There are different types of hares. They vary in size from very small (the mountain hare is one of the smallest at around 30 centimeters) to large (the brown hare measures up to 65 centimeters).
They also have different colored fur, ranging from gray or brown to white.
Habitats also differ, with some species found exclusively in woodland while others inhabit marsh flood meadows or river valleys.
Each habitat type produces a different diet, mostly round grasses, herbs, and other plants important for survival.
Let’s check the different types of hares in detail.
1. Yarkand Hare

Yarkand Hares are starting our list of different types of hares.
It is a unique hair type native to the Yarkand Valley of Northwestern China and Southwestern Kyrgyzstan.
They have long ears, reddish-brown fur, and pink facial masks and are larger than other hares.
These different hares are adapted to high-altitude environments and feed on grasses, clover, wild roses, and grains.
Due to their endangered status, they are protected by Chinese law, and strict conservation efforts have been implemented to help their population recover.
Yarkand Hares are considered one of the unique species of hares in the world due to their geographical location, size, and appearance – making them an important species for study.
2. Antelope Jackrabbit

The Antelope Jackrabbit is also on our list of different types of hares.
It is a species of hare found in southern and eastern Arizona, western New Mexico, and adjacent northern Mexico.
It is the largest species of desert hare in North America, and its unique adaptation to hot climates makes it one of the most incredible types of hares living there.
The Antelope Jackrabbit is easily distinguished from other types of hares by its size.
It is much larger than any other species of jackrabbit, growing up to 29 inches long without counting its huge ears (which are over seven inches long each!).
Its fur coat also stands out. It is yellowish-white on its back and sides, with black-tipped hair on an otherwise white underbelly.
This impressive creature also has several adaptations that help it survive in the harsh conditions of hot deserts.
One such feature is its common diet, which consists mostly of cactus pads and other succulent vegetation, which provides more water than traditional grazing plants.
Additionally, these short-eared rabbits seek shelter during high temperatures; they will mainly hide in shrubs and burrows during the day when temperatures exceed 120F!
Besides this tactic, their large ears also give them an evolutionary advantage as they can dissipate heat faster than their counterparts with smaller ears.
Their large feet protect them from hot sand surfaces by creating gaps between footpads and sand grains as they hop along dry areas.
Thus, through physical adjustments and certain biological modifications, Antelope Jackrabbits are adapted to life under harsh desert conditions!
3. Black-tailed jackrabbit

The black-tailed jackrabbit is a hare species in much of western North America.
As its name implies, the different types of hares have a distinctive black tail but also grow a large gray or brown coat during winter to protect themselves from cold temperatures.
The jackrabbit primarily feeds on grasses and other vegetation in its natural habitat, though it occasionally eats insects and small mammals.
During the day, it can usually be seen hopping around in open fields and meadows, rarely venturing into deep foliage or tall grasses.
The black-tailed jackrabbit is an extremely prolific species capable of producing multiple sets of offspring each year, making them commonplace in many habitats where they live.
4. Mountain Hare
The mountain hare (Lepus ) is a large hare found in mountainous areas of Europe and Asia.
It is the only species of hare found above the snow line and lives in solitary habitats, primarily at elevations of 1,220-4,100m.
The mountain hare is well adapted to the cold conditions it inhabits and has several characteristics to help it survive.
The fur coat varies from brown to gray in tones according to the season, and many individual hares may have several coats during their life cycle.
In winter, the fur turns white to blend into the snow. During warmer months, its color transitions back to shades of brown and gray as camouflage against its rocky background.
Mountain Hares feed on grasses, herbs, twigs, and bark, but their primary food source is heather blooms, giving them a sweet taste throughout the season.
The mountain hare has long legs, making it an excellent jumper. It can easily reach distances up to 3 meters!
They are active at night when they sleep during daytime hours or in bad weather, hiding below frozen rocks or crags.
5. Abyssinian Hare

The Abyssinian Hare is an uncommonly different hare known for its distinct coloring and graceful stature.
This beautiful creature is found in the grasslands and savannas of East Africa and is believed to have existed for more than two million years.
Let’s take a closer look at these unique, different types of hares.
The Abyssinian Hare differs from other hares due to its unique coloration.
It has cinnamon-colored fur on its back, sides, and tail, while the front half of its body is black with brown stripes running along the sides and silver-white markings on the forehead.
The lower legs are bright white or silver, while the face has black patches around the eyes, nose, and ears.
This rabbit-like creature measures 14 and 16 inches long and weighs 1 – 4 lbs.
It has powerful hind legs allow it to jump up to three feet into the air, which helps it escape predators.
Its ears are short but readily pick up sound, an important tool when identifying potential danger.
These creatures eat mostly grasses, shrubs, and leaves, although they also eat insects, fruits, and roots if they are available.
They live in groups of four or five individuals who help care for young ones and defend their territory from other families when necessary.
The Abyssinian Hare is one of many distinctive types of hares found in various parts of the world.
Although small, this feisty animal is full of energy, assisted by its lightweight form, and can stand their ground against predators or intruders looking to move in on their turf!
6. White-sided Jackrabbit

The White-sided Jackrabbit is also one of the interesting different types of hares found mainly in prairie and woodland regions across Canada and the northern United States.
It is easily distinguishable by its blue-gray fur, which has a white stripe running down its sides from head to tail.
This rabbit is also the most long-legged of all hares, measuring between 700 to 975 mm long and weighing about 2.7 kg.
These different hares feed mainly on grasses and forbs, browsing on shrubs during winter when food sources are scarce.
Its diet includes wildflowers, twigs, buds, and green plants like clover and honey locusts.
It is well adapted to colder climates but prefers warmer weather during the summer when it can easily find food sources.
The White-sided Jackrabbit may not be the most popular hare species, but it’s undeniably one of the most unique—and beautiful—among them!
7. Cape Hare

Cape Hares, also known as Hyrax Hares, get their name from the shape of their ears – they look like miniature versions of African Eland!
This species is found throughout the Middle East and Ethiopia and can be seen in sparse grasslands, deserts, rocky hillsides, and open woodlands.
Cape hares are currently classified as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List. Here’s a look at some of their unique features and behaviors.
Cape hares are much smaller than other species of hares in size. Males weigh 2-3 kg, while females weigh 2-2.5 kg.
The coat color varies seasonally, with two distinct coats—grayish-brown in the winter and sandy yellowish in the summer.
Cape Hares are exceptionally adaptive to different habitats and can be found in areas ranging from semiarid to moist grasslands.
These different hares possess excellent vision due to their large eyes on either side of their head for maximum peripheral vision.
In addition, they have long furry eyelashes that serve as physical barriers to keep dust and dirt from entering their eyes when moving quickly over terrain or running away from predators – helping them stay out of harm’s way!
Their primary diet consists largely of leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds, making them natural herbivores.
These little critters can also be seen supplementing their diets with small invertebrates such as beetles and grasshoppers when they’re near areas with plenty of vegetation cover!
Like many other species within the Leporidae family, Cape Hares communicate using olfactory scents through urine marking.
This allows them to make territorial claims or warn potential predators or intruders in their area!
8. Scrub Hare

Scrub Hare, also known as the desert hare, is next on our list of different types of hares.
It is a unique species of hare endemic to semi-arid regions of Africa and Asia.
It is the only true desert-dwelling hare in the world, characterized by its sand-colored fur and long ears that help it detect predators from far away.
The Scrub Hare has adapted to survive in harsh and arid conditions, where it can go for extended periods without water.
Its fur helps it blend into the sandy or rocky terrain where it lives, providing camouflage from potential predators.
Its diet consists mainly of roots, shoots, grasses, and fruits, with some insects included when vegetation is scarce.
Its large hind limbs also enable it to hop up slopes too steep for other animals to climb.
To cool itself down in hot climates, the Scrub Hare digs shallow burrows with multiple vents that allow air circulation clever adaptation, which helps prevent overheating during midday hours when temperatures are highest.
They also dig deeper tunnels as escape mechanisms when faced with danger and will often stay there until they feel secure enough to come out again at nightfall.
Unlike other hares, like cottontails or snowshoe hairs, which form open communities in meadows or woodlands, scrub hares live mainly alone or in pairs due to their isolationist lifestyle.
As interesting as these animals are from a biological standpoint, they are unfortunately still highly vulnerable due to changes in their habitat caused by climate change and human activity such as overgrazing, agricultural development, and construction projects.
Therefore, recent measures have been taken to conserve this rare species by establishing protected areas in Africa and Asia, ensuring its survival for future generations.
9. Desert Hare

The humble desert hare is an example of a different type than the common species in other habitats.
Slow and unassuming, these quiet creatures are distinctly adapted to their arid desert homes.
With rounded ears and abnormally long hind legs, they stand out amongst other different types of hares.
Furthermore, their gray and brown coats blend easily into the sages and sands of the desert landscape, providing excellent camouflage against predators.
Desert hares are completely herbivorous, subsisting mainly on grasses and succulent plants.
They are an important part of the delicate balance of life in the desert ecosystem.
As a species living in such a harsh environment, desert hares demonstrate resilience as aptly as other more known forms of this critter!
10. Alaskan Hare

Alaskan Hare is one of the different types of hares native to the Arctic tundra habitats of Alaska and Northern Canada.
It is one of two species in the genus Lepus and is distinguished from other hares by its large size, long ears, and dark fur with white tail tips.
Its diet consists mostly of grasses, willow shoots, flowers, buds, and bark; it also takes carrion and occasionally eats insects.
During winter months, it consumes lichens and mosses to survive deep snowfall.
Alaskan Hare live in solitary burrows made from plants or soil or use existing cavities for winter protection.
Though not endangered currently, climate change and fragmentation due to human activities can reduce population numbers if not monitored closely.
11. Snowshoe Hare

Snowshoe hares are unique, different hares found in North America.
As their name implies, they are equipped with paws and fur that can turn white to blend in during winter months and brown when the weather is warmer.
They have become integral to many ecosystems, so learning about them and their myriad adaptations is important.
The snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) is a species of hare that lives in North America, from Alaska to Newfoundland.
It inhabits coniferous forests and shrubby meadows across Canada and the United States.
The scientific name for this species is American large-footed rabbit, which is due to its incredible hind feet, which are nearly twice as large as those of other similarly sized rabbit species!
The extra foot size increases the animal’s mobility and speed in areas with snow or ice on the ground.
Snowshoe hares have special coat coloration that helps them survive winter, especially when inclement weather hits.
They shed coarse outer guard hairs while replacing them with velvety white fur beneath, making them difficult to spot against snowy backdrops.
When temperatures increase in spring, different types of hares rapidly regrow darker guard hairs, which can be used to camouflage against brush or forest foliage.
This adaptation works incredibly well since some populations live further north than other mammals!
These amazing herbivores forage on new buds, twigs, bark, and plenty of high-quality greens like clover, which make up almost 60 % of their diet from summer into fall.
Apart from being food sources for lynxes, foxes, and other predators, these small types of hares also provide essential nutrients for farmers operating nearby land during spring dispersal periods when fresh possums are scarce or dead spots on smolder begin appearing in uncultivated terrain below mostly lower elevation boreal forests.
12. Tolai Hare

The Tolai Hare is a species of hare native to North America, specifically in Mexico and the U.S.A. It is also known as a Jackrabbit Hare or Black-tailed Jackrabbit.
Unlike other hares, which mainly inhabit open grasslands, the Tolai Hare prefers to be found in more open habitats such as forest edges, rocky ridges, and semi-desert shrubland.
The Tolai Hare stands out among other varieties due to its unique grayish-black fur with shaded accents.
This species of hare can also grow to be fairly large: it can reach up to one meter in length, and some specimens have been reported to be even larger!
Although these different types of hares can reach these high lengths, they remain relatively lightweight and weigh around two kilograms on average.
Moreover, it boasts impressively strong hind legs that help propel it into running bursts at speeds exceeding 50 kilometers per hour!
This truly remarkable mammal is undoubtedly worthwhile spotting for any animal enthusiast with an eye for uniqueness among the world’s wildlife!
13. Broom Hare
Broom Hares have been around for hundreds of years but have recently gained popularity due to their unique colors and sizes.
Broom Hares are often confused with other different types of hares, such as Rabbits and Pikas. However, some key differences set this type of hare apart.
The most obvious difference between a Broom Hare and other types of hares is the size.
A mature Broom Hare can weigh up to 20 pounds, making them larger than any other type of hare or rabbit in North America.
The color can range from gray, white, black, and rust, giving the coat of a Broom Hare an interesting pattern and look.
Another difference between a Broom Hare and other types of hares is its behavior.
While most hares are known for being timid and skittish, the same cannot be said for a Broom Hare, known to be quite vocal about its environment.
They live in mixed habitats, making them more active than some of their counterparts in one sitting place, such as grassy areas or burrows.
They also line their dens with moss to help keep warm during colder temperatures.
Unlike many rabbits, which are herbivores, the Broom Hare is omnivorous.
This means it feeds on both plants and animals, such as small rodents, insects, and even certain fruits when available in its habitat.
Overall, they quickly adapt to new environments, making them easy to encounter in various settings.
14. Yunnan Hare

The Yunnan hare (Oryctolagus curiensis) is endemic to southwestern China.
It is mainly found in the highlands and lakes of southern and southeastern Yunnan Province, ranging from 1000 to 2500 meters in elevation.
The Yunnan hare is distinct from most other species of hares due to its unique seasonal fur color changes.
In the winter, it has white fur with a reddish-brown patch on its tip and grayish-blue markings on its back, while in summer, these markings are replaced by chestnut brown fur patches.
The Yunnan hare also stands taller than many others and can reach up to 18 inches at its shoulder when fully grown.
Its diet consists of grasses, shrubs, leaves, and bark, but occasionally fruits, if available.
In addition to its unique coloration, the Yunnan Hare has exceptional eyesight and outstanding agility when running away from predators such as foxes or wild cats.
15. Korean Hare

The Korean hare is next on our list of different types of hares. It is a unique and lesser-known variation of the traditional European hare.
They have distinct differences in their behavior and appearance, making them an interesting species to study.
Korean Hares are small members of the genus Lepus living across the Korean peninsula.
They are distinguished from other species by their delicate fur, which comes in shades of brown or gray with subtle black-tipped hairs along their back.
They also have conspicuous white fur on their underside to contrast with the darker colors above.
Unlike most rabbits, they do not build nests but seek shelter in thick vegetation or among rocks.
As wary animals, they often stand erect on two feet to survey environments for potential threats before slowly moving away.
Korean Hare’s diet consists mostly of grasses and sedges, although they will also snack on legumes, fruits, and vegetables when available.
They stay close to natural areas where they can find ample food sources while avoiding potential predators, such as birds of prey or land mammals like foxes and badgers, that may hunt them in open fields or grasslands.
As nocturnal creatures, they remain most active at night, traveling as far as 1-2 kilometers from their home territory.
During mating season, which lasts from April through August, temperatures rise.
Multiple males compete for access to a female in search of reproductive success, leading some males to wander even further than what is typical for these animals during non-mating times throughout the year.
16. Corsican Hare

The Corsican hare is a unique species found in the mountainous terrain of Corsica, an island off the southwest coast of Italy.
It has adapted to its environment and differs greatly in coloration, behavior, and physical characteristics from most other hares worldwide.
Corsican hares are sometimes mistaken for an albino species because they tend to have white fur on their tails and bottoms that set them apart from the dark olive-brown fur that typically adorns most Wild European Hares.
They also have longer tails than other species and more prominent ears. Most wild ones grow twice as large as their domesticated counterparts, weighing up to a little over 4 pounds (1.8 kg).
Corsican Hares live in high-elevation habitats consisting mostly of steep rocky terrain with few vegetative resources and coniferous forests in some areas.
They generally live alone but form small social groups while they feed together during the summer months.
During winter, they enter a state of dormancy, remaining inactive to conserve energy while waiting for food resources to return after spring thawing.
In the wild, Corsican hares breed twice per year throughout April and May when mating season begins, and young Leverets or baby hare kits are born within 40 days afterward.
Due to their unique adaptation methods, they reach maturity much quicker than other species, reaching full adulthood as early as July when they are only six months old.
The average lifespan for these hares ranges between 3–4 years in the wild.
17. European Hare

The European hare (Lepus europaeus) is a mammal of the Leporidae family, making it part of the same group as rabbits, snowshoe hares, and other hares.
It is one of the largest species of wild rabbit and hare, particularly in Europe.
The European Hare has distinctive fur patterns and an upright stance. Unlike domestic rabbits, it can survive outdoors in cold conditions.
The European hare grows to be up to 25 inches long with a furry tail that reaches up to 6 inches long.
The distinctive fur coat can range from gray-brown to gray-white, with dark spots spread throughout and evenly distributed across the body.
They also possess sharp claws for protection from predators and digging burrows.
These animals boast an incredibly upright posture compared to domestic rabbits or smaller breeds like snowshoes or jackrabbits.
It is well suited for the cold temperatures of its natural habitat due to its thick winter coat, which traps air close to its body, providing extra warmth when necessary.
In addition, these different types of hares can tolerate freezing temperatures by finding shelter during extreme weather conditions such as heavy rains or blizzards.
Though they are generally active during daylight hours, you may still spot them out and about on balmy summer nights, hunting for food among bushes or fields.
European Hares aren’t usually considered pests like some other species because they tend to stay away from people and gardens unless they search for food at night when it’s quiet outside.
However, if you notice any unusual activity, such as digging holes near your property line.
It could be evidence of these different hares making a home nearby. Hence, it’s best practice to investigate further if needed.
18. Granada Hare

Granada hares are lesser-known and are different types of hares, small and furry mammals.
The main distinguishing factor of Granada hares is their unique coloration and large body size, making them stand out from other types of hares.
These animals are widely spread, making them easy to find in many parts of the world. Here’s an overview of these interesting different types of hares.
Granada hares are small mammals that usually grow around four inches long and weigh only 4 ounces on average.
They have long ears, thick fur, a mostly brown coat with white or gray patches on their back legs, and a forehead.
The Granada hare’s most distinctive feature is the black tuft at the end of its tail, which no other hare species has!
The habitat for these fascinating different types of hares includes woodlands, meadows, and fields throughout much of Europe, Asia Minor, and North Africa.
As shy creatures, they prefer to avoid contact with humans but occasionally come into contact when chased by dogs or other predators.
Regarding diet, these small mammals are primarily herbivores who eat grasses, fruits, nuts, and flowers from various plants around their habitat.
Granada Hares are a unique species among the many different types of hares today due to their different coloration and larger body size compared to more common species like European Hares or Jackrabbits.
This makes them interesting animals to observe in the wild and appreciate that they are wonderful mammals who deserve respect and admiration for all they bring to our natural ecosystems!
19. Manchurian Hare

The Manchurian hare is one of the lesser-known types of hares, but this unique creature has much to offer.
With its long ears, muscular body, and distinctly patterned fur, the Manchurian hare stands out from other common species of hares. Here’s everything you need to know about this distinct and rare hare!
The most distinctive feature of the Manchurian hare is its patterned fur.
The flanks, sides, and back are black with pale gray bases and buff tips, giving the fur an overall grizzled coloration.
It also has darker brown patches above each hind foot and black legs with yellowish-colored foot feathers.
Its underparts are all white, while its tail, although short by hare standards, provides excellent camouflage in snowy environments due to its whitish hue.
In terms of size, Manchurian hares can range in length from 48-58 cm and weigh an average of 1-3 kg.
Manchurian hares generally inhabit areas with low shrub cover, such as plains or open grasslands, which provide them with plenty of space to run around in search of food.
They’re predominantly active during the evening and early morning hours when they search for food such as greens, nuts, or berries growing nearby or in surrounding forested areas.
They prefer living solitary lives except for mating season when small groups form for a few weeks before splitting up again soon after breeding ends.
Among its fellow species of rabbits and hares residing all around the world.
The Manchurian Hare stands apart due to its unique physical characteristics, habitat preferences, and behavior habits.
This enables it to blend into certain environmental conditions far better than some other types of rabbits and hares found naturally in North America, an invaluable asset for survival that makes this particular species quite fascinating!
20. African Savanna Hare
The African Savanna Hare is also on our list of unique, different types of hares native to sub-Saharan Africa.
The most prominent features of the African Savanna Hare are its long ears and curved dew claws, which help it find food in its arid habitat.
While the African Savanna Hare prefers grasslands and light bushes, they can occasionally be found in forested areas.
Its gray-brown patterned coat effectively camouflages it against predators, and white patches on the body’s upper parts provide further protection.
This small mammal can grow up to 16 inches long and typically weighs 2-3 pounds.
With powerful hind legs, it can hop at over 20 miles per hour, making it one of the fastest different types of hares in its environment.
21. Arctic Hare
The Arctic Hare is the next on our list of different types of hares found in the northernmost regions of Canada and Greenland.
Unlike their cousins, they have adapted to survive in very cold temperatures by having thick fur and large feet to help them walk on top of frozen ground.
They feed mostly on grasses, plants, and sometimes insects, but they have also been known to eat carrion occasionally.
These different types of hares are smaller than most rabbits, but they still grow larger than the average rabbit, with most males weighing about five pounds and females reaching four pounds.
Their bodies are covered with thick white fur that helps keep them warm during the cold winter.
While other hares aren’t too active during winter, Arctic Hares can remain active even in temperatures below zero degrees Fahrenheit!
This is partly due to their thick fur coats, which keep them warm and energetic enough to continue foraging for food throughout the day.
They also gather in large groups called “droves” when temperatures hit 0 degrees Celsius or lower, an important trait for survival against predators like red foxes or gray wolves who might otherwise pick off single animals at a time for an easy snack.
Due to the harsh climate of their habitat, Arctic Hares feed mainly on lichens and mosses.
However, they’ll occasionally supplement their diet with twigs from willow trees or grasses such as bluegrass or timothy hay.
Young rabbits tend to be more adventurous eaters, testing out a variety of non-vegetarian foods, including insects, small mammals, bird eggs, fish remains, and carrion if necessary for sustenance.
Breeding begins soon after the snow melts in late May/early June. Young typically reach adulthood by August/September before retreating into hibernation as the days turn colder again in autumn.
Like all other mammal offspring, babies are typically born blind and helpless, relying nearly exclusively on their mother’s milk until maturation occurs several weeks later.
After this, solid food becomes available, allowing further development for adult members of society.
Eventually, leading up to the next breeding season, their year-round cycle continues each March successively through June, depending on location.
Latitude changes yearly, and snowmelt starts at varying times based on elevation, among other factors that can affect climate.
22. Chinese Hare
The Chinese hare (Lepus sinensis) is a lagomorph species native to East Asia.
It is the only hare species in China and can be distinguished from other common hares by its long ears, reddish fur, and characteristic black stripes on the tips of its ears.
Compared to other hares, it has a white tail with a long black tip and small black patches at the base of its ears.
Chinese hares inhabit forest edges, grasslands, alpine meadows, and marshes across much of China, Taiwan, Korea, and Mongolia.
They are nocturnal foragers that feed primarily on plant matter, including herbs, twigs, leaves, and flowers.
23. Woolly Hare

The Woolly Hare is also on our list of different types of hares.
It is a species of hare native to Siberia, Northern China, Japan, and Korea.
As their name suggests, this particular species has luxuriant fur that, during the winter months, forms a thick and soft coat that provides much-needed insulation from the relentless Siberian cold.
Unlike other types of hares, Woolly Hares lack pronounced tufts on their ears and strong hindquarters, an adaptation allowing them to blend into their snowy habitat more easily.
Other distinguishing features include large paws and tails for hopping over deep snow drifts.
They are omnivorous and can often be found near alpine meadows searching for succulent grasses and shrubs.
During springtime, they switch to a diet consisting mainly of insects such as grasshoppers, snails, or earthworms; nuts may also serve as snacks between meals.
24. Ethiopian Highland Hare

The Ethiopian Highland Hares are different types of hares found in the highlands of Ethiopia.
They are one of the few hares found not only in Africa but also at considerable altitudes.
The Ethiopian Highland Hare (Caprolagus clarkei) is easily distinguishable from other hares due to its unique dark gray or black fur and long ears.
This type of hare is native to the highlands of Ethiopia, where they live in rocky grassland or alpine meadows.
They feed on vegetation such as grass, herbs, and seeds. The males are larger than the females and can weigh up to 3 kilograms (6.6 lbs).
The Ethiopian Highland Hares are active throughout the day but are more active during dusk and dawn hours when searching for food.
They breed from December through April and typically have large litters consisting of four kits per litter, with a successful survival rate varying from 55% to 70%.
They face significant threats from human activities like deforestation and agricultural encroachment, which reduce their habitat range and poaching for their luxurious fur.
As a result, the IUCN Red List classifies this species as endangered, making conservation efforts necessary to prevent its further decline.
25. White-Tailed jackrabbit

The White-Tailed Jackrabbit (Lepus townsendii) is one of the different types of hares found across North America.
This species, recognized by its wide, white-tipped tail, is found throughout much of the central and western regions of the continent.
Here’s a closer look at this unique member of the Leporidae family.
White-Tailed Jackrabbits are large hares, often confused with their smaller cousin, the Snowshoe Hare (Lepus americanus).
They appear in sandy-brown coloring during the summer months and grayish-white during the winter months.
Adults weigh an average of 10 lbs and are 28 inches long from head to tail, with most of that length due to their distinctive tails.
These hares inhabit grasslands, sagebrush desert scrub habitats, or cultivated agricultural fields in arid and moist climates.
In fact, they avoid dense forests or areas with tall vegetation because it is challenging for them to move safely in these areas.
They tend to follow a general area throughout the year but may travel longer distances when food sources are low or when conditions become too cold for them to withstand.
White-Tailed Jackrabbits feed on grasses and various other plants, including twigs, buds, and bark, depending on what’s available in their habitat.
During peak breeding season, they may consume extra protein-rich foods such as insects or carrion to produce larger litters that can potentially protect them against predators.
Although these different types of hares move around frequently in search of food and shelter.
For most of the year, they typically remain within a one-square-mile radius in groups known as coteries when not during the breeding season, otherwise known as solitary individuals when mating season strikes in early spring each year.
26. Hainan Hare
Hainan hares are a unique breed of hare rarely seen outside their native region, Hainan Island, in Southern China.
As the name suggests, they are much smaller and more delicate than other hares, with an average weight of only 1.2 kg and a maximum weight of 4 kg.
This makes them unsuitable for hunting, as larger animals can easily outpace them.
However, they are renowned for their gentle personalities and the ability to adapt quickly to new environments, making them ideal pets if you know how to care for them properly.
Despite their small size, these friendly different types of hares have tremendous endurance on long-distance runs and can jump very high to evade predators or escape danger easily.
27. Burmese Hare
The Burmese Hare is a unique hare throughout Southern Asia and parts of Thailand.
It has noticeably larger ears than other hares, and its longer hind legs help it climb trees and hustle over obstacles.
Its tougher physique makes it more easily adaptable to its environment than other hares, and it also possesses a dark brown color to its fur.
The Burmese Hare is an excellent runner and often poses as bigger game animals when hunted by predators.
Additionally, the Burmese Hare can usually be found in dense brush or marshy areas due to its ability to adapt to different terrain and climate conditions.
28. Ethiopian Hare

This is the last on our list of different types of hares. They are mammals closely related to rabbits, though they are physically and behaviorally different.
One such hare is the Ethiopian Hare, which is endemic to Ethiopia and Eritrea in Africa.
It gets its name because it is found in those two countries and is unique among hares for its varied colors.
The Ethiopian Hare is a medium-sized animal with a colorful body compared to other hares.
They have an orange or yellow coat with black patches, giving them a distinctive look compared to other hares.
It also has long ears, red eyes, and short legs, which distinguish it from other mammals in the area.
Due to their size and varied colors, Ethiopian Hares are often called “Rattlesnakes” because they resemble snakes.
Regarding behavior, Ethiopian Hares tend to be more solitary than most hares, preferring not to live in packs as some other hares do.
However, they do appear to establish territories with one another and will defend them should anyone trespass on them.
This can make it difficult for predators, as they can quickly recognize when another animal has encroached on their territory and swiftly remove it using their strong hind legs.
Due to changes brought upon by humans encroaching on natural habitats, the population of these unique creatures has been dwindling over time.
Fortunately, however, conservation efforts are underway to ensure the continued survival of these iconic different types of hares!