8 Different Types of Doves in Texas

Different Types of Doves in TexasPin
Photo by abdelaziz amraoui

In this essay, we will learn about Texas’s different types of Doves.

People often refer to Doves and Pigeons as larger doves, stocky birds distinguished by their short necks, short, narrow bills, and diet primarily consisting of grains.

They are well-liked birds and frequent visitors to backyards since they give the impression of being calm and unruffled.

Types of Doves in Texas

1. Eurasian Collared Dove

The Eurasian collared dove is a resident in all regions of Texas throughout the entire year.

It ranges in color from light brown to gray and has white spots on its tail and a black collar in the shape of a crescent around its neck.

These types of doves in Texas are a tad larger than the standard variety and have a rounder body, smaller heads, and long tails that are squared off.

It is easy to confuse this species with the mourning dove, but you can tell them apart by the black ring worn around the bird’s neck and the rhythmic three-part coo they make.

It is not particular about its environment; you can find it in various places, including cities, suburbs, and rural areas.

Look for it in backyard feeders, telephone poles, or tall trees. Millets can be scattered on the ground or placed in platform feeders to attract this animal.

2. Rock Dove

Doves and pigeons are members of the same bird species family; despite its name, the rock dove is a pigeon.

The rock dove is a short, stocky bird with short legs, a small head, and a broad, rounded tail. It is more conspicuous than a robin but smaller than that of a crow.

This bird species lives throughout the year in South and South America, and you can see them congregating in large numbers on public streets and roosting on buildings, barns, and bridges.

Most individuals of this species have a bluish-gray coloration and iridescent feathers on their throats in addition to black bands on their wings that are lighter tint.

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Rock doves are a type of dove in Texas with reddish plumage, which is a common sight. They often congregate in large flocks and forage for food on the ground.

3. Band-Tailed Pigeon

In certain regions of western Texas, close to the border with Mexico, you can find the band-tailed pigeon living year-round.

The significance of this species is significantly higher than that of a rock pigeon, which also has a stocky body, small head, and long, rounded tail.

However, it has a unique color, with a light gray on the surface and a purplish gray on the underside of its body.

In addition, a white crescent-shaped marking is on the nape of its neck.

This bird calls the coniferous forests and mountains of the Southwest United States its natural home, although it is also popular in frequent suburban parks, backyards, and fields.

It makes hooting sounds, similar to those of an owl, as it travels in big flocks through the air in quest of nuts, fruit, and seeds.

4. Inca Dove

The only parts of Texas that the Inca dove does not permanently call home are the state’s far eastern regions and the Panhandle.

This dove species is smaller and more slender than other doves and has a long tail squared off at the end.

It has a small head, short legs, and a hanging bill. Its color allows it to fit in with arid settings; its tan feathers have dark brown outlines, giving the impression that they are scaled.

Compared to other family members, it has a smaller body mass, which could increase its chances of survival.

These types of doves in Texas are doves you can see in human habitation, such as in towns, parks, and farms, yet it strongly prefer being in open spaces with few bushes and trees.

The Inca dove is not skittish and will not hesitate to make its home in backyards equipped with feeders and native vegetation.

It has a loud voice, and you can hear them cooing all day and night. When it flies, even its wings make a clattering sound.

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5. Common Ground-Dove

This ground dove spends the entire year in southern and central Texas, where it forages for food in open, dusty environments.

This little dove is nearly the same size as a house sparrow, and it has short wings, short tails, and a short beak.

It also has short legs, and it walks by shuffling its feet. Its wings have dark markings, contrasting with its general light brown coloration.

The common ground dove’s habitat is extensive, ranging from open shrubby areas with long grass to suburban and urban backyards, where the dove stays.

These types of doves in Texas enjoy hiding in tall grass and trees while gently singing to themselves.

You can entice doves like this by placing ground feeders close to surrounding plants, providing them with cover.

6. Mourning Dove

You can locate mourning doves all over the state of Texas at any time of the year because the population of these birds is so widespread.

They are characterized by stout bodies, lengthy tails that end in points, and short beaks.

Their overall appearance ranges from light brown to tan, with black dots on their wings and black tails with white borders.

These types of doves in Texas have powerful wings that rapidly ascend and descend with each beat, generating a high-pitched whistling sound.

You can entice these doves by strewing millet seeds across the ground near thick shrubs or trees with evergreen needles.

Nesting in trees in open woodland habitats is their primary mode of activity when they are not browsing for seeds on the ground or perching precariously on telephone lines.

7. White-Winged Dove

During the breeding season, you can find these types of doves in the southern and eastern parts of Texas.

However, their range is gradually increasing to encompass the entirety of the state. It has a round body and is around the size of a robin.

It has square tails and long bills that are quite thin. Its body is brown, its wings are dark, it has white stripes, and its tail is white with a brown tip.

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In addition, it bears distinguishing marks on its face, including a bluish tinge around its eyes and a black line on each of its cheeks.

This dove species is most common in desert settings found in the southwestern United States.

However, it is becoming more common in urban and suburban areas, where it enjoys feeding at feeders placed in private backyards.

It is common to find it hunting for seeds on the ground or eating berries while perched on trees.

8. White-tipped Dove

The white-tipped dove is most common in South America. However, you can also find them in portions of Central America and Mexico, as well as in the most southern section of Texas, in the Rio Grande Valley.

The white-tipped dove is a stocky bird with short legs, a rounded tail that is likewise short, and a rather little head.

It has a brown color on top and a white color underneath, with a pale chin and forehead, and its coloring comprises brown on top and white underneath.

This bird takes on an iridescent magenta hue if you can observe it under the appropriate lighting conditions.

There are around a dozen subspecies of the white-tipped dove, each of which prefers living in dense scrub and forests close to water.

You can spot these types of doves in Texas here and there in citrus groves.

Place seeds on the ground or in a platform feeder at a low height to entice white-tipped doves to visit your property in South Texas.

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