If you’ve ever been curious about the types of ants in Utah, then you’ve come to the right place!
In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the most common types of ants in Utah State.
We’ll discuss their habits, habitats, and other important information you need to know about these fascinating creatures.
So, let’s get started!
1. Boulder Collared Ant
The Boulder boulder-collared ant, Aphaenogaster boulderensis, is the first on the list of types of ant in Utah.
These small ants range from 1/8th to 1/4th of an inch long and are typically brown or black.
They are a native species often seen foraging around the landscape and in gardens.
Boulder Collared Ants prefer dry areas with sparse vegetation, such as open grassy fields and meadows.
They are most active during the summer months and can often be seen traveling in long trails that they use to follow food sources.
They have been known to feed on honeydew, seeds, insects, and even bird droppings.
These types of ants in Utah form large colonies, typically nesting in soil or under rocks and logs.
The queens often produce up to 8 egg-laying chambers and can produce hundreds of workers throughout their lifetime.
The Boulder Collared Ant is also known to be a good pest controller, feeding on other insects that may harm your garden.
If you live in Utah and think you may have a Boulder Collared Ant infestation, it is best to call a professional pest control company to take care of the problem.
While this ant is not generally considered a nuisance pest, it can become problematic if its numbers get out of control.
However, with proper management and treatment, these ants in Pennsylvania can be easily managed and kept in check.
2. Dark Rover Ant
The dark rover ant (Brachymyrmex patagonicus) is one of the types of ants in Utah.
These ants are typically dark-brown to black, with pale yellow legs and antennae.
They have a unique, flat-bodied shape and a two-segmented petiole.
Dark rover ants are active foragers who feed on various food sources, including sweet liquids, proteins, and other insects.
They can also be found nesting in soil, under logs and stones, or in the cracks of buildings and sidewalks.
In terms of behavior, the ants in Utah are typically quite active during the day and can often be seen running around searching for food.
They are also known to attack larger animals aggressively and have been known to sting humans when provoked.
Due to their hardiness and scavenging habits, dark rover ants are beneficial to gardens and farms as they can help control other insect pests.
However, they can also become nuisance pests if their populations become too large.
It is best to call an exterminator to address the problem in such cases.
3. Essig’s Carpenter Ant
One of Utah’s most commonly found types of ants is Essig’s carpenter ant, also known as Camponotus essigi.
This ant is a small black species and is usually about 8-10mm long.
The Essig’s carpenter ant is found throughout Utah but is more common in higher elevations.
It prefers to live in moist and shady areas, such as rotting logs and stumps, leaf litter, and around wood piles.
It will also set up nests in wood structures like houses and other buildings.
The Essig’s carpenter ant is social, living in large colonies of up to several thousand individuals.
They feed on various items, including honeydew from aphids, insects, and nectar.
The colony will send workers to collect food and return it to the nest.
Essig’s carpenter ants can be a nuisance if they enter homes and buildings and start nesting.
It is important to find their nest and remove or eliminate access to food sources to eliminate them.
Controlling moisture levels around the home can help deter them from entering.
4. Hyatt’s Carpenter Ant
The Hyatt’s Carpenter Ant (Camponotus hyatti) is also one of the types of ants in Utah.
It is one of the most common ant species in the region and is often found in urban areas such as gardens, yards, and parks.
The Hyatt’s Carpenter Ant is a medium-sized ant measuring 5 and 7 mm long. It is black or dark brown with yellowish or red legs and antennae.
The ants in Utah are characterized by their large heads, long abdomens, and wings that are usually half the size of their bodies.
The Hyatt’s Carpenter Ant is a wood-dwelling ant that prefers to nest in moist wood such as logs, stumps, and dead trees.
They are omnivores, meaning they feed on plant material and other small insects.
They also scavenge for food, including dead insects and other decaying organic matter.
These ants in Utah benefit humans as they help control pests and can be used as natural pest control agents.
They are not considered a nuisance species. However, they can sometimes become problematic when they invade buildings searching for food.
If you encounter a colony of Hyatt’s Carpenter Ants in your home or garden, contacting a pest control professional is best to determine the best course of action.
5. Saint Valentine Ant

The Saint Valentine ant, Aphaenogaster cockerelli, is a species found primarily in the western United States, particularly in Utah.
It is an attractive ant with black and orange coloration and small size (just under an inch).
These types of ants in Utah are highly social and live in large colonies, often with many different queens.
The Saint Valentine ant has a unique behavior sets it apart from other ants.
Instead of foraging for food, these ants spend most of their time gathering resources for their colonies, such as wood chips, stones, and other materials.
They also have an interesting nesting strategy. They dig shallow burrows in the ground and line them with wood chips and other materials they have gathered.
This creates a shelter for their colony, protecting them from the elements and predators.
These types of ants in Utah also have an interesting mating ritual.
The workers will participate in a group mating event on the day before Valentine’s Day (February 13th).
During this time, several males fly around looking for a mate while the female workers wait at the colony entrance.
When a male finds a female he likes, he will present her with food, and then they will mate. This ritual has earned them their name, the Saint Valentine ant.
Saint Valentine is an interesting species of ant and can provide hours of observation and entertainment for those who enjoy watching ants.
They are relatively easy to care for, so if you’re looking for an interesting ant species to observe and learn about, Saint Valentine may be perfect!
6. Bicolored Pyramid Ant

The Bicolored Pyramid Ant, also known as the Dorymyrmex bicolor, is an ant in Utah.
This ant species is one of the more common types in the state and is often seen near sidewalks, buildings, and yards.
The Bicolored Pyramid Ant is identified by its yellowish-brown coloration with reddish-brown stripes running along its body.
Its antennae are usually long and slender, and its body is marked with a distinctive pyramid shape.
This ant species is generally found in small colonies, ranging from a few dozen to several hundred workers.
The Bicolored Pyramid Ant is known for its aggressive behavior and for foraging widely in search of food.
They have been observed to feed on small insects, honeydew from aphids, and nectar from flowers.
They also carry bits of debris, such as sand, pebbles, and bark, back to their nest.
Though they can sometimes be annoying, the Bicolored Pyramid Ant plays an important role in the environment.
They help disperse and spread seeds, break down decaying plant matter, and protect plants from other pests, making them an important part of the ecosystem.
7. Pyramid Ant

One of Utah’s most common types of ants is the Dorymyrmex insanus or pyramid ant.
This small ant species lives in colonies of up to 30 individuals and builds pyramid-shaped mounds in the soil.
They are dark brown and measure around 5 millimeters in length.
These types of ants in Pennsylvania feed mainly on honeydew from aphids and other small insects.
They also eat plant sap and can even scavenge for dead insects.
Pyramid ants have strong mandibles, which help them to break apart food sources that are hard to chew.
Pyramid ants can be found in both urban and rural areas of Utah. They are often seen in gardens, lawns, and wooded areas.
It is important to note that these ants can cause damage to plants, so it is important to take steps to control their numbers if they become a nuisance.
The nest of the pyramid is quite complex, with multiple chambers connected by underground tunnels.
The queen lays her eggs in the center of the nest while workers bring food and remove waste from the nest.
If the nest is disturbed, workers quickly swarm the area and release a pheromone to attract other ants from nearby colonies.
So, if you’re out exploring in Utah and surrounded by pyramid-shaped mounds of dirt, chances are you’ve stumbled upon a colony of Dorymyrmex insanus ants.
Be sure to avoid disturbing them and watch out for any potential damage they may cause to plants in the area.
8. Red Wood Ant

Redwood ants (Formica rufa) are another type of Ant that can be found throughout the western United States, particularly in Utah.
These ants are an important part of the ecosystem as they help to control the populations of other insects, including some crop-damaging pests.
These types of ants in Utah typically nest in dead trees or logs, often near conifers. They also nest under rocks and in gardens.
They feed primarily on sap, nectar, and small insects. The colonies they form can contain thousands of individuals and communicate by releasing chemical signals called pheromones.
9. Shampoo Ant
Formicoxenus provancheri, also known as the shampoo ant, is next on the list of types of Ants in Utah.
Their reddish-brown color and long legs can identify them. It is found primarily in sandy soils and can often be seen digging and foraging in large groups.
The shampoo is an active forager, often traveling long distances for food.
They feed primarily on other insects but will also eat fruit and vegetable matter.
Colonies are usually found near water sources or where soil moisture levels are higher.
These ants in Utah live in colonies with up to several hundred individuals.
The colony is organized into different social classes, with the queen at the top and workers below.
The workers care for the nest, while the queen is responsible for laying eggs and producing new colony members.
Shampoo ants are beneficial insects since they help control other pest species.
They also provide important ecosystem services such as aerating the soil and decomposing organic matter.
Despite their benefits, these ants in Utah can become a nuisance if they invade homes or yards in large numbers.
Fortunately, shampoo ants can be managed with chemical and non-chemical methods, such as using baits or barriers around the home.
10. The Ponerine Ant

One of Utah’s most interesting types of ants is the ponerine ant, Hypoponera opacior.
These types of ants in Utah are unique in how they live and reproduce, as well as their small size.
Ponerine ants are very small, usually between 0.5-1 millimeter long.
They have a reddish-brown coloration with a glossy sheen, giving them their scientific name, opacior, which translates to shiny.
Unlike many other ants, these creatures don’t form colonies; instead, they are solitary and live alone or in small groups.
Ponerine ants have specific habitat requirements; they need moist soil with plenty of organic material to feed on.
This means they are most often found in forested areas, although they can also be seen in urban areas near parks or gardens.
These types of ants in Utah have an unusual way of reproducing; rather than reproducing through eggs and larvae, they clone themselves by budding off from a single-parent organism.
This process creates two identical clones who can become independent and go off independently.
Ponerine ants aren’t harmful to humans but can be annoying if they enter homes or gardens.
As with any ant species, it’s important to properly identify them and take steps to control their population if necessary.
11. Cornfield Ant

Lasius alienus, more commonly known as the cornfield ant, is one of the most common types of ants in Utah and is also Native to North America.
Lasius alienus can be found in various habitats, from woodlands and grasslands to agricultural fields.
Lasius alienus is a small ant species, usually measuring around 2.4mm in length.
They are yellowish-brown in color and have three segments on their antennae.
Their legs are short and stubby, with tiny claws at the end. These ants in Utah are social insects and typically live in large colonies.
The colonies are made up of worker ants, who gather food, tend the queen ant and eggs, and defend the colony.
Lasius alienus feeds primarily on seeds, pollen, and other plant matter.
Lasius alienus can benefit humans as it helps aerate the soil and improve drainage.
They also feed on aphids and other harmful insects, helping to keep crop yields high.
Lasius alienus can become a nuisance when they enter homes or buildings searching for food and water.
If you find an ant infestation inside your home or business, it’s important to contact a professional exterminator immediately to eliminate the ants and prevent further infestations.
12. The Smaller Yellow Ant

Lasius claviger, commonly known as the smaller yellow ant, is one of Utah’s most common species.
These small, yellow ants measure between 1/8 and 3/16 inches long and are usually seen in large colonies.
They are known for their hardworking nature, building nests in sandy soils in sunny and shady areas.
The smaller yellow ant has a broad diet and will feed on nectar, honeydew, insects, and dead animals.
Their colonies typically contain multiple queens, ranging from a few hundred to more than two thousand workers.
The primary role of these ants is foraging for food and caring for the colony’s young.
Lasius claviger benefits humans because it helps keep other insect populations in check.
However, they can become a nuisance when they enter homes searching for food and water.
If you find small yellow ants in your home, contact a pest control expert to remove them safely.
13. Mossy Thin Ant
The mossy, thin ant, Leptothorax muscorum, is native to Utah. They get their name from their slim, moss-like appearance.
These ants are typically black or dark brown and measure 2 to 3 millimeters long.
These ants in Utah live in colonies and can be found in various habitats in Utah, such as woodlands, fields, and gardens.
They often live near other ant species and tend to cohabitate with other ant types.
Mossy-thin ants feed on small insects and aphids and scavenge food.
They tend to be very active during the warmer months when they are most likely to be seen running around searching for food.
Because of their small size, mossy, thin ants don’t pose a threat to humans and animals.
They are not known to bite or sting, so there is no need to worry about them around your home or garden.
14. Mourning Tree Ant
The Mourning Tree Ant, also known as Liometopum luctuosum, is an ant species found primarily in the western United States, including Utah.
A large, black ant gets its name from its mourning behavior: when a colony member dies, other ants will gather around it and remain motionless for several hours.
The Mourning Tree ants in Utah are species of Formicinae, a subfamily of ants mostly found in North America and parts of Europe.
They prefer habitats with high moisture levels and vegetation, so you’ll find them in damp woods and grasslands.
The Mourning Tree Ant is especially abundant in Utah’s Cedar City region.
Regarding its diet, the Mourning Tree Ant is an omnivore. It will feed on small insects like aphids and caterpillars, as well as plant sap and nectar.
Mourning Tree Ants are especially beneficial to gardeners since they help control pest populations, including aphids and caterpillars.
They also help pollinate flowers and spread seeds throughout their habitat.
So, if you spot a few of these ants in your garden, don’t be too quick to get rid of them!
15. Winged Red Ant
The winged red ant, Manica hunteri, is commonly found in Utah.
These ants in Utah are reddish-brown and grow up to 6 millimeters long, with the females slightly larger than the males.
They typically have two pairs of wings when they’re adults, although this can vary.
These ants in Utah typically live in colonies of up to 1000 individuals, mainly eating honeydew secreted by aphids.
Winged red ants can be found in various habitats, including gardens, woodlands, and grasslands.
While not particularly dangerous, these ants can still sting if threatened.
It’s also important to note that they have been known to enter buildings during winter when their natural habitats are less hospitable.
The best way to control a winged red ant infestation is to find and treat the nest directly. This can be done with an insecticide or even boiling water.
It’s important to ensure the nest is destroyed, as winged red ants can quickly rebuild if their nest is only partially damaged.
16. Little Black Ant

The Little Black Ant (Monomorium ergatogyna) is a small ant species commonly found in Utah.
This ant species can be identified by its glossy black color and small size, which ranges from 0.12 to 0.19 inches long.
The Little Black Ant is known for its aggressive behavior when threatened and is known to bite humans.
It is usually found in households and outdoors, searching for food sources like proteins and sweets.
It prefers warm and moist conditions, making it ideal for indoors.
In the wild, these ants in Utah nest in wood piles, beneath stones, and in other protected places where they can easily access food and water.
The Little Black Ant is a non-native species in Utah, so it is not generally found in large numbers.
They are also easily controlled with insecticides or baits, so if you’re dealing with an infestation, options are available to help eliminate them.
17. Honeypot Ants

Myrmecocystus mendax, or honeypot ants, are a type of ant found in Utah and other western states.
These ants in Utah have a unique behavior that involves storing nectar in their abdomens to feed the rest of their colony. This behavior is known as honey potting.
The honeypot ants are small and yellow-brown. They measure only about 5 millimeters long.
Their abdomens are much larger than their heads and thoraxes, and they have short legs.
Honeypot ants typically live in small colonies of about 50 individuals.
They are active foragers and build nests in sandy soils near water sources.
Honeypot ants will also build underground nests with large chambers for storing nectar and food.
Some workers become honeypots and store food in their enlarged abdomens when food is scarce.
These honeypots then remain stationary while the other workers search for food.
When they return, they feed off the nectar from the honeypot store.
It is believed that this behavior helps the colony survive when food is scarce.
It also helps the honeypots to regulate the nest’s temperature by staying still.
Honeypot ants are an important part of the ecosystem in Utah and should be respected.
They play an important role in helping and keeping the environment healthy, so keeping their habitat safe from destruction is important.
18. American Ant
The American Ant (Myrmica Americana) is also one of Utah’s most common types of ants.
It has a reddish-brown body and black antennae, making it quite easy to identify.
It can reach up to 1/8 of an inch in length and is known to feed on various small insects and plants.
These ants in Utah live in large colonies that can be up to 40,000 strong.
They typically create their nests in small crevices or cracks in buildings’ walls, floors, or foundations.
Their nests are made of dirt and debris, and they are well-known for their ability to build tunnels underground.
American ants are highly organized and have complex communication systems.
This species of ant also has a high degree of social behavior, and they rely heavily on teamwork when defending their nests from predators.
In terms of behavior, American ants are very defensive when their nest is disturbed or invaded.
They will fight aggressively to protect their home, sending out swarms of workers to attack whatever has intruded upon them.
Overall, the American Ant is an important species in Utah, and its presence has helped make the state’s ecosystem more diverse and resilient.
They play an important role in controlling other pest populations and help keep soil healthy by aerating it with their burrowing activities.
19. Black Legionary Ant
The Black Legionary Ant, Neivamyrmex nigrescens, is an ant found in Utah.
These types of ants in Pennsylvania are native to the Southwest United States.
They have been found in various areas, including Zion National Park, Capitol Reef National Park, and Cedar Breaks National Monument.
The Black Legionary Ant is a small, dark black or brown ant. They measure about 4-5 mm in length and are generally slender.
The Black Legionary Ant has distinct red eyes and long legs that allow it to move quickly.
These ants in Utah are omnivorous, meaning they will feed on plants and animals.
They forage for food from small insects, plant matter, and honeydew from aphids.
The Black Legionary Ant will also tend to aphid colonies, protecting them from predators and rewarding them with honeydew.
The Black Legionary Ant is also a social insect, living in large colonies of up to several thousand individuals.
These ants in Utah colonies can be found in dead logs, stumps, and tree bark.
Each colony is divided into three castes: workers, males, and queens.
The workers are responsible for gathering food and tending to the queen, while the males protect the colony and the queens lay eggs.
The Black Legionary Ant is a beneficial insect that helps control pests.
While they can become pests if their population gets too large, they are generally considered an important part of the local ecology.
If you live in Utah and spot a Black Legionary Ant, it’s best to leave them alone and let them do their job!
20. Odorous House Ant

Odorous house ants, or Tapinoma sessile, are next on the list of the types of Ants in Utah.
These small black ants have a distinct smell and are named odorous house ants.
They are often found inside homes, particularly in kitchens and bathrooms, where they search for food and water.
Odorous house ants are known to form large colonies and can travel long distances searching for food.
They feed on sweet substances like sugar, honey, and syrup and greasy foods like bacon and cheese.
They also feed on plants and can cause damage to gardens and crops.
These ants can be difficult to control because they are mobile and quickly adapt to different conditions.
The best way to eliminate odorous house ants is to eliminate their food source by keeping the kitchen clean and sealed up properly.
If you find them inside your home, baits or traps may be used to kill them.
Professional pest control services may also be necessary to eliminate large colonies.
21. Southern Fire Ant
The Southern Fire Ant (Solenopsis xyloni) is an ant native to Utah.
This ant is reddish-brown and about 1/4 inch in length. It is known for its aggressive behavior, especially when disturbed.
This ant is a very successful species, able to inhabit a wide range of habitats from deserts to grasslands.
In the wild, they nest in the ground, often using available cracks and crevices and near logs and stumps.
They are very active and can become a nuisance when they invade gardens or homes.
The Southern Fire Ant has a painful sting, which can cause irritation and swelling.
The best way to protect yourself from these ants is to remove any piles of wood or debris that may shelter them and to use insecticides around the edges of your home and yard.
22. The winter Ant

The winter ant is an omnivore and will feed on various types of food, including proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
They are also scavengers and feed on dead insects and other food sources.
In the wild, the winter ant is known to live in areas with deciduous trees, such as maples and oaks.
They construct their nests underground, often near tree roots or other crevices.
The nests consist of several chambers connected by tunnels, with the queen and larvae found in the deepest chamber.
The winter ants are considered beneficial for the environment since they help break down organic matter.
They can also help to aerate the soil and increase its fertility. As a result, they are often found in gardens and other cultivated areas.
Overall, the winter ant is among the types of ants in Utah State.
While they benefit the environment, it is important to remember that they are still wild animals and can be dangerous if provoked.
If you find a colony of winter ants in your yard, it is best to leave them alone and let them do their business.
23. Nylander’s Crazy Ant
Nylanderia vividula, commonly known as Nylander’s crazy ant, is a species native to South America.
It was first discovered in Utah in 2013; it has become a pest of concern due to its ability to form large, dense colonies that can quickly overrun an area.
The Nylander’s crazy ant is a small ant with a light brown body and black head.
It is known for its erratic movement, where the name crazy ant comes from.
As the ant moves around, it appears to jump and twitch unpredictably.
Nylander’s crazy ant is an aggressive species and will actively attack other ants, insects, and even small animals if they come too close.
This aggression makes them difficult to control once established.
They can also build their nests in tight, difficult-to-reach places, making traditional control methods less effective.
These ants feed primarily on other insects and honeydew produced by sap-feeding insects, but they have also been observed scavenging for dead insects and plant material.
They are most active day and night, so it is important to be vigilant when dealing with these pests.
Overall, Nylander’s crazy ant is a pest of great concern in Utah due to its ability to form dense colonies and aggressive nature quickly.
Control methods should be taken seriously to prevent the rapid spread of this species in the state.
24. Harvester Ant
Lastly on the list of types of ants in Utah is Harvester.
This species is native to the Western United States and is found in the deserts and grasslands of Utah.
These types of ants in Pennsylvania are large, reddish-brown, and about 1/4 to 1/2 inch long. Their unique look and large size easily identify them.
Harvester ants have a big appetite and feed on various things, including seeds, insects, and other small animals.
Also, they build nests in open fields, where they can be seen gathering food or moving in and out of their nest entrances.
Harvester ants are beneficial to the environment as they help keep weed and grass populations down, disperse seeds, and aerate the soil through tunneling activity.
They also act as a natural pest control agent by eating insects and small animals.
This species of ant can become a nuisance when it builds nests in lawns or gardens, where it can disrupt plants or cause damage to crops.
If you suspect that you may have a harvester ant infestation in your yard, contact a professional pest control service to help identify and remove the pests.