10 Types of Pigeons in Florida

Types of Pigeons in Florida
Photo by Marko Dukic
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There are many different types of pigeons in Florida, but the most frequent are the Mourning Dove and Rock Dove.

Pigeons are Florida’s most frequent bird species. There are several reasons for this, one of which is that they both prefer warm temperatures.

Various types of pigeons in Florida are native to Europe and Asia, where people first tamed them for their feathers.

They make a cooing sound to attract mates or converse with other birds. Doves are now popular as pets in the United States, where they are typically used as decoys to entice pigeons into traps.

They are among the most intelligent bird species, and their ability to navigate via landmark signals makes them especially well-suited to living in cities.

They’re also famous for their capacity to remain calm in stressful situations and their predisposition to construct intricate nests.

Types of Pigeons in Florida

1. White-crowned Pigeon

In the eastern and central United States, the white-crowned pigeon migrates. You can also find it in Canada and Mexico.

These types of pigeons in Florida are a popular hunting target since it is a problem bird because it eats crops and ruins property. Its population has been declining in recent years due to hunting and habitat destruction.

2. Inca Dove

The Inca dove (Columbina Inca) is a tiny dove that inhabits much of South America’s Andes Mountains. It is considered a rare bird, and although scientists have not begun studies on it, there are reports of it being on the verge of extinction.

The Inca dove is a rare wild dove species that nest at high altitudes. It builds its nest by filling a sheltered hollow in a tree or rock with sticks and normally lays two eggs.

Both parents incubate the eggs for about 23 days before the young birds fledge and leave the nest.

3. Key West Quail-dove

The Key West Quail-dove is a migratory bird that you can find across the Florida Keys. It’s a little dove with a brown back and light underparts.

The Key West quail-dove is closely related to the band-tailed pigeon, previously listed as a subspecies.

This dove prefers open environments, including meadows, golf courses, parks, and other natural areas. It eats seeds, insects, and other small animals.

It constructs a twig nest on high ground or in trees and incubates its eggs for around 16 days. After about 20 days, the chicks fledge.

4 . Scaly-naped Pigeon

Scaly-naped pigeons are small pigeons native to eastern North America. It is found primarily in the southeastern United States, Florida, and the Carolinas.

The IUCN lists this bird as a species of the least concern. However, it suffers several risks from humans, including habitat loss and change.

One of the primary causes of its extinction is that it feeds mainly on plant material, making it difficult to survive in locations with few trees.

Furthermore, human activity has fragmented the pigeon’s environment, making it difficult for it to obtain food and shelter.

5. Ruddy Quail-dove

The Ruddy quail dove (Geotrygon Montana) is a medium-sized dove widespread across much of North America and Central America.

They like open locations with plenty of grass, although they will also endure brushy regions. They eat seeds, fruits, and insects, and their diet fluctuates with the seasons.

Because of their crimson chest and tail feathers, these animals are quite easy to identify. Humans do not pose a threat to them. However, they may be disturbed if you attempt to photograph them or catch them in a trap.

6. White-winged Dove

The white-winged dove is a dove species widespread over much of North America. It is Florida’s most common dove, and you can see them throughout the state.

The white-winged dove is a peaceful bird that prefers open environments with plenty of food, water, and nesting opportunities. It normally lays two eggs and builds its nest on the ground or in low trees.

7. Rock Pigeon

The rock pigeon is related to the wild turkey and the dove, and you can find it in a variety of environments, including subtropical rainforests and deserts. It mostly feeds on seeds and consumes insects, fruits, and other small animals.

Rock pigeons are primarily nocturnal creatures, although types of pigeons in Florida will occasionally venture out during the day if they are feeling safe or looking for food. During the day, they tend to stay near their nests, anywhere from a few feet to 500 feet away!

Rock pigeons, like all birds, have been found to nest on man-made structures such as bridges and skyscrapers on occasion. They prefer lofty sites with plenty of space for themselves and their chicks.

8. Zenaida Dove

The Zenaida dove is a migratory bird found in the southern United States. They are a type of dove with stunning blue and green plumage.

The Zenaida dove got its name from the Zenaida flower, which serves as the primary food source for these birds during their trip. Zenaida doves move to warmer climates in Florida or Mexico during the winter.

Because of their natural habitat and population size loss, Zenaida doves are an endangered species. However, their population has been steadily increasing thanks to conservation initiatives over the last few decades.

9. Eurasian Collared-Dove

The Eurasian Collared-Dove is a dove species native to North America, Canada, and parts of Central America.

It is significant to ornithologists and environmentalists since it is one of the few native North American birds that can survive in cities.

The Eurasian Collared-Dove is a lovely bird with bright plumage. It also possesses a distinctive collar around its neck that serves as a deterrent to predators.

This dove is threatened by habitat loss and poaching, but there are steps you can take to help save it. Reduce your usage of pesticides, support wildlife conservation efforts, and plant trees to create more natural habitats.

10. Common Ground Pigeon

The population of the Common Ground pigeon, a migratory bird, has been steadily decreasing over the previous several years.

As these birds must have open areas in which to live and nest to survive, Human actions such as the destruction of their habitat and hunting are to blame for their population drop.

One of the many things you can do to assist in preserving these types of pigeons in Florida is to notify a conservation organization, such as WildEarth Guardians, if you come across one of these birds.

You can also support organizations such as Restore Florida, which is actively fighting to preserve crucial habitats around the state.

You may also help create extra green space by planting trees or flowers close to your home. This will be to the benefit of the dove as well as any other creatures that already call that area home.

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