17 Different Types of Flies in North Dakota

Different Types of Flies in North DakotaPin
Photo by Chris Curry

There are many different types of flies in North Dakota that call the area home.

North Dakota has a diverse population of flying insects, from the common housefly to the more unique cranefly.

While many consider flies to be annoying, they also play an important role in the environment. 

This blog post will look at the different types of flies in North Dakota and what attracts them to the area.

We’ll also discuss how to minimize the presence of flies in your environment and keep them from becoming a nuisance.

1. African Fig Fly

African Fig Fly - Types of Flies in South CarolinaPin
by Jesse Christopherson is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

The African Fig Fly (Zaprionus indianus) is a fly species found in many North Dakota regions.

This fly is known for its bright orange and yellow stripes and long antennae. This fly feeds on various fruit, nectar, and decaying organic matter. 

It is the first of this list of the types of flies in North Dakota. While it is primarily found near fruit trees and orchards, it can also be found in gardens, fields, and other open areas.

It is a key pollinator for many crops, including tomatoes, cucumbers, and squash.

The African Fig Fly is particularly attracted to rotting fruit, which makes it a nuisance in some areas.

To keep these flies away from your garden or orchard, make sure to remove any overripe or rotting fruit. 

Additionally, planting certain flowers such as marigolds, lavender, and rosemary can help deter the African Fig Fly from your property.

These simple steps can help reduce the number of flies in your area and keep your garden healthy and safe.

2. American Bluet Damselfly

American Bluet DamselflyPin
by sonstroem is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The American Bluet Damselfly is one of the most common types of flies in North Dakota. They are found in moist, low-lying areas such as wetlands, marshes, and ponds.

These small flies are an important food source for birds and other wildlife, and they are also a beneficial part of the ecosystem, controlling populations of pest insects. 

The American Bluet Damselfly can be recognized by its black thorax and yellow abdomen and its distinctive wings with a red tint along the edges.

These flies are attracted to decaying organic matter and often hover around compost piles or decaying plant matter.

They breed in temporary ponds and puddles and lay eggs on aquatic vegetation.

3. American Hover Fly

American Hoverfly - Types of Flies in ArizonaPin
by Goshzilla – Dann is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The American Hover Fly is an important species of fly in North Dakota.

These flies are usually found near riverbanks, ponds, or streams, where they feed on nectar from flowering plants and pollen.

They also consume various small insects, larvae, and other invertebrates.

The larvae of this species have been found in moist soil, decaying vegetation, and even inside plant tissues.

These flies are considered beneficial to the environment as they act as pollinators, controlling pests and providing food for other organisms.

The adult hoverflies are easily recognizable by their black and yellow stripes, which serve as a warning to potential predators. 

They are attracted to flowers that produce lots of nectar, such as daisies, dandelions, buttercups, and sunflowers.

The female lays her eggs on plants, and when they hatch, the larvae feed on the sap or juices of these plants.

Aside from being types of flies in North Dakota, they are one of the most important pollinators there and can be seen buzzing around from flower to flower.

4. American Salmonfly

The American salmon fly is one of the most common types of flies in North Dakota. It can be identified by its small size and brown or black coloration.

Its wings are held over its body, which gives it a distinct, ‘flying saucer’ appearance. 

Moreover, it is an aquatic fly that prefers slow-moving water, making it commonly seen in rivers, streams, and ponds across the state.

This fly feeds on aquatic insects, often hatching from the water’s surface and collecting food from the water’s surface film.

Related:  62 Different Types of Beetles in Kansas

The American Salmonfly is attracted to light, often gathering around porch lights or other outdoor lighting.

The larvae of this fly are important to fish diets, as they provide a valuable source of protein and are considered an important food source for many aquatic species. 

This type of fly is also used in fly fishing, as its small size and slow movement make it an attractive bait for fish.

While these flies are harmless to humans, their presence can be annoying, so keeping them away with light and screen doors is best.

5. Flower Fly

Virginia Flower Fly  - Types of Flies in WisconsinPin
by Judy Gallagher is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Of the different types of flies in North Dakota, good pollinators include flower flies.

They go to flowers to eat the pollen, and like other insects, such as bees, they collect pollen grains on their bodies and spread them to other flowers. 

Toxomerus genus flower flies have what appears to be a flat abdomen that can bend to almost unnatural angles. They are not harmful to people and do not sting.

This particular species can be found near garden flowers, maize, and sorghum plants.

6. Band-Winged Crane Fly

Band-Winged Crane FlyPin
by treegrow is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Band-winged Crane Fly is a species of fly found in North Dakota. This species is known for its long and slender body, with two distinct wings with black stripes.

The band-winged crane fly is often seen in grassy areas and meadows and can be attracted to lights at night. 

They typically feed on the nectar of flowers and small insects like aphids, thrips, and caterpillars.

These flies are not dangerous to humans and are mainly considered to be nuisance pests.

However, they can become quite numerous during the summer months and could become a problem if left unchecked.

7. Band-Winged Hoverfly

Band-Winged HoverflyPin
by Gidzy is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The Band-winged Hoverfly is a species of fly found in North Dakota. It has distinctive yellow and black markings, and its wings are marked with white bands.

This species of fly prefers habitats near rivers, marshes, and ponds. They are types of flies in North Dakota that feed on nectar, pollen, and the occasional aphid or small insect.

The Band-winged Hoverfly is a great pollinator, so it benefits the environment.

The Band-winged Hoverfly is attracted to light colors, such as white and yellow flowers. They are also drawn to water sources like streams, rivers, and ponds.

It’s important to be aware of these flies when you’re outdoors in North Dakota, as they can sometimes be annoying or even bite if provoked.

The best way to avoid them is to avoid their preferred habitats and food sources.

8. Flesh Fly

Flesh Fly Pin
by Carlos Eduardo Joos is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Sarcophaga adults have clear wings and red eyes. Their thorax (‘shoulder area’) contains alternating metallic-looking black and gray patterns.

The brownish-red tip and spiky hairs on the black abdomen’s end. The entire spring and summer, they remain active. 

Open spaces like fields, parks, meadows, and parking lots are where you can find them. In addition, woodlands and backyards may contain them.

This genus covers the whole of North America and has close to 80 species. Adult flesh flies may also visit dung heaps and consume animal fluids.

Some of the first insects to a dead animal are flesh flies. Their larvae (maggots) consume the deceased insects and the rotting, decomposing meat of vertebrates.

9. Bee Fly

Bee FlyPin
by jeans_Photos is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Bee flies are found in North Dakota and are a common fly species.

These flies belong to the Bombyliidae family, characterized by their dark coloring, long legs, and wings.

They have short antennae, a long proboscis for feeding, and large eyes. 

Bee flies, which are flies in North Dakota, can be found in many habitats, including grasslands, wetlands, forests, and deserts.

They are important pollinators of flowers, as they feed on nectar and help spread pollen between plants.

Bee flies also make up a major part of the insect food chain, providing an important source of nutrition for birds, mammals, reptiles, and other insects. 

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They are attracted to bright colors, fragrances, and open flowers. They are mostly active during the day but can also be found in the evening and night when temperatures are warmer.

You can set up bee houses or provide flowers with plenty of nectar to attract these bees.

10. Bee-Like Robber Fly

Bee-Like Robber FlyPin
by Judy Gallagher is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The Bee-like Robber Fly, or Laphria spp., is a type commonly found in North Dakota.

This type of fly is about 1/4 to 1/2 inch long and has black bodies with yellow stripes.

They are also typically covered with yellowish-brown hairs and have long, beak-like mouthparts that they use to feed on small insects. 

These flies are often found in gardens, around flowering plants, and on the edges of forests, where they can find plenty of food.

These flies are known for their aggressive behavior and ability to kill other flying insects.

They attack their prey by grabbing them with their powerful mandibles and injecting a paralyzing toxin into the insect. 

They then suck out the fluids from their prey before discarding the body.

These flies in North Dakota are beneficial as they help control the population of other pest species.

However, they can become a nuisance when they appear in large numbers around homes and businesses.

11. Black Firefly

Black FireflyPin
by Judy Gallagher is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The Black Firefly is an insect found in the North Dakota area. This type of fly is typically black or dark brown and is marked with yellow stripes.

The adult Black Firefly is usually active at night, while the larval stage can be found in damp soil and vegetation during the day. 

They are flies in North Dakota that prefer open, moist habitats, such as low-lying meadows, swamps, and wetlands.

The Black Firefly is an important pollinator in North Dakota as it helps transfer pollen from one flower to another. 

The Black Firefly feeds on nectar, plant sap, and small insects, such as aphids, which it captures by hovering above them. 

To attract mates, the male Black Firefly produces a yellow light from its abdomen at night that can be seen up to 20 feet away. By emitting this light, it can locate a female of its species and reproduce.

Therefore, conservationists need to protect these habitats so that the Black Firefly can continue to thrive in North Dakota.

12. Filter Fly

Filter Fly - Different Types of Flies in Massachusetts Pin
by treegrow is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Fuzzy and dark Filter On the walls and doors of the restroom stalls, flies are frequently spotted resting.

Numerous people had swatted at one to prevent it from landing on them when they were exposed and vulnerable. 

This sort of fly is not just seen in bathrooms and kitchens. It is frequently observed in nature next to foul ponds and other moist regions where degradation occurs.

However, most people connect this mothfly with waste, filth, and trash.

This tiny fly on our list of the types of flies in North Dakota looks like a moth because it has fuzz on its wings.

The Filter Fly is completely black and has a hairy fringe around its spherical wings. On the upper portion of each wing, there are two black spots.

13. Fishfly

Dark FishflyPin
by Wedontneedfeatherstofly is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The group of winged insects known as Dobsonflies and Alderflies includes fishflies.

They are types of flies in North Dakota that are typically identified by their size, dark color, and chaotic-looking flight approach.

They have long, feathery antennae and jaws (mandibles) with teeth that resemble saws.

When closed, their wings curl tightly over one another and are at least as long as their bodies.

The transparent wings are covered in veins and color blotches. Males wrestle for females by using their mouths. 

Females deposit hundreds of fertilized eggs on low-lying branches or bushes above the water. When they hatch, larvae fall into the water.

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While adults can be spotted relaxing on land, they are typically found adjacent to submerged vegetation that is near running water. 

Most activity is visible at night in the late spring and summer.

To consume aquatic insects like dragonfly naiads and water beetle larvae, adult fish flies fish them out of the water.

They also consume algae, worms, and tiny bivalves like clams and mussels. At night, adults are extremely drawn to lights.

14. Firefly

by art farmer is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

On this list of the several types of flies in North Dakota are the numerous species of fireflies in the genus Photuris.

These tiny beetles are perfectly safe for humans and are frequently captured for closer examination.

Chemicals in the insect’s yellow abdomen enable it to phosphoresce. While a few species flash orange or red, the majority of species glow in colors green or blue.

Each species has a unique blinking pattern that can be used to distinguish it from other nearby species.

15. Black Onion Fly

Black Onion FlyPin
by Judy Gallagher is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The Black Onion Fly is a species of fly that can be found in North Dakota.

It is a small, dark-colored fly with a black head and thorax, and its abdomen and wings have a metallic blue or purple sheen. Its body is slender, and it has long legs. 

This fly is not left out of our list of different types of flies in North Dakota, and it’s often attracted to onions, hence its name.

It feeds on the nectar and pollen of plants and is an important pollinator in its native habitat.

The Black Onion Fly also spreads plant diseases such as black rot, white rot, rust, and leaf spot. 

Taking measures to prevent them from spreading these diseases when possible is important.

They are attracted to light at night, so keeping lights off near potential breeding grounds can help reduce their numbers.

Good garden hygiene practices, such as clearing debris and removing old plant material, can help keep their population down.

16. Black-Tailed Bee Fly

Black tailed Bee FlyPin
by S. Rae from Scotland, UK is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The black-tailed bee fly is a species found in North Dakota.

It is a medium-sized fly, about 1 cm long, and has a black body with a yellow head.

The bee fly has wings with a white or yellowish fringe along the edges. 

Meanwhile, it is an important pollinator of wildflowers and cultivated crops, including clover and alfalfa. It is often seen hovering near flowers while looking for nectar and pollen.

The black-tailed bee fly is attracted to open, sunny areas with plenty of flowers, such as gardens and meadows. 

It can also be found in wooded areas where flowering shrubs and trees provide the necessary food source.

They are active during the day and are typically seen hovering around flowers for food.

17. Black-Horned Gem Fly

Black-Horned Gem FlyPin
by gailhampshire is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The Black-horned Gem Fly is a type of fly that is commonly found in North Dakota.

They often hover around grassy and sandy areas and open woods and wetlands.

They have black heads with two large yellow eyes, and their bodies are mainly yellow with black stripes. 

The Black-horned Gem Fly has two distinct wings and thin antennae to detect prey.

This fly species feeds on nectar and other protein sources, including small insects such as mosquitoes and aphids. 

They lay their eggs in moist areas, and the larvae feed on aquatic vegetation.

These flies are important pollinators of flowers and play an essential role in maintaining the health of local ecosystems.

Finally, we’ve reached the end of our list of the various types of flies in North Dakota.

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