Kinder Goat: Goat Breed Profile and Information

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If you adore goats, you might already be familiar with the goat known as kinder goats.

Kinder goats have a large quantity of meat and have a trustworthy personality. 

A wide range of colors, as well as blotches and splotches. We will tailor the characteristics of the Kinder goat to fit your needs perfectly.

History of the Kinder Goat

Because of this, you might wonder: What exactly is a Kinder goat? Pat Showalter of Zederkamm Farm in Snohomish, Washington, received acknowledgment as the founder of the Kinder goat breed in 1985.

Because she wanted to have an easier time with the kids, she bred her first freshening Nubian with her certified Pygmy bucks.

Her discovery resulted in Liberty, a beautiful doe. In addition, her size made it easier for her to feed and house.

This experiment sparked Pat’s curiosity, and she bred the first generations, followed by the second, third, fourth, and fifth generations, until she produced a little, lovable, healthy goat.

Local breeders followed suit. Kinder goats efficiently produce high-quality milk and meat. The breed’s friendliness and curiosity add to its attractiveness.

The possibility of a continuous increase in the control over their kids’ births and milk production was even more exciting when Kinder goats could be bred year-round.

The US Kinder Goat Breeders Association came into existence to help breeders. This association came Into existence in 1989; I found a farm-friendly goat breed. I wanted a tiny, friendly, milk- and meat-producing goat (in terms of companionship).

I researched Kinder goats at Rustic Acres Farm in Ohio. After that, I joined the Kinder Goat Association to promote the breed nationwide.

A Nubian doe enclosure might fit two full-size Kinder does. Male Kinders can grow to 28 inches and 135–150 pounds, while female Kinders are 26 inches and 115–125 pounds.

Every bit helps against a Nubian doe’s 135 pounds or a buck’s 175 pounds. Kinder goats require one pound of feed daily, but Nubian goats need 2.5 pounds.

Kinders are better at feeding and housing. This article explains the Kinder goat’s meteoric rise as the ideal homesteading breed.

Overview of Kinder Goat

Purpose of Use


After finally getting the hang of milking our Kinder goats, I thought it would be interesting to compare the quality of the Kinder goat milk to that of other varieties.

Related:  12 Different Types of Large Goat Breeds

During the test, I was surprised to see that the milk had a decreased somatic cell count, which had a direct correlation to the number of bacteria in the milk as well as the flavor of the milk.

Instead of having the “goaty” flavor that most people associate with goat milk, the Kinder milk had a very sweet and creamy taste.

This was in contrast to the flavor of regular goat milk. They generate between 0.5 and 1 gallon per day, equivalent to the production of the larger breeds, thanks to selective breeding.

As a result, the butterfat percentage of Kinder milk is one of the highest available, coming in at a minimum of 6%. This makes it an excellent ingredient for cheese, butter, yogurt, soap, ice cream, lotion, and goat milk fudge.


Despite its small stature, the Kinder has the same breadth and body capacity as other models. However, the gentler disposition of goats reared for their meat tends to attain market weight more rapidly. As a result, they reach their full maturity at approximately 60%, at least 10% higher than most larger breeds.

Additionally, goat meat, also known as chevon, is extremely nutritious due to its reduced cholesterol levels, fat, and calories. Any diet can benefit from adding chevon because people can use many different recipes and methods.


While most larger breeds are bred in the fall to have their offspring in the spring, Kinders can mate at any time of the year.

Because of this versatility, keepers can freshen goats throughout the year so that they can produce goat milk whenever it is needed.

When they freshen, they will certainly have a set of twins at the very least; however, delivering sets of triplets, quadruplets, or even quintuplets is also feasible.

Because of the high birth rate, there will be more calves to sell, keep in the herd as replacements, or slaughter for food.

Appearance & Varieties

After being bred from generation to generation, which results in the Kinder goat receiving a Certificate of Merit at the end of each generation, the Kinder goat is only considered Registered by the Kinder Goat Breeders Association for the fifth generation after being bred from generation to generation.

Related:  Mountain Goat: Profile and Information

It is not necessary to be concerned with the number of generations while breeding Kinders; rather, the focus should be on enhancing the qualities sought after in a Kinder.

Because of the many different genetics bred into Kinder goats throughout history, they can be any color. They might have a solid color, spots, or white patches with varying colors on them.

The ears can be set low and long, or they can be set lower and shorter with management. Many people are recognized for having ears that look like airplanes.

These qualities only contribute to the individual’s overall appearance and personality. The goal is to keep the dairy features but to give the bones more thickness and width so people may use them for meat production.

Habitation & Setup

Farm animals like these goats need spaces to graze and protection from the rain and cold weather. However, they can thrive in environments that are either hot or cold.

Because of their modest stature and laid-back demeanor, these goats are a breeze to handle, making them a good choice for hobby farms and other small homesteads. They like to graze in pastures with plenty of weeds, shrubs, and brush to consume.

These goats require a secure enclosure with an appropriate fence. However, Kinder goats have the potential to be the best jumpers of any breed of goat, even though all goats are excellent in their ability to avoid capture.

People will contain them within the pasture thanks to the high fencing, which protects them from predators.

It is well known that Kinder Goats are very playful animals; hence, their owners frequently build playgrounds where the animals may practice climbing and jumping.


  • Secure electric fencing.
  • A place to rest during the night
  • It is important to maintain a pasture free of plants that can conceal predators or materials that might attract them.
  • An animal specifically trained to protect cattle, such as a dog or a donkey.

The majority of goats are susceptible to parasites. In addition, they risk acquiring pneumonia if their coats become wet and they are subject to cold temperatures. On the other hand, these goats have a high level of resistance to these frequent goat diseases.


Like all goats, they take great pleasure in rooting around in the undergrowth and other woody vegetation in search of tasty treats.

Related:  Anglo-Nubian Goat: Goat Breed Profile and Information

They also require clean water and hay made of grass. A diet containing 7% dietary crude protein and at least 50% dietary fiber is optimal for goats.

Goats have a wide range of dietary preferences and are willing to eat almost everything. As healthy snacks, they would benefit from eating black oil sunflower seeds, veggies, grapes, pears, melons, and other fruits and vegetables.

Threats & Predators

Goats kept as pets are consistently vulnerable to attacks from wild animals.

For example, stray dogs, coyotes, bears, wolves, and cougars will likely eat Kinder goats.

In addition, there is a possibility that eagles or other birds of prey will steal the baby goats.

Reproduction and Lifespan

The females of this species attain puberty between the ages of 4 and 10 months, while the males do so between the ages of 4 and 9 months.

A billy can have sexual relations with as many as 20 nannies in a single year. The goats have a life expectancy of about 15 years on average.

The average gestation period for goats is between 140 and 150 days. Therefore, theirs lasts between those two numbers.

Excellent mothers who are fiercely protective of their children, kinder nannies are the ideal caregivers for young children.

Even though kinder goats only have one breeding cycle per year, they have a very high reproductive rate. In a typical herd, each birth or “kidding” produces at least three subsequent progeny. They are capable of having offspring during their entire lifespan.


1986 was the year that saw the birth of the Kinder Goat Breeders Association. The number of registered kinders in the United States reached three thousand in 2006. 13 states in the United States, Brazil, and Canada have kinder goats.

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