29 Different Types of Butterflies in California

Types of Butterflies in California
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This article describes the different types of butterflies in California.

This collection features a variety of colorful butterflies, perfect for anyone who enjoys looking at insects, from painted ladies and monarchs to swallowtails.

One of the most well-known insects in the world is the butterfly. Although some species, such as the monarch and the painted lady, are quite well known, several stunning species are familiar to virtually everyone.

There are about 700 different types of butterflies in the United States, with California having its unique collection of approximately 170 butterfly species.

These butterflies in California, which are pollinators similar to bees, are vitally important.

During their annual migration, the monarch butterfly is notable for spreading pollen over the western coast of the United States.

Numerous butterflies are found in the western United States; however, some are much more common than others.

1. Monarch

The Danaus plexippus monarch butterfly is one of the most widespread species in California.

Scientists have scrutinized The population of monarch butterflies in a few studies, and the results reveal that the species’ population is decreasing.

The annual population of monarch butterflies in California is estimated to be between a few hundred thousand and several million.

As part of their migration, these butterflies make their way to California and other regions in Mexico from their summertime haunts west of the Rocky Mountains.

When migrating from their northern homes, monarch butterflies almost always stop in Southern California.

The wingspans of monarch butterflies range between 3 and 4 inches, making them among the largest butterflies you can find in the state.

The species stands out because of its color, a blend of black and orange. The veins and wide borders of the wings are also black, which complements the orange base color of the wings.

This species consumes various plants for food, including Indian hemp and wild carrots.

California milkweed is another food source for monarch butterflies in the southern United States.

Certain data show that monarch butterflies that feed on milkweed are less likely to move great distances than those that feed on other plants like goldenrod or blazing stars.

2. Painted Lady

Painted Lady butterflies, also known as Vanessa cardui, are among California’s species with the highest population density.

This is true regarding migrating butterflies and other species in general.

The wings of Painted Lady butterflies are various shades of orange, brown, white, and black.

This species’ primary color is orange, with black veins and black ends on its forewings.

Black spots may be seen on the wings’ orange portion, while white spots are on the black portions of the wings.

The Painted Lady butterfly is a species that travels from California to other states. It travels through the northern region of California to the rest of the state.

The amount of precipitation, which stimulates the growth of the species’ preferred host plants, is the single most critical element in determining the scope of the migration.

Some of the largest migrations of Painted Ladies have occurred in California in the past few years, and they could happen again whenever there is rainfall in dry places.

This causes the growth of several types of asters, which are the flowers that Painted Lady butterflies prefer the most.

3. Fiery Skipper

Fiery Skippers, also known as Hylephila phyles, can be recognized by their yellow or orange coloring. The females of this species are brown.

In contrast to species seen elsewhere, Fiery Skippers found in Southern California have a darker overall appearance.

Significant research has been done on these butterflies in California since they are among the state’s most frequent grass-eating insects.

Fiery Skippers are a widespread lawn problem and a significant danger to grasses in California and Hawaii.

In most cases, a pesticide is used to eliminate this species as a preventative precaution or after it has invaded an area.

These types of butterflies in California are easily identifiable thanks to their wings’ unique yellow or orange coloration.

The female butterfly is recognizable for having a predominantly dark brown color, even darker in Southern California.

In contrast, the male butterfly has a colorful appearance that is completed by dark brown edges.

The Fiery Skipper is a butterfly species found all over the state, particularly at lower elevations.

One can identify the species by observing how the wings of a Fiery Skipper butterfly are arranged on a California lawn. At rest, these butterflies’ upper wings are folded into a triangular shape.

4. Variable Checkerspot

In California, you can find a common dark-colored butterfly known as the Variable Checkerspot (Euphydryas chalcedona).

Butterflies of this species are frequently spotted in protected areas, likely because California’s climate and plant life are well suited to their needs.

These species have predominantly dark coloration on their wingswhich are covered in white dots. Their margins are predominantly red and black.

The Variable Checkerspot spends a significant portion of its life attempting to escape being eaten by predators, mostly birds.

This is why its ventral wings have developed a patterned appearance as caterpillars, variable checkerspot butterflies like munching on yerba santa, a native plant to the area.

The larvae of the Variable Checkerspot butterfly feed on a wider variety of hosts than other checkerspot species.

Sticky monkey flowers inside and outside California are its primary food source.

It can absorb toxins, which cause it to have an unpleasant taste and deter potential predators. Additionally, this state is the location of the California bee plant.

This wildflower species is similar to others yet does not contain any poisons. Caterpillars of the Variable Checkerspot species are also fond of this species.

Caterpillars of this species prefer to grow more quickly on the California bee plant even though they do not get any toxins from the plant that they can use for defense. This is because the California bee plant is gentler in the digestive system.

5. Gray Buckeye

There is a subspecies of the Common Buckeye butterfly known as the Gray Buckeye butterfly (Junonia grisea).

These butterflies in California reside in a region that extends west of the Rocky Mountains.

The base hue of Gray Buckeye butterflies is a gradient of gray, and they have additional colors that include orange, brown, black, and white.

Its forewings are the only part of its wings with dark gray coloring, whereas the hindwings have a lighter gray overall.

The extraordinarily huge eyespots of this species are the primary reason for its notoriety.

These eyespots, found on the edges of the wings, can be viewed as protective adaptations that make the species look larger and more menacing.

The final piece of the margin between the eyespots and the wings is colored orange so that the brown and black eye spots may be more noticeable.

6. Umber Skipper

Although they are native to other parts of the Southwestern United States, Umber Skipper butterflies (Lon melange) are most prevalent in California.

The butterflies are a dark color, and the span of their wings is slightly more than one inch.

The butterfly can create a triangle shape by folding its forewings while keeping its hindwings in their natural position.

The species is identifiable by its brown and yellow coloring and is known to be rather dark.

On the underside of its wings, the ventral side, lighter shades of brown and yellow are visible.

This species feeds on various plants and uses many plants as hosts for the larvae it produces. Some of his favorites are plants that can only be found in California.

Its caterpillars feed on various plants throughout the state, but the California brome and San Diego sedge are two of the most common hosts.

Adult butterflies and moths are less dependent on a particular plant or flower than caterpillars.

Adult Umber Skippers get their nutrition by sucking the nectar from a wide variety of wildflowers.

7. California Sister

The California Sister, also known as Adelpha California, is a species of the state’s native flora that is typically small and black.

This butterfly spends most of its life in California, but you can also find it elsewhere along the West Coast.

The majority of individuals of this species are black. Its wings are mostly black, with white bands and red spots across the forewings. Its upper wings also have red spots across the tips of the forewings.

Locating the California Sisters butterflies at moderate to high elevations on hills and mountains is not difficult.

They call oak woodlands, in particular, their home or the areas surrounding those woodlands.

Canyon oaks and Coastal live oaks are the preferred host plants for the larvae of butterflies belonging to the California Sister genus.

It is common knowledge that adults favor other types of organic food, such as dung and mud.

Puddling frequently occurs within the species. This is when adults gather in groups to consume the organic nutrients in mud.

8. Pipevine Swallowtail

Battus philenor, the black and blue butterfly, is frequently seen in California. Most Pipevine Swallowtails reside on the eastern coast of the United States.

The primary distinction between California Pipevine Swallowtails and Eastern Pipevine Swallowtails is size; other than that, there aren’t many other differences.

Pipevine Swallowtails in California are typically smaller than those in other parts of the United States.

It is possible to recognize this species by its black forewings. Its hindwings are blue, but you can only see them when it’s in the air.

Large orange spots and numerous small white marks are visible across the blue sections of the ventral hindwings.

Swallowtails can imitate other species of butterflies, and it is also well-known that other butterflies can imitate these swallowtails for defensive reasons.

Females Pipevine It is common knowledge that swallowtail butterflies consume pollen during the day. It’s common for males to look for females while they look for food.

Pipevine Swallowtail females only feed on the nectar of plants, while the males consume mud with other males to get the nutrients they need.

When males are already present in an area feeding on the mud, the likelihood of additional males increases.

9. Red Admiral

During the winter months in California, you’ll frequently see Red Admirals, also known as Vanessa atalanta.

They travel down from the Arctic Circle and begin mating as soon as they set foot in the state. This species only mate again in the spring, when it returns to its northern range.

Because of their highly territorial nature, red admirals have developed a sophisticated mating strategy.

These California butterflies are predominantly black, and their forewings have white spots and red bands.

Some Red Admirals only have brown hind wings and black fore wings. This particular morph features orange bands rather than yellow ones.

The hindwings of Red Admiral butterflies have a brown and black pattern on the ventral surface, while the forewings are mostly black.

This species is most prevalent in state regions with abundant stinging nettle to choose from.

Red Admiral butterflies migrate south in late fall when there is fresh stinging nettle in the state because this is the most common host plant for the species.

10. Cabbage White

The Cabbage White butterfly, also known as Pieris rapae, is a species with multiple stages and is considered a pest when it is in the caterpillar stage.

In various parts of the state, the Cabbage White caterpillar is also commonly referred to as the Cabbage Worm.

The cabbage butterfly caterpillar feeds on cabbages and other cruciferous vegetables.

California and the nearby states have sustained significant damage, estimated to be in the millions of dollars.

Even though birds can eat Cabbage White caterpillars, they cause significant economic damage yearly.

Adult Cabbage White butterflies feed on yellow or white flowers, and as a result, they have no direct impact on cruciferous plants.

Adult butterflies have vivid coloration, ranging from off-white to cream, and a black or dark gray body.

Females of this species have dark spots on the middle section of their wings, another way they can be distinguished from males.

The underside of the wings has a color that is somewhere between cream and white. This species’ ability to hide on flowers by folding its wings helps it avoid being noticed.

The aster is one of the flowers on which these types of butterflies in California feed.

11. Gulf Fritillary

Over the past ten years, these particular butterflies, the Dione vanillae, have become very common in California.

Although they are not as common in Texas as in Florida, you can spot these butterflies in California at least twice a year. This is because Texas is a migration destination and a migration route toward Mexico.

This particular butterfly species has a base color of orange, with black lines and black dots with white sections in the middle.

Its ventral underside is darker brown than the rest of its body. The brown portions of the wings also have numerous large white dots.

The caterpillar stage of the fritillary butterfly shares some of the adult’s coloration. This species’ larvae range from orange to brown and are striped with black.

The larvae of this species consume passionflowers as their food source. Adults of certain species secrete certain defensive odors when they sense that another animal may attack them.

As the birds get closer, they emit an offensive odor. Both males and females possess glands that serve as a defense mechanism responsible for releasing odors from the accumulation of toxins in their host plants.

12. Western Tiger Swallowtail

California’s largest natural species include the Western Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio rutulus). These butterflies can have wingspans greater than 4 inches.

A combination of yellow and black coloring characterizes the appearance of the species.

This type of butterfly has a yellow base coloring with black stripes and bands throughout its body.

The underside of the wings, known as the ventral side, similarly features a predominance of black and yellow colors.

This butterfly species eats various plants and frequently inhabits the Western Coast.

California buckeye and yerba santa are two plants this species consumes for sustenance. Adults consume them daily.

The caterpillars of this species prefer eating on willows, cottonwood, and ash trees over the California buckeye, but they will still do so if necessary.

One major reason the Western Tiger Swallowtail resides near bodies of water is that these are the conditions under which willows thrive. Willows thrive in moist environments.

13. Acmon Blue

Icaricia acmon, more often known as Acmon Blue butterflies, are almost entirely indigenous to California and the immediate environments in neighboring states.

This particular kind of blue butterfly has a rather small wingspan. Its dorsal wings are a distinct dark blue color.

On the forewings, you can see that the wing edges are black. A band of orange on the hind wings, with white edges.

Although very dark on the dorsal side, this species’ ventral wings range in hue from white to gray.

On the underside of the wings and on the ventral side, there are a few little black spots and an orange line that runs down the borders.

Acmon Blue can be found in several different environments. This species can be discovered practically everywhere in the state, from arid regions to coastal areas and even from the foothills to the marshes.

Adults consume nectar from various wildflowers, while the Acmon Blue caterpillar feeds on buckwheat found around.

14. Mourning Cloak

Mourning Cloak butterflies, also known as Nymphalis antiopa, are among the most frequent pest butterfly species in California.

This species’ wings have a stripe ranging from off-white to yellow and are dark brown overall.

Along the edges of the wings of this species may be seen a series of very little blue markings.

This species’ dark dorsal and lighter ventral gray coloration provides further diagnostic information. This coloration on the ventral surface serves as a defense strategy.

Because of the camouflaging coloring on the underside of the butterfly’s wings, it is difficult to spot the butterfly when it pauses on the tree’s bark and exposes its ventral wings.

The presence of this species’ caterpillar on a tree is a worrying omen because the larvae can strip a host tree of all of its leaves.

Willow and poplar are two examples of host plants that the larvae of the Mourning Cloak butterfly defoliate.

There is some uncertainty regarding the origin of large numbers of caterpillars that feed on host trees. Many believe that these types of butterflies in California do not migrate.

According to other hypotheses, the Morning Cloak is a native North American species that usually migrates to Central America.

15. Gray Hairstreak

Many Gray Hairstreak butterflies are in the state thanks to the clover (Strymon melinus).

The Gray Hairstreak butterfly’s favorite food source is clovers of all kinds, including bush clovers.

Alternately, these types of butterflies in California eat on mallows when they are hungry. The caterpillars of the Gray Hairstreak butterfly also use plants in the pea family as food sources.

This group of butterflies is distinguished further by the fact that they only have two to three broods per year.

In some areas of the state, you can still see these butterflies flying around as late as November.

Because they frequently feed on mints, a herb grown in gardens, you can find Gray Hairstreaks in practically another habitat.

The dorsal wings of this species always have a color that ranges from dark gray to dark blue. On some specimens of this species, the edges are white.

Additionally, orange dots are visible on the butterfly’s hindwings. The undersides of the wings of butterflies belonging to this genus range from white to gray.

Additionally, you can find black spots and yellow stripes on the ventral forewings of this insect. The caterpillars of this genus have a coloration that is white and pink.

16. Common Ringlet

Common Ringlet butterflies, also known as Coenonympha California, are a tiny species that can be found both inside and outside California. Their colors can vary greatly.

This tiny species has a modest wing span of slightly more than 1 inch. Most of its wings are orange, although they also come in shades of gray, brown, and tan.

The United States and even within the state of California show a high degree of coloration variety among the species.

The butterfly can be found in its natural habitat from Oregon to Baja California. It is also common in parks and other open spaces, such as fields and meadows, where you can find it.

Adult Common Ringlet butterflies eat a diverse selection of grasses; as a result, they have the potential to become a nuisance in public parks and gardens.

17. Lorquin’s Admiral

One of the most frequently seen admirals in California is the Limenitis linguini. It is also one of the state’s most territorial butterflies, making it one of the most hostile.

This species’ black wings are contrasted with orange points on the forewings, making them easily recognizable. Its forewings and hindwings have white markings along the borders of their wings.

This species also has vivid pigmentation on the underside of its body. You can find dark brown, orange, and light brown patterns on the underside of its wings.

Additionally, black veins and huge white specks are visible on its ventral wings. The presence of Lorquin’s Admiral in California can be attributed to several factors.

Native to the state, some of its favorite flora include Yerba Santa and California Buckeye, to name just a couple.

These plants are inedible to the caterpillars of the Lorquin’s Admiral butterfly. Willows and other types of trees are their hosts of choice.

18. Marine Blue

Marine Blue butterflies, also known as Leptotes marina, are known for their vibrant colors and can be found in California.

The purple-blue color that is more prominent in males of this species is where the name comes from.

The male and the female have a brown foundation on the dorsal wings of their bodies.

In addition, male Marine Blue butterflies have a purple hue on the upper part of their bodies and in the middle of their forewings.

The species’ ventral surface has a wavy brown and white lines coloring pattern. Large blue eyespots are also on the ventral sides of the wings.

Marine Blue butterflies do not pose a significant risk to California’s crops when their abundance is controlled.

The Marine Blue caterpillar causes the greatest trouble. The alfalfa plant is the host plant for this species’ caterpillar.

Marine Blue butterflies and caterpillars can be found in the southernmost part of California, in Baja, California.

19. Mylitta Crescent

The Mylitta Crescent (Phyciodes mylitta), which can have a wing span of up to 37 millimeters, is a ubiquitous North American species found in California.

The base color of this butterfly is orange or orange-red, and its checkered patterns are either black or brown. The body of the butterfly is the same color.

The larvae of Mylitta Crescent butterflies are known to feed on thistles, making them one of the most frequent butterfly species.

The Mylitta Crescent caterpillar frequently feeds on asters, but the adults move on to nectar from various flowers. Asters are common hosts for this species.

This active species has a long flying season because it is only dormant from December to January. It can be located at a different altitude.

Certain butterflies, including the Mylitta Crescent butterfly, can be seen regularly, even at a few thousand feet.

Open environments like meadows are good places to look for butterflies. The adults and the caterpillars of this species eat on the wildflowers found in parks and on the fringes of wooded areas where they live.

20. Orange Sulphur

The Orange Sulphur butterfly, also known as the Colias eurytheme, is one of the orange butterflies found most frequently in California.

These California butterflies are well known for the vibrant colors on their dorsal and ventral surfaces.

The dorsal wings predominantly feature an orange coloration. The presence of dark brown patches along the margins of the wings distinguishes its forewings and hindwings.

Its body is largely black, and the center portion of its forewings has a black iridescence. Ventrally, orange sulfurs can have either a yellow or green coloration.

The undersides of the wings of these types of butterflies in California are yellow, and there are a few dots of brown and white across the forewings.

There is also a variation within this species with lime-green ventral wings. Despite their diminutive size, orange sulfurs are California’s most destructive species.

Infestations of caterpillars belonging to this species are common in alfalfa fields. Because these caterpillars only come out at night, they cause a significant amount of damage to the crops.

21. Pale Swallowtail

One of California’s most common species of huge butterflies is the Pale Swallowtail (Papilio eurymedon).

Even though it doesn’t have nearly as many individuals as the Western Tiger Swallowtail, this species can still be found in significant numbers in the area.

Pale Swallowtails can be found in wooded clearings or near bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, and ponds.

This species prefers environments with high humidity and abundant water, as these conditions produce mud they may use for puddling.

To reach the water rich in nutrients, male Pale Swallowtails will munch their way through the muck.

The Pale Swallowtail’s size and wings’ colors make it easy to spot in its natural habitat.

This kind of butterfly, which looks a lot like zebra butterflies and has a wing span of between 3 and 4.5 inches on average, has a black-and-white coloration.

Pale Swallowtails’ wings have bands of black and white that alternate. You can find bands in contrasting black and white on both the butterfly’s forewings and hindwings.

This kind of butterfly has a black head and a body marked with two white stripes running longitudinally.

Across the entirety of the wings, distinct black borders may be seen. On the underside of the wings, there are white shapes in the shape of half-moons and tiny white stripes that run along the black edges.

In addition, the species has blue, yellow, and orange markings on the lower hindwings and two black and white tails.

22. California Tortoiseshell

California Tortoiseshell, also known as Nymphalis California, is a tiny butterfly that lives in forests and woodland openings.

This species can be found up the West Coast in Canada, in the province of British Columbia.

The warmer months in the state are when California tortoiseshells’ population peaks.

These California butterflies may occasionally fly across the country to New York on migrating to the east from their western ranges.

True migrations are uncommon, and California’s butterflies rarely travel to other states. With an average wing span of around 2 inches, these butterflies are among the smaller to medium-sized species in the state.

The coloration of their ventral wings looks like dead leaves to avoid being eaten by predators. The undersides of the animal’s wings are more vibrantly colored.

The dorsal wings of individuals in this species typically have an orange or orange-to-brown coloration.

On the wings of this species can be seen both yellow regions and markings with a dark brown color.

Additional decoration on the dorsal side of the wings comes from black and brown wing margins.

These California tortoiseshell butterflies are easily identifiable in their caterpillar stage due to their preference for host plants. The California Tortoiseshell butterfly prefers lilac as its host plant.

23. Echo Azure

California is home to many Echo Azures, also known as Celastrina echo. These butterflies fly about from springtime through October.

The base color of Echo Azure butterflies is blue, with triangle-shaped markings on their wings’ upper side.

The body of this species is dark blue, while the wing margins are black and white.

The female Echo Azure lays her eggs directly on the flower buds where she feeds. The eggs are spherical, white, and very small.

There are anywhere from one to three generations of butterflies every year. Regarding the plant that serves as its food source, this species is similar to the California Tortoiseshell. People frequently choose to lay their eggs on wild lilacs.

The California buckeye is another, more state-specific host plant for the Echo Azure butterfly. Adults subsist on the nectar of a wide variety of plant species.

The range that Echo Azure butterflies inhabit is another way to differentiate them. They are most comfortable in wooded areas, woodland openings, plains of medium elevation, and scrub.

The species has adapted to living in environments at higher elevations that are abundant in plant life, such as habitats near mountain streams.

24. Checkered White

Checkered White butterflies, or Pontia protodice, are among California’s most frequent tiny white butterflies.

There are subtle color changes between male and female Checkered White butterflies, although most of the butterfly’s body is white in both sexes. It’s common to see additional brown or gray dots on females.

While the dorsal wings are white, the ventral wings are primarily brown with partial white markings throughout the butterfly’s forewings and hindwings.

Compared to the size of other species found in the state, Checkered White butterflies are small.

These types of California butterflies can reach up to 1.5 inches in wingspan. However, they are most common in open spaces.

This plant can thrive in various environments, including dry open forests, prairies, footpaths, meadows, valleys, and hills.

One of this species’ most characteristic flowers is mustard. Secondary host plants for this species are asters and alfalfa, respectively.

Migration can take place inside a state but only within the same species. The males and females of the species do not reach sexual maturity simultaneously, which sets off the species’ migration.

Males are ready to mate earlier than females and tend to saturate a region with females once they reach that point.

Consequently, the female Checkered White butterfly may go to a location with fewer males.

25. West Coast Lady

West Coast Lady butterflies (Vanessa Annabella) are typical tiny orange species throughout the state.

These butterflies can be found in California in various environments, including scrub and other dry regions of the landscape.

It is easy to mistake this species for one of the state’s many other orange butterfly varieties.

The West Coast Lady butterfly is recognized by its coloration, which ranges from orange to brown at its base. The brown coloration is visible in the middle of the wings and the body.

The leading edges of the forewings are covered in white dots across a dark brown to a black background.

The species’ preferred host plant is the marshmallow, which significantly influences adults’ feeding behaviors in the area.

The colorful West Coast Lady butterfly is frequently confused with other species of butterflies belonging to the same family.

The American Painted Lady butterfly and the Painted Lady butterfly are the only two other butterfly species that reside throughout North America and even partially in Central America.

Even though the habitats of these butterflies in California do not overlap, you can often find butterflies with color combinations like brown and orange or black and orange.

26. Western Pygmy-Blue

Brephidium exilis butterflies, often known as Western Pygmy-Blue butterflies, are among the state’s most diminutive species.

Although it can have a wingspan of up to 20 mm, it is more typical for the species to have a much shorter wingspan.

The brown color of the butterfly is another distinguishing feature that helps to identify it. You may notice a color ranging from dark brown to black on most of its dorsal wings.

Most of the species’ front and back wings are predominantly dark brown.

The upper part of its body is black, as are the elongated black spots on the margins of its hindwings.

The forewings have fine white hairs and a very thin white overlay. The species’ ventral color is similarly predominantly brown, although it has a softer tone than the dorsal coloring.

The ventral wings of Western Pygmy-Blue butterflies are pale yellow, and a white stripe runs the length of both the forewings and the hindwings.

The wings of this species are covered with large, dark eyespots across their entirety. It has white and brown coloring on both its legs and antennae.

This tiny butterfly thrives in every county in the state. Its favorite habitat is old pastures overgrown with pigweed.

27. Western Giant Swallowtail

The Western Giant Swallowtail, also known as the Papilio Rumiko, is one of the largest butterfly species found in California.

In various environments, these butterflies can reach a maximum wing spread of 58 millimeters throughout the state.

The larva of the Western Giant Swallowtail butterfly most frequently feeds on wafer ash and wild lime, which is also the location where one is most likely to encounter this species.

The caterpillar will eat the leaves of these plants and the plants themselves. The Western Giant Swallowtail butterfly is identifiable by its enormous, brown wings decorated with yellow patterns.

The forewings and the hindwings are a dark brown hue. The edges of the fore and hindwings have a series of yellow dots.

A wide band in the shape of a V may run across the forewings of the species. You can also find both colors on the dorsal and ventral wings.

The ventral wings are mostly yellow, with brown dots and brown stripes across the forewings. The predominant color of the forewings is brown.

28. Behr’s Metalmark

The Behr’s Metalmark, also known as Apodemia virgulti, is one of the most frequent butterfly species that flys in southern California annually.

There are indications of its presence south of Los Angeles, around San Diego, and down to Baja California.

Regarding the plants it will host, these butterflies in California have a strong affinity for different kinds of buckwheat.

Behr’s Metalmark butterfly is one of the state’s most frequent multicolored butterflies and can be found across California’s eastern and coastal regions.

In the coastal areas of San Diego, the species is active throughout the entire year.

The wings of Behr’s Metalmark butterflies have a coloration that ranges from gray to black, while the bodies of the insects are black.

Markings ranging from orange to brown and black stripes are visible on this insect’s forewings and hindwings.

Additionally, the wings of all individuals of this species have white dots with black edges. Although they are not actual eyespots, these white marks help to distinguish the species.

The dull coloration of the ventral surface is unique to Behr’s Metalmark. This particular species’ ventral side is mostly gray and orange, with huge white spots bordered by black.

29. Anise Swallowtail

The Anise Swallowtail, also known as Papilio zelicaon, is a species of butterfly found across the state. Its wing span is approximately 3 inches.

The wings of this species have a combination of black and yellow colors and two short tails. You can recognize this species by its wings.

The wings’ primary color is yellow, decorated with black veins running from the forewings to the hindwings.

In addition, these butterflies in California have broad black edges dotted with a few little yellow spots.

The underside of the hindwings has dots in orange coloration. This species has a nearly similar number of individuals in California’s Northern and Southern regions.

The best place to look for this species is the area around Sacramento Valley in the state’s northern regions.

Anise Swallowtail butterflies often feed on wild carrots and wild parsley, two of the more common natural plants they consume.

Citrus fruits are another frequent type of host for the species. Because of this, Anise Swallowtail butterflies can be found all around the state, including in your garden.

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