58 Types of Beetles in Delaware

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This article will discuss the different types of beetles in Delaware.

But first, if you’re an enthusiast of insects, there’s a good chance you’ve been interested in beetles at some point in your life.

It might be easy to spot the differences between caterpillars and butterflies, crickets, and grasshoppers.

However, it may not be as obvious that you’re looking at beetles instead of flies when you find one that looks like it could have been part of the latter species‘ family.

Various beetles live in Delaware, including over 1,200 species of scarab beetles, fireflies, tiger beetles, and click beetles.

Some of these beetles in Delaware are relatively large and brightly colored, while others are smaller and blend in with the environment better.

Delaware also has many beetle species that have been around since the time of dinosaurs!

Let’s learn more about the different types of beetles in Delaware.

1. Larder Beetle 

The Larder Beetle (Dermestes lardarius) is one of the most common types of beetles in Delaware and can be found throughout the state.

The larvae and adults feed on various animal products such as meats, cheese, cured fish, woolen, and animal skins. 

Also, they are well adapted to human environments, such as pantries and pet food containers. Linnaeus first described this beetle in 1758.

2. Jewel Beetle 

Jewel Beetles is coming in second on this list of the types of beetles in Delaware. They are found in Delaware and throughout the world, including North America.

They are a type of metallic wood-boring beetle that eats sapwood from trees. Jewel Beetles can be identified by their shiny, metallic coloration and distinctive clubbed antennae. 

Further, Jewel Beetles range in size from 2-3 mm in length when adult (mostly under 1/2 inch). Adults lay eggs on bark or wood, where larvae tunnel into the wood, feeding on it until pupating and emerging as adults.

This process may take one year or more, depending on the temperature and other environmental factors.

3. Ivory Marked Beetle 

The Ivory Marked Beetle, or Eburia quadrigeminata as scientists call it, is one of the most common species in Delaware.

The beetle can be found at sites from southern Delaware up to Lancaster County. It prefers habitats such as pine and oak forests, but it will also be home in fields and gardens. 

This insect is third on this list of the types of beetles in Delaware. This variety of beetles is important because it helps control other insects that are harmful to trees and plants.

Female beetles lay their eggs in damp soil beneath a tree, feeding on fungi that grow there. Once those eggs hatch into larvae, they eat the roots of grasses and other plants until they emerge as adults about two months later.

4. Large Rove Beetle

The Large Rove Beetle (P. cinnamopterus) is a large, black beetle that can be found in Delaware during the summer months.

They live in moist areas, such as under logs and boards. Like beetles in Delaware, these insects can fly and feed on rotting wood and plants. 

This beetle’s most distinguishing characteristic is its long, slender antennae that are about three times as long as their body.

The Large Rove Beetle has an oval-shaped body with elytra that have either a purple, red, or blue sheen, depending on the species.

Males and females can be distinguished from one another by looking at their antennae. Males have hooked antennae, while females have notched antennae.

5. Green June Beetle 

The next on this list of the various types of beetles in Delaware is the green June beetle, also known as the June beetle or the Cotinus nitida.

This is a rather large brownish-green beetle that can reach up to two inches long. They are most commonly seen in late spring and early summer. 

In addition, they live for about one year and are typically found on vegetation such as flowers, leaves, and twigs.

The green June beetle feeds on tree sap by making small incisions with its mouthparts and then sucking out the sap from these cuts.

6. Glowworm

Glowworms, or Phengodes spp., are one type of beetle that call Delaware their home. They have a bioluminescent organ on the lower side of their abdomen that glows when they are disturbed.

These types of beetles in Delaware typically measure 1-2 inches and will emit light for up to an hour before recharging.

7. Giant Stag Beetle

The Giant Stag Beetle, or Lucanus elaphus, is one of the types of beetles in Delaware. It is a very large beetle, with its average size being two inches long and two inches wide. 

Also, it has huge mandibles to defend itself from predators and sometimes other males during mating season.

This beautiful insect can be found in the Eastern United States and Canada, making it one of the most common species in this region.

8. Fungus Weevil 

The Fungus Weevil (Euparius marmoreus) is a small, brown weevil with a distinctive snout. The larvae feed on roots and mycorrhizal fungi in the soil, while adults eat the leaves of plants

That action can lead to plant death. As a type of beetle in Delaware, it is found throughout the state. They are especially common in areas that have recently been disturbed.

9. Four-Spot Sap Beetle 

This insect is not left out of this list of Delaware’s different types of beetles. The four-spot sap beetle (Glischrochilus quadrisignatus) is one of the most common species in Delaware.

As its name suggests, it has four spots, two on each side near the head. It’s about a quarter inch long and dark brown. 

What’s more? Adults feed on the fluids within tree bark, which can be found under loose bark during summer.

The larvae are herbivores, feeding on decaying plant material found in damp soil or mossy patches. The larval stage lasts anywhere from 1-3 years before pupating underground and emerging as an adult beetle a few weeks later.

10. Eastern Hercules Beetle

The Eastern Hercules Beetle is a large, black beetle with white spots on its wing covers. They are also the largest native insect in North America.

This type of beetle is found mainly along the East Coast from Canada to Florida, but it can also be found as far west as Minnesota and Texas. 

Further, it’s best to find them on their host trees: oak, hickory, maple, and elm. The larvae feed under the bark and cause significant damage.

This can lead to death for some host trees if not controlled by natural predators or pesticides. All in all, there are types of beetles in Delaware.

11. Eggplant Flea Beetle 

Speaking about the types of beetles in Delaware, the eggplant flea beetle is not missing. They are black and red with flattened bodies. 

The eggs are laid on the underside of leaves, usually near the petiole. Eggs hatch into larvae, which feed on leaves as they grow. When they mature, they pupate and then emerge as adults to lay more eggs.

12. Elderberry Borer Beetle 

Elderberry Borer Beetle (Desmocerus palliatus) is a type of beetle that can be found in Delaware. These beetles are often confused with the Cottonwood Borer Beetle (Desmocerus californicus). The easiest way to tell the difference is by looking at the spots on their pronotal shield. 

Elderberry borers have five dark, oval spots on the shield, while cottonwood borers have three bright, oval-shaped spots.

Other differences to distinguish these types of beetles in Delaware include where they are found and when they are active.

Adult elderberry borers are often found foraging on flowers or leaves near their larval host plants, and adults will overwinter inside old logs.

13. Emerald Ash Borer

The emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) is a beetle native to China and Russia. It was first found in North America near Detroit, Michigan, in 2002 and has since spread to eight U.S. states and two Canadian provinces. It is expected to reach the West Coast by 2020. 

The insect’s larvae feed on the inner bark of ash trees, which disrupts the tree’s ability to transport water and nutrients, eventually leading to death.

While there are many types of beetles in Delaware, this one is most notable for being an invasive species with high mortality rates for trees that it infests.

14. False Bombardier Beetle 

While there are many different types of beetles in Delaware, the False Bombardier Beetle is one type you should watch for.

These beetles can be found in all regions of the United States, Canada, and some parts of Western Europe.

The false bombardier beetle is typically dark brown or black with a yellowish-orange patch on its back. 

In addition to that, they have long, slender bodies, and their size varies depending on the species. These beetles feed on decaying plants or animals, like carrion and dung.

Although they are considered to be beneficial insects because they help break down organic matter, these types of beetles can occasionally attack living vegetation as well.

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15. False Potato Beetle

Delaware is home to some interesting beetle species. One of them is the false potato beetle, also known as the Colorado potato beetle. It is a member of the family Chrysomelidae and can be found throughout North America. 

The false potato beetle (Leptinotarsa juncta) is native to eastern North America but was introduced westward in the early 1900s for crop protection and pest control.

False potato beetles, which are beetles in Delaware, are very similar to Colorado potato beetles (L. decemlineata). But they have three stripes instead of four on their wing covers.

16. Festive Tiger Beetle

The Festive Tiger Beetle is also known as the Cicindela scutellaris. It is a good insect to know, especially if you live in Delaware.

This type of beetle has many scientific names because it’s been classified under different genera and families over the years. 

The most recent classification put it into the Cicindela genus, which is part of the Carabidae family. It’s found primarily in eastern North America and Central America and was first described by John Lawrence LeConte in 1853.

This particular one of the type of beetle in Delaware is mostly black with yellow stripes on its body. However, there are some variations from area to area.

17. Fiery Searcher Caterpillar Hunter 

The Fiery Searcher Caterpillar Hunter (Calosoma scrutator) is a type of beetle found only in the US state of Delaware. Known as firebugs or chimney swifts, they are usually red and black, but there are also green and brown varieties.

The larvae live on the ground, where they feed on other insects, while adults prefer to hunt higher up for caterpillars and other insects above ground. 

Meanwhile, these beetles in Delaware can be very beneficial because they kill many pests that can harm crops.

The Fiery Searcher Caterpillar Hunter (Calosoma scrutator) is a type of beetle found only in the US state of Delaware.

18. Fire-Colored Beetle 

Fire-colored Beetles are often mistaken for wasps because they have a black-and-yellow pattern. These beetles are found throughout North America, especially during the summer months. They can be seen on flowers and plants looking for prey. 

Fire-colored beetles also feed on insects such as grasshoppers, spiders, caterpillars, crickets, slugs, snails, and even other small insects like flies.

The larvae can also eat their own siblings if food is scarce, so there is no shortage of food for them to find. We are far from being done with this list of the various types of beetles in Delaware!

19. Flat-Faced Longhorn Beetle

The flat-faced longhorn beetle, Graphisurus fasciatus, is one of Delaware’s different types of beetles. This beetle has a strong horn on its head and can be identified by the three long ridges on its back.

The flat-faced longhorn beetle is relatively small (1/8 inch long) and dark brown or black. 

Going further, it prefers to live under rocks or logs but can also live under bark or loose soil. The females lay their eggs under the soil surface near where they live.

Like most other insects, the female usually lays eggs individually; however, some species will lay up to 250 at a time! Eggs hatch within ten days, and larvae go through four stages before reaching adulthood.

20. Flat-Headed Bald Cypress Sapwood Beetle 

The Flat-headed Bald Cypress Sapwood Beetle is one beetle species found in Delaware. This beetle, which is a type of longhorn beetle, feeds on the sapwood of bald cypress trees. 

This can lead to the death of an infested tree if the beetle population becomes large enough and there are no other trees to feed on.

If you have a bald cypress tree on your property, be sure to inspect it for any signs that this insect has been eating at its bark or leaves.

This is one of Delaware’s destructive types of beetles that you beware of!

21. Eastern Eyed Click Beetle

Seeking types of beetles in Delaware? The Eastern Eyed Click Beetle is one type of beetle that is found in the state of Delaware.

This species has a brown head and thorax, a black abdomen, and yellow spots on the head and thorax. 

Moreover, the larvae are white and feed on dead leaves. Adult click beetles feed mainly on pollen. There are two subspecies: Alaus oculatus oculatus, which lives east of the Mississippi River, and Alaus oculatus Pacificus, which lives west of it.

22. Earth-Boring Scarab Beetle 

If you’re looking for fun information on the types of beetles in Delaware, this is the post for you! The next type to discuss is the Earth-boring Scarab Beetle (Bolbocerasoma sp.).

This beetle lives underground and has a cycle of one to three years. 

Furthermore, the larvae feed on soil, dung, and decaying organic matter. They emerge as adults after pupating. Adults are dark brown to black with a yellow band along the edge of their wing covers.

In addition, they have three noticeable hair tufts on their thorax and long antennae with an expanded club at the end.

23. Dung Beetle 

Dung Beetles are a large genus with at least thirty-seven different species. Compared to the rest of the types of beetles in Delaware, they are among the most diverse groups. Dung Beetles can be found all over the world, including in Delaware. 

What’s more? They feed on various animal dung and will fly off to find new food sources when they have eaten all they can from their current source. The beetle is either attracted to or uses pheromones to locate its food source. 

Once there, the beetle will start rolling pieces of dung into a ball and laying eggs inside it. The larva will then hatch out and feed on the dung until it pupates into an adult beetle, which emerges from the ball.

24. Drugstore Beetle 

The Drugstore Beetle is a common pest in homes and businesses, often entering through windows or doors.

These types of beetles in Delaware feed on stored food such as flour, cereal, spices, dog and cat food, dried fruit, and nuts. 

Females lay eggs near the infested food source to protect them from other insects. If an infestation is not controlled, it may spread to other nearby areas. 

The Drugstore Beetle has been found throughout the United States but is most common in the southern states.

As one can imagine by its name, this beetle can be found at drugstores and grocery stores across the country.

25. Dogbane Leaf Beetle

The Dogbane Leaf Beetle is a beetle native to the United States. It is typically found in New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio.

The beetle gets its name from its tendency to lay eggs on dogbanes, a plant found throughout North America.

Also, this beetle can be found laying eggs on other plants, such as the wild rose and hollyhock. Adult beetles, they are black with orange markings on their wing covers.

Coupled with that, these beetles in Delaware have small black legs with pale yellow markings on their feet. The larvae are slender and light brown or cream-colored, with some darker brown patches along the sides.

26. Dark Brown Click Beetle

The Dark Brown Click Beetle is one of the types of beetles in Delaware. These beetles in Delaware can be identified by their dark brown to black color and the two short, black-tipped antennae on their heads. 

Furthermore, the Dark Brown Click Beetle is a nocturnal insect active at night when other animals are not.

The adults and larvae feed on plant matter such as dead leaves, tree bark, fruit, and fungi.

27. Cottonwood Borer Beetle

Cottonwood Borer beetles, commonly found in the United States, are beetles in Delaware. The beetle is light-brown with mottled black lines. In addition to that, it has an orange head and antennae. 

This insect on our list of the types of beetles in Delaware primarily feeds on willow, cottonwood, and poplar trees. 

While this type of beetle can be found anywhere from Canada to Mexico, it is most common in the western U.S., particularly Colorado and Wyoming. 

The female uses her ovipositor to drill into the bark and lay eggs inside the tree’s woody tissue. The eggs hatch into larvae, which feed on the wood for about four years before emerging as adults

28. Convergent Lady Beetle 

Convergent lady beetle is one of the most common types of beetle in Delaware. It is found throughout the Eastern United States and has a broad habitat range.

Convergent lady beetles are predominantly orange with black spots on their wing covers. Equally important to note, convergent lady beetles feed primarily on aphids but also on mites and other small insects.

These types of beetles in Delaware in Delaware can be found anywhere there are trees, bushes, and flowers.

29. Colorado Potato Beetle

The Colorado Potato Beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) is one of the most common types of beetle in Delaware.

It is found throughout the United States and Canada but is especially prevalent in California, Texas, and New Mexico. The beetle can be identified by its black elytra with a white stripe running down the middle. 

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Additionally, it has a black head with two white spots on either side and six white dots on each wing cover. 

The larvae are yellowish-white grubs with brown heads that grow to be 12 mm long after feeding for six weeks.

The larvae feed on plants such as potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, and tobacco plants before pupating underground for two to three weeks.

30. Cocklebur Weevil

The Cocklebur weevil (Rhodobaenus quinquepunctatus) is one of the Beetles in Delaware. It is also called the cocklebur leaf beetle because it feeds on cocklebur, one of the most problematic weeds for farmers. 

The adult beetle bores into a plant’s stem or other parts and deposits eggs inside, where they hatch into larvae and feed. 

When the larva is fully grown, it pupates, emerging as an adult weevil around five weeks later to mate and lay eggs once more. If conditions are right, this cycle can be repeated up to eight times per year.

As said earlier, the types of beetles in Delaware include the Cocklebur Weevil (Rhodobaenus quinquepunctatus), native to the eastern United States. 

Further, Cocklebur Weevil has a black body with five yellow spots on each wing cover. It feeds on cockleburs and other plants such as clover, alfalfa, and goldenrod. This beetle can be found from New Jersey to Florida and west to California. 

Moreso, the adult weevils overwinter under the bark of trees or inside houses or other structures where they find suitable conditions for egg laying. Females lay eggs singly on leaf undersides or buds near overwintering sites.

31. Black Blister Beetle 

The black blister beetle is a species of beetle found mainly in the Eastern United States. The larvae feed on living plants and trees, while the adults are predatory and will feed on small insects, spiders, and other small arthropods.

This one of the types of beetle in Delaware has been found to be an invasive species of tree bark beetle because it can infest trees without any warning signs. 

On the other hand, the green June beetle is a species of long-horned beetle native to North America. It is typically yellow with brown or black stripes running down its back. 

These types of beetles in Delaware are nocturnal and have feeding habits similar to those seen in the black blister beetle. This. T includes feeding on living plants and opportunistic predators of smaller arthropods.

32. Clay-Colored Billbug 

The Clay-colored Billbug (Sphenophorus dicolor) is a type of beetle. It is the only species classified under the genus Sphenophorus. 

The Clay-colored Billbug is found throughout Delaware and North America, with the exception of parts of Canada and Mexico.

The beetle’s larvae are known to feed on grasses, and their adults eat both flowers and leaves. There are still many types of beetles in Delaware that you should know; read on!

33. Cedar Beetle 

The Cedar beetle is a type of beetle from the family Lycidae. The adults are 2-3mm long, oval-shaped, and brown. 

They feed on trees such as cedars and junipers by burrowing into their bark. This allows them to lay their eggs inside the tree, where they will hatch and feed on the tree’s sap until they turn into adults. 

Furthermore, the larvae of these types of beetles in Delaware are yellowish-brown with a darker stripe down the center. A.

They have small curved spines on their bodies, allowing them to attach themselves to a branch for feeding.

When fully grown, the larvae will wander off, looking for pupation sites (places where they can form cocoons). These sites are often found under rocks or tree bark.

34. Case-Bearing Leaf Beetle 

Case-bearing leaf beetle is the most common insect pest on shade trees and ornamentals. It can be found in Delaware and throughout North America but is most prevalent in the eastern United States. 

The adults are dark brown to black, with a shiny surface, and can be up to five millimeters long. The larvae are up to eight millimeters long, white, and C-shaped.

They have chewing mouthparts and feed primarily on leaves, creating cigar-shaped holes as they go.

35. Carolina Pine Sawyer 

The Carolina Pine Sawyer is a type of beetle found in Delaware. This beetle is part of the family Monochamidae and can be identified by its black body with white spots on its wing covers. 

The Carolina Pine Sawyer is only one inch long and feeds on various fungi and pine trees. It can be found throughout the United States but is most common in the Southeast region.

36. Calligrapha Beetle 

The Calligrapha Beetle is a common beetle found in Delaware. These types of beetles in Delaware are usually black and yellow or black and white. They can be identified by their long antennae, which they use to feel around for food sources. 

These types of beetles in Delaware are found on plants, eating aphids, mealybugs, scales, and other insects.

When they find one of these insects, they will eat it or lay eggs next to the insect so the larvae can feed on it once hatched.

The adult beetle will also drink nectar from flowers to get their needed sugars for energy to survive.

37. Burying Beetle 

Ant-like Longhorn Beetle (Cyrtophorus verrucosus) is one of the most common types of beetles in Delaware.

These types of beetles in Delaware are 3/4 inch long and have a brown head, thorax, and black abdomen. 

The antennae are as long as the body and end with three spines: two on the front edge and one on the back edge. They create a fire-like odor when their bodies are crushed or after death.

This type of beetle does not bite or sting humans but can be considered a pest for destroying crops and wood piles.

38. Bumblebee Scarab Beetle 

The Bumblebee Scarab Beetle or Lichnanthe vulpina is one of the types of beetle in Delaware. They are a member of the scarab family and can be found throughout the United States and Canada. 

This type of beetle feeds on flowers, leaves, and sometimes fruit. A female will lay eggs at the base of plants she has been feeding on to provide food for her offspring. The larvae feed off the plant until they pupate into adults.

39. Broad-Necked Root Borer 

This beetle is usually a dull black color with a thick, hard exoskeleton. It’s often called the ant-like longhorn because its body shape is reminiscent of an ant and has long antennae. 

These types of beetles are mostly found in flowers during the day and hunt for prey at night. It sometimes curls into a ball to look like an ant or insect when threatened. This can make it difficult for predators to eat them! 

It’s important to be able to identify these types of beetles in Delaware so that we can help protect them from extinction. Insects are vital to our environment and have been around since before the dinosaurs!

40. Black Firefly 

The black firefly is a beetle belonging to the Lampyridae family. It’s also known as the Lucidota atra. 

The black firefly is very common and can be found throughout North America. It’s one of the most commonly seen beetles in Delaware, with sightings from Canada to Mexico and Washington to Florida. 

The name ‘firefly’ comes from their ability to produce light by using a chemical called luciferin, which reacts with an enzyme called luciferase when it enters their body. These chemicals are stored under their wings until they need them.

At this point, they break off a piece of the chemicals and mix them with oxygen before they’re released into their body cavity.

41. Black Caterpillar Hunter 

The black caterpillar hunter (Calosoma sayi) is a type of beetle. It is found throughout the eastern United States, from New Jersey to Florida and west to Missouri and Texas. 

The larvae are black with brown heads and can grow up to an inch long. The adults are black with white stripes on their wings

They feed mainly on snails, slugs, and caterpillars but will also eat other insects like crickets. They are sometimes called snail killers. 

The only real way to tell whether a bug is a Black Caterpillar Hunter Beetle is by looking at the white stripes on its wing covers. If they’re present, then it’s likely that they’re a Black Caterpillar Hunter Beetle (Calosoma sayi).

42. Black Vine Weevil 

The Black Vine Weevil (Otiorrhynchus sulcatus) is a type of beetle in Delaware. It is primarily found in Delaware and the eastern United States, but also as far west as Texas

The weevil is black, usually with yellowish or whitish markings on the sides and head. They are common pests of grapes and fruit trees, such as apple and peach trees. 

The larvae can tunnel into the tree’s trunk and cause significant damage to both roots and trunk. Adults chew small holes into leaves to feed on the juices underneath. This can lead to death if it occurs over large areas or for long periods.

Related:  What Butterflies Can You Spot in Minnesota?

43. Black Carpet Beetle 

Black Carpet Beetles, also known as Attagenus spp., are found in Delaware and throughout  Canada. More specifically, they can be found east of the Rocky Mountains, including Hawaii.

Some species have been seen in Europe, Africa, and South America

Black Carpet types of Beetles in Delaware are most commonly found around homes or buildings where food sources are available to them. They prefer cereal products such as oats and flour, cheese, and other dairy products.

44. Black Blister Beetle

Delaware is home to various beetles, many of which benefit the ecosystem. One type is the Black Blister Beetle (Epicauta pennsylvanica), which has a dark black exoskeleton and orange head. 

This type can be found on deciduous trees, where they eat the leaves and bark. They lay their eggs under tree bark but do not hatch until late fall or early winter. 

The larva then spends the winter feeding under the tree’s bark before hatching out and moving onto another host tree during springtime.

These larvae are harmful to any other type of beetle larvae that may have been living there because they will eat them for food.

45. Big-Headed Ground Beetle 

Big-headed Ground beetles are large, brownish, ground-dwelling types of Beetles in Delaware and found throughout the northern United States. This beetle is typically found in meadows, fields, and pastures. 

The larvae of this species feed on slugs and snails, while adults eat pollen and nectar. Adults emit a foul odor when crushed or disturbed. 

46. Eastern Longhorn Bettle

The Eastern Longhorn Beetle (Oryctes nasicornis) is another type of beetle found in Delaware. This black or orange-colored beetle with a long horn projecting from its head is generally seen during the summer months flying around flowers.

Also, look for food sources over tree branches, such as aphids, roaches, and other insects to eat.

47. Big Dipper Firefly 

The Big Dipper Firefly, also known as the Photinus pyralis, is a beetle found in Delaware. It is one of the most common fireflies and can be seen from late May to July at dusk.

They are easily spotted with their flashing white lights. The larvae are grubs that reside under the ground and mostly feed on decaying plant materials.

48. Bicolored Flower Longhorn Beetle 

The Bicolored Flower Longhorn Beetle (Strangalia bicolor) is a beetle found in Delaware and across the United States. It is typically found on flowers, plants, and other vegetation in fields and woodlands. 

Longhorn types of beetles in Delaware are brownish-black with white markings on the elytra and a yellow band at the base of the abdomen. It gets its name from the floral pattern it leaves on the plant’s surface when it feeds.

49. Beetle Grub 

Beetle grubs are the larvae stage of a beetle. These grubs can range from a few millimeters long to several centimeters long. 

Beetles can be found on every continent except Antarctica, and they live everywhere, from the Arctic Circle to the tropics.

Some types of beetles in Delaware are herbivores, while others are carnivorous, which means that some eat only plants while others only eat meat.

50. Bee-Like Flower Scarab Beetle 

Bee-like flower scarab beetle (Trichiotinus spp.) is a type of beetle in Delaware. They are usually between one and two inches long, with slender bodies and antennae. 

They have black heads and thoraxes with four large spots on them. The abdomen is black with yellow hairs on the edges. Females have an ovipositor at the end of the abdomen to deposit eggs. 

The Bee-like Flower Scarab Beetle likes flowers as much as bees do – they fly into flowers to feed on nectar. They also eat insects like other beetles and will lay eggs inside them until they hatch, killing their host insect in the process!

51. Bean Leaf Beetle 

The Bean Leaf Beetle (Cerotoma trifurcata) is a member of the leaf beetle family. These beetles in Delaware can be found worldwide and feed on various plants, including green beans and other cultivated legumes. 

They are an invasive species in many areas, including Delaware. The coloration ranges from light yellow-brown to dark brown. 

They have distinctive bodies and antennae, which causes them to resemble an earwig or honeybee. The Bean Leaf Beetle is one type of beetle in Delaware that you should know about!

52. Banded Net-winged Beetle

The Banded Net-winged Beetle (Calopteron discrepens) is a type of beetle found in the US state of Delaware. Calopteron comes from the Greek word Kalos, meaning beautiful, and ptero meaning wing. 

The species was first identified by John O. Westwood, who described it as a new species to science on October 15th, 1859.

There are two other species, C. consimile and C. concinnum, which were both originally described as belonging to the same genus. 

However, they have since been reclassified as belonging to different genera. Both were believed to be erroneously classified due to their similarity with C. discrepens, which has yet to be formally classified into any genus.

53. Banded Longhorn Beetle 

The Banded Longhorn Beetle is a type of beetle in Delaware with a black head, thorax, orange-red elytra, and yellow legs.

The larvae are dark brown. It can be found on the ground or on plants like blackberry bushes and ragweed. 

The adults are active at night but can also be seen during the daytime for short periods. Adults feed on flower nectar at dusk and dawn. 

54. Banded Ash Borer

The Banded Ash Borer (Neoclytus caprea) is a beetle recently introduced to the Americas. It’s native to Eastern Asia and has been found in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and now here in Delaware. 

The Banded Ash Borer is currently classified as an invasive species threatening our environment. The Banded Ash Borer lays eggs on ash trees. 

Once the larvae hatch, they burrow into the tree until they reach the cambium layer and then feed on it for two to three years. They can cause extensive damage by weakening the tree or killing it altogether.

55. Asian Multicolored Lady Beetle 

The Asian Multicolored Lady Beetle (Harmonia axyridis) is one of Delaware’s most common types of beetles, especially during the summer. It is a member of the Coccinellidae family and is native to Asia. 

Asian Multicolored Lady Beetles are typically orange with black spots but can also be yellow or brown. They can reach up to 1/2 inch long and have a slightly dome-shaped body with long antennae.

The beetle’s characteristic black spots give it its name, as they can look like an Asian lacquerware pattern.

56. Ashy Gray Lady Beetle 

Some types of beetles are considered beneficial to humans because they eat other insects. Ashy Gray Lady Beetles (Olla v-nigrum) is an example of this type. 

The ashy gray lady beetle is native to Delaware and can be found throughout the country. Still, it is most common in the eastern U.S.

They were introduced into Europe as a biological control agent for cottony cushion scales and aphids on citrus trees. Still, they have been found to be a pest themselves. 

The larvae feed on aphids and mealybugs, but adults may consume plant foliage or flower pollen. They also secrete honeydew, which can cause sooty mold growth in leaves and fruit trees.

57. Antelope Beetle

The Antelope Beetle, also known as the Dorcus parallelus, is a type of beetle found in Delaware. These types of beetles in Delaware are usually found near the edges of wooded areas or open fields. 

Females are often larger than males, and they can range anywhere from two to three inches long. Males are usually only two to two and a half inches long. The antennal segments for both genders range from four to eight in total. 

There is no difference between male and female coloring. They both have dark brown heads with black mandibles, thoraxes, and elytrae that are either orange or red-brown, depending on the temperature.

58. Ant-Like Longhorn Beetle 

 Ant-like Longhorn Beetle, also called the assassin bug, are common beetles in Delaware and found in many US states.

The adults are large and relatively easy to spot, with their shiny black body that is covered with small bumps and long antennae. 

These types of beetles in Delaware will eat other insects, such as ants, and have powerful jaws that allow them to eat their prey whole.

They tend to be most active during the late fall and winter months when these types of insects are more prevalent. 

The adults can be found on tree trunks or low-lying vegetation near woodland areas or streams, where they wait for an unsuspecting insect to get too close before attacking it.

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