25 Different Types of Insects That Are Not Poisonous

Types of Insects that Are not PoisonousPin
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Insects are a common part of life and are often found in our homes.

Some insects can be dangerous, as they may be poisonous or cause other harm.

Fortunately, many types of insects are not poisonous and can be beneficial around the house.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss such insects, how to identify them, and what to do if you find one inside your home.

Do you know what insects are harmless and not poisonous? Most people think all insects can be dangerous, but quite a few insects are not poisonous.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss some lesser-known non-poisonous insects and why knowing about them is important. Keep reading to learn more!

1. House Centipede

The House Centipede (Scutigera coleoptrata) is a type of insect that is not poisonous and a predatory species of centipede with a distinctive pattern of up to 15 pairs of legs.

They are light yellowish-gray and can reach up to 1.5 inches in length.

These insects are common in most climates and prefer damp, dark places like basements, bathrooms, and other indoor spaces.

House Centipedes feed on other insects, such as spiders, moths, flies, and silverfish. They can help keep your home free from insect pests, and their presence does not cause harm to humans or property.

House Centipede (Scutigera coleoptrata) is a common species of centipede found worldwide in damp, dark places.

These centipedes have long legs, up to 15 pairs, allowing them to move quickly when disturbed.

They range in size from 0.5 to 1.5 inches long and are usually a light yellowish-gray. 

Despite their intimidating appearance and alarming speed, they are not poisonous and pose no threat to people or pets.

In fact, they are beneficial as they feed on other household insects, such as spiders, moths, flies, and silverfish.

They rarely come out into the open; instead, they prefer hiding under furniture, behind baseboards, and in other hard-to-reach places.

If you spot a House Centipede in your home, there is no need to panic; use a broom or dustpan to remove it from the premises and dispose of it safely.

2. Earwig

Earwigs are small insects that are typically brown or black. They measure up to 1 cm in length and have two prominent pincers, which they use to ward off predators.

Earwigs are common household pests that can be found hiding in moist areas, such as under rocks and logs. Earwigs are types of insects that are not poisonous.

Although they may look intimidating due to their large pincers, they rarely bite people, and if they do, it will not cause any harm.

Earwigs are common household pests that hide in moist areas, such as under rocks and logs.

They feed on small insects and plants and can quickly become a nuisance if not controlled.

To get rid of earwigs, it is important to remove any hiding spots for them, such as piles of leaves, woodpiles, and grass clippings near the foundation of your home.

Seating cracks and crevices around windows and doors is also important so that earwigs cannot enter the home.

Finally, it’s best to set traps with food bait to catch any earwigs living inside the home.

3. Millipede

Millipedes are small, worm-like insects that measure 1/4 and 4 inches long.

Their cylindrical bodies are usually brown or black and consist of multiple segments, each protected by two pairs of legs.

Millipedes are insects that are not poisonous but can release an unpleasant smell if they feel threatened.

Millipedes may look intimidating due to their size and segmented bodies, but they are harmless and typically do not damage property or people.

Millipedes are decomposers, feeding on decaying organic matter like dead plants, fungi, and other animals. They also help aerate the soil and provide nutrients for plant growth. 

Millipedes live in moist, dark places so you might find them under logs, stones, mulch, piles of leaves, or in moist areas around your home.

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To prevent millipedes from entering your home, seal off any cracks or openings in your foundation and remove any excess moisture around it.

If you already have millipedes in your home, the best thing to do is vacuum them up and then dispose of them outside.

4. Springtail

Springtails, also known as snow fleas or sowbugs, are small, wingless insects found worldwide.

Springtails are incredibly resilient and can survive even in cold climates. They are not poisonous insects, and their presence in your home is more of an annoyance than a danger. 

While they feed on decaying plant matter, they do not cause any damage to your home.

They don’t bite humans, so you can rest assured that they won’t harm your family and pets.

Springtails benefit your garden since they act as natural fertilizers by eating decaying plants and fungi.

5. Sowbug

Sowbugs, or pillbugs, are crustaceans with seven pairs of legs that live in moist environments and feed on decaying organic matter.

These bugs can sometimes find their way into your home, but there’s no need to worry.

Sowbugs do not bite or spread disease, and they are not poisonous insects.

While they can be a nuisance, these bugs are harmless and should not be considered pests.

6. Camel Cricket

Camel crickets are also known as cave, spider, or sprocket crickets. Their long antennae and humpbacked appearance give them the name “camel” cricket.

Although they look like a cross between a spider and a grasshopper, they’re more closely related to the latter. 

These bugs are not poisonous and will not bite humans. Instead, they feed on dead organic matter and can sometimes become a nuisance in damp basements or closets if left unchecked.

7. Carpet Beetle

Carpet beetles are small, round-bodied insects found in many places around the home.

They may enter the home through open windows and doors or come in on furniture and clothing.

Carpet beetles feed on various animal and plant materials, including fabric fibers, lint, dust, and dead insects.

Luckily, carpet beetles are insects that are not poisonous and do not cause any physical harm.

It is important to keep carpets and other fabrics free from dirt and dust to prevent carpet beetle infestations.

Additionally, regular vacuuming can help remove eggs and larvae before they hatch.

If you find carpet beetles in your home, it is best to use a vacuum to remove them rather than trying to treat them with pesticides.

8. Daddy Long Leg

The Daddy Long Legs, also known as harvestman, are non-poisonous insects. They are easily recognizable by their long and thin legs and unique body shape.

Daddy’s Long Legs are typically brown or black and are half an inch long. 

While it looks intimidating with its long legs and menacing stare, it is completely harmless to humans and does not have a nasty bite.

The only thing these arachnids can do is scare you with their odd appearance.

9. Damsel Bug

Damsel bugs are a type of insect that is not poisonous and can be found worldwide.

They usually inhabit grassy areas and live in small colonies, although they can sometimes be found alone.

They feed on other small insects, such as aphids, caterpillars, and larvae, and can help control pest populations.

Damsel bugs range in size from just a few millimeters long to nearly an inch long, and they can be identified by their elongated body shape and brownish color.

Their antennae are typically short and slender, while their legs are usually brownish-orange. 

Damsel bugs have wings that they use to fly, although they rarely do so. These small insects may appear intimidating initially, but they are not poisonous and should not be feared.

Damsel bugs benefit gardens because they feed on other pests that can damage plants.

As such, it is best to leave them alone and let them continue controlling other insects’ populations.

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10. Ground Beetle

Ground beetles are a family of insects that are common worldwide. They are small, nocturnal, and have a hard exoskeleton that protects them from predators.

Ground beetles have long legs and short antennae, and they feed on other insects and small invertebrates

They can usually be found in areas with plenty of vegetation, such as gardens and fields.

Ground beetles are not poisonous and can even be beneficial, helping to keep insect populations in check.

11. Lacewing

Lacewings are common and beneficial insects that feed on aphids, caterpillars, and other pests insects.

The adults have delicate green wings with lacy vein patterns. They also have large eyes and long antennae. 

Lacewing larvae are much less noticeable but have the same appetite for pests. Thankfully, lacewings are not poisonous insects, so if you spot one around your garden or yard, you can rest assured that you and your family are safe!

12. Roly-poly

Roly-poly, also known as pill bugs, armadillo bugs, or potato bugs, are nonpoisonous insects.

These land-dwelling crustaceans are usually found in moist areas, like gardens and flower beds. Although they may look intimidating, roly-poly is entirely harmless.

They are known to be helpful to gardeners since they consume decaying plant matter and help aerate the soil. 

Roly polys can be identified by their round shape, short antennae, and segmented body. Despite their small size, they are quite strong and can roll into a tight ball when threatened.

13. Spined Soldier Bug

The spined soldier bug, Podisus maculiventris, is a common and beneficial predatory insect.

They are most commonly found in gardens, fields, and woodlands. These bugs are not poisonous, as they feed on other insects and arthropods. 

They have an elongated and cylindrical body with brownish or blackish stripes along their wings.

They also have several long spines that protrude from the sides of their thorax. Despite their intimidating spines, these bugs are harmless to humans.

14. Stink Bug

Stink bugs are types of Insects that are not poisonous, although their name may suggest otherwise.

These bugs are usually found in the warmer months and are identified by their characteristic shield shape and pungent odor when disturbed.

Stink bugs feed on plant matter, making them beneficial for gardeners who need to keep pests away from their plants.

15. Weevil

Weevils are small beetles, usually found in gardens and fields, and are types of insects that are not poisonous.

They have long, curved snouts, and their bodies can range from dark brown to black.

Weevils feed on plant matter, including grains, nuts, leaves, fruits, and stems, so protecting your garden from these pests is important.

Fortunately, weevils rarely cause significant plant damage and can be easily managed with insecticides or other pest control methods.

16. Braconid Wasp

Braconid wasps are small wasps commonly seen in the summer months. While they may appear intimidating, they are harmless and do not sting.

These insects feed on other insects, such as caterpillars, aphids, and whiteflies, making them beneficial for gardeners. 

They can be identified by their cylindrical bodies, which range from one to two millimeters in length.

They are black or brown and have antennae, wings, and a stinger. Despite their menacing appearance, these wasps are insects that are not poisonous.

17. Tachinid Flie

Tachinid flies are small, parasitic insects commonly found in gardens and fields.

They feed on various pests, including aphids, caterpillars, and beetles, but they are not poisonous insects. 

The larvae of these flies actually do the pest control, as they consume their host before emerging as adult flies.

Tachinid flies come in a wide range of colors and sizes, and although they may look intimidating, they are harmless and beneficial.

18. Damsel Bug

Damsel bugs, scientifically known as Nabis sp., are small, predatory insects that feed on various pest insects, including aphids and leafhoppers.

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Despite their appearance, damsel bugs are insects, not poisonous to humans and animals. 

They are usually found near crop fields, meadows, and grasslands and typically measure about 1⁄2 inch in length. They have a slender body, long antennae, and a rounded head.

Damsel bugs are important in controlling pest populations and have been utilized in some agricultural operations as biological control.

19. Mantise

Mantises are types of insects that are not poisonous. However, these insects are harmless and beneficial as they feed on many other pests in your garden.

They come in various sizes and colors, making them a welcome addition to any landscape. They are also easy to care for and easily spotted around your yard.

20. Ground Beetle

Ground beetles are a large, diverse group of insects found worldwide. They typically have long, dark bodies with distinctive ridges along their backs.

These beetles are nonpoisonous insects that come in various colors, such as green, brown, black, and red. 

Ground beetles are active at night and feed on other insects, plants, and decaying material. As beneficial insects, they help to control pest populations.

Ground beetles are also popular among gardeners as they prey on garden pests like aphids, caterpillars, and grubs.

21. Soldier Beetle

Spined soldier bugs are common predators found throughout North America.

They have a distinctive shield-shaped body with a yellowish or brownish coloring and a long, spiny proboscis.

As their name implies, these insects benefit gardens and crops because they prey on insect species, such as aphids, whiteflies, and caterpillars. 

They are a natural way of controlling pest populations in the home garden or outdoor space.

Despite their intimidating appearance, spined soldier bugs are not poisonous insects.

22. Spined Soldier Bug

Spined soldier bugs are a type of predatory insect in the family Pentatomidae. They are easily recognizable by their bright colors and spined protrusions on their bodies. 

These bugs primarily feed on other insects, such as aphids, mites, caterpillars, and grasshoppers. While they are known to benefit gardens and farms, they are not poisonous insects.

23. Minute Pirate Bug

Minute pirate bugs are small black-and-white insects that live in gardens, fields, and woodlands.

They are predatory, feeding small insects such as aphids, thrips, mites, and caterpillars. 

They are insects that are not poisonous or dangerous to humans or other animals. In fact, they are beneficial, helping to keep pests under control.

They can be identified by their small size (2–3 mm), black-and-white markings, and unique shape of their wings.

24. Rough Stink Bug

Minute pirate bugs have a long, thin proboscis which they use to suck up their prey. When disturbed by rapidly opening and closing their wings, they can produce a popping noise. 

So the next time you see one of these fascinating creatures, don’t be afraid—they are insects that are not poisonous to you or your garden!

25. Ladybug

Ladybugs are probably one of the most recognizable insects, and they are types of insects that are not poisonous.

These bright red beetles have black spots that make them look like they’re wearing a polka-dotted coat.

Ladybugs also have short wings that help them fly, although they are not very good at it. 

While they may look intimidating, ladybugs are harmless, and their bite can’t be felt.

Ladybugs are greatly beneficial to gardens and landscapes, as they eat many kinds of garden pests. They often hide in grass and leaves during the day and come out at night to feed.

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