6 Types of Ants That Bite

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Photo by ROverhate

Not only are ants a nuisance, but certain types of ants bite and can also be harmful.

For instance, the fire ant is a species that can bite and sting.

These ants reside in every part of the world, and because of their destructive behavior, they are responsible for billions of ringgit worth of property damage every year.

This article will discuss the various types of ants that bite and sting so that you will know what kinds of safety measures to take if you happen to live in an area where these pesky insects are common.

Not all ants use bites to deter predators or inflict pain; some species sting.

If you’ve ever been in the wilderness and brushed up against a plant and suddenly felt pain in your arm, there is a possibility it is an ant sting.

These ants come in various sizes, from nearly invisible to the naked eye to quite huge and bright red.

As soon as you notice the presence of these animals in your home, you must take immediate action and get in touch with a skilled ant exterminator.

You must know not only what kind of ants might sting you but also how they can sting you so that you can better defend yourself when you are out and about in the world!

1. Field Ant

The name “field ant” comes from the insect’s preference to forage and nest in open fields.

Nests constructed on the ground by these types of ants that bite can typically be found in open areas such as yards, parks, fields, and meadows.

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Most field ant species construct their nests by excavating a distinctive mound of soil beneath the ground’s surface.

This results in the formation of a mound of soil. Field ants will bite an intruder to defend their colony if they feel it is in danger.

Their jaws are powerful enough to break the skin, but because they do not possess venom, you have nothing to fear about them other than the possibility of infection.

2. Carpenter Ant

The carpenter ant is one of the world’s least dangerous species of ant. But even though their bites and stings do not present a danger, carpenter ants are nevertheless capable of causing harm to your property.

These ants are prevalent in decaying wood that is damp. Because they prefer damp environments and decaying wood, these ants will most likely be drawn to the same locations that the termites are invading if you have a termite infestation around your home.

Termites are a major food source for these ants. If you find carpenter ants in your house or on your land, it is best not to bother them because they will bite if they feel threatened.

3. Crazy Ant

Because of the unpredictable way they move, crazy ants have earned their name on this list of types of ants that bite.

They are most prevalent in homes or other sites close to a water source; nevertheless, they can also build nests in the wild.

The bite of the crazy ant isn’t excruciating, but it can be very itchy. Because they do not possess venom in their stingers, you will not need to take any medication if bitten by one of these insects.

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4. Red Imported Fire Ant

The Red Imported Fire Ants are Malaysia’s most dangerous species of venomous ant due to their ability to cause painful stings.

The bite from these ants is known to cause unbearable pain, and they are carriers of transmittable diseases. These insect bites are incredibly harmful for several reasons.

Not only do their jaws end up breaking off in your flesh, but they also shoot their venom into you simultaneously, making them extremely hazardous.

After being bitten, you should anticipate feeling a burning sensation, swelling, and stinging in the area.

In light of this information, specialists recommend avoiding direct contact with fire ants and calling an exterminator as soon as possible if an infestation is established.

This is because getting bitten by all these insects simultaneously can induce an unfavorable reaction.

5. Harvester Ant

The harvester ants are among the types of ants that bite. These ants gather and store seeds and grains as their meal.

These ants are distributed all across the planet, although they are most prevalent in areas with a high concentration of trees and other types of flora.

Despite their size, these insects have strong jaws that can clamp down on you if they perceive any danger or fear from anything in their immediate environment.

Because harvester ants can determine which regions will have food nearby, you should avoid setting up camp close to one of the colonies they inhabit.

The harvester ant’s bite and sting process begins with the ant attaching to its target with its mandibles, then spinning around the place to repeatedly sting and pump venom into the region, similar to how fire ants’ bite and sting mechanism works.

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6. Acrobat Ant

If there are acrobat ants in the neighborhood, you need to take extra precautions because they are a different kind of ant than the others.

When they feel their colony is in danger, these insects will guard it at any cost by delivering a painful sting to anyone or anything that comes close.

A frequent source of nutrition for these ants that bite is honeydew, the sugary waste produced by insects such as aphids and mealybugs.

Aside from that, they feed on both living and dead bugs, particularly termite swarmers. Acrobat ants will sting if they feel threatened, and the workers of certain species of acrobat ants may emit an unpleasant stench if they are agitated.

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