Are you interested in beetles but don’t know where to start? This comprehensive guide on the types of beetles in Utah will introduce what species are present in the area and teach you how to differentiate between them.
There are over 300,000 beetle species on earth, and some live in Utah States. Look at the types of beetles in Utah you’re most likely to find below!
These are ranked by their frequency of occurrence across the state.
1. IronClad Beetle

The IronClad Beetle, Zopherus haldemani, is a species that is native to the arid portions of the southern United States.
They are one of the most common types of beetles found in Utah deserts and scrublands.
The adults are between two and three millimeters long. Adults can be found from June to September.
The larvae feed on decaying plant material, often found under bark or among logs.
2. Horse-bean Longhorn Beetle
The Horse-Bean Longhorn Beetle is one of the types of beetle in Utah, and it is found in the Utah States, central and south-central Mexico, and Central America.
The Horse-bean Longhorn Beetle is dark brown or black with a yellowish-white band across its neck region. Adult beetles range from about one to two inches long.
They are oval-shaped with a hump on their back and possess short antennae. In addition, they have dense tufts of hair on the body and short spines on the legs.
The larvae (or grubs) stage can last 2 to 8 years before they pupate into adults (also called images).
Larvae tend to be white or creamy with a curved body shape that helps them burrow into the soil.
3. Four-spot Sap Beetle

The four-spot sap beetle, Glischrochilus quadrisignatus, is a saprophytic species that can be found on the coast and throughout Utah.
They are often found in leaf litter, decaying wood, and under stones or bark on the ground.
The species has three color variations: black with red spots, black with yellow spots, and dark brown with yellow spots.
4. Predaceous Diving Beetle

Predaceous Diving Beetles belong to the family Dytiscidae. These types of beetles in Utah are aquatic and live in ponds, lakes, and streams.
They are also known as toe biters because they bite a toe or other part of a human body that sticks into the water.
The adult beetle is about 1 inch long with well-developed legs and strong wing covers (elytra).
Mostly, the larvae resemble adults but are smaller and have fewer wing covers.
Predaceous Diving Beetle larvae will burrow into the mud near the bottom of their habitat, while adults tend to be on leaves or rocks near the surface of their watery home.
These types of beetles in Utah Eat mosquito larvae, small fish, tadpoles, and other small invertebrates living around them.
5. Globemallow Leaf Beetle
One species is a Globemallow Leaf Beetle (Calligrapha serpentina), which is a rare one of the types of beetle in Utah and northern Arizona.
The beetle ranges from 3-5mm and lives on globemallow plants’ leaves, stems, and flowers.
Also they are also predatory to other insects, including aphids, caterpillars, snails, slugs, and more.
The larvae have an orange-yellow body with black stripes on its head.
6. Hermit Flower Beetle

The Hermit Flower Beetle (Osmoderma eremicola) is a small, dark-colored beetle that is found throughout Utah.
However, they are most often seen near flowers and other plants. They can be found near animal dung and fungi as well.
They can fly short distances but do not generally travel far from where they were born.
Moreover, their males have a yellow head and thorax with brown wings, while females have a black head and thorax with brown wings.
The Hermit Flower types of Beetles in Utah mainly eat pollen, nectar, fruit, honeydew, and soft plant parts like succulent leaves or flower petals.
This beetle does not have any known natural predators.
7. Pink Spotted Lady Beetle

The pink-spotted lady beetle is a beneficial insect that eats other insects and can be found primarily in Utah and southern Canada.
They are called lady beetles because they are large and round, like a lady’s purse.
You might find them on plants, flowers, or near windows, where they eat aphids, mealybugs, scale insects, or other bugs that destroy crops.
The adults lay eggs on leaves to provide food for their larvae when they hatch; this provides a control for pests such as aphids or scales without using pesticides.
Sometimes, these types of Beetles in Utah larvae are soft-bodied with a black head and gray body; both adults and larvae have spots on their backs, which is how you know it is the pink spotted lady beetle.
8. Knapweed Root Weevil

The Knapweed Root Weevil is a type of beetle that feeds on the roots of plants. In Utah, it is most commonly found on the root systems of sunflowers.
Its brown color, flattened shape, and short antennae can be identified. The larvae are white, legless, and grub-like with a cylindrical shape.
They feed on the roots, often tunneling around in groups until they pupate into adults.
9. Larder Beetle

The Larder Beetle is one of the most common types of beetles in Utah species found in homes.
It is a small, reddish-brown beetle that can be up to 1.5 centimeters long.
The Larder Beetle feeds on animal products such as woolens, furs, hides, dried meats, and fish.
Larvae are usually found beneath the surface of the infested material, where they feed on organic matter such as leather or dried foodstuffs.
10. Jewel Beetle

Jewel beetles are a type of beetle that lives in the genus Buprestis. They have alternating bands on their wings, and some are metallic colors.
In Utah, they’re found all over the country but mostly on the east coast.
Jewel beetles are one of the most common in Utah because they’re so widespread and easy to find.
11. Ornate Checkered Beetle

While the beetle is often overlooked due to its small size, the Ornate Checkered Beetle is one of the most beautiful types of Beetles in Utah.
Adults are about 1/4 inch long and have strikingly patterned elytra (wing coverings) resembling a marble floor.
Meanwhile, the coloring on these beetles ranges from black with white spots to brown with yellow spots, but other varieties can be brown with black and orange markings.
They have long antennae, which they use to feel their way around.
However, the larvae can grow up to 4 inches long and live underground for 2-3 years before pupating for about five weeks and emerging as an adult beetle.
12. Net-winged Beetle

The net-winged beetle is a member of the family Chrysomelidae. The scientific name for this beetle is the Calopteron terminal.
They are also known as the green flower chafer or net-winged chafer.
These beetles are often mistaken for ladybugs because they have some resemblance to them;
However, there are some differences between these two insects.
One difference is that these beetles in Utah have wings covering their abdomen and thorax.
Whereas ladybugs have wings covering their entire body except for their head and legs.
Also, net-winged beetles lack spots on their wing covers like ladybugs do; instead, they have a distinctive pattern of three black stripes down.
Both sides of the wing are covered with one stripe on each side.
13. Mottled Tortoise Beetle

The Mottled Tortoise Beetle is a common species found throughout Utah. Its distinctive mottled patterning and small size make it easy to identify.
The Mottled Tortoise Beetle can be distinguished by the large white spot near its head, contrasting with its black body.
Most Times, females typically have a red line on their back, while males have a blue line. Males also have longer antennae than females do.
This species has been known to feed on over 500 different types of plants, trees, and other insects.
14. Metallic Wood-boring Beetle

The metallic wood-boring beetle is one of the beetles in Utah. It has a brown or black hard shell with gold, green, or blue color on the elytra.
The size and shape of these beetles vary from species to species, but they are usually about 1⁄4 inch long (6mm).
Some common metallic wood-boring types of beetles in Utah are Anthaxia spp., Acmaeodera spp., and Mimela spp.
15. Mealybug Destroyer

The Mealybug Destroyer is a wasp that preys on the Mealybugs. The female will sting and paralyze the mealybug before laying an egg inside.
When the egg hatches, the larva will feed on the soft tissues of the mealybug until it pupates.
Then, it emerges as a white adult beetle with black stripes and two distinctive black spots near its head.
16. May Beetle

May beetles are small, brown, and have a diamond-shaped spot on their wing covers.
These types of beetles in Utah are often mistaken for Japanese beetle larvae, but they are significantly smaller and less than one-half inch long as adults.
Many beetles feed on the leaves of plants by chewing them into small pieces before dispersing them elsewhere.
They can cause significant damage to gardens and fields where they feed on crops such as alfalfa, cotton, corn, soybeans, sugar beets, and wheat.
17. Marsh Beetle

The marsh beetle is one of the aquatic species of Beetles in Utah that lives its entire life underwater.
These beetles are found in marshes and shorelines, feeding on decaying plant material and other organic matter.
This species can be found throughout Utah but is most commonly seen in Utah and the eastern part of the United States.
Marsh beetles are dark brown or black with fine orange hairs that cover their entire body.
Mostly, they range from 10-12mm long when fully grown.
Marsh types of beetles in Utah live their entire life underwater as adults and can only fly for short distances if they ever reach adulthood.
Females lay eggs by dipping their abdomens into the water to create pods called ootheca, which contain up to thirty eggs each.
18. Long-Horned Beetle

Cerambycidae, which includes long-horned beetles, is the largest group in the order of Coleoptera and contains more than 30,000 described species worldwide.
The family contains more than 10% of all known beetle species. Moreover, it accounts for nearly 40% of all known insect biomass on Earth.
Long-horned beetles are a diverse group that can be divided into three main subfamilies: longicorn (subfamily Lamiinae), polyphaga (sublabial Erotylidae), and longhorn (subfamily Cerambycinae).
So, the majority are wood borers or bark beetles whose larvae tunnel under the bark to feed on living tree tissue.
19. White-spotted Sawyer Beetle

The White-spotted Sawyer Beetle is a native species in Utah. It’s found in forests, meadows, and around streams from British Columbia to New Mexico.
These types of Beetles in Utah are most active at night when they can be seen foraging for prey on the forest floor. The larvae feed on decaying vegetation or fungi.
It usually eats soft-bodied insects like flies, caterpillars, spiders, worms, and slugs.
The adults eat fresh fruits, berries, and nectar from flowers like juniper and fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium).
20. Whirligig
According to the U.S. Forest Service, Whirligigs are Utah’s most common Beetles.
They are so abundant that some people refer to them as pond bugs.
Whirligigs have a water-repellent shell that protects them from predators and desiccation.
They live in ponds and lakes and can be found walking on the surface or hiding underwater on aquatic vegetation or other submerged objects.
Therefore, the whirligig’s swimming ability is assisted by two sets of oar-like appendages at its rear end; these appendages can be folded together when not used for swimming, allowing the insect to walk along the surface of the water without sinking.
21. Western Hercules Beetle

The Western Hercules Beetle is found in Utah and Mexico. They are commonly found under rocks, logs, and bark.
The Western Hercules type of Beetle in Utah can be distinguished from other large beetles because it has a long horn on its head that can be extended or retracted.
The Western Hercules Beetle is also identified by its patterned coloring, with two dark stripes running down the length of its body.
And three lighter-colored stripes running across the width of its body.
Sometimes, these beetles in Utah are dormant during the winter months.
And will emerge in April to mate and lay eggs before returning underground for hibernation until next spring.
22. Western Eyed Click Beetle

The Western Eyed Click Beetle is a medium-sized beetle with a black head and thorax, brown wing covers, and grayish elytra.
The larvae are white grubs with brown heads. Utah’s Western Eyed Click types of Beetles can grow four millimeters long.
They live on the ground and in leaf litter during the day and come out at night to feed on other insects.
They are often found near streams, lakesides, or moist areas with thick vegetation.
23. Weevil
Weevils are a type of beetle in Utah that has a long snout and two sharp, jointed mandibles used for feeding.
Lixus spp. is a tiny, dark brown weevil that lives on the ground and feeds on small plants like grasses and clovers.
These beetles can be found throughout Utah, and they are especially prevalent in Utah.
24. Water Scavenger Beetle

The water scavenger beetle (Hydrochara spp.) is a type of insect found along the western coast of Utah and Canada, as well as parts of Mexico.
They can also be found across Europe and Asia. It is primarily nocturnal and may come out during the day, but this is rare.
It prefers moist habitats with standing water or areas with high soil moisture levels.
However, these types of Beetles in Utah diets consist primarily of decaying plant material, but they also eat algae, lichens, fungi, and other detritus from the environment.
The larvae are aquatic beetles that live under stones near streams or ponds and feed on organic material they find there.
25. Water Penny

Water pennies, or pseudomonas spp., are one of the types of Beetles in Utah.
They are often found around water sources, such as creeks and ponds, but they can also be found in more urban areas near puddles.
They are generally nocturnal and will run away when approached by humans.
26. Vivid Metallic Ground Beetle

The vivid Metallic Ground Beetle is a beetle species referred to as the Vivid Metallic Darkling Beetle or Cephaloleia vivida.
This beetle can be found all over Utah, but it is unknown where the first sighting was.
They live for about 2-4 years and spend much of their time underground. When they are ready to mate, they will emerge from their burrows and search for mates.
So, the females will lay eggs on dead leaves, and prey remains, while males produce sperm that is used to fertilize the eggs.
27. Vietinghoff’s Ground Beetle
The beautiful and intimidatingly large Vietinghoff’s ground beetle has a black body, redhead, and orange-yellow legs.
It is considered the largest ground beetle in North America, reaching lengths up to 3.5 inches.
It prefers to live under rocks and logs but can also be found around rotting logs or decaying vegetation.
The Vietinghoff’s ground types of Beetles in Utah are nocturnal and feed on other insects, spiders, scorpions, centipedes, millipedes, and earthworms for food.
However, they are usually only seen during the mating season between early May and early June, when males release pheromones to attract females, and they will then fight with them until the female chooses one.
28. Variegated June Beetle

The Variegated June Beetle is a small brown beetle with a white line across its elytra. It measures about 1/4 long, and the eggs are deposited on dead tree bark or leaves.
The larvae are brown with a dark head, and they feed on decaying vegetation.
Larvae pupate in late summer, while adults emerge from their pupal stage to mate and lay eggs before dying.
These types of Beetles in Utah are often confused with the tiger beetle (Cicindela spp.), a predatory insect that feeds on other insects like ants and spiders. Still, it lacks distinctive white lines across its elytra.
29. Varied Carpet Beetle

The Varied Carpet Beetle (Anthrenus verbasci) is a common household pest. This beetle larva feeds on woolens, carpets, furs, and feathers.
Adult Beetles in Utah often feed on pollen and nectar from flowers.
Varied carpet beetles have a characteristic pattern of black spots on their wing covers that create the appearance of three rows of dots or three parallel lines.
So, these types of Beetles in Utah will measure about 5 millimeters long when fully grown.
They are usually found near windowsills or other areas where they can find food sources for their larvae, like woolens, carpets, furs, feathers, pollen, and nectar from flowers.
30. Tumblebug

Tumblebugs are one of the most common beetles found in Utah.
These insects are also called scarabs and dung beetles because they help break down animal feces into fertilizer for plants.
Tumblebugs eat seeds, decaying plants, and rotting animal carcasses. This means that they can be seen as a pests since they can cause damage to crops and gardens.
However, these insects are not usually harmful to humans or other animals unless they are crushed.
Tumblebug Beetles in Utah use their hardened forewings (elytra) to protect their delicate hind wings.
At the same time, they roll their bodies into a ball with upraised front legs when predators threaten or when rolling dung balls.
31. Tomentose Burying Beetle

The tomentose burying beetle, also known as the tomentose burying beetle, is a large-sized insect in the family of Silphidae.
These beetles are native to Utah and typically inhabit well-drained and sandy habitats.
In their natural habitat, these beetles in Utah will spend most of their time on top of the ground but bury carcasses if they find them.
Moreover, these tomentose burying types of Beetles in Utah are classified as threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) due to overharvesting of its body parts for use as medicine and because of habitat degradation.
32. Three-lined Potato Beetle

The three-lined potato beetle is a common Colorado potato pest found in Utah. It is a small, dark brown to blackish beetle with three yellow stripes on its wing covers.
The larvae feed on plant roots and tubers, while the adults eat leaves, flowers, and other parts of plants.
They are most active from April to September, when they can be seen flying around fields during warm daylight hours.
33. Ten-lined June Beetle

The Ten-lined June Beetle is a black beetle with at least ten yellow, longitudinal stripes running the length of its body.
It is typically found in Utah but has been seen as far west as Idaho.
These adult types of beetles in Utah are generally found in vegetation and fly to lights at night.
Larvae are often found underground near decaying organic matter such as animal manure and plant roots.
So, the larvae feed on decomposing organic matter, while adults feed primarily on foliage and flowers.
34. Sweet Potato Weevil
Sweet potato weevil (Cylas formicarius) is a common pest of sweet potatoes and other root crops.
They are 1/8 to 1⁄4 inch long, yellowish-brown, and have black stripes on their backs. Females lay eggs in the soil near the base of a plant’s stem or roots.
The larvae types of Beetles in Utah feed on the root system, eventually killing it. Larvae pupate nearby, emerging as adults to start the cycle over again.
35. Striped Cucumber Beetle

The striped cucumber beetle (Acalymma vittatum) is a type of beetle that feeds on crops.
These types of beetles in Utah are yellow-orange or orange with black stripes and measure between 1/3 inch and 1/2 inch long. They are most commonly found in cucumbers and squash plants.
Also, it feeds on many other types of plants such as beans, beets, radishes, peas, potatoes, tomatoes, and watermelons.
Sometimes, the larvae are yellowish orange with brown heads up to 1 inch long when fully grown.
These beetles start attacking the leaves by eating holes in them, eventually killing the plant if they aren’t dealt with promptly.
They then move onto younger leaves, which they chew until they become lace-like webbing.
36. Squash Lady Beetle

Squash Lady Beetle is found primarily on plants in the cucurbit family, including squash and pumpkins.
These types of Beetles in Utah species feed on the eggs and larvae of other beetles, including the squash vine borer.
Squashes are one of this beetle’s most important food sources, providing more prey than any other plant.
Squash Lady types of Beetles in Utah are often considered beneficial insects because they eat damaging pests.
37. Seedcorn Beetle

The seedcorn beetle is a species that affects crops, primarily corn.
This species was introduced to Utah States during the 1800s and can be found throughout most of the country.
Since its introduction, it has become one of the top pests and causes major economic damage to farmers worldwide.
The seedcorn types of Beetles in Utah can cause great damage by eating kernels inside cobs.
The larvae are responsible for this destruction and can eat up to 50% of a corn crop before feeding on other nearby plants, such as alfalfa, soybeans, tomatoes, potatoes, and beans.
Utah‘s adult types of beetles will also feed on pollen from flowers and leaves before laying eggs near potential food sources for their larvae.
38. Sculptured Pine Borer Beetle

The Sculptured Pine Borer Beetle is a brownish-black beetle that measures up to 3/4 inch long.
The Sculptured Pine Borer types of Beetles in Utah have their name from the sculpted pattern on the elytra.
This beetle is commonly found near pine trees but can also be seen around other types of trees.
Adult types of beetles in Utah are primarily active during summer and feed on pollen and tree sap from injured or dying trees.
The Sculptured Pine Borer Beetle lays its eggs near pine bark, where larvae hatch and burrow into the tree’s trunk, creating tunnels for sap to flow out, weakening the tree until it dies.
39. Scarlet Lily Beetle

The Scarlet Lily Beetle is a slender, shiny beetle with red elytra (wing covers). The beetles are often found feeding on plants and flowers.
These types of beetles in Utah have been known to attack the Hosta plant by sucking out the sap from the leaves and bulbs.
Also, they feed on lilacs, lilies, and other types of plants.
However, Scarlet Lily Beetles are not considered pests because they do not cause serious damage to plants or crops.
The Scarlet Lily Beetle is a slender between 3/4 inch to 1 inch long.
The body is reddish-brown, with a black head and legs. It has a long black-tipped antennae at the end and two brown oval spots on each side near the tip.
40. Rove Beetle

The Rove Beetle is a type of beetle that can be found in Utah states. These beetles are often confused with other types.
The Rove types of Beetles in Utah are usually between 5-6mm long and come in various colors such as brown, yellow, and red.
They are typically found on the ground or under objects.
41. Rhinoceros Beetle

The Rhinoceros Beetle, also known as the Hercules Beetle.
It is one of Utah’s most recognizable types of beetle because it is large and has a distinctive horn on its head.
It can grow up to 3 inches long and has a horn reaching up to 2 inches. The horns are generally used for digging out their burrows.
The Rhinoceros Beetle gets its name from its incredible strength and resemblance to the animal.
Sometimes, the males use their horns when they battle other males for females during mating season, which can last up to eight hours.
They usually live about three years but have been known to live as long as seven years in captivity.
42. Reticulated Net-winged Beetle

The Reticulated Net-winged Beetle is fairly large, reaching up to 3.5 cm in length.
They’re pretty easy to identify and relatively widespread, meaning they can be found all over Utah.
They’re mostly black or brown and have distinctive netting on their elytra (or wing covers).
They also have what appear to be two short antennae sticking out from the back of their head.
They are usually found in leaf litter or woody debris during the day, emerging at night to feed on plant juices that they suck up with their long mouthparts.
For these types of beetles in Utah to survive, they must feed as often as possible since they can’t drink water like other insects because their mouthparts are so different.
43. Red-lined Carrion Beetle

The red-lined carrion beetle is one of Utah’s most common beetle types. It’s also one of the few native types found throughout Utah.
The red-lined carrion beetle gets its name from the two black lines that run along the length of its body and curve upwards at their ends.
Its antennae are on the head and shaped like a Y with two branches near the middle.
The head is black with a white patch on each side, though this may vary depending on location or region.
Adults range from 1/2 to 3/4 inches long, while larvae range from 1/3 to 1 inch long.
44. Red Oak Borer

The red oak borer is one of the types of Beetles in Utah that likes to eat the bark off of trees.
They are usually found in areas with many oak trees and can be a problem for farmers as they can kill trees.
They lay their eggs in cracks or holes in the tree, and when the larvae hatch, they will burrow into the wood and start eating it, creating tunnels.
The life cycle of this beetle depends on how long it takes for it to bore into the tree; if it bears too deep, it will die before completing its life cycle.
Though this type of beetle is only found in North America, its population is steadily increasing due to the increased use of pesticides and warmer winters, which allow it to survive.
45. Red-Headed Ash Borer

The Red Headed Ash Borer is a small beetle with a body length between 2 and 4 millimeters.
Adult types of Beetles in Utah are brownish-black beetles with reddish heads and pronouns. They have dark streaks on the elytra and short, black antennae.
Females lay eggs underneath the bark, which hatch into larvae that tunnel through the wood to feed on the phloem tissue.
The larvae overwinter within the tree and pupate in spring; adults emerge from late May to early June.
46. Red Flat Bark Beetle

The red flat-bark beetle is a member of the family Cucujidae. There are many ways to identify these types of Beetles in Utah, including their color, shape, and markings.
These beetles are typically red with black or gray markings on their backs. They also have oval-shaped bodies and long antennae.
The larvae look similar to the adult beetle, but they do not have wings, and their antennae are shorter than an adult’s.
Moreover, These types of Beetles in Utah are found throughout Utah, and they can be seen feeding on trees, logs, or other dead plant material such as cones or seeds.
Red flat bark beetles are considered a pest because they can cause damage to forests by defoliating trees and eating the bark off logs, making it easier for fungi to attack these trees.
47. Ponderous Borer Beetle
The ponderous borer beetle (Trichocnemis speculates) is a small predatory insect that belongs to the family Cerambycidae, or long-horned beetles.
The adults are usually less than 1/2 inch long and dark brown to black.
Its larvae are even smaller, averaging only about 1/8 inch when fully grown. The larvae are white with brown heads and no legs, meaning they cannot walk alone.
Instead, they spend most of their time inside tree bark, waiting for prey to come near them.
When that happens, the larva will grab hold of its victim using its jaws and sting it with a sharp spine at the end of its abdomen before injecting digestive enzymes into it so it can eat.
48. Poplar Borer Beetle
The Poplar Borer Beetle is a small beetle commonly found in Utah. It most often attacks aspen trees but can also be found on poplars and willows.
The beetle is about an eighth to a quarter inch long and has distinctive, alternating black and white stripes on its wing covers.
The beetles lay eggs under the bark, near the roots of a tree, and it takes three years for them to mature before they emerge from their burrows as adults to mate and lay eggs.
These types of Beetles in Utah have no natural predators, so they can be difficult to eliminate once they have infested a tree.