20 Different Types of Milk Snakes

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Photo by Reidastexturas

Milk snakes are beautiful and captivating pets beloved by snake enthusiasts worldwide.

However, they can be particularly tricky if you’re unsure what you want. 

This helpful guide is about different types of milk snakes and how to tell them apart.

This guide ensures you can get the best fit for your lifestyle and interests.

You can also look at our full selection of different types of milk snakes here!

1. Eastern Milk Snake

Eastern Milk Snake - Types of Snakes in IowaPin
by Will_89 is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The Eastern milk snake is a subspecies of the milk snake. As its name suggests, it is found in eastern North America.

It is a non-venomous constrictor and feeds primarily on rodents. 

Eastern milk snakes are typically between two and four feet in length.

They vary in coloration, but generally, some are a shade of brown or gray with black bands.

They have a distinctive large head that sets them apart from other types of milk snakes.

These different milk snakes spend most of their time underground unless they need to bask in the sun for heat or eat something.

They often find shelter under rocks, logs, rotting stumps, leaf litter, and even human trash like old mattresses and garbage cans. 

If you see one, give it plenty of space because they tend to move fast when disturbed.

2. Black Milk Snake

The black milk snake is a beautiful, glossy black snake with white bands.

They are different milk snakes native to North and South America and can grow 4-6 feet long.

Black milk snakes are non-venomous and make great pets for experienced snake owners. 

They are, however, very active snakes and require a large enclosure and plenty of hiding places.

These snakes do best on a diet of live rodents, and a full-grown one eats around three mice every ten days.

These different types of milk snakes should be handled cautiously as they may bite out of fear or when threatened.

Careful handling will minimize this risk, so it’s crucial never to hold them while they are hungry or have just eaten.

3. Louisiana Milk Snake

The Louisiana milk snake is a subspecies of different types of milk snakes.

It’s native to the southeastern United States and can be found in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida.

The Louisiana milk snake is a non-venomous constrictor that preys on small mammals and reptiles. 

It’s a famous pet snake due to its docile nature and striking coloration.

Adult Louisiana milk snakes typically reach 3-4 feet long, although some individuals may grow up to 5 feet long.

4. Central Plains Milk Snake

The Central Plains milk snake is a beautiful subspecies of the different types of milk snakes.

It’s native to the central United States. It is one of the most popular and different types of milk snakes kept as pets. 

Central Plains milk snakes come in various colors, including black, brown, and red.

They’re typically between two and four feet long and live for about ten years. 

If you’re considering getting a Central Plains milk snake as a pet, research first.

They’re not the right pet for everyone, but they can make great companions for the right person.

5. Nelson’s Milk Snake

Nelson’s milk snakes are one of the most popular and different types of milk snakes.

They are native to Central America and can grow up to four feet long.

Nelson’s milk snakes are black with yellow bands and have a reputation for being very docile. 

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Nelson’s Milk Snakes makes great choices if you’re looking for a pet snake.

These snakes eat rodents and other small animals that are available in captivity.

Like many other milk snakes, they do not kill their prey but use constriction to kill them by restricting blood flow. 

Their venom is not dangerous to humans but may cause local reactions such as swelling or pain.

6. Honduran Milk Snake

The Honduran milk snake is a beautiful, brightly colored snake that can make an excellent pet.

It’s essential to know that there are different types of milk snakes, each with its unique set of care requirements. 

Honduran milk snakes come in various colors, so you’ll find one you love.

Plus, they’re relatively easy to care for as long as you do your research beforehand.

Honduran milk snakes are not venomous, but they will bite if provoked.

If you purchase this breed from the wild, there’s no way to be sure of how healthy they might be.

7. Pale Milk Snake

The Pale Milk Snake is among the most popular milk snakes due to its wide range of colors.

These different types of milk snakes can be found in shades of white, gray, yellow, and pink.

The pattern on their back is usually a series of dark and light stripes that run their body length. 

Sometimes, they have black dots around their eyes as well. These different milk snakes typically live in grassy areas and are often spotted near water sources. 

8. Mexican Milk Snake

The Mexican milk snake is a different type and a subspecies of the king snake.

Its black and white bands make it one of the most recognizable snakes. It’s a small snake, only reaching about three feet in length. 

Mexican milk snakes are docile and make great pets. They’re also easy to care for and don’t require a lot of space. Some even claim that they can be good with children. 

A Mexican milk snake needs an enclosure with lots of heat sources. So, if you live in a cold climate, this might not be your best pet.

9. Pueblan Milk Snake

Pueblan milk snakes are a subspecies of milk snakes found in Mexico.

They’re known for their beautiful patterns and colors and make great pets. But before you buy one, you should know a few things. 

These different milk snakes can grow 3-4 feet long, so you’ll need a large enclosure. They also escape artists, so make sure your pen is secure.

Pueblan milk snakes are active day and night, so you must provide hiding places and plenty of enrichment. 

This snake might be the right choice if you’re looking for a beautiful snake that’s relatively easy to care for.

These snakes enjoy climbing as well as lounging around on branches or rocks. Be prepared to give them lots of attention!

10. New Mexico Milk Snake

The New Mexico milk snake is a subspecies of the different types of milk snakes.

This snake is a non-venomous constrictor in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico.

These snakes are typically black with white bands, but some can be red or orange. 

They grow to be about 3-4 feet long and live for 10-12 years. If you’re considering getting a milk snake, the New Mexico milk snake is a great option.

Like all milk snakes, they’re non-venomous and don’t pose much danger to humans.

Plus, they look incredible! The downside? If you have other pets like cats or dogs, this snake could harm your pet if startled by them.

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11. Ecuadorian Milk Snake

The Ecuadorian milk snake is subspecies of the different types of milk snakes.

It is found in the western Amazon Basin of Ecuador. They are non-venomous and grow to be about 3-4 feet long. 

The Ecuadorian milk snake is a popular pet due to its docile nature and beautiful colors.

They require a warm, humid environment and should be fed live food.

An Ecuadorian milk snake can take up to 10 years to reach sexual maturity.

12. Guatemalan Milk Snake

The Guatemalan milk snake is a subspecies of the standard milk snake.

It’s native to Central America and is one of the more giant milk snakes, growing to around 4 feet in length.

These different types of milk snakes are generally docile, making them a popular choice for snake owners. 

They come in various colors, including brown, black, and red, and their patterns can vary significantly.

When choosing a Guatemala milk snake, pick one from a reputable breeder to ensure you’re getting a healthy snake.

13. Dixon’s Milk Snake

Dixon’s milk snakes are beautiful, docile snakes famous in the pet trade.

They are native to Central America and can grow to be about 4 feet long. They are typically a light brown color with darker brown bands. 

Dixon’s milk snakes are easy to care for and make great pets for first-time snake owners.

Knowing how much space they need is essential if you choose to get one as a pet.

Some experts recommend keeping them in an enclosure at least 8x8x24 inches to feel secure and retreat when needed.

14. Blanchard’s Milk Snake

The Blanchard’s milk snake is a beautiful, docile snake that makes a great pet.

They are typically between two and four feet long and can live up to 20 years with proper care.

These different types of milk snakes are native to North America and prefer warm, humid climates. 

Blanchard’s milk snakes are constrictors and typically eat rodents. However, they will also consume lizards, eggs, and frogs if they find them. 

They need an enclosure of at least 2 square feet for their entire life span.

A water dish should be placed inside the enclosure so the snake can always access it.

15. Red Milk Snake

The red milk snake is a beautiful snake that can make a great pet. They are relatively easy to care for and are not overly aggressive.

However, they require some work to keep them healthy and happy. 

Here are some things to know before you buy a red milk snake.

They need to be held in the temperature range of 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit (24-29 degrees Celsius).

Be sure your habitat has many hiding places as these snakes like staying hidden. 

Red milk snakes enjoy climbing, so ensure there is plenty of surface area for them to climb on in their enclosure.

Finally, remember that all reptiles have particular dietary needs, and it’s essential that your pet gets the right food items daily.

16. Sinaloan Milk Snake

The Sinaloan milk snake is a subspecies of the king milk snake. It’s native to Mexico and gets its name from the state of Sinaloa.

These different types of milk snakes are usually red, orange, or yellow with black bands. 

They’re semi-arboreal, meaning they live in trees and can grow to four feet long.

If you’re thinking about getting a milk snake, the Sinaloan milk snake is a great choice.

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The colors of this species are vibrant, and they make great pets. 

Unlike other milk snakes, these don’t fear humans, so you’ll never have to worry about being bitten when handling them.

17. Stuart’s Milk Snake

Stuart’s milk snakes are beautiful, docile snakes that make a great pet.

They are relatively easy to care for and are known to be very friendly snakes.

They can grow to be about 3-4 feet long and live for 10-12 years. 

Stuart’s milk snakes come in various colors, including red, orange, yellow, and white.

They enjoy basking under the sun but do not require any special lighting as other reptiles do.

Knowing a happy snake is by looking at its tail; it moves from side to side when they are delighted!

18. Andean Milk Snake

The Andean milk snake is a subspecies of the typical milk snake. It is found in the Andes mountains of South America.

This snake is one of the giant milk snakes, reaching up to six feet in length.

These different types of milk snakes are typically orange or red with black bands and white markings on their bellies. 

These snakes make great pets but require a bit of care, so do your research before you buy one!

It should be noted that these types of snakes can grow to 6 ft long.

They also need warm temperatures to stay healthy because they’re cold-blooded.

They also like lots of hiding spots where they can take refuge from predators and heat lamps or heating pads.

19. Jalisco Milk Snake

The Jalisco milk snake is a beautiful reptile that is native to Mexico. They can grow to be four feet long and black and white.

These different types of milk snakes are not venomous and pretty docile, making them a popular choice for pet owners.

If you’re thinking of getting a milk snake, the Jalisco variety is a great option!

20. Utah Milk Snake

The Utah milk snake is a subspecies of the western milk snake. It’s native to the west of the United States, specifically Utah and Colorado.

These different types of milk snakes are small to medium-sized, with adults reaching lengths of 2-3 feet. 

They’re typically light brown or gray, with dark brown or black bands running down their bodies.

Utah milk snakes are non-venomous and make great pets for experienced snake owners.

They eat mice, birds, lizards, frogs, and other smaller snakes. 

There are few reasons to keep these different types of milk snakes as pets since they can grow up to 3 ft long.


If you’re looking for a new pet snake, you might want to consider a milk snake.

These snakes are relatively easy to care for and come in various colors and patterns. 

However, it’s essential to do your research before purchasing a milk snake.

Different types of milk snakes vary significantly in size, temperament, and care requirements.

You can find the perfect milk snake for your home with some knowledge.

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