Having just spent the last weekend binge-watching, finding nemo fish species.
I thought about other fish species Marlin and Dory encountered on their journey across the ocean.
While most people know about clownfish, jellyfish, and seahorses, more than 100 other species were also featured in this movie.
This article looks closely at some of these Finding Nemo Fish Species.
1. “Nemo,” “Marlin,” “Coral” – Ocellaris Clownfish

The movie Finding Nemo Fish Species. He is loved by many and has been seen by many more.
It tells the story of Marlin, a clownfish who travels to find his son, Nemo. He meets Dory, a blue tang with short-term memory loss along his journey.
One of their main goals in finding and rescuing their son is to get him back from an aquarium where he was taken from Coral Island and sold to an Australian dentist.
This movie’s two most prevalent species are the Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion Ocellaris). Like all clownfish, The Ocellaris Clownfish lives on a single coral reef.
These Finding Nemo Fish Species have a black vertical bar on either side of their body, white spots, and horizontal stripes across the top of their head.
When they reach adulthood, they can grow up to 6 inches long and live for about 15 years.
They typically eat copepods and small crustaceans such as shrimp or crab larvae; however, they also feed on plankton if necessary.
They can be found in various parts of the Indo-Pacific Ocean from Madagascar to Australia but are mainly found near Japan’s Great Barrier Reef.
2. The Fish that eats Nemo’s Mom, the Coral – Barracuda

The Barracuda (Sphyraena) is a barracudina species found in tropical and subtropical waters worldwide.
Finding Nemo Fish Species, you must remember that they are typically dark green or brown on top with a white belly, but other varieties can be yellow, blue, or black.
Barracudas are predatory fish and feed mainly on smaller fish such as sardines and anchovies.
Barracudas eat other aquatic animals like squid, octopus, lobster, crabs, and shrimp.
The Barracuda is one of the few fishes that can hunt in air and water because it has developed an organ called a spiracle, which helps it breathe while they are near the surface of the water, waiting for its prey to swim by.
3. “Tad, “Bill” – Longnose Butterflyfish

Longnose Butterflyfish (Forcipiger flavissimus) are found in the Pacific and Indian Ocean coral reefs.
They are characterized by a slightly upturned mouth, long dorsal fin with a dark spot on top, and a yellow-orange color.
Longnose Butterflyfish feed mainly on plankton but eat squid, fish eggs, algae, shrimp larvae, and other invertebrates.
They grow to about 8 inches long and can live up to 20 years, like many other Finding Nemo Fish Species.
They have a symbiotic relationship with cleaner wrasse, which removes parasites from their bodies.
As a result, Longnose Butterflyfish are prey for larger predators such as tuna, Barracuda, and sharks.
4. “Mr. Ray” – Spotted Eagle Ray

Mr. Ray – Spotted Eagle Ray (Aetobatus narinari). The spotted eagle ray is known as Mr. Ray and is scientifically referred to as Aetobatus narinari.
These fish are native to subtropical and tropical climates, which means they live in warm waters around the world, including Asia, Africa, Australia, Brazil, and some parts of North America.
They prefer coastal waters with sandy or muddy bottoms that are deep enough to swim close to shorelines without fear of being stranded on the surface due to shallow water.
Spotted eagle rays can grow up to six feet wide, and their color varies from brownish-gray to blackish-blue.
Like many other Finding Nemo Fish Species., the number of spines on a dorsal fin depends on the animal’s age. For example, young spotted eagle rays have 10–12 spines, while adults have 14–16.
The spotted eagle ray has two different types of teeth: one type used for crushing prey and another type used for eating it.
5. “Mr. Johannsen” – European Flounder

Mr. Johannsen is a European Flounder (Platichthys Flesus); this is a Finding Nemo Fish Species.
It is also known as a Platichthys flesus, from the order Pleuronectiformes and family Pleuronectidae.
The Platichthys flesus has two dorsal fins and two anal fins, which are all of different sizes.
They have one spine on their back fin and an anal spine with no pointy end, as some other fish do.
The natural habitat of this fish species is European coasts, though they can also be found in New York City’s Hudson River estuary.
Males reach maturity by two years old, while females become mature by three years old. Therefore, the average lifespan of a Platichthys flesus is 6 to 8 years.
6. “Dory” – Blue Hippo or Regal Tang

When Finding Nemo was released in 2003, a new type of fish became an instant favorite for many fish lovers.
The blue hippo tang (Paracanthurus hepatus) is one of the most popular fish species in home aquariums today.
These Finding Nemo Fish Species are different from other types of tangs because they are not aggressive regarding territory and can be kept with other saltwater fish without any problems.
This makes them great for beginner aquarists! They also have a beautiful coloration that will always make them stand out in your tank.
7. “Bruce” – Great White Shark

The Great White Shark (Carcharodon Carcharias), also known as Bruce in Finding Nemo Fish Species., is one of the most well-known sharks.
It’s not a true white shark because it has a dark gray dorsal surface and pale underside, but that doesn’t stop it from being one of the most recognizable sharks.
They live in temperate waters worldwide, from California to New Zealand.
Great White Sharks are carnivores whose diet consists mainly of fish, squid, octopus, rays, and other sharks.
They have been known to eat penguins (mostly dead ones), sea turtles (mostly hatchlings), and otters.
8. “Chum” – Shortfin Mako Shark

The shortfin mako shark is a mackerel shark (Isurus Oxyrinchus) found in all temperate and tropical oceans.
The name mako is derived from Maka-Oa, an island in the Hawaiian archipelago.
Shortfin mako sharks can be distinguished from other family members by the long upper lobe on their first dorsal fin and by having a second dorsal fin much smaller than the first.
This Finding Nemo Fish Species. It is known for its speed, intelligence, and agility. The scientific name for this fish is Isurus oxyrinchus.
9. “Anchor” – Great Hammerhead Shark

The Great Hammerhead Shark (Sphyrna mokarran) is a large and fearsome predator in tropical and temperate waters.
These Finding Nemo Fish Species are often seen around coral reefs, wrecks, shipwrecks, and sandy bottoms in water depths of 10-180 meters.
The Great Hammerhead Shark is a solitary species that feeds primarily on bony fish and cephalopods.
Their favorite prey includes small schooling fishes such as herring, mackerel, mullet, whiting, mullet; cephalopods such as octopus and squid; crustaceans such as crabs and shrimp; echinoderms such as sea urchins; mollusks such as clams.
10. “Bubbles” – Yellow Tang

The Bubbles–Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens) is a brilliantly colored fish with yellow and blue stripes on its body.
This tang species is found in the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and the Red Sea.
These Finding Nemo Fish Species will grow to be about 12 inches long in many cases.
The Bubbles can live in captivity for as long as 15 years or more if they are well cared for by their owner/s.
They need plenty of room but no special water conditions (the pH levels do not matter).
If you want to purchase one, you can expect to spend anywhere from $20-$500, depending on how healthy the specimen looks and its color.
These little beauties are very common in pet stores worldwide, so don’t hesitate to buy one when you find one that looks like it would make a good fit for your home aquarium!
11. “Deb,” “Flo” – Striped Damselfish

The striped damselfish (Dascyllus aruanus) is a common species of fish found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
They live in tropical waters around coral reefs and typically form large schools.
These Finding Nemo Fish Species can grow to 3 inches (8 cm) lengths and live up to 10 years.
The striped damselfish feeds on plankton, algae, and other small animals attracted by their bright colors.
Being omnivores, these Finding Nemo Fish Species eat anything that is edible and is easily accessible to them.
12. “Gill” – Moorish Idol

This Finding Nemo Fish Species, also known as a Moorish Idol (Zanclus Cornutus), is one of the most beautiful reefs.
They are usually 3 to 4 inches long and can live up to 12 years. This fish has been caught in both the Indo-Pacific and Atlantic oceans.
They feed on small invertebrates like coral polyps, sponges, and sea urchins.
The Moorish Idol’s scientific name, Zanclus cornutus, derives from Zanclidae, hooked-nosed, and cornutus, meaning horny or crook-snouted.
The name of this Finding Nemo Fish Species comes from its slender shape and large forehead that curves back over its head.
13. “Gurgle” – Royal Gramma Basslet

The Royal Gramma Basslet (Gramma Loreto), also known as Gurgle, has a bright red face and is a great starter fish for kids.
These Finding Nemo Fish Species are reef-safe fish and can live in temperatures between 68-82 degrees Fahrenheit.
These fish are called Gramma Loreto, the regal ones with gold scales. The Gramma Loreto lives up to its name with its beautiful gold scales and royal blue cheek patch.
The Loreto is an easy-to-care-for fish that can survive in warmer waters than most other basslets (68-82 degrees Fahrenheit).
This is a reef-safe species of fish that makes a great starter pet!
14. “Bloat” – Porcupine Pufferfish

The Porcupine Pufferfish (Diodon Holocanthus) is also known as a Bloat because of its ability to puff up when threatened.
When faced with a predator, this fish will puff up to become three times its normal size, making it too big for the predator to swallow.
The Diodon holocanthus comes from two Greek words: dio, meaning two, and don, meaning teeth.
This Finding Nemo Fish Species has two rows of teeth on each jaw, which help it grind its food before swallowing.
This fish has no scales and has very few natural predators due to its ability to create a poisonous defensive toxin in its liver if threatened or captured.
15. “Chuckles” – Goldfish

The goldfish (Carassius Auratus) is a type of freshwater fish in the family Cyprinidae of order Cypriniformes.
It was originally domesticated from a species that originated in eastern Asia.
The goldfish is one of the oldest established breeds, and despite its common name, many different colors of goldfish exist.
These Finding Nemo Fish Species are mainly kept for decorative purposes but have been raised commercially for food since ancient times.
The name goldfish derives from their typical coloration, which varies between yellow and orange to red.
Other colors such as white, grey, brown, and black may also be available depending on what breed has been bred with another variety or by selective breeding.
16. The Fish With the Light Bulb – Female Anglerfish

The fish with the light bulb is a female Anglerfish (Lophiiformes). These Finding Nemo Fish Species are deep sea fish found in depths of 600 to 2000 meters.
They live as far as Australia, Japan, and North America. Female anglerfish are much smaller than males.
They can grow to 12 inches long, while males can grow to 3 feet long.
The female will attach herself to a male and feed off him for her entire life cycle.
17. “Unnamed Whale” – Big Blue Whale

The Balaenoptera musculus, or Unnamed Whale as it is commonly called, is a member of the baleen whale suborder and one of the two members of its family.
It was given its common name because when scientists first discovered it, they did not have a name for it.
The Finding Nemo Fish species is sometimes called a Blue Whale because of its bluish-gray coloration, but this term is typically only used to refer to a different species.
As with other baleen whales, this creature feeds by taking water through its mouth and pushing it out through keratin plates, which filter food from the water.