Maryland has some of the most diverse beetle populations in the United States, ranging from giant water bugs to ground beetles to metallic green tiger beetles.
This guide will help you identify all the different types of beetles in Maryland and then tell you what kind of habitat they prefer and what they feed on.
Whether you’re looking to attract them to your garden or keep them away from your crops, this guide can help you identify which ones pose the biggest threat.
In addition to that, it entails knowing how you can protect yourself against them if necessary.
Let’s discover the various types of beetles in Maryland.
1. Ground Beetle

First up on our list, the Ground beetle is one of the most common types in Maryland.
Ground beetles are known for their distinctive black and yellow markings on their bodies.
These markings are typically very visible on the head, thorax, and abdomen.
Unlike other types of beetles, they do not fly but move quickly across the ground using their long legs as a mode of transportation.
A ground beetle’s diet primarily consists of other small insects, such as flies, ants, snails, or slugs, which it will use its strong jaws to catch and consume.
They can be found just about anywhere, from woodlands to fields or even residential yards.
Just anywhere, there is plenty of vegetation to hide under during the daytime.
2. Black Firefly

The black firefly, also known as the common Eastern firefly (Photinus pyralis), can be found throughout the United States and Canada.
They are a beautiful greenish-yellow color with black stripes across their body.
The adults like staying close to the water and not flying more than 200 feet from it.
These particular ones are the most common beetles in Maryland that live near water, although other fireflies also live near water.
3. Dogbane Leaf Beetle

The dogbane leaf beetle is a tiny, dark brown one with distinctive orange markings on its back.
The larvae can be found feeding on the roots of plants in the dogbane family (Apocynaceae). The adults feed on leaves and flowers.
Often, they are attracted to plants with bright coloration, like those in the milkweed family (Asclepiadaceae).
These types of beetles in Maryland are found throughout the state and thrive in habitats ranging from forests to meadows.
4. Beetle Grub

The beetle grub is a type of beetle larva that is typically found in the soil.
The grub will create tunnels and can be found moving around at night.
They have segmented bodies, spines on their back, and pointed heads. Their diet includes decaying organic matter.
Moreover, these beetles are well known for their long antennae, which they use to find their way around.
They are the types of beetles in Maryland that are blind because they don’t have eyesight.
In Maryland, the most common type of beetle grubs are June beetles (Lucanus capucinus), Japanese beetles (Popillia japonica), as well as May bugs (Phyllophaga spp.).
5. Convergent Lady Beetle
The Convergent Lady Beetle is a prominent species that is commonly seen during the spring and summer months.
Adults are typically orange with black spots but may also have red or yellow markings.
The Convergent Lady Beetles are types of beetles in Maryland that can be found on various plants.
This makes them a good choice for organic pest control.
The adult convergent lady beetle preys on aphids and other plant-sucking insects like leafhoppers, scale insects, spider mites, and whiteflies.
6. Black Vine Weevil

The black vine weevil is a pest that can be found on plants like grapevine, hops, and morning glory.
It is about 1/4 inch long and has a brownish-black coloration with a yellowish-white underside.
The adult’s mouthparts are located at the end of its snout to make it easier for them to feed on plant juices.
That aside, adults will lay eggs during the summer, hatching into larvae after three weeks.
These larvae have a dark head capsule and a light body that grows until adulthood.
7. Calligrapha Beetle

Calligrapha is a genus of leaf beetles. The calligrapha beetle has a black head, thorax, and elytra, while the abdomen is brown with black bands.
It measures 2 to 3 millimeters long by 1 to 2 millimeters wide.
This species is not very well known, but it is still one of the different types of beetles in Maryland and Pennsylvania. George F. Atkinson first described it in 1884.
8. Cocklebur Weevil
The cocklebur weevil is a common pest that feeds on cocklebur, which is poisonous to most animals.
Cocklebur contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which are poisonous to cattle and other livestock.
These insects are not harmful to humans unless eaten but can cause allergic reactions if touched.
To reduce the risk of exposure, it is best to wear gloves when handling these beetles.
Cocklebur weevils are very small, with dark brown heads and bodies that range from 1-2 mm long.
Most importantly, they aren’t left out of our list of Maryland’s various types of beetles!
9. Dark Brown Click Beetle
The Dark Brown Click Beetle is a ground beetle that can be found throughout the Eastern United States.
They are typically found under rocks, logs, and leaf litter. Adults are brown or black with red stripes on their backs.
The larvae are white grubs that can grow to about 3 centimeters long.
These types of beetles in Maryland feed on other insects, such as caterpillars and grasshoppers.
10. Metallic Green Tiger Beetle
Like others, metallic green tiger beetles are a type of beetle in Maryland. These beetles are typically found on red maple trees.
Moreover, they are dark green with bright metallic green spots. The body length of this species can reach up to 2 inches, and the wingspan can be as wide as 2 1/2 inches.
11. Water Penny

Water pennies are so named because they are often found near water.
They are typically red and black, with a black head, thorax, and red abdomen. They range from 1/2 to 1 inch in length.
Furthermore, the females lay eggs underwater, which means that the larvae develop underwater as well.
Larvae usually hatch after three or four weeks and can live up to nine months before they pupate into adults.
12. Water Scavenger Beetle

The water scavenger beetle is next to be discussed on our roll of the different types of beetles in Maryland.
This is a small brown-to-black insect that can be found all across North America.
The beetle’s diet includes decaying plant matter, such as leaves and wood, but they will also eat other insects.
Typically, the water scavenger is less than one inch long and has a short antenna.
They often live near water sources and are attracted to light at night.
This can make them seem like they’re flying around your porch lights at night.
13. Weevil

Weevils are often characterized by their long snouts resembling worm-like tubes.
Weevils are not only types of beetles in Maryland; they can also be found worldwide and come in many shapes and sizes.
They are most commonly recognized for their small, slender bodies, which have a protective outer shell that is usually shed as the beetle gets bigger.
Some common weevils include the rice weevil (Sitophilus oryzae), granary weevil (Sitophilus granarius), maize weevil (Ceutorhynchus cribricollis), and the curculio beetle (Conotrachelus nenuphar).
14. White Oak Borer Beetle
The White Oak Borer Beetle (Goes tigrinus) is a dark brown beetle with a black head and thorax. The underside of the beetle is white with black spots on it.
It can be found under oak trees and bore into the tree to lay its eggs.
The eggs hatch, and larvae eat their way out from the inside. This is not left out of our role of the numerous types of beetles in Maryland!
15. White-spotted Sawyer Beetle

The White-spotted Sawyer Beetle, Monochamus scutellatus, is one of Maryland’s most popular types of beetles and is found throughout the state.
It lives on the ground near seepages and streams, where it eats decaying vegetation.
Moreover, adults are 3/4 to 5/8 inches long with white spots on the elytra (wing covers).
The larvae are cream-colored with a brown head and brown antennae.
16. Fire-colored Beetle
Certainly, Fire-colored beetles are one of the most common types of beetles in Maryland.
They have a black head and prothorax, and their elytra are red with black stripes.
Besides, these beetles can be found under logs, stones, or other debris during the daytime. They may also be attracted to lights at night.
17. False Potato Beetle
The false potato beetle (Leptinotarsa juncta) is a large and common pest of potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, and other related plants.
The adult is about 8 mm long and has a black head with white dots on the front.
The body is orange-brown with black stripes running the length of the elytra. Black spots are on the sides of the abdomen.
Also, the larvae are orange-brown but have four dark stripes running down their back.
They are covered with short hairs from head to toe, giving them a rough appearance.
This beetle lays its eggs singly or in small clusters on leaves near the ground or on plant stems at the soil level.
18. Emerald Euphoria Beetle

The emerald euphoria beetle is a small, slender beetle with a green body.
The head and the thorax are black, and the elytra (wing covers) are semi-transparent green. The antennae are also black.
In addition, males have a tubercle on the prothorax, which is absent in females.
Emerald euphoria beetles are one of the different types in Maryland that can be found throughout, but prefer to live near water sources.
This is where they feed on dead plant material, spores, and algae.
19. Elderberry Borer Beetle
Still on our list of the various types of beetles in Maryland, we have the Elderberry Borer Beetle and Desmocerus palliatus.
It is a native beetle found throughout the Eastern United States. It has a glossy black body and is about two millimeters in length.
The head and thorax are reddish brown with white spots; the abdomen is yellow with black stripes.
Coupled with that, females lay eggs on the bark of elderberry trees, which hatch into larvae that tunnel under the bark.
The larvae feed on sapwood and can eventually kill the tree. They pupate within burrows in the wood or under loose bark before emerging as adults to mate and fly to other elderberries to lay eggs.
20. Eggplant Flea Beetle

The eggplant flea beetle is one of the most common pests, one of the types of beetles in Maryland that affect eggplants.
They lay their eggs on the undersides of leaves, which hatch into larvae that feed on the plant’s leaves and flower buds.
Additionally, the larvae are small, yellowish, and worm-like, with a dark head.
If left untreated, these pests can cause considerable damage to plants because they eat away at eggplant foliage and flowers.
21. Dung Beetle
Dung beetles are insects that are a type of beetle in Maryland and can be found in other parts of the world.
Dung is a term for feces, which these beetles eat and use to create their nests. Dung beetle species can vary between regions, too.
In North America, there are two main types of dung beetle: the dung-rolling scarab (Scarabaeus) and the burrowing dung beetle (Onthophagus).
The dung-rolling scarab is often called a white-scarred beetle. This is because it is white with black or brown markings on its back, including elytra and pronotum.
22. Drugstore Beetle

This list of the numerous types of beetles in Maryland is not complete without the drugstore beetle.
This is a small, 1/8-inch (3.2 mm) long oval-shaped beetle that is brown to dark-brown colored and has black spots with white tips on its wing covers.
In Maryland, the drugstore beetle lives year-round and can infest various products.
Products include cereal, flour, dried fruit, rice, spices, pet food, and tobacco products.
Also, they are known to infest items such as furniture, upholstery, clothing, woolen goods, carpets, curtains, books, and paper products such as cardboard boxes and old newspapers.
23. Giant Water Bugs Beetle
The giant water bug, Lethocerus americanus, is one of Maryland’s most common types of beetles. These large bugs can grow up to 7 centimeters long.
They are brown with green stripes on the body and head, making them easy to spot when they fly or crawl around.
Furthermore, the giant water bug feeds on other insects and invertebrates, such as tadpoles, frogs, newts, fish eggs, snails, and slugs.
Females lay clusters of eggs on vegetation near water sources or at the edge of ponds, where they will hatch and drop into the water below.
24. Scarlet Lily Beetle

Native to Europe, this beetle was first documented in the United States by a scientist named Harris, who found it near New York City.
The scarlet lily beetle is named for its body’s bright red and yellow colors.
Meanwhile, this coloration serves as a warning for predators that the scarlet lily beetle is not edible.
Besides this bright warning, this beetle has no distinguishing features from other types of beetles in Maryland.
25. Scarlet Malachite Beetle
The Scarlet Malachite Beetle has a black head, thorax, and bright red abdomen.
They are usually about 2 cm long, making them the longest type of beetle in Maryland.
They’re most active during summer and can be found on plants damaged by insects or other animals, such as aphids.
The female will lay her eggs near aphid colonies, and larvae will feed on the insects before they pupate into adults.
Scarlet Malachites must be close to their food sources because they have poor mobility and can’t fly.
Unlike other scarlet-colored beetles, this species is not toxic to humans or animals.
26. Sculptured Pine Borer Beetle

The Sculptured Pine Borer Beetle is a common insect encountered in Maryland.
It is a brown beetle with two thin yellow stripes that run down the length of its wing covers.
These stripes are not always visible but can be seen when the wings are lifted at rest.
The Sculptured Pine Borer Beetle uniquely gets its name from its habit of attacking pine trees and turning them into giant sculptures.
They will carve out the bark and eat the wood underneath, leaving intricate patterns on their canvas.
Beware if you have one or more of these types of beetles in Maryland living near your pine trees!
It might be time to start looking for ways to eliminate them before they do too much damage!
27. Golden Tortoise Beetle
The Golden Tortoise Beetle is a small, black beetle with orange-brown markings on its elytra.
The larvae are black and wingless; adults are active and feed on leaves during the day.
The larvae feed on roots, especially those of grasses and other broad-leaf plants.
Other tortoise beetles include the Mayflower Beetle, typically larger than the Golden Tortoise Beetle and more uniformly colored brown to black.
28. Seedcorn Beetle
Seedcorn Beetles are found throughout the United States and Canada and can be identified by the distinctive scarab-like shape on their back.
The Seedcorn Beetle is not a pest but a beneficial insect that helps control the corn earworm.
Coupled with that, this beetle lives for about five weeks, feeding on corn plants.
Females lay eggs at the base of the plant, turning into white grubs before pupating into adult beetles.
Meanwhile, our list of the different types of beetles in Maryland is incomplete without the Seedcorn Beetle!
29. Seven-spotted Lady Beetle

Have you ever heard of the Seven-spotted Lady Beetle? Let me tell you about it. First, it is one of the types of beetles in Maryland.
This insect is common throughout the United States and Canada and can be found on both sides of the Rocky Mountains.
Further, the adults are large, measuring up to one inch long. Moreover, they are oval with a distinct seven-spotted pattern.
Larvae feed on aphids, thrips, spider mites, and other pests.
30. Shining Leaf Chafer – Anomala spp.
Some of Maryland’s most common types of beetles include the Shining Leaf Chafer, typically between 1 and 2 cm long.
They are usually dark brown with shiny green heads and antennae but can also be black or orange.
The Shining Leaf Chafer is sometimes called the Shiny Leaf Chafer because of its bright green body. They live in leaf litter and are often seen during summertime.
In addition, the larvae feed on decaying plant material, while adults eat leaves from various species of plants, including oak trees and maple leaves.
31. Signate Lady Beetle
Are there any beneficial insects on our list of the various types of beetles in Maryland? Well, we do have some, and Signate Lady Beetle is one!
The lady beetle, also known as the ladybug, is a hardworking insect that’s been saving crops from pests for centuries.
There are over 5,000 different ladybug species worldwide, ranging in size from 1mm to 10mm.
Ladybugs come in many colors, but the most common coloration is red with black spots.
It is important to note that the patterns on their wing cases can be found on their heads and markings on their backs.
Ladybugs can be identified by the number of black spots on their wing cases. –The more spots there are, the rarer it is and the stronger its powers will be!
Lady bugs live for about 2-3 years and hibernate during wintertime.
32. Six-spotted Neolema
Types of beetles in Maryland? Here’s one! Six-spotted Neolema is a common beetle found in Maryland.
Adults are about 3/8 long, dark red-brown, with six black spots on the elytra.
Also, they feed on leaves and other plant material, including corn silk and flower parts.
Larvae are small cream-colored grubs that feed on decaying organic matter.
Six-spotted Neolema overwinters as adults under leaf litter or other surface debris.
33. Soft-winged Flower Beetle

The Soft-winged Flower Beetle is a small, black beetle with two orange stripes on its wing covers.
The larva is creamy white and has a brown head and legs. The adults feed on pollen and nectar.
Furthermore, they can feed on flowers, aphids, mealybugs, plant lice, and other small insects. The larvae eat aphids and mealybugs.
They are active during the day but spend most of their time on the underside of leaves, where they are hard to see.
34. Soldier Beetle
Soldier beetles are the most common types in Maryland, characterized by their dark brown or black bodies and light brown heads.
They can grow to be around 1-1/2 inches long, but they never get as large as some other types of beetles.
Soldier Beetles are mostly nocturnal and rarely seen during the day.
You might find them on flowers or trees at night as they feed on nectar or sap.
Sometimes, these insects will congregate on windowsills or porch lights because they use light to navigate at night.
If you see these insects during the day, something is likely nearby that has attracted them – like rotting fruit or meat scraps!
35. Southern Sculptured Pine Borer Beetle
Southern sculptured pine borer beetle is a species of flat-headed wood boring beetle.
This insect damages the pine trees by feeding on the sap and eventually weakening the tree.
The Southern Sculptured Pine Borer Beetle is found throughout the United States and Canada, with some populations extending into Mexico.
Adult beetles have a dark brown to black body that measures one-half to three-fourths inch long.
Specifically, these types of beetles in Maryland have flattened head that is about half as wide as their body.
They are active during the summer months between June and September.
36. Spotted Cucumber Beetle

The Spotted cucumber beetle is a common household pest in the eastern United States.
Unlike other pests and types of beetles in Maryland, Spotted cucumber beetle is mostly found in plants.
The color ranges from dark brown to black, with four yellow spots on the wing covers.
Moving on, the larvae are maggot-like and white, with a brown head and three pairs of legs.
The eggs are laid inside plant stems or under leaves, where they will hatch about three to five weeks later.
Adult beetles feed on nectar, pollen, and honeydew secreted by aphids or other insects feeding on plants.
37. Spotted Tree Borer Beetle
The Spotted Tree Borer Beetle (Synaphaeta guexi) is a brown beetle found in Maryland.
It has a brown head and thorax with orange or red markings on the wing cases. The abdomen and legs are gray, and the abdomen has a black tip.
What’s more? The female’s antennae are straight and short, while the male’s antennae are long and curve up at the end.
The larval stage typically lasts two to three years before pupating into adulthood.
38. Squash Lady Beetle

Squash lady beetle is a type of Coccinellidae or ladybug. It feeds on aphids and other soft-bodied insects that live on plants.
The squash lady beetle is native to North America and is usually found near squash plants, hence the name.
Moreover, they are most active during the summer when they lay their eggs on plant leaves and die soon after.
These are, however, peaceful types of beetles in Maryland. Squash lady beetles are not a pest and do not bite humans.
39. Stag Beetle
The stag beetle, one of the different types of beetles in Maryland, is a large and striking insect.
It is easily identifiable by its long antennae, six-segmented abdomen, and distinctive black-and-white markings.
The male mandibles are much larger than the females. A mature stag beetle can measure up to 4 inches long.
Adult stag beetles feed on nectar from flowers, rotting fruit, tree sap, fungi, pollen, and aphid honeydew.
In the larval stage, they feed on dead animals such as mice or insects.
They are nocturnal and hide in logs, under rocks, or bark during the day.
They are found throughout Maryland but prefer wetter areas like bogs and swamps with lush vegetation near trees where they can find food sources at night.
40. Strawberry Root Weevil

On the list of the various types of beetles in Maryland, the strawberry root weevil is a pest that feeds on the roots of strawberries.
In Maryland, they are typically found on strawberries planted in mid-June. The adult beetle is black and about 3/4 inch long.
It is active from June to September, flying at dusk to feed and reproduce on other plants, returning to the strawberry patch at dawn.
The female lays her eggs in the soil near the base of the plant and then dies shortly after that.
41. Strawberry Seed Beetle
The strawberry seed beetle is a reddish-brown, hard-bodied beetle about 2-3 mm long.
It has a small head and long antennae that are nearly as long as the body.
The larvae are about 1 mm long and covered with hairs, making them tiny caterpillars.
Larvae are usually brown or black but may be green if they have eaten leaves from plants like clover or alfalfa.
The larvae spend most of their time eating seeds on the ground.
To sum up, they can move quickly by flipping their bodies over to use their back legs to propel themselves away from danger.
42. Striped Blister Beetle
The Striped Blister Beetle is the most common blister beetle found in Maryland. It is black and orange with a yellow stripe down its back.
These particular types of beetles in Maryland are approximately 5 mm long.
The larvae feed on decaying plant material, often found near rotting logs or fallen trees with fungus growing on them.
They are often found during the daytime and can be distinguished from other types of blister beetles by their stripes.
The adults live for about one year and lay eggs that can survive up to four years in the soil until conditions are favorable for hatching.
This type of beetle has two generations per year, which means the adults will start to appear around May or June and then again around September or October.
43. Striped Cucumber Beetle
The striped cucumber beetle is easy to identify because it is yellow and black, striped like a cucumber. It has two light yellow stripes running down its wing covers.
Moreover, the adults are about 1/4 inch long, and the larvae are about 1/8 inch long. It can be found in many types of vegetable plants.
The striped cucumber beetle is not left off the list of the different types of beetles in Maryland!
44. Sugar Maple Borer
The sugar maple borer is a large, reddish-brown beetle that can often be seen feeding on the leaves of sugar maples.
It is one of the most common pests on the roll among the types of beetles in Maryland, and it infests trees in the state.
These insects are active from late April to early October; females lay eggs during this period.
Additionally, the eggs are white and oval-shaped, usually found on the underside of leaves near tree trunks or branches.
Female sugar maple borers will lay up to 75 eggs during their lifetime.
Newly hatched larvae feed on leaf tissue around the egg until they emerge as adults about two weeks later.
45. Swamp Milkweed Leaf Beetle
This insect is also one of the most adorable types of beetles in Maryland.
The Swamp Milkweed Leaf Beetle, Labidomera clivicollis, is a small, inconspicuous beetle.
It is usually brownish-black or dark green with a reddish-brown head and pronotum.
The elytra are often marked with red or yellow patches.
However, this beetle can be identified by the three large black spots on the underside of its thorax and two smaller spots on its prothorax.
The female’s wing covers are much wider than those of the male.
46. Sweet Potato Weevil
The sweet potato weevil (Cylas formicarius) is a tiny (1/8-inch) beetle that belongs to the family Coccinellidae.
This family includes ladybugs and other brightly colored insects that feed on aphids.
Many other species of this weevil exist in the United States and worldwide.
The adult beetle has a black body with white spots, legs that look like antennae, and clear wings with black veins.
The larvae are legless grubs with brown heads. We are still not done with our list of the several types of beetles in Maryland.
We’ve got some interesting ones you have yet to read. Don’t stop reading now!
47. Three-lined Potato Beetle

Speaking about the types of beetles in Maryland, this three-lined potato beetle is a small, black beetle with two red stripes on its wing covers.
It is most active during the night and feeds on leaves and other parts of plants.
The adults lay eggs near the base of plants, where the larvae feed on plant roots.
Infestations are often found around potatoes, but they can also be found feeding on beans, cabbage, corn, peas, and many other crops.
The larvae feed for up to four weeks before pupating for about one week underneath soil or leaf litter.
The adults emerge from pupation holes near the base of plants and then fly off to find new food sources.
They are generally only present for a few weeks each year during late spring through early summer.
48. Tormentose Burying Beetle
The various types of beetles in Maryland include the tormentose burying beetle.
It is a member of the family Silphidae, which includes other sylphid-burying beetles.
This species is closely related to the burying beetle (Nicrophorus pustulatus) and the wood-boring urn beetle (Nicrophorus vespilloides).
The tormentose burying beetle’s larvae are similar to those in other silphids.
Moreover, they have been found to feed on small mammals such as rodents, rabbits, deer, and sheep.
The adults are obligate carrion feeders and scavengers that utilize dead animal carcasses for egg-laying sites.
They have only been observed feeding on carrion once after it decomposes.
49. Tumbling Flower Beetle
The tumbling flower beetle is a very small, shiny black beetle with orange or red markings on its wing covers.
They are active between June and September and can be found in flowers during the day.
The adults feed on pollen, nectar, and honeydew, while the larvae live off plant roots and decaying plant matter.
Often, the adults are seen feeding on flowers such as petunias, tulips, hibiscus, sunflowers, roses, and dandelions.
However, the larvae prefer to stay underground and chew through plant roots.
50. Twice-stabbed Lady Beetle

The Twice-stabbed Lady Beetle (Chilocorus stigma) is one of Maryland’s most abundant and easily recognized types of beetles.
These lady beetles are black with white spots and a wide, orange band across the middle.
Uniquely, Twice-stabbed lady beetles, including their antennae, are about a quarter inch long.
One way to identify them is by counting the number of spots on each wing – there should be ten spots on each side for 20 spots.
Adults will have four black spots on their heads, which form two pairs just behind the eyes.
51. Two-lined Leather-wing Beetle
By now, we know many types of beetles in Maryland, including this two-lined leather-wing beetle (Atalantycha bilineata).
This is a species of leaf beetle belonging to the family Chrysomelidae.
It is found across North America and has been reported as far south as Mexico.
On the one hand, the larvae feed on plants, especially grasses and other herbaceous plants.
On the other hand, adults feed on leaves and flowers, but their feeding habits are not well studied.
52. Varied Carpet Beetle

The variegated carpet beetle is a small, common, and harmless insect that feeds primarily on woolen and other animal fibers.
They are found worldwide but are more prevalent in temperate climates like Maryland.
Hence, they are one of Maryland’s more popular types of beetles.
Usually, the adults are between one-quarter to three-quarters of an inch long with soft bodies that can be either yellowish or brownish-red.
They can also be black with redheads and legs. The larva is white, legless, and up to two inches long with a brown head.
53. Variegated June Beetle

Compared with the other types of beetles in Maryland, the Variegated June Beetle is a relatively large, brown, and cream-colored beetle.
It has a distinctive V-shaped marking on the top of its head with small black dots on the sides.
The Variegated June Beetle is most commonly seen from April to September but can be found year-round.
Equally important to note, they are attracted to flowers, especially those in the sunflower family.
These beetles have been known to feed on garden plants and crops such as soybeans and corn.
The larval stage feeds primarily on fungus and decaying organic matter such as fallen leaves.
54. Vietinghoff’s Ground Beetle
Vietinghoff’s Ground Beetle is a beetle that is usually found under stones and boards, on logs and stumps, or along the ground.
They are black with small white spots on their wings, and the larvae look like adults but lack wings and legs.
Plus, they have dark heads with white dots around them. If you have this beetle in your backyard, then congratulations!
Additionally, you can identify it as the Vietinghoff’s Ground Beetle by looking at its size (small) and color (black with small white spots).
It is also important to consider its habitat (under stones, boards, logs, and stumps along the ground) and larval appearance (dark head with white dots).
They are also on our list of the different types of beetles in Maryland.
55. Vivid Metallic Ground Beetle

Lastly, the vivid metallic ground beetle is a ground-dwelling, nocturnal insect, which means it’s active at night.
The species can be found throughout the eastern United States, where it has been reported from Maine to Florida and west to Texas.
They are one of Maryland’s most commonly encountered types of beetles that people find indoors.
Moving on, the female vivid metallic ground beetle is, on average, about 1/4 long, and males are about 1/8 long.
These beetles have shiny black bodies with bright green or orange spots on their wing covers (elytra).
They also have six legs that are usually brownish red with black stripes.