11 Types of Snails to Keep as Pets

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Photo by freestocks

Are you looking for a low-maintenance pet that will show off your personality?

If so, adding a pet snail to your home may be the perfect fit! You should know that there are many types of snails to keep as pets!

Snails are becoming increasingly popular as pets, ideal for those who want something small to keep and care for.

The beautiful shells and their slow-moving pace make them engaging creatures to watch. These small, slithering creatures can offer hours of entertainment to their keepers.

Still, it is important to learn about the different types available before deciding which species would best meet your needs.

Fortunately, there are countless types of snails to keep as pets that can easily adapt to life in captivity with the right setup.

Explore more about the various breeds of snails available so you can find the perfect species to suit your needs and become part of your household.

1. Sea Butterflies

Sea Butterflies, or Janthina janthina, are a type of sea snail that make for interesting and unique pets.

These fascinating snails spend their lives bobbing along the ocean’s surface with their bright blue shells and unusual sail-like anatomy helping them travel from place to place.

As indoor snails to keep as pets, they are low maintenance and require a simple setup at home. 

Sea Butterflies feed on plankton found in coastal shoreline waters and can easily be fed with powdered dried plankton kept as part of the needed supplies.

A tank, large enough to allow these small creatures some room to move around freely, is all that is required apart from this.

A saltwater filter should also be installed to maintain proper water conditions in the tank. 

Unlike most other types of snails to keep as pets, Sea Butterflies make exciting companions when observed under the microscope since they often feed on equally small organisms like rotifers and monophytes.

These fascinating creatures bring life and color to any aquarium environment, making them ideal additions for aquarists or biology enthusiasts.

2. Malaysian Trumpet Snail

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by drelliott0net is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Malaysian Trumpet snails, also known as Malayan Livebearing Snails, is an interesting and relatively undemanding species of snail that can make a great addition to any freshwater aquarium.

These snails are fairly small, growing between 0.5 and 1 inch in size, and come in various beautiful colors such as black, brown, yellow, and gold.

These snails to keep as pets have rounded conical spirals shaped like cones. 

Malaysia Trumpet Snails tend to be quite hardy, making them ideal for beginner aquarium enthusiasts who may not have much experience keeping snails.

They feed solely on decaying food materials such as algae and dead plant matter; since they don’t eat live plants, they won’t harm any vegetation within the tank. 

Additionally, these snails burrow into the substrate periodically during the day to help aerate it; this is beneficial for the overall health of the tank’s aquatic life.

Malaysian Trumpet Snails will breed easily in captivity; one snail can lay up to eight eggs at a time that takes approximately two weeks to hatch, transforming their tanks into true aquatic ecosystems!

3. Colombian Ramshorn Apple Snail

The (Pomacea sp.) is a type of freshwater snail that can be kept as a pet and make an interesting addition to any aquarium.

These snails come in various colors, including yellow, blue, green, and black, and are relatively easy to care for.

They are considered peaceful animals and spend much of their time grazing on algae in the aquarium, but they can also eat tablets or flake foods

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The Columbian Ramshorn Apple Snail is one of the types of snails to keep as pets. Its shell is unique: ram’s horn-shaped.

Also, it has long, thin whorls when young, shortening into large chunks as they age.

When fully grown, they are between 2 and 3 inches, making them great tank mates for other small fish.

Plus, their characteristic eyes stick out from the top of their shells, making them quite appealing for any home aquarium!

4. Roman Snail

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by Paul and Jill is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The Roman Snail is likewise one of the excellent snails to keep as pets.

This species is originally found in the Mediterranean region and can live between 1-2 years.

Roman Snails are generally small, growing up to 5-6 cm in diameter. They have light grey shells with pale stripes or spots. 

Despite their small size and lightweight shell design, they’re incredibly strong and resilient – making them ideal snails for beginner and experienced snail keepers alike.

Unlike other types of snails to keep as pets, the Roman variety is active throughout the day and night, so you won’t need to worry about monitoring any activity schedule when caring for them. 

It’s important to ensure suitable housing for a Roman Snail. They will require a shallow terrarium space with a few inches of substrate for digging and climbing, as these snails love exploring their environment!

Additionally, it’s good practice to add dwarf plants to their enclosure, such as ivy or moss, so your pet has something fun to play around in and some hiding places from potential predators. 

When feeding your pet Roman Snail, they’re not picky eaters.

They enjoy eating almost anything, from fruit and vegetables like apples, radishes, or cucumbers to lettuce leaves, sliced carrots, or celery sticks.

5. Garden Snail

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by SidPix is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The Garden Snail, also known as the Common Brown Snail, is an interesting and easily acquired snail to keep as a pet.

This species of gastropod is native to Europe and has become widely popular in recent years among both amateur and expert enthusiasts alike.

Since they are easy to acquire and require minimal space and resources, plus their hardy nature allows for mistakes, some may argue that the Garden Snail should be the first choice for anyone considering adding snails to their collection. 

One of the attractive features of keeping Garden Snails is that you don’t have to invest in expensive setups or materials to get started.

All you need is a container such as a five-gallon fish tank with a lid – or even better yet – a large glass aquarium with a screened top – filled with soil and moss.

These snails can live on low-maintenance diets consisting mostly of soil-based fruits and vegetables such as potatoes, apples, and cucumbers. 

In addition, they can also benefit from occasional supplements such as calcium powder, which could help strengthen the shell integrity.

Finally, ensure an area with fresh water is always available since they drink small amounts of it regularly.

Once these simple needs are taken care of, you can enjoy these types of snails to keep as pets!

6. Candy Cane Snail

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by Marcos Rodríguez Bobadilla is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Candy Cane Snails are beautiful while considering the types of snails to keep as pets.

These snails are quite small, with their shells only growing up to three centimeters in size.

Candy Cane Snails have various colors and patterns on their shells, ranging from bright red and white stripes to solid pastel pinks and blues. 

Moreover, they live on land, making them easy to care for.

Additionally, they require little upkeep—food pellets and occasional misting are all they need!

Candy Cane Snails are the perfect option for people looking for an exotic pet that’s visually stunning and low-maintenance.

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7. Milk Snail

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by Misenus1 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Milk Snails, or Tylomelania snails, are increasingly popular snails to keep as pets.

While they’re relatively uncommon compared to other pet snails, such as Apple Snails and Mystery Snails, they make up for it with their curious and unusual traits.

Milk snails have shell sizes between one and two inches in diameter – usually with bright yellow or orange patterns along the shell spirals. 

They mature quickly, reaching a maximum size in about eight months, though some might take six months or fewer, depending on the snails’ environment.

Additionally, these snails require less food than others to keep as pets and can survive from a mainly algae-based diet.

This means cleaner tanks for beginner snail owners who just get started! 

Though Milk Snails may require special care compared to many other popular pet snail species—requiring higher temperatures that maintain at least eighty degrees Fahrenheit and more acidic water than usual—they make up for this by being social creatures that appreciate company.

Often, Milk Snail owners will opt to purchase multiple specimens so they can live together in an aquarium, as they can become quite lonely when kept alone. 

Additionally, these areas help keep them entertained while supplementing their diet by providing more algae sources than most tank setups.

Overall, Milk Snails are perfect pets if someone is looking for a fascinating animal that requires less effort than other first-time pet owners may be accustomed to undertaking!

8. Mystery Snail

Mystery snails are also very interesting types of snails to keep as pets.

Not only are they relatively low-maintenance, but they’re also easy to care for and can bring a lot of joy and fun into someone’s home.

They have extremely colorful shells in many shades and sizes, from solid colors like black and blue to more intricate marbled patterns. 

They are also very large compared to other types of snails to keep as pets, and they can reach up to four inches long as adults—making them quite the eye-catching addition to any aquarium or vivarium!

Also, mystery snails are quieter than other species, so they won’t pollute too much noise. 

When it comes to their dietary needs, mystery snails do not require much food; some lettuce is usually enough if supplemented with commercial “snail granules” or algae wafers occasionally.

They must receive adequate calcium and magnesium (which helps boost immunity) for healthy shell growth. Adding an appropriate mineral supplement to their tank filter cartridge easily provides these.

Mystery snails are good at cleaning tanks by eating dead plant matter and uneaten fish food; this helps maintain healthier water conditions and enhance their survival rates. 

Surprise snails make great additions to any aquarium or vivarium setup. They are hardy creatures that, if cared for properly, are secure against most common environmental stressors.

This makes them ideal types of snails to keep as pets for people who want something unique but don’t want too much maintenance involved.

9. Giant African Land Snail

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by Steve Slater (used to be Wildlife Encounters) is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The Giant African Land Snail is one of the interesting and rewarding types of snails to keep as pets.

These large snails can grow up to 20 cm (8 inches) in length, making them impressive and a great conversation starter.

Aside from their aesthetic appeal, these snails are exceptionally friendly. They don’t require expert care like many other exotic pets, making them easier to care for and ideal for first-time pet owners.

These snails don’t need much space – they’re perfectly fine living in a small tank or terrarium.

Since they feed on fruits, vegetables, decomposing plant matter, and even some insects, their diet is relatively cheap and calorie-dense, making them quite economical to maintain over time.

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Plus, since these snails are active throughout the day and night, it is entertaining to set up little obstacles or toys, such as plastic balls, for them to explore. 

Apart from being relatively low-maintenance and fun to watch as they explore their environment, Giant African Land Snails can also live up to 10 years.

So you’ll surely have lots of time to get attached to your new pet!

10. Common Whelk

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by asbjorn.hansen is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The common whelk is on this list of the different types of snails to keep as pets.

This snail species is native to North America and is known for its hardiness and high egg production rate.

The shell of the common whelk is usually banded in white and brown, giving it an interesting look. 

Its size makes it easy to keep in aquariums and can handle many water conditions.

So, even new aquarists should have no problem keeping this species of snails as pets.

Common whelks are also quite inactive during the day, making them ideal pets for those who don’t have much time to devote to their aquarium. 

Common whelks can reproduce in captivity with the right temperature and food conditions.

They feed in quick bursts on small invertebrates, such as worms and snails, but may also feed from fish food or flake foods given as occasional treats.

Breeding common whelks requires slightly raised temperatures for some time but can be done fairly easily with water changes every two days if paired males and females are present in the aquarium. 

Once hatched, baby common whelks will advance in life stages quickly due to their active nature in adulthood.

Keeping them healthy through proper dieting and handling will ensure that your common whelks live long and happy lives!

11. Nerite Snail

Nerite snails are among the most popular freshwater aquarium snails, and for a good reason.

Small, colorful creatures make excellent tank cleaners, adding aesthetic appeal to a home aquarium.

Nerite snails, one of the types of snails to keep as pets, can be found in various colors, shapes, and sizes depending on their particular species or subspecies. 

Besides scrubbing your tank walls free of algae and other debris, these snails provide nutrients to plants and other creatures by feeding on decaying matter and leftover food.

As a bonus, nerites are non-breeding freshwater species, making them ideal for controlling snail populations in your aquarium. 

In addition to being easy to care for due to their low maintenance needs, nerite snails require very little space, meaning they take up very little room in your aquarium.

You need only provide them with plenty of driftwood and rocks on which they can adhere and rest near the top surface of the water, as well as enough light for them to move around comfortably. 

It’s best to keep this temperature at about 22 degrees Celsius, as anything higher may harm them.

Since these snails are so small, they have minimal impact on your aquarium’s water levels, making caring for them even simpler! We are wrapping up this list of the types of snails to keep as pets here! 

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