48 Types of Beetles in Minnesota

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Abe Lincoln may have said that you can’t always please everyone.

But plenty of people are pleased daily with Minnesota’s rich variety of beetles!

Beetles represent the largest single order of insects, with over 350,000 species of beetles worldwide.

And there are 3000 different types of beetles in Minnesota alone! 

Beetles are fascinating creatures. They can be found worldwide, but Minnesota has some special ones.

These insects can vary widely in size and coloration, so they can blend into their surroundings while doing business.

But don’t worry! We’ve compiled a list of some common beetle species you might see while exploring our state’s forests, fields, meadows, wetlands, and more.

With this large number of beetle species, you’ll never run out of things to learn about beetle biology, habitat, and behavior here in Minnesota.

So, let’s start exploring Minnesota’s many different types of beetles!

1. Cocklebur Weevil

The Cocklebur Weevil, the starter of our list of the types of beetles in Minnesota, is a beetle that feeds on cocklebur plants.

This insect can be found primarily in the Eastern United States but has also been seen throughout the Western US.

Cocklebur Weevils are most active from April to September, laying their eggs on the plant’s leaves. 

Once hatched, the larvae burrow into the leaf’s tissue, feeding until pupation occurs. The adult emerges through a leaf hole and flies off to start a new colony elsewhere.

This species does not cause any damage to humans or other animals. However, it can harm farmers if their crops are infested with this beetle.

2. Carolina Pine Sawyer 

In the southeast portion of the state, you might come across the Carolina pine sawyer.

This insect is one of the largest beetle species in North America, with some specimens reaching over two inches long. It is the second on our list of the several types of beetles in Minnesota.

Furthermore, the beetle has a brown body with lighter margins on either side and a redhead. It also has large mandibles that it uses for cutting up trees.

This beetle can be found from Virginia to Mississippi. So, if you’re traveling through this region, watch for this insect!

3. Case-bearing Leaf Beetle

Case-bearing leaf beetles have a black head, thorax, and abdomen with metallic green or blue scales. These bugs are often found on the undersides of leaves. They are most active during the summer months, but they can be seen year-round.

Removing the adults from your home is best by handpicking or vacuuming them to get rid of these pests. Also, you should remove any leaf litter that has been harboring these critters for long periods.

This will help reduce their numbers as well. This is likewise on our list of Minnesota’s different types of beetles.

4. Cedar Beetle

Cedar beetles are a type of beetle in Minnesota. They are known for eating cedar trees throughout the state. And this, in turn, can cause major damage when populations get too large. 

What’s more? The Cedar Beetle has a green body with black spots on its back. They also have wings, but they don’t fly very often.

A female Cedar Beetle lays eggs through their long ovipositor, penetrating deep into the tree bark. The larvae that hatch from these eggs eat away at the cedar tree inside until they kill it.

5. Pustulated Carrion Beetle

One of the interesting types of beetles in Minnesota is the Pustulated Carrion Beetle or Nicrophorus pustulatus.

It’s a black beetle with an orange head, a white line down its back, and bumps on its abdomen. They are sometimes called Stinking Beetles because they release a foul smell when disturbed. 

This beetle can be found throughout North America but is most common in the Midwestern US. The adult beetles feed on animal carcasses (such as dead rodents).

They lay eggs on their prey, which hatch into larvae that eat rotting flesh for about two weeks before pupating for another two weeks. Adults emerge from pupae by chewing through them and their cocoons.

6. One-spotted Tiger Beetle

One-spotted Tiger Beetles are a type of beetle that is only found in the United States. They can be found throughout the country but are most common on the East Coast.

They live for about 2-4 years, and adults feed mainly on plant nectar, but some also eat other insects. Their larvae will eat any insect they can get their claws on. 

Specifically, One-spotted Tiger Beetles have an elliptical shape with long antennae; these antennae can grow up to 1 inch long.

Adults have one black dot at the back end of their wing coverings, which is not visible until they fly. This beetle is not left out of our list of the several types of beetles in Minnesota!

7. Notch-tipped Flower Longhorn Beetle

When you think about the types of beetles in Minnesota, you may picture a cuddly pet beetle. In reality, there are over 30,000 species on this continent alone.

The state has its native species that vary from the Notch-tipped Flower Longhorn Beetle (Typocerus sinuatus) to the Nuttall’s Wood Boring Beetle (Ptilinus nuttalli). 

The Notch-tipped Flower Longhorn Beetle is most active from May to October when riversides and meadows can find it. The Nuttall’s Wood Boring Beetle lives below ground but is most active during the late summer months.

8. Larder Beetle 

Larder Beetles, also known as Leather Beetles, are common household pests of the beetles in Minnesota.

Small (1/8 – 1/4) beetles feed on various foods, including woolen goods, furs, hair, feathers, and animal products. Adult Larder Beetles lay their eggs near food sources so larvae can feed on them when they hatch. 

Moreover, if the larvae are full-grown before contacting the food source, they will pupate near the food.

Larder Beetle larvae resemble alligators with long white hair-like filamentous appendages projecting from their bodies that help them blend into their surroundings.

The adult Larder Beetle has long antennae that help distinguish it from other similar-looking insects, such as carpet beetles or furniture beetles.

9. Locust Borer Beetle

Locust borer beetle larvae feed on the roots of various plants, including corn, soybeans, alfalfa, clover, peas, and beans.

They are a pest for gardeners who want lush lawns because they chew on the roots supporting turf grasses. Locust borers are most active during late spring through late summer. 

Females prefer to lay eggs at the base of trees or near shrubs because these areas provide shade and protection from natural enemies like birds. The females can lay up to 100 eggs at a time, and eggs hatch into larvae within a few days after being laid.

The larvae spend most of their time underground, feeding on plant roots until they pupate in early summer, usually in July or August. Similar to some types of beetles in Minnesota, they are mostly destructive!

10. Long-jointed Beetle 

Long-jointed Beetles are found throughout the state, with a preference for moist meadows. The larvae are wireworms because they use their strong, long antennae to burrow into the ground. Adults can be found from July through September but don’t seem to fly well.

These types of beetles in Minnesota feed on various plant materials, including seeds, leaves, flowers, and stems.

Additionally, these beetles have been used as indicator species for wetland restoration projects. This is because they are sensitive to changes in hydrology.

11. Maize Weevil

There are several types of beetles in Minnesota, including this Maize Weevil. The Maize Weevil is a common beetle found on corn, wheat, oats, barley, sorghum, and rice. They feed on these grains by chewing the kernels from the cobs or kernels of the ears. 

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The larvae then burrow into the ground to pupate. This serious pest can cause significant losses in yield if it remains unchecked. Beware of them!

12. Checkered Beetle

Enoclerus rosmarus, commonly known as the checkered beetle, is a type of ground beetle. Not only is it found on the list of the various types of beetles in Minnesota, but it can also be found living in meadows, on the edges of forests, or anywhere there are flowers. 

Usually, they are no more than an inch long, with a black body and three yellow spots on each wing case. Male checkered beetles have yellow antennae, while female checkered beetles have black antennae. The larvae look like small adults and can be red, orange, or brown, depending on their diet.

13. Clay-colored Billbug

The clay-colored billbug is a common beetle throughout the state, except in the north-central region. Often, beetles are encountered from late April through June.

It can feed on grasses, clovers, and alfalfa in meadows, pastures, along roadsides, and railroad tracks. 

Unlike some types of beetles in Minnesota, it is not a pest insect because it does not feed or damage any cultivated plants.

Also, females lay eggs just below the surface of the soil; there may be as many as 400 eggs at once. Larvae hatch after four to six days and feed on plant roots for three weeks before pupating.

14. Mealybug Destroyer

Mealybug destroyers are an important part of a mealybug population, so it’s best not to kill these beetles. They may eat the wrong type of mealybugs or other bug larvae. They are most commonly found on citrus, pine, and dogwood trees. 

In addition, they can be found on plants like ferns, strawberries, carnations, roses, and chrysanthemums. If you see these beetles on your plant or tree, spray it with water or use a cloth to brush away any adults from the plant gently. Don’t squish them; they are very useful types of beetles in Minnesota!

15. Northern Corn Rootworm Beetle

Of the types of beetles in Minnesota, this is one of the most destructive pests for farmers because it feeds on corn. It is a very large brown beetle with orange legs and a head. The larvae are white, legless grubs that feed on roots underground.

If you see this type of beetle, you can contact your local extension agent for information on control options or by calling toll-free 1-888-253-1399.

Further, there are three different types of Northern Rootworm Beetles: the Southern Corn Rootworm (Diabrotica undecimpunctata), the Western Corn Rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera), and the Northern Corn Rootworm (Diabrotica Barberi). The Northern Corn Rootworm has been reported across all 50 states, including Minnesota.

16. Margined Burying Beetle

Next, on our roll of the types of beetles in Minnesota, we have the Nicrophorus mariginatus. This species is called the Margined Burying Beetle, primarily in Eastern North America.

Surging, adult Margined Burying Beetles are 7-8mm long with a black or dark brown body and white markings on the elytra (wing covers).

They mainly feed on dead vertebrates, such as small rodents. The larvae are obligate scavengers that live among carrion, dung, fur, feathers, silk, etc. 

17. Click Beetle

Melanotus spp. is a click beetle found on the East Coast, including Minnesota. These insects, similar to beetles in Minnesota, are primarily nocturnal, coming out at night to feed. The larvae live under rocks and logs during the day, emerging when it gets dark. 

Meanwhile, they will climb trees to wait for an unsuspecting prey insect to walk by so they can jump on it from their perch in the tree.

They use their mandibles (jaws) to bite into their victim’s flesh when they feed. Then, inject a toxin that paralyzes or kills it before removing chunks with their mandibles.

Once finished eating, they will carry their victim back down the tree and lay eggs inside its body before burying it.

18. May Beetle – P. lanceolata

May Beetles are also known as May Bugs. And they are one of the most common types of beetles in Minnesota that you will come across. 

In particular, these bugs are usually dark brown with blackheads. They can be found on flowers such as Queen Anne’s Lace (Daucus carota) and are often seen feeding on it. The adults feed during the day, but larvae only feed at night.

19. Flower Longhorn Beetle

Flower Longhorn Beetles are also one of the most common types of beetles in Minnesota, but they can be hard to spot. They tend to hang out on flowers that have petals that resemble a flower’s sepals.

Also, Flower Longhorn beetles are considered one of the prettiest beetle species because their colors are so vibrant.

Even though they may not be as noticeable as other beetle species, it is important to remember that they are beneficial insects. They help pollinate plants while they feed on nectar.

20. Flower Longhorn Beetle 

This Flower Longhorn Beetle is a more distinctive species, another species of the Flower Longhorn Beetles. It has a bright yellow-orange head and thorax, orange-brown wing cases, and a dark brown abdomen. 

One of the types of beetles in Minnesota is that they are often found on flowers. Flower Longhorns are omnivores that feed on pollen and small insects like aphids.

They have been observed drinking honeydew from plant sap-sucking insects called scale insects.

21. Four-spot Sap Beetle

Four-spot sap beetles are found throughout the eastern United States, with a range extending from the southeast Atlantic coast northward through New England. It is usually found on living trees recently cut or damaged by storms.

Also, they can be found in old stumps, roots, rotting logs, and fallen trees. Furthermore, the four-spot sap beetle is dark brown to black with four yellow spots on its elytra (the hard forewings that cover the membranous hind wings).

These spots are usually round but may occasionally be triangular or elliptical. This species has an oval pronotum (the part of the insect’s body behind the head), which is black and has two sets of yellowish longitudinal stripes.

22. Fungus Weevil

Fungus weevils spend most of their lives underground, feeding on the roots of grasses, wheat, barley, oats, rye, and other grains.

The adults of these types of beetles in Minnesota are brownish-black. They can fly short distances when disturbed as well.

Coupled with that, they lay eggs on the ground when it is cool at night. The eggs hatch into larvae that feed on plant roots all winter until they pupate and transform into adults.

Depending on the temperature, The adult will emerge from the soil as early as March or June.

It is believed that fungus weevils were introduced to North America from Europe, where they have been a pest for centuries.

23. Giant Stag Beetle 

One beetle you can find while exploring the woods is the Giant Stag Beetle (Lucanus elaphus). It is a large, dark brown or black beetle that can reach lengths up to 3.5 inches. It will open its wings when threatened, revealing its bright orange elytra. 

The male stag beetle uses its strong mandibles for defense and breaking into the female’s hard exoskeleton during mating season.

The giant stag beetle is a threatened species of beetle in Minnesota. As a result, if you come across one, leave it be!

24. Glowworm

Glowworms are other types of beetles in Minnesota found throughout the state. They are typically found near wooded areas, on logs, or on the ground. Plus, they can be found inside houses when they inadvertently enter through windows and doors. 

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Meanwhile, Glowworm larvae are called glowworms because they can emit light from their abdomen.

The larvae will use this light to defend against predators that might try to eat it. It does this by attracting attention from potential predators or by making itself look bigger than it is.

25. Gold-and-brown Rove Beetle

There are several species of rove beetle in the state, but the gold-and-brown Rove Beetle (Ontholestes cingulatus) is easy to identify.

These beetles typically come out just after sunset. They’re brown with gold spots on their elytra (wing covers). 

They hold their wings flat over their body like an umbrella when they fly. This helps them make quick getaways when they sense danger!

To find these insects, look for piles of leaves or other organic materials collected at the base of trees. 

The adults lay eggs here and then eat away at the pile until it’s gone, and all that remains is a round hole in the ground. Be bold; Minnesota still has several types of beetles to discuss!

26. Golden Net-wing Beetle

Golden Net-wing Beetles are one of the most common species you’ll see at a Minnesota lakeshore. These beetles are so named because they have an orange or golden net-like pattern on their back. This can make them hard to spot on light-colored sand or gravel. 

Also, they’re very small, only measuring about 1/2 an inch long. The easiest way to find these beetles is by looking for their little white eggs, which will be laid in tiny clusters around the lake shore.

You might even spot a female beetle carrying her eggs as she walks across the shoreline if lucky enough. Although she will drop all her eggs if disturbed.

27. Golden Tortoise Beetle

The golden tortoise beetle is a common one found in North America’s eastern half. They are most commonly found on goldenrod plants, which they feed on.

Golden tortoise beetle larvae are also predators of aphids, so you may see these beetles helping keep pest numbers down. Specifically, they are also one of Minnesota’s helpful types of beetles.

Meanwhile, these beetles can be identified by their yellow head, orange body with black spots, legs, and brown antennae. 

28. Goldsmith Beetle

The Goldsmith Beetle is your best bet if you are looking for various types of beetles in Minnesota. They like to hang out on flowers or foliage and wait until they see an insect they want to eat

After that, they will fly up into the air, grab the insect with their front legs, and bite it before flying back down. Goldsmith Beetles like wet habitats but can also be found in dry areas.

29. Grapevine Beetle

A small, black beetle with a distinctive white stripe down its back, the grapevine beetle has a habit of feeding on ripening grapes. This insect is not native to North America, having been introduced in Europe.

The grapevine beetle’s name comes from its habit of feeding on vines in vineyards. It often infests grapes during growing and will fly off into the air when disturbed. 

As a pest on the list of the several types of beetles in Minnesota, this beetle can be quite destructive. This is due to their ability to feed on ripening fruit.

Grapevine beetles are also known for contaminating fruit with their droppings, which can cause food poisoning if consumed by humans.

30. Ground Beetle Grub

Ground beetle grubs are the larvae of various beetle species, including ground beetles, rove beetles, tiger beetles, and darkling beetles.

Ground beetle grubs can live in soil, leaf litter, rotten logs, or stumps. Larvae emerge from eggs laid by adult females during the summer months. 

At the same time, they feed on organic matter such as rotting vegetation or dead animals; they may also burrow into the soil or wood. After feeding for about one year and undergoing a few molts, larvae pupate for about three weeks before emerging as adults.

Adults typically have wings, but some are flightless, like certain ground beetle grubs from the genus Omophron.

31. Hairy Rove Beetle

Hairy Rove Beetle, Creophilus maxillosus, is found throughout the United States. They are known for their striking black-and-orange coloration.

These beetles inhabit various habitats, from coastal dunes to salt marshes, agricultural fields, and suburban lawns.

Like most rove beetle species, hairy rove beetles are relatively harmless scavengers that feed on carrion, decaying plant material, or other insects. They can fly for short distances over land using wing muscles.

Like most other insects, these wings are attached to the side of their abdomen rather than under it. As a type of beetle in Minnesota, hairy rove beetles spend most of their time crawling around on the ground looking for food.

32. Hermit Flower Beetle

These beetles are the most common types of beetles in Minnesota that are found on the prairies. The adults are approximately 8-10 mm long and may have copper or green coloration with a dark stripe down their back. 

In addition to that, they feed on pollen, nectar, tree sap, leaves, fungi, lichen, mosses, and flowers. This is a solitary species that does not form colonies.

33. Hister Beetle

Hister Beetles are a type of insect that lives all over the world. There are over 1500 species. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. These beetles can be found on nearly every continent except Antarctica. 

In Minnesota, at least 12 different species have been identified so far. They can be found in forests, urban areas, parks, grasslands, and wetlands. The most common places you will see these beetles are near rotting wood or dead animals. 

Hister Beetles eat fungi or decaying plant matter like lichens, mosses, and decomposing animal carcasses.

One cool thing about Hister Beetles is that they don’t bite or sting humans! Our list of the different types of beetles in Minnesota is complete with the Hipster Beetle!

34. Ivory Marked Beetle

In the United States, there are many species of beetle. These creepy crawlies are found on every continent except Antarctica, and about one-third are only found in North America. In Minnesota alone, there are over 400 species! 

One of Minnesota’s most well-known types of beetles is the Ivory Marked Beetle (Eburia quadrigeminata). This black beetle has a bright white dot near its head that looks like the letter I.

It’s common throughout southeastern Minnesota and other states, including Michigan and Wisconsin. The larvae burrow into dead trees or logs for protection.

35. Jewel Beetle 

Jewel beetles are the most common type of beetle in Minnesota. They are found on conifer trees, including white fir, larch, tamarack, Douglas-fir, redwood, and pine. They can also be found on deciduous trees such as oak or cottonwood. 

Jewel Beetles have a long, cylindrical body, typically metallic green or blue with yellow spots. They have a long neck that protrudes from the tip of their head when they feed on pollen or nectar. 

Further, females will lay their eggs near the base of a tree trunk to protect their larvae. The larvae are orange-colored grubs with brown heads. They live under the bark surface of a tree trunk until they pupate into an adult beetle later on.

36. Colorado Potato Beetle

Colorado Potato Beetles are one of the most serious pests in the potato industry. They lay eggs on the underside of leaves and can live on other plants such as tomatoes, eggplant, tobacco, soybeans, and roses. 

They feed by sucking plant juices from any part of a plant that is above ground. This feeding can cause stunting or death for plants. We are talking about the types of beetles in Minnesota here, and Colorado Potato Beetles aren’t left out!

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37. Convergent Lady Beetle

One type of beetle found throughout the state is the convergent lady beetle. Convergent lady beetles are orange with a white or yellow border at least half as wide as the body. 

Additionally, this species can be found on flowers feeding on pollen or leaves feeding on aphids, scales, mealy bugs, thrips, mites, and other soft-bodied insects. The convergent lady beetle is a voracious predator that can consume up to twenty-five aphids daily.

38. Cottonwood Borer Beetle

Have you ever heard of Cottonwood borers as one of the types of beetles in Minnesota? These are the most common beetles found in the Twin Cities.

The adults can be seen from May through September, usually on foliage with a preference for willow trees. 

The larval stage lives underground and feeds on roots, which can weaken plants and cause premature death. Larvae pupate underground for about two years before emerging as adults. 

39. Dark Brown Click Beetle

Dark Brown Click Beetles are a member of the Scarabaeidae family, which is commonly called the scarabs. The most common Dark Brown Click Beetle species in Minnesota is Limonius californicus. They are brown with dark heads; most importantly, they are one of Minnesota’s numerous types of beetles.

In particular, they can be identified by the clicking noise they make when they retract their head into their prothorax as a defense mechanism against predators. They feed on dung, carrion, and other dead animals.

Occasionally, they eat live insects, including other click beetles, but only when food sources are scarce. During mating season (usually from late June to early July), male scarabs use their horns or antennae to fight each other for female mates.

40. Dogbane Leaf Beetle

Adult Dogbane Leaf Beetles are 4-5 mm long, dark metallic green in color, with a narrow brown band running along their backs. They have bright red wing covers that are rough to the touch. 

Primarily, the larvae live on dogbane (Apocynum cannabinum), but they can also be found on other plants such as milkweed, pokeweed, and sunflowers.

The pupae overwinter in the soil or plant debris before emerging as adults the following year. We are still on our list of the several types of beetles in Minnesota. Read on!

41. Drugstore Beetle

Along with other types of beetles in Minnesota, Drugstore Beetles live on dead or dying plants. They are common pests that can be found throughout the United States.

Usually, they are in grocery stores, drugstores, bakeries, or any other place where flour products are sold. 

Besides, they lay their eggs near a food source and feed on decaying matter. The adults have a lifespan of about one year, while the larvae can take up to two years to mature into an adults.

42. Dung Beetle 

Dung beetles are an important part of the food chain, as they help break down animal waste. More than 800 species of dung beetle are found worldwide, but Minnesota has a few native species. Regardless, there are still types of beetles in Minnesota.

The Dichotomius spp. is one such species that is only found in Minnesota, North America. They can be identified by their black-and-white coloration, with a D on their wings for males or no letter for females.

These unique insects are often seen rolling dung balls across the ground or lawns as they return to their burrow. This can be up to 60 feet away from the point of origin!

43. Earth-boring Scarab Beetle

Earth-boring Scarab Beetles are small, about 1 cm long, with a black body and a brown head. They can be found under logs, on forest floors, or underground.

Earth-boring scarab beetles, also a type of beetle in Minnesota, eat decaying plant matter on the forest floor. They chew through the bark of trees, looking for sapwood, which they use to make their tunnels.

44. Eastern Eyed Click Beetle 

We call a beetle a collection of insects related to the order Coleoptera. They can be found on every continent except for Antarctica, which is why it’s often considered one of the most successful families on Earth.

Additionally, these little bugs come in various shapes and sizes – some with wings while others without; some with hard outer shells and others without; some eat plants while others eat animals

One type we have right here in Minnesota is the Eastern Eyed Click Beetle (Alaus oculatus). This beetle has an elongated head, thorax, and long abdomen that curves upwards at the tip.

45. False Potato Beetle

The False Potato Beetle (Leptinotarsa junta) is the most common pest on potatoes and other related plants. They can be found in various colors, with red being the most common color.

Their eggs are laid on plants they will feed on when they hatch, and their larvae are usually yellowish-green with brown heads.

Moreover, this particular type of beetle in Minnesota has three pairs of legs and six or more hairs. The adults can be seen from June through September but can survive long periods without feeding.

Adults will lay eggs all summer, which overwinters for six months, meaning you can see this beetle year round! 

46. Festive Tiger Beetle

Looking for various types of beetles in Minnesota? Festive Tiger Beetles is one! They can be found all over North America; the Festive Tiger Beetle is one of the most common tiger beetles.

Usually, these beetles are reddish-orange or bright yellow with black markings on their elytra (hard wing coverings). 

That aside, they have a long, clubbed antenna for feeling and smelling their way around. Festive Tiger Beetles primarily eat small insects, including other smaller tiger beetles. 

Festive Tiger Beetles lay eggs in the soil or vegetation near water sources such as lakes, streams, or ponds.

They don’t require much more than moisture to survive, so they’re often found near bodies of water during summer. This is when water levels are lower due to the hot weather conditions.

47. Fiery Searcher Caterpillar Hunter 

In the United States, there are about 25,000 species of beetles. In Minnesota alone, about 3000 different species are found in our state.

The Fiery Searcher Caterpillar Hunter (Calosoma scrutator) is a beetle commonly found on the ground near leaf litter or under logs. 

In addition, they feed on small insects such as caterpillars and maggots. This beetle is a medium-sized brown-bodied insect with short antennae, which can be found from July – November.

But they’re most active from August to October. As our list of the several types of beetles in Minnesota is ending, this particular beetle will not be left out.

48. Fire-colored Beetle

The fire-colored beetle, also known as the Dendroides spp., is a type of beetle that lives in trees. They are found across Minnesota in North America but are more commonly on the west coast. Their bright red head and prothorax can identify the fire-colored beetle. 

Most often, the larvae are white, while the adults are usually reddish-orange or yellowish-orange. Adult males have two long horns on their heads, which they use to fight with other males over territory.

Females have no horns or antennae, which makes them hard to identify at first glance. The Fire-colored beetle winds up our list of Minnesota’s different types of beetles!

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