetic predator frequents places with little vegetation or cover for hunting.
They can be spotted strolling through the sidewalks, beach dunes, and roadways.
This noticeable insect appears dangerous while not being so, thanks to its bright red head and wings.
Two sizable, rounded black eyes are located on the sides of the skull. Antennas with long segments are also red.
Despite its iconic alarm hue, the Fire-Colored Beetle is not a hazard to people. It doesn’t sting, bite, or spray corrosive substances.
The life history and diet of many species of the Dendroides genus of Fire-Colored Beetles are poorly understood.
It is thought that their larvae hide in woody debris and beneath rocks.
Adults could make an interior appearance after riding on firewood as children. Adults have been spotted on flowers.
They could be drawn to lights. Despite how impressive they are, research on fire-colored beetles is.
23. Flower Longhorn Beetle

This species’ long antennae and vivid orange elytra make it a beautiful Flower Longhorn Beetle (Stenelytrana emarginata) to photograph.
They prefer fruits and other juicy, sweet meals but are frequently spotted on flowers.
By laying out specific fermenting baits outside, you can entice them to a location.
Adult peak activity occurs from mid-spring through late summer. Larvae eat decayed elm and beech wood.
24. Four-Spot Sap Beetle

The larvae of tree-boring types of beetles in Oklahoma are consumed by four-spot sap beetles (Glischrochilus quadrisignatus).
As a result, they serve as an ally for arborists in preserving tree health.
But if they smell rotting plant life in the garden, they can start to bother you.
The overworked gardeners will be preyed upon by this type of beetle.
When left to rot on the vine or become ill and decay, fruits and vegetables release volatile chemicals into the air.
When the Four-spot Sap Beetle detects this perfume, it will fly to the fruit or vegetable about to wither and feast on the residue.
There are other four-spot sap beetles headed toward feeding the four-spot beetle. This might result in an invasion.
Even though they don’t damage healthy food, their enormous numbers can quickly spiral out of control, making them a challenging pest to eliminate.
Spraying insecticide on plants as they grow does not stop the beetles from coming because they do not consume nutritious fruits and vegetables.
Only careful gardening practices can prevent the beetle from discovering an area of vegetables.
The beetle is effectively kept from finding a garden by routinely removing sick, rotten, and rotting vegetables.
25. Gold-and-Brown Rove Beetle

Rove beetles eat Gold-and-brown Flies, maggots, and other living insects that live on carrion, fungi, dung, and decaying plants.
The root-eating bug known as Gold-and-Brown Rove Beetles (Ontholestus cingulatus), which is slender and long and resembles earwigs, is commonly found in container and flower gardens.
The Gold-and-Brown Rove Beetle has short wings, and a portion of its belly is visible.
As a result, they appear only to have one half of a wing, as if the other part had been severed or eaten away.
The abdomen’s tip is covered in golden yellow hairs, which give it a brilliant, metallic sheen.
This insect’s body tends to bend upward while it walks. Rove Beetles prefer to remain hidden and will probably hide if approached.
When they see movement, they may be seen flying away from a feeding area.
Finding one is exciting because most vanish from view before spectators notice them.
26. Hister Beetle

Most of the species of Hister, or Clown Beetle (Various spp), have not been researched. You can find these little black beetles living anywhere, in anything.
They resemble little black seeds because they are so small when they fold their legs under themselves. This can be their way of defending themselves.
Clown beetle species can be found in both trees and abandoned rodent burrows.
Some species only consume fungi, while others consume animal waste and expired food.
Each species of clown beetle has successfully carved itself a niche that allows it to thrive in its particular environment.
27. Jewel Beetle

Jewel Beetles (Buprestis spp), a member of the Metallic Wood Borer family, are typically seen close to their host tree.
Like borer beetles, the larvae tunnel through the trunk’s interior before emerging from the bark to pupate on the ground.
Adults have textured elytra and a glossy, vivid hue (wing coverings). North America has many native species, and there is still room for research.
28. Larder Beetle

Larder beetle is next on our list of types of beetles in Oklahoma. The pantry, cupboard, and larder beetle larva’s diet contain much more than common foods.
This species’ natural food sources are dried, decomposing animals or plants.
As a result, this beetle may attack jerky, cured meats like ham and bacon, cat and dog food, pet treats, and dried fish like bonito.
Even the dried, preserved animal specimens frequently found in museums have been destroyed by Larder Beetles.
They are a problem everywhere. Unless damage is found, the little black and yellow insect may go unnoticed.
It has six black dots, three on each side, and a broad yellow band with short hairs running along the center.
The larvae have short, bent antennae with a slight bulge at the end. Their body is segmented and generally dark brown.
The entire body is covered in fine hair, and two short, curved horns are close to the back.
If adults are found in the kitchen, check all food cupboards for the presence of larvae. Well-sealed pantry items help to stave off intrusion.
29. Margined Blister Beetle

The Margined Blister Beetle (Epicauta funesbris) is a slim, relatively plain insect matte black with a thin white line running down the middle.
A slender neck joins the abdomen and wings to the square-headed head and flat mouth portions. Long legs and antennas are all black.
The Margined Blister Beetle can release a cantharidin substance when threatened or crushed.
This substance can harm an insect predator and create skin blisters on people.
People working in crop fields and private gardens may encounter potential enemies since this insect feeds on plant tissue.
The blistering agent is released when they fly and occasionally fall on arms or necks, where they are batted at or even crushed. Blisters could appear immediately and keep getting bigger and redder all day.
In Oklahoma, look for Margined Blister types of beetles on tomato, beet, eggplant, potato, alfalfa leaves, and fruit.
When the likelihood of encountering them rises, they can become significant garden pests. Avoiding handling people is preferable.
30. Metallic Wood-boring Beetle

Despite the adult types of beetles in Oklahoma’s stunning appearance, its larvae are infamous for burrowing beneath tree bark and impairing the tree’s ability to transport water and nutrients.
These particular species prefer the Eastern White Pine. Long and short black lines and a rough texture on the wing coverings let large adults blend in with trunks.
Larvae eat further into the tree as the females lay their eggs in the bark.
When the larvae reach the cambium layer, they meander around the tissue, disrupting the pathways between the tree’s roots and needles.
Years may pass before the larvae leave the tree and become adults. In coniferous woodlands, look for mature Chalcophora fortis beetles.
31. American Carrion Beetle

The American Carrion Beetle (Necrophilia Americana) is an incredibly unique species that can be found in Oklahoma.
These beetles, which belong to the Silphidae family in Oklahoma, are typically black with distinctive yellow markings.
As their name suggests, these beetles are scavengers and feed on the bodies of dead animals.
This makes them one of the only beetle species that can help clean up the environment.
While they may not be the most attractive creatures, they play an essential role in Oklahoma’s ecosystem.
American Carrion Beetles are primarily active during the summer when they become more visible in search of food sources.
To avoid dehydration during these hotter months, these beetles burrow themselves in leaf litter or soil where they can remain relatively cool and moist.
They can also be spotted in wooded areas near streams or lakes.
It is important to note that while these beetles are harmless, they should not be handled due to the risk of disease transmission.
All in all, American Carrion types of beetles in Oklahoma are exciting.
32. American Oil Beetle

The American oil beetle (Moloe Americanus) is ending our list of types of beetles in Oklahoma.
It is part of the blister beetle family known for its black and yellow coloring.
Adult beetles typically grow between 8 and 20mm long. They are usually seen during the summer months, from June through August.
The American oil beetle can be found in fields, grasslands, and gardens. It feeds on flower nectar and is often found on the petals.
They have also been known to feed on small insects such as aphids, leafhoppers, and caterpillars.
This species’ larva is a parasitoid, meaning it lives inside the bodies of other insects. The larvae then feed on the host’s body, eventually killing it.
1 comment
It would have been much more helpful, if you would have included a pic of each one, besides just writeup of description for we visual people.😉