Have you ever wondered about animals that eat insects? Many creatures love to feast on the six-legged critters, and it can be fascinating to observe them in action.
From bats to birds, lizards to spiders, a whole host of animal species love to eat bugs.
In this post, we’ll take a look at ultimate insect predators. Get ready for some wild and wonderful creatures!
Insects are some of the most diverse creatures on the planet, and they form an important part of the food chain.
But who eats them? From frogs to spiders to bats, many animals have evolved to take advantage of the abundance of these tiny creatures.
We’ll examine the top animals that eat insects and explore the fascinating ways they have adapted to their diet.
So, if you’re curious about who’s dining on the bugs in your backyard, read on to find out!
1. Pileated Woodpecker

The Pileated Woodpecker is a striking bird with its vibrant red crest and distinctive black and white markings.
Found in forests across North America, this woodpecker is known for its loud drumming on trees and appetite for insects.
With a long, chisel-like bill, the Pileated Woodpecker can easily access its favorite meal: insects hiding under the bark of trees.
They use their strong bill to chip away at the wood, creating holes called “excavations.” These excavations provide access to insects and serve as nesting sites for the woodpeckers.
Insects, including ants, beetles, termites, and carpenter ants, comprise a significant part of the Pileated Woodpecker’s diet.
Their unique hunting technique uses keen eyesight and a powerful bill to locate and extract their prey from trees.
The Pileated Woodpecker’s foraging behavior is beneficial not only for its survival but also for the overall health of the ecosystem.
By controlling insect populations, these woodpeckers play a crucial role in maintaining a balance in the forest ecosystem.
Next time you’re walking through the woods and hear the distinct sound of drumming, keep an eye out for the Pileated Woodpecker as one of the animals that eat insects.
Not only will you be treated to a captivating sight, but you’ll also witness nature’s expert insect hunter in action.
2. Barn Swallow

The Barn Swallow, scientifically known as Hirundo rustica, is a small bird with a big appetite for insects.
These graceful creatures are known for their distinctive forked tail, which helps them maneuver through the air with incredible agility.
Barn Swallows are skilled animals that eat insects. They feed on a variety of flying insects, such as flies, beetles, mosquitoes, and midges.
They can be found swooping and diving through the air, catching their prey on the wing.
Their pointed wings and slender bodies make them excellent aerial hunters. They can change direction quickly and capture insects mid-flight.
These birds have a voracious appetite, consuming hundreds of insects per day.
Studies have shown that a family of Barn Swallows can consume up to 850,000 insects in a single breeding season.
This makes them incredibly valuable for pest control, as they help to regulate insect populations in their habitats naturally.
Barn Swallows are also known for their intricate nests, made primarily of mud and lined with soft materials such as feathers and grass.
They typically build their nests in sheltered locations such as barns, under bridges, or in the eaves of buildings.
These beautiful and agile birds are fascinating to observe and play an important ecological role in controlling insect populations.
So, the next time you spot a Barn Swallow darting through the air, take a moment to appreciate their insect-eating prowess and the important role they play in our ecosystem.
3. Big Brown Bat

One animal with an insatiable appetite for insects is the Big Brown Bat.
These small, nocturnal creatures are found throughout North America and are known for their incredible insect-hunting skills.
Big Brown Bats are true insectivores, and their diet primarily consists of flying insects such as moths, beetles, and mosquitoes.
A single bat can consume up to 1,200 insects in just one hour!
They can echolocate, using high-pitched sounds that bounce off objects and return to their sensitive ears. This allows them to locate their prey accurately in the dark.
These bats have unique adaptations that make them excellent among animals that eat insects.
Their large ears and eyes help them to detect and locate flying insects, while their elongated wings and strong flight muscles allow them to maneuver swiftly through the air.
They can also catch insects mid-flight using their sharp teeth and strong jaws.
Big Brown Bats play an important role in controlling insect populations. They are particularly helpful in agricultural areas where pests can cause damage to crops.
By consuming many insects, these bats help reduce pest populations and naturally minimize the need for pesticides.
Despite their name, Big Brown Bats are quite small, with an average wingspan of around 13 inches.
They often roost in trees, caves, or buildings during the day and emerge at dusk to hunt for insects.
So, next time you see these flying mammals in the evening sky, remember that they are working hard to keep the insect population in check.
4. Long-eared Gymnure
The long-eared gymnure is a unique insect-eating animal that is found in Southeast Asia.
It is part of the gymnure family, which is closely related to hedgehogs and shrews.
This small mammal has a body length of about 20 centimeters and distinctively long ears, hence its name.
The long-eared gymnure has a diet of insects, making it an excellent bug chaser.
It uses its keen sense of smell and hearing to locate its prey, which includes beetles, ants, termites, and spiders. Its sharp teeth help it catch and consume these tiny creatures.
Unlike other animals that eat insects, the long-eared gymnure cannot echolocate like bats or use specialized tools like chimpanzees.
Instead, it relies on its exceptional hearing and agility to hunt down insects.
It can quickly navigate through dense vegetation and burrow into the ground to find hidden insects.
Interestingly, the long-eared gymnure also has a taste for fruits and flowers, making its diet more diverse than that of other insect-eating animals. This allows it to supplement its insect intake when necessary.
5. Chinese Pangolin

The Chinese Pangolin, also known as the scaly anteater, is a fascinating creature that lives in the forests of Southeast Asia.
With its long snout and sticky tongue, the Chinese Pangolin is well-equipped for hunting and devouring insects.
Its diet primarily consists of ants and termites, which it locates using its acute sense of smell.
One of the Chinese Pangolin’s unique features is the armor-like scales covering its body, which protect it against predators.
These scales are made of keratin, the same material that makes up our hair and nails.
Unfortunately, this unique defense mechanism has also made the Chinese Pangolin a target for illegal poaching and trafficking, as its scales are believed to have medicinal properties in traditional Chinese medicine.
Despite the threats it faces, the Chinese Pangolin plays a crucial role in its ecosystem.
By feeding on insects, it helps to control their populations, contributing to a balanced ecosystem.
Efforts are being made to protect and conserve this endangered species, with organizations working to raise awareness and crack down on illegal trade.
6. Hedgehog

The small spiny mammal, hedgehog, may not seem like an obvious candidate for an insect eater, but don’t let its cute appearance fool you.
Hedgehogs have a voracious appetite for insects, making them an important predator in the insect world.
These adorable creatures primarily feed on beetles, caterpillars, slugs, and snails, using their sharp teeth and long tongues to capture and consume their prey.
Their diet is not limited to insects, as hedgehogs are known to eat small mammals, birds, eggs, and even fruits.
However, insects make up a significant portion of their diet, especially during the warmer months when insect populations peak.
Hedgehogs have developed a unique foraging technique to find their favorite snacks.
They use their strong sense of smell to detect the presence of insects and then use their long snouts and sharp claws to dig and pry insects out of their hiding places.
This adaptation allows them to hunt efficiently, even in dark and dense environments.
Their insect-eating behavior is not only beneficial for the hedgehog but also for humans.
Hedgehogs help control insect populations in gardens and agricultural areas, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.
Their role as natural pest controllers makes them a welcome guest in many ecosystems.
So, the next time you spot a hedgehog in your garden, appreciate their insect-eating skills and remember their important role in maintaining a healthy balance in nature.
These little spiky creatures may be small, but their appetite for insects is mighty, making them animals that eat insects.
7. Chimpanzee

One might not immediately associate chimpanzees with being one of the animals that eat insects.
Still, these highly intelligent primates have been observed foraging for insects as a significant part of their diet.
Chimpanzees have been known to feed on termites, ants, and even small spiders.
They have developed clever strategies to obtain these tasty treats, such as using sticks or other tools to extract insects from nests.
Chimpanzees have also been observed using a technique known as “ant dipping,” they use a small stick or blade of grass to dip into an ant nest, collecting ants that latch onto the stick.
They then lick off the ants, relishing in the protein-rich meal.
This behavior is seen not only as a means of obtaining food but also as a social activity, as chimpanzees sometimes share their ant-dipping tools with others in their group.
Insect consumption provides chimpanzees with essential nutrients such as protein and fats that complement their primarily vegetarian diet.
It is fascinating to observe how these creatures adapt to their environment and utilize various food sources to meet their nutritional needs.
The versatility and resourcefulness of chimpanzees highlight their intelligence and adaptability in the animal kingdom.
8. Lizards

Lizards are some of the most fascinating creatures on the planet, and many have a voracious appetite for insects.
These small reptiles use lightning-fast reflexes and sharp teeth to catch and devour their prey.
One of the most notable insect-eating lizards is the Banded Gecko.
This small lizard, found in North American deserts, feeds primarily on crickets and other small insects.
Its sticky tongue and sharp teeth make it an efficient hunter. Another insect-loving lizard is the Bearded Dragon.
This popular pet reptile is native to Australia and eats insects such as crickets, mealworms, and even small roaches.
Bearded dragons are known for their powerful jaws and quick reflexes, allowing them to snatch up their prey easily.
But lizards aren’t just limited to deserts and Australia. The Southeast Asian region is home to the Long-tailed Chameleon, which uses its long, sticky tongue to catch insects like flies, ants, and beetles.
These small reptiles have an incredible ability to blend in with their surroundings, making them stealthy predators.
Lastly, the Frilled Lizard, also known as the “frilled dragon,” is a unique lizard in Australia and New Guinea.
It has a large frill around its neck, which it uses to scare away predators and attract mates.
Despite its intimidating appearance, the frilled lizard mainly feeds on small insects, such as crickets, grasshoppers, and spiders.
9. Nine-banded Armadillo

The nine-banded armadillo is a unique insect-eating mammal known for its armor-like shell.
These small creatures are experts at finding and devouring insects such as ants, beetles, and termites.
Their strong sense of smell helps them locate their prey, and their sharp claws allow them to dig into the ground for insects.
They can easily capture their favorite snacks with long tongues and sticky saliva.
Despite being primarily insectivorous, nine-banded armadillos consume small reptiles, amphibians, and plant matter.
Their insect-eating habits make them among animals that eat insects and important contributors to the ecosystem by controlling pest populations.
10. Eastern Mole

The Eastern Mole, also known as the Common Mole, is a small mammal in the family Talpidae.
Despite its name, the Eastern Mole is found in various regions across North America, including the eastern part of the continent.
These adorable little creatures may not look like formidable insect predators, but they are highly skilled at hunting and consuming insects.
Eastern Moles have a voracious appetite for earthworms, grubs, beetles, and other small underground insects.
With their powerful forelimbs and sharp claws, they can dig intricate tunnels in search of their next meal.
The Eastern Mole’s tunneling behavior is not only beneficial for them but also for the ecosystem.
As they burrow through the soil, they help aerate it, allowing oxygen to reach the roots of plants.
Additionally, their tunnels provide a natural drainage system, preventing waterlogging in areas with heavy rainfall.
Eastern Moles are not only animals that eat insects but also highly solitary animals.
They rarely interact with others of their kind, except during the breeding season.
These solitary creatures spend most of their lives underground, coming to the surface only on rare occasions.
So, the next time you spot a small mound of earth in your garden or yard, chances are an Eastern Mole is nearby, busy feasting on insects.
Their tireless efforts to control insect populations make them valuable allies to gardeners and farmers.
11. Two-Spot Ladybird

The Two-Spot Ladybird is a small, colorful beetle that is a voracious eater of insects.
With its bright red body and two black spots, it may be one of this list’s most easily recognizable insects.
The Two-Spot Ladybird primarily feeds on aphids, which are known to be destructive to crops and plants.
By consuming large quantities of aphids, these ladybirds help to control their population and protect crops.
They are often seen in gardens and fields, tirelessly searching for their next meal.
With their appetite for insects, Two-Spot Ladybirds are invaluable allies in maintaining the balance of nature.
12. Giant Darner Dragonfly

The Giant Darner Dragonfly is a fascinating insect that showcases incredible flying abilities and plays a vital role in the lives of animals that eat insects.
This large and powerful dragonfly can be found across North America, where it resides in wetlands and areas with abundant vegetation.
The Giant Darner Dragonfly’s size and agility make it an effective predator.
With a wingspan of up to five inches, this insect is capable of swift and precise movements, allowing it to snatch its prey out of mid-air.
Its diet primarily consists of mosquitoes, flies, and other small insects, making it a valuable asset in reducing the population of pesky and disease-carrying bugs.
One of the most remarkable features of the Giant Darner Dragonfly is its exceptional eyesight.
With eyes composed of thousands of individual lenses, this insect can detect the slightest movement from its prey.
Once it spots a target, it quickly takes flight, darting through the air at impressive speeds of up to 30 miles per hour.
But the hunting prowess of the Giant Darner Dragonfly doesn’t end there.
It also has a long, slender abdomen equipped with sharp spines that it uses to impale its prey.
This ensures a secure hold on its meal while it devours it, making it a formidable predator in the insect world.
In addition to its role as a natural insect control agent, the Giant Darner Dragonfly is also an indicator species for the health of wetland ecosystems.
Their presence or absence can provide insights into the overall condition of these habitats, making them a valuable indicator for conservation efforts.
So next time you spot a dragonfly gracefully hovering above a body of water, remember its vital role in maintaining the balance of nature by snacking on bugs and contributing to a healthier environment.
13. Bark Scorpion

One of the most efficient insect predators is the bark scorpion.
Found in deserts and other dry areas, these small arachnids have a keen sense of smell that helps them locate their prey.
They primarily feed on small insects like ants, beetles, and crickets.
Their venomous stinger immobilizes their prey and devours it quickly.
Bark scorpions are important in controlling insect populations and play a vital role in maintaining the balance of their ecosystem by being among the animals that eat insects.
However, it’s important to remember that their sting can be painful and potentially dangerous, so it’s best to observe them from a distance.
14. Carolina Mantis

The Carolina Mantis, also known as the praying mantis, is a fascinating insect widely known for its predatory nature.
These insects are commonly found in the eastern United States, particularly in the Carolinas, where their name originates.
Carolina mantises are incredible hunters, known for their stealthy approach and lightning-fast reflexes.
They have elongated bodies, long, slender legs, and powerful front legs, which they use to catch and hold their prey.
Their triangular heads have large, compound eyes that allow them to spot their targets accurately.
These mantises primarily feed on insects, including flies, mosquitoes, grasshoppers, and moths.
They are ambush predators, patiently waiting for their prey to come within striking distance before using their sharp front legs to grasp and immobilize them.
One interesting fact about the Carolina Mantis is its ability to camouflage itself.
They can change their body color to match their surroundings, making it difficult for their prey to spot them.
This camouflage also helps them hide from potential predators.
In addition to being efficient hunters, Carolina mantises are also beneficial to humans as they help control insect populations in gardens and agricultural fields.
Many gardeners even encourage their presence to help naturally manage pest populations without using harmful pesticides.
Overall, the Carolina Mantis is a remarkable animal that eats insects with a voracious appetite for insects.
Its unique hunting strategies and ability to blend into its environment make it a fascinating creature to observe and learn about.
15. Giant Anteater

One of the most fascinating animals that eat insects worldwide is the Giant Anteater.
Known for its long snout and enormous claws, this creature has developed a unique way of hunting and feeding on insects.
Found primarily in Central and South America, the Giant Anteater’s specialized diet consists mainly of ants and termites.
Its long snout can easily penetrate ant hills and termite mounds, allowing it to access the insects within.
Once inside, the anteater licks the insects with its large, sticky tongue, which can reach up to two feet in length.
It can flick its tongue up to 150 times per minute, making it an incredibly efficient predator.
Despite its name, the Giant Anteater is not just limited to eating ants and termites.
It will also consume other insects, such as beetles and wasps, and small vertebrates like lizards and snakes if they cross its path.
One interesting fact about the Giant Anteater is that it has no teeth.
Instead, it relies on its strong stomach muscles to crush and grind the insects it consumes.
This is why it often consumes large amounts of sand and dirt while feeding, as it helps with digestion.
Unfortunately, the Giant Anteater faces numerous wild threats, primarily due to habitat loss and fragmentation.
As its natural habitat is destroyed, the availability of insects decreases, making it harder for these magnificent creatures to find enough food to survive.
Efforts are being made to protect their habitats and raise awareness about the importance of preserving these incredible insect predators.
16. Four-toed Hedgehog

The four-toed hedgehog is a small mammal known for its love of insects among animals that eat insects.
Found in parts of Africa and the Middle East, this adorable creature has sharp teeth and a keen sense of smell, which it uses to sniff out its favorite snack—bugs!
Despite its small size, the four-toed hedgehog is a formidable predator for insects.
It can consume a variety of insects, including beetles, caterpillars, spiders, and even scorpions.
One of the unique characteristics of the four-toed hedgehog is its ability to roll into a ball when it feels threatened.
This behavior protects it from predators and helps it capture insects more efficiently.
When in its ball-like form, the hedgehog exposes only its spiky exterior, leaving no vulnerable areas for insects to attack.
This clever strategy allows the hedgehog to get up close and personal with its prey without fear of retaliation.
In addition to its insect-eating habits, the four-toed hedgehog is also known to feed on other small animals, such as mice and lizards.
However, insects comprise a significant portion of its diet and are essential for survival.
Four-toed hedgehogs would struggle to find enough energy to thrive in their natural habitats without their insect-filled meals.
Overall, the four-toed hedgehog is a fascinating creature that showcases the diversity of animals that love to snack on insects.
From its sharp teeth and sense of smell to its ability to roll into a protective ball, this little hedgehog has developed unique skills that make it a formidable predator in the insect world.
17. American Green Tree Frog

American green tree frogs, or Hyla cinerea, are fascinating animals that eat insects.
These adorable little amphibians are native to the southeastern United States and are often found near bodies of water, such as swamps, marshes, and ponds.
While their bright green color helps them blend in with the surrounding vegetation, their voracious appetite for insects sets them apart.
These tree frogs are opportunistic feeders, meaning they will eat small insects.
Their favorite snacks include crickets, moths, beetles, and flies.
They are also known to indulge in spiders, small worms, and even other small frogs if the opportunity arises.
Their sticky, adhesive toe pads make the American green tree frogs such effective insect predators.
These specialized pads allow them to cling to various surfaces, including leaves, branches, and even windows, while they wait patiently for unsuspecting prey to come by.
Once an insect is within range, these frogs use their long, sticky tongues to snatch it up quickly.
American green tree frogs play an important role in controlling insect populations in their habitats.
Their ability to eat large quantities of insects helps to maintain the ecological balance in their ecosystems.
While they are primarily nocturnal, they can also be spotted during the day, basking in the sun or taking refuge in cool, shady areas.
In addition to their insectivorous diet, tree frogs consume small invertebrates, such as spiders and snails, which increases their versatility as predators.
Their ability to adapt to a variety of habitats, from swamps to urban gardens, makes them valuable allies in controlling pesky insect populations.
So, the next time you hear the distinct “chirping” sound of an American green tree frog, know that these charming amphibians are hard at work, feasting on the bugs that might otherwise become a nuisance to us humans.
18. American Toad

The American toad is a fascinating amphibian that adds beauty to our landscapes and plays a crucial role in controlling insect populations.
These toads are known for their distinct appearance: bumpy, warty skin and light brown or olive coloration.
While they primarily feed on insects, they are not picky eaters and will consume a variety of invertebrates, including beetles, spiders, slugs, and worms.
American toads are skilled animals that eat insects. They rely on their excellent eyesight and sticky tongues to catch their prey.
They are most active at night, venturing out in search of food under the cover of darkness.
Their diet helps control the population of harmful insects, such as mosquitoes and flies, which can transmit diseases to humans.
One interesting fact about American toads is their ability to tolerate and consume toxic prey.
They eat poisonous insects, such as beetles, that possess chemical defenses.
These toads have developed immunity to these toxins, allowing them to thrive while providing a natural control mechanism for harmful insect populations.
If you have a garden or backyard, consider welcoming American toads by providing a suitable habitat with moist areas and plenty of hiding spots.
During the breeding season, they will add charm to your surroundings with their distinctive calls and act as your garden’s personal pest control team, keeping insect populations in check and ensuring a healthier ecosystem.
19. Cuban Solenodon
The Cuban Solenodon is a unique and fascinating creature found only on the island of Cuba.
This small mammal, also known as the Almiqui, is among the animals that eat insects.
It has a long, slender body with a snout that is perfect for hunting insects.
The Cuban Solenodon primarily feeds on insects such as beetles, spiders, and millipedes.
Its venomous bite sets the Cuban Solenodon apart from other insect-eating animals.
It possesses venomous saliva that it uses to subdue its prey.
When hunting, the Solenodon will use its keen sense of smell to locate insects hiding under leaves or crevices.
Once it has found its target, it will strike with lightning-fast speed, injecting its venom into the insect’s body.
The venom quickly immobilizes the prey, allowing the Solenodon to feast on its meal.
The Cuban Solenodon is a nocturnal creature, spending its days hidden away in burrows or dense vegetation.
It is an elusive animal, making it difficult for researchers to study and gather information about its behavior and habits.
Unfortunately, the Cuban Solenodon is listed as critically endangered due to habitat loss and predation by introduced predators.
Conservation efforts are underway to protect this remarkable insect predator and ensure its survival.