In Kansas, there are many different types of ants because they all live so close together and have been isolated from other ant populations.
For so long, they have developed into their own unique subspecies. Scientists call these unique types of ants Kansas Ecotypes.
The ecotypes found in Kansas can be classified into six major groups: carpenter ants, pavement ants, acrobat ants, big-headed ants (also called crazy ants), cornfield ants, and thief ants. Each kind has its own habits and habitat preferences.
The population in Kansas can be diverse and overwhelming to some.
There are over 3,500 ants in Kansas alone and up to 6,000 different types worldwide.
According to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Department of Entomology, they are one of Earth’s most widespread and diverse insects.
Here are just a few types of ants in Kansas.
1. Smaller Yellow Ant

The first on the list is Smaller Yellow, known as Acanthomyops claviger, a small yellow measuring around 1.8mm in length.
They are very common and live on the ground, where they eat seeds, grains, and the tender shoots of plants.
These types of ants in Kansas can be found throughout North America. An Acanthomyops claviger is a small yellow measuring around 1.8mm in length.
They are very common and live on the ground, where they eat seeds, grains, and the tender shoots of plants.
These types of ants in Kansas can be found throughout North America. An Acanthomyops claviger is a small yellow measuring around 1.8mm in length.
2. Larger Yellow Ant

The larger Yellow Ant is a type of ant found throughout Kansas but is most common in the Midwest.
This ant species is known for its bright yellow color and is often confused with Lasius neoniger.
Larger Yellow Ants can be identified by their very small size (2-3mm) and compound eyes, which are positioned on either side of their heads. The queen and males are both wingless, while the workers are winged.
Depending on environmental conditions, larger Yellow ant colonies generally range from 1 to 2 million members.
These ants in Kansas prefer to nest outdoors or underground and can be found near streams or other water sources that provide food sources, such as rotting vegetation or animal droppings.
3. Rover Ant
Rover Ant is a small, dark-brown ant that inhabits open habitats. They are often seen foraging on the ground in search of dead insects and animal feces to feed on.
They will also feed on live insects if they happen to cross their path while they’re out exploring.
Once they’ve found some food, they will carry it back to their nest, where it’s then shared with other colony members.
This type of ant is usually solitary but may aggregate outside the nest during food-sharing activities.
This species lives in open habitats with sparse vegetation and little shade cover, such as dry grasslands, fields, and pastures.
4. American Carpenters Ant

This species is one of the most common ants in Kansas. This ant is medium-sized with a reddish-brown color. They commonly nest under logs, rocks, or other ground debris.
These ants in Kansas live near ground level and can often be found foraging on the ground surface or in low vegetation.
Camponotus americanus are omnivores, which means they eat plant and animal material.
They reproduce by queens laying eggs. Queens can lay up to 2000 eggs per day and as many as 300 offspring per year. The larvae become workers when they reach adulthood.
When a new colony is founded, there will only be queens, males, and workers in it at first.
After some time, the queens will produce more female offspring, becoming queens themselves.
5. Reddish Carpenter Ant

Camponotus castaneus, or carpenter ants, are common reddish ants in Kansas.
They are primarily scavengers and feed on dead insects, small rodents, spiders, and other invertebrates.
They can be major pests of homes and buildings due to their tendency to chew on wood and other cellulose substances.
However, they do not sting or bite humans and thus pose no significant threat unless they are accidentally stepped on.
When outdoors, they feed on plant matter, such as leaves.
6. Smaller Carpenter Ant

Camponotus nearcticus, known as the smaller carpenter ants, is primarily found in the Kansas Midwest.
They nest and forage on trees and shrubs, preferring to live at a height between 6 inches and 2 feet from the ground.
These ants in Kansas are highly social insects that prefer to live with other members of their colony.
They will even go out of their way to find other colonies to inhabit if they have lost theirs.
Camponotus nearcticus are often confused with small black carpenter ants because both species share similar nesting habits and size.
However, C. nearcticus has an orange-brown head, while C. pennsylvanicus has a brown head
7. Black Carpenter Ant

Camponotus pennsylvanicus, known as black carpenter ants, are Kansas’s most common type of ant.
They can be identified by their dark brown to black color, with a light brown head and thorax.
Black carpenter ants have a lifespan of about one year. But they are very resilient and can live for up to three years.
They reproduce rapidly throughout the summer, growing colonies from 300 to 1,000 individuals yearly.
Black carpenter ants have a wide distribution across Kansas and eastern America.
Camponotus pennsylvanicus does not eat wood or plants. Instead, they feed on insects such as caterpillars and beetles found near the ground where they live.
8. Acrobat Ant

Another type on the list is Crematogaster ashmeadi, also known as the acrobat ant, a species of ant found throughout Kansas State.
They are typically dark brown and orange with a single median dorsal stripe.
The workers range from 2.0 to 2.8 millimeters long and have an average body width of 0.4 millimeters.
Acrobat ants live in nests underground or under rocks or logs and feed on nectar, honeydew, insects, and other small invertebrates such as spiders and crickets.
In some areas, they are considered pests because they invade homes for food or water but do not sting or bite humans unless provoked.
9. Valentine Ant

Crematogaster laeviuscula, also known as the Valentine ant, is a species of ant found primarily in Kansas.
They are so-named because they have red bodies and blackheads that resemble a heart shape.
These ants in Kansas typically nest under objects on the ground and are most commonly found between July and September.
Unlike many other species, Crematogaster laeviuscula does not bite or sting humans unless threatened or provoked. They feed on plant material, fungi, and honeydew.
They do not create barriers to protect their territory; this species was originally considered restricted to the southwestern United States but has since been found across the continent.
Gathering nectar from flowers such as the California Poppy and Passiflora (passionflower) has been observed.
10. Crazy Ant

Crazy ants are the most dominant type of ants in Kansas. They can be found from Texas to North Carolina and live wherever there is moisture, such as potted plants and under rocks.
Crazy ants are attracted to electrical equipment and will nest near it if they can find a way inside.
They are also considered major pests due to their ability to infest large areas quickly.
They feed on honeydew; they have many queens in one colony, with some colonies containing more than 1 million ants.
They reproduce by swarming; queens produce eggs that hatch into wingless females.
The first step to controlling them is using an insecticide spray or dust to kill any foraging workers who may be foraging for food outside the nest entrance.
11. Sandhill Ant
Sandhill is a type of ant found primarily in Kansas. This ant lives primarily in areas with high humidity, such as wetlands and forests.
They are known to burrow into the ground when winter approaches and resurface when spring arrives.
The sandhill has a dark brown thorax and an orange abdomen. They can be very aggressive, so be careful if you encounter one!
They reproduce by making queens, which go out and create new colonies.
Once this occurs, males will mate with them, and their colonies will have worker ants who help keep things running smoothly back at home base.
They feed on other insects, seeds, honeydew from aphids, and other sugary substances.
They also feed on dead insects on the forest floor and fruits from plants like apples or blackberries.
12. Allegheny Mound Ant

Formica exsectoides, also known as the Allegheny Mound Ant, is a small ant found all over North America.
These ants in Kansas are black with red or yellow markings on their thoraxes. Allegheny mound ants are usually found in pine forests and sometimes nest underground.
They feed on a wide variety of foods, including meats and cereals.
However, these ants in Kansas are not considered pests to humans because they do not have stingers, and they do not come into homes or eat food from garbage cans.
They reproduce by swarming; workers take care of the larva for about two weeks; if no queen is present, reproduction cannot occur.
13. Prairie Mound Ant
A prairie mound ant is an ant that nests on the ground surface. They are most commonly found in dry, open locations with sparse vegetation, such as sagebrush or semi-arid grasslands.
These ants in Kansas forage for dead animals and insects to feed their colony but can become a nuisance when they build their nests near houses.
Formica Montana will swarm around a small animal and inject it with venom before returning it to the nest, where they dismember it with their mandibles and feed it to larvae.
14. Wood Ant

Wood ants are one of the most common Ants in Kansas and are found in the United States.
They are typically found on the ground or low to the ground and can often be seen running quickly across a surface.
These types of ants in Kansas are black and have a number of different body shapes ranging from circular to elongated.
Workers for this species measure about 1/8th inch long and live for up to two years.
They feed on plant material and fungi but do not eat meat or dead animals. They reproduce by releasing winged females called alates for use by other organisms.
15. Field Ant

Field Ant is a type of ant that lives in Kansas. They are also known as field ants. Field ants live on the ground but can be found just about anywhere with a food source nearby.
For this reason, they are the most common type of ant found near human settlements because they are constantly foraging for food.
Field ants tend to be small and yellow-brown in coloration, with some portions having a darker brown or black shade.
They can range from one millimeter to four millimeters long and have hair on their bodies, which helps them retain moisture. While they are outside during the hot summer months.
16. Blackfiled Ant
Blackfiled ants are medium-sized ants. They measure between 3 and 4 millimeters long and have a narrow waist.
Their color varies from brown to black, with grayish legs and antennae.
Blackfiled ants nest in soil or among plant roots and under leaf litter and other organic material near the ground surface.
They feed on seeds, fruits, insects, spiders, and other small invertebrates found at ground level.
They reproduce by colony division; colonies can grow rapidly with abundant food.
17. Ghost Ant

Tapinoma melanocephalum (commonly known as ghost ants) have light to medium-brown bodies, with the thorax being darker than the abdomen. They are typically slender and smaller than other ants.
When disturbed, they do not attack their aggressor but instead run away quickly. They usually inhabit areas with high humidity, such as kitchens or bathrooms.
Due to this, they are often called bathroom or kitchen ants in Kansas, but they can also be found outside in shaded areas near moisture sources like leaf litter or mulch piles.
The ghost ant is a rare species that does not invade homes. Unless there is an abundance of food sources and no natural predators, such as ant lions, are available.
18. Ponerine Ant

Ponerine ant is a type of ant found mainly in Kansas and southwest regions of the United States, including the state of Texas.
It is typically black, with a reddish-brown or yellow gaster (abdomen).
The ponerine ant habitat ranges from deserts to prairies. They are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and other animals.
They feed on seeds, fruits, nectar from flowers, and other insects such as beetles or grasshoppers.
These Ants in Kansas commonly nest under rocks or logs at ground level.
However, this species can also be arboreal nest builders if sufficient food is present for them above ground level.
19. Cornfield Ant

Cornfield Ant is a small ant that has been known to be found in Kansas and southern Canada.
The cornfield is typically around 0.5-0.8mm long, with a brownish-black head, thorax, and lighter-colored abdomen.
Colonies are relatively small, with only about 2,000 individuals in each colony.
Cornfield Ant is primarily active at night during the summer months.
However, this can be seen during daylight hours when food sources are scarce or when temperatures exceed 85 degrees Fahrenheit.
Cornfield ants are not generally considered pests, as they do not produce large colonies or aggressively defend their territory like other ants.
However, they can become a nuisance if they invade homes seeking water or food.
20. Yellow Meadows Ant

Yellow Meadows ant is an ant that nests in the ground and builds above-ground nests.
These ants in Kansas are common across the US and Canada but are most concentrated in the eastern US.
They prefer to nest under dead logs or other moist organic matter where they can find shelter and moisture.
They will also build their nests on trees or structures such as houses, bridges, or barns.
Yellow Meadows ants vary significantly from one another based on their nesting type, so it’s important to identify which type you have for treatment purposes.
The easiest way to do this is by looking at their color: yellow meadow ants are light yellow with a black head, while red imported fire ants are dark red/brown with a black head.
21. Turf Grass Ant
The Turf Grass Ant is a small, yellowish ant that lives primarily on the ground.
Although they are one of the most common ants in Kansas, they can be difficult to spot due to their size.
They don’t build their nests underground and instead reside under rocks, logs, trees, and other types of debris.
Turf Grass ants are known for being aggressive when defending their territory from intruders.
They feed on anything from seeds, dead insects, and human food scraps.
They reproduce through sexual reproduction during the mating season from May to September.
To mate with a queen ant, at least ten males must be present during this period.
After mating, the males die off, and the female goes into hiding for about two weeks before laying her eggs near a food source such as fruit or pet droppings (no capitalization).
One year later, she will start her colony again (underlining final sentence).
22. Shield-shaped Ant
Another type on the list is Lasius emarginatus, also called shield-shaped ants, which are black in color and live mostly outside.
Like many other types of ants in Kansas, they eat what’s around them, like insects, seeds, flowers, and plants.
A colony typically consists of three to four hundred workers who also have queens.
23. Yellow Shadow Ant
Lasius umbratus, also known as yellow shadow ants, are one of many species of ants that inhabit the state of Kansas.
They are usually found on the ground or under rocks and logs. They are distinctive because they have light-colored abdomen with dark banding on their thorax and head.
Yellow shadow ants are aggressive and will attack if they feel threatened. Lasius umbratus is not a pest because it does not typically invade homes or other buildings.
So, they reproduce by creating winged males and females, which fly off to mate. The queens can lay up to 2,000 eggs per day!
The workers do all the hard work, such as foraging for food, caring for larvae, and defending their colony.
You’ll know when these little guys are near because they emit an odor like root beer or vanilla extract that can be smelled up to 20 feet away!
24. Little Black Ant

Little black ants are the type of ants in Kansas. They are usually found in dry areas such as soil, under rocks, and logs.
Monomorium minimum ants are small black ants with a size of about 1/16 long. They also have six legs with one node that is located on their abdomen segment.
These ants in Kansas nest underground and feed on plant parts, seeds, and other insects.
The little black ant is often confused with other ants in Kansas. However, it can be identified by its small size and six legs, unlike Myrmicinae ants, which only have four legs plus two antennae.
25. Pharaoh Ant

The pharaoh ant is an invasive species that can be found throughout the United States.
They are often mistaken for other types of ants in Kansas, including carpenter and fire ants, which can lead to misdiagnosis and incorrect treatments.
Pharaoh ants were introduced to the United States through imported plants from Asia and Africa, though they may have originally been native to Kansas or India.
They are primarily a nuisance pest since they do not feed on wood or food.
So, instead, they feed on sugary substances like honeydew produced by aphids or plant sap oozing from wounds caused by mites or infected trees.
Still, their habit of nesting inside structures makes them difficult to control without professional help.
26. Apache Harvester Ant
Apache Harvester ants are common in Kansas and semiarid parts of the south-central United States.
These ants in Kansas feed on seeds and other vegetation types.
When they find food, they raise their abdomen and release pheromones to attract other ants.
The ants work together to carry the food back to the nest, where it is stored for future use.
These types of ants in Kansas are solitary foragers, meaning that each individual searches for food alone until he finds some.
Apache Harvester Ant is one type that feeds on seeds and vegetation but prefers a more moist environment than its cousin, P. apache.
27. Red Harvester Ant

Red harvester ants are a type of ant that is native to Kansas and parts of Central America.
These ants in Kansas have been seen building their nests in arid and semi-arid regions and can be found foraging for seeds and animals.
They are black with reddish-brown legs and antennas, giving them a distinctive appearance.
Red harvester ants are aggressive but will only attack if they feel threatened by humans or other animals.
For this reason, you should always be careful when handling these types of ants in Kansas.
28. Comanche Harvester Ant
Kansas has a variety of ants, including the Pogonomyrmex Comanche (Comanche harvester ant).
The Pogonomyrmex Comanche is reddish-brown with a dark brown head. It gets its name from its habit of harvesting seeds and other vegetation.
If you see one, it will probably carry something in its jaws. You’ll know if you find an ant nest because it will look like a pile of dirt with many small holes near the top.
29. Western Harvester Ant

Pogonomyrmex occidentalis, also known as western harvester ants, are found in Kansas and the Western seaboard of the United States. They are a reddish-brown color and typically have six legs.
Harvester ants feed mainly on seeds and insects. These ants in Kansas can be found in colonies that may grow up to 300 feet long by 20 feet wide!
They feed on seeds and insects. These ants in Kansas come in various colors, such as brown, black, and red, and they live in large colonies that can reach up to 200 ft. (60 m) across.
Their nests consist mostly of soil, but some will have parts built out of vegetation or other organic material.
30. Maricopa Harvester Ant

Pogonomyrmex Maricopa, also known as the Maricopa Harvester ant, are ants in Kansas and are found in the Sonoran Desert and Mojave Desert regions.
Their black head and body identify them with a white or light yellow abdomen.
Ants are most commonly found living on low vegetation, including grasses and shrubs, but they can also be found under rocks or bark.
Pogonomyrmex Maricopa feeds primarily on seeds and fruits (especially mesquite pods) but eats other insects to supplement their diet.
These types of ants in Kansas nest underground, where they create chambers that have different purposes depending on the colony’s needs: brood chambers to produce new queen ants, storage chambers for food stores, etc.
31. Rough Harvester Ant

The rough harvester ant is a genus of harvester ants. This ant, also known as the rough harvester ant or the lone star harvester ant, was named after the Greek word pogo, meaning crumb or morsel, and gomer, meaning to harvest.
The ants are characterized by their long, slender mandibles for harvesting seeds.
The ants are native to Kansas and can be found from central Texas north through Oklahoma and Nebraska.
They generally live on open prairies and feed mainly on seeds found on bare ground or low-growing grasses.
They may also scavenge for insects such as caterpillars, beetles, and other arthropods.
32. Winter Ant
The winter is a species of ant native to Kansas. It is found throughout the United States and Canada, with populations ranging from eastern Texas to Newfoundland.
The winter thrives during cold periods due to its ability to regulate body temperature.
This allows it to escape from predators by temporarily freezing its exoskeleton, which is fragile at low temperatures.
33. California Fire Ant
Solenopsis xyloni, also known as the California fire ant, is native to Kansas and was accidentally introduced to the southern United States by humans.
This invasive species has spread throughout the southern United States and is now a major pest. S. xyloni can be found on all continents except Antarctica.
And it has been reported as far north as Canada, where it was spotted at Toronto Pearson International Airport. They have also been found in Hawaii and China.
Fire ants are one of the most aggressive stinging ants known to man; they will swarm over anything that disturbs their mound with lightning speed and inflict a painful sting that could lead to death if untreated.
34. Sugar Ant
There are many types of ants in Kansas. But the two most common are the carpenter and sugar ants.
The carpenter ant is easy to spot due to its black color, long legs, and pointed mandibles.
It can be found indoors or outdoors and is often found near buildings. It gets its name from its tendency to build wood galleries inside homes.
The sugar ant is smaller than the carpenter ant and has a white band across its abdomen.
They prefer to live outdoors under rocks or mulch piles but will travel indoors if food is present.
These types of ants in Kansas may also be called white feet. Because they tend to walk around with their feet extended straight ahead rather than bent downward as other ants do.