28 Different Types of Warmblood Horse Breeds

Different Types of Warmblood Horse BreedsPin
Photo by Soledad Lorieto

Warmblood horse breeds originated in Europe during the 19th century as European breeders developed new bloodlines and new riding disciplines that required greater athleticism and strength from the horses competing in them.

As a result, modern warmblood horse breeds are bred specifically to excel at dressage, show jumping, eventing, endurance riding, and more! 

If you want to add one of these beautiful animals to your family or stable, here are the 28 warm-blood horse breeds you’ll love!

1. American Albino Horse

American Albino Horses are a unique breed. These warm-blood horse breeds are often born with pure white coats and sometimes have pinkish skin. 

The American Albino Horse breed is one of the oldest breeds in North America, with records going back to the 1700s. They were originally called The White Wonder.

2. American Bashkir Curly Horse

The American Bashkir Curly is a beautiful horse that is sure to please. Known as the Mighty Mouse of horses, it is one of the smallest breeds but looks much bigger than its stature.

These warmblood horse breeds have a thick coat and feathering on all four legs, with a mane that hangs down to the hocks. 

The American Bashkir Curly can be found in many colors, but black predominates and stands between 13 and 14 hands high.

Though it may look strong because of its small size, this breed is quite gentle and calm. It’s most commonly used for showing and pleasure riding due to its small size and friendly personality.

3. American Indian Horse

The American Indian Horse is developed from Appaloosa, Thoroughbred, and Arabian horses.

It has a solid color or two spots on the shoulders and lower legs. The American Indian horse is also called the Appaloosa pony

These warmblood horse breeds are versatile and can be used for trail riding, dressage, show jumping, endurance riding, polo, hunting, and Western pleasure.

The American Indian horse has an unusual mix of its three parent breeds: the Arabian bloodline gives them their sleekness, the Thoroughbred bloodline gives them their athleticism, and the Appaloosa bloodline gives them their unique spotting pattern. As a result, this breed is not only attractive but also strong!

4. American Saddlebred Horse

The American Saddlebred is one of the most popular types of horse breeds. They are known for their high-level dressage, as well as being excellent show horses.

The American Saddlebred was originally bred to mimic the English Saddlebred and is said to have a heavier build than its English counterpart. 

However, this also depends on whether the trainer cares about keeping the horse fit. These warmblood horse breeds are often used as show horses, dressage horses, pleasure horses, and in harness racing.

There is even a type of harness called the American Saddlebred Harness designed specifically for these horses!

5. Andalusian Horse

The Andalusian is a breed of horse originating in Andalusia, the region in southern Spain. These warmblood horse breeds are known for their grace, beauty, and ability to jump high fences.

The Andalusian is a versatile breed that excels at dressage, show jumping, and eventing. They also are good with children and other horses.

Although they can be sensitive to cold weather, they don’t need much grooming or bathing. So, if you’re looking for an agile and classy type of horse, this one might be perfect!

6. Appaloosa Horse

The Appaloosa is a breed with a distinctive leopard-spotted coat. The term Appaloosa comes from the Native American word for blanket Indian.

One legend claims that the breed resulted from an Indian chief who bred his spotted horse with a white stallion and then created a blanket from the resulting foal to disguise himself.

Appaloosas were first imported into France in 1835, where they became popular as carriage horses.

The American Paint Horse has a similar color pattern and markings as the Appaloosa, but it is not a true-blooded breed because it has been crossed with Quarter Horses or Thoroughbreds.

7. AraAppaloosa Horse

The AraAppaloosa, sometimes spelled Araloosa, Arappaloosa, and Ara-Appaloosa, is a part-Arabian horse breed created by crossing an Appaloosa with an Arabian horse.

This cross combines the elegant phenotypic of the Appaloosa with its leopard-spotted coloring.

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The resulting cross is typically capable of excelling at endurance riding and other disciplines done by either breed, including ranch labor and several horse show disciplines, as both breeds are renowned for endurance and intelligence.

Due to the Appaloosa breed still having an open stud book for horses of Arabian heritage, many Arappaloosas can also be registered with the Arabian Horse Association as half-Arabians if they have one purebred Arabian parent.

Horse club for appaloosas (ApHC). The AraAppaloosa and Foundation Breeders’ International are separate organizations (AAFBI).

8. Australian Stock Horse

The Australian Stock Horse, often known as a Stockhorse, was specifically bred for the Australian environment.

These warmblood horse breeds are tough horses renowned for their stamina, agility, and pleasant demeanor. 

Its pedigree returns to the original horses imported to Australia from Europe, Africa, and Asia. It is still regarded as a working horse by stockmen and women across Australia and is utilized today in many sports.

9. Azteca

A subtype of the Mexican horse breed known as the “American Azteca” is also found in the United States.

The American Azteca may also have Paint coloration; they are well-muscled horses that can be any solid color. Aztecas are well-known for competing in various Western riding and English riding sports. 

The registration laws for the original Azteca in Mexico and the American Azteca in the United States differ in several important ways, including the criteria for physical exams and ancestral lineages.

The first Azteca was created in Mexico in 1972 by crossbreeding Mexican Criollo, American Quarter Horse, and Andalusian genes. After adding American Paint Horse blood, they migrated to the US.

10. Banker Horse

The Banker horse is a draft and carriage horse that originated from England. In the 1800s, these warm-blood horse breeds were used for hauling hay and transporting heavy goods.

This medium-sized horse has an average height of 16 hands and weighs about 1,500 pounds. 

The Banker has a strong head with a large muzzle and high withers. They have thick necks and deep chests with powerful hindquarters that are well-muscled and have an upright gait. Their short coat is usually bay, chestnut, or black, while their mane is long and thick.

11. Camargue

The Camargue horse is a breed originating from the Camargue region of France. Its most notable feature is its unusual white spots on a dark body, usually on the head and legs. 

They are also known for their fiery temperament and ability to survive with little food and water.

These warmblood horse breeds were nearly extinct at one point, but after being brought back, they became one of the most popular French breeds, with more than 10,000 Camargues living in France today.

12. Canadian

The Canadian is a cross between the Arabian and Thoroughbred breeds. These warm-blood horse breeds were founded in Canada and are still primarily bred there. It has a reputation for being an intelligent, easygoing horse with much stamina and speed. 

A Canadian can trot up to 35 miles per hour while still being sure-footed. They’re also great jumpers, making them popular show horses. 

If you want your rider to have a smooth ride, the Canadian is perfect because they have natural gaits that are not difficult on their riders. In addition, Canadians are known for being one of the best all-around horses for riding!

13. Dutch Warmblood

Dutch Warmbloods are known for their versatility. These warm-blood horse breeds can be competitive in dressage, eventing, show jumping, and trail riding. Dutch Warmbloods are a strong, heavy type of horse. 

Most Dutch Warmbloods have a trot with three distinct beats–the two front feet land close together, and the hind foot lands about six inches behind the front feet.

Dutch Warmbloods may also have gaits such as a rack or a pace; these gaits can vary from one individual to another.

14. Cleveland Bay

Cleveland Bays are a gorgeous, spirited horse breed. They’re known for their intelligence, strength, and willingness to please their riders. In addition, these horses have an unmistakable elegance, making them the perfect horse for any discipline.

Cleveland’s come in a wide range of colors: dark bay (brown), black, red bay (bay-chestnut), chestnut, palomino, and cremello.

The most common coat colors in these warmblood horse breeds are bay or brown with black points, which means it has visible markings on its face and legs resembling a mask or leopard skin.

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Cleveland Bays stand at 16-17 hands high, making them taller than many other breeds. The average weight is 1,100 pounds (500 kg).

15. Canadian Sport Horse

The Canadian Sport Horse was first bred in the late 1800s by crossing the American Saddlebred with a Canadian horse. The goal was to create a breed that could be used for racing and show jumping. 

Canadian Sport Horses often perform at county fairs, barrel racing, and other rodeo events and are used for fox hunting.

Canadian Sport Horses also excel at dressage competitions, even though they aren’t considered an Olympic event.

16. Criollo

The Criollo is a Spanish descendant and was bred for the hot, dry climates. These warmblood horse breeds are known to be agile and excellent at endurance riding.

The Criollo is an elegant horse with a long, lean body covered in fine hair that protects it from the sun. 

They have advanced features and usually have feathered fetlocks that extend down their lower leg to protect them from the heat.

Their head and neck are long and tapered, with a convex profile. This elegant horse has a smooth gait that floats over any terrain.

17. Groningen

The Dutch originally bred Groningen horses to meet their specific needs for a draft horse.

These warmblood horse breeds have large, square heads and muscular necks, perfect for pulling heavy loads. Groningen horses are known for their good-natured disposition and calm temperaments.

Groningen horses are often used as agricultural workhorses because they are strong enough to pull a plow but light enough not to damage the earth’s surface.

In addition, Groningen horses have good endurance and can easily do hard, physical work without tiring.

18. Florida Cracker Horse

The Florida Cracker Horse is a rare horse that traces its roots back to the Native American tribes indigenous to the southeastern United States.

The horse was originally bred to serve as a hardy and versatile stock animal, and it served this purpose well. 

The military extensively used these warmblood horse breeds in both World Wars for draft purposes and worked as cowboys’ mounts on cattle drives until the 1940s. These days, however, they are primarily seen on ranches throughout Florida or at rodeos.

The Florida Cracker Horse is notable for its muscular body that stands about 14-16 hands high (approximately 5-6 feet tall).

Their head tends to be small with a straight profile and alert ears, while their neck is long and arched.

19. Hackney Horse

Hackneys are a smaller breed bred to be a horse for everyday use. These warmblood horse breeds are known for their speed and stamina, which makes them a popular choice for police forces and equestrian events like show jumping. 

Hackneys are usually bay, brown, chestnut, or black, with white markings on their face and legs. They range from 14-17 hands tall and weigh between 1000-1200 pounds. The average life expectancy is 20-25 years if well cared for.

20. Hanoverian

A Hanoverian horse is a rare and expensive breed known for intelligence, athleticism, and elegance.

These warmblood horse breeds are one of the most sought-after breeds by serious riders who want to show off their skills on a beautiful horse. 

The Hanoverians were originally bred in Germany, but they were introduced to the United States when they were imported by the U.S. Army to be used as cavalry horses during World War I.

So, if you’re looking for a new riding horse or want something special for your backyard, consider adding one of these beautiful animals to your herd!

21. Knabstruner

The Knabstruner is an elegant horse with a long mane, a silky smooth coat, and a short back. Originating from Germany in the 1700s, these warm-blood horse breeds were developed as cavalry horses. The Knabstruner is also known for its high-stepping trot and its spirited gallop. 

Originally bred to be powerful and agile on the battlefield, this breed excels at dressage and jumping competitions today.

The Knabstruner originated in Germany in the 1700s. The breed was developed for cavalry horses but now excels at dressage and jumping competitions.

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22. Irish Draught

The Irish Draught was developed by crossing the Thoroughbred with a native Irish pony. The result is a horse with all the elegance and speed of its Thoroughbred parent but more resistant to adverse weather and terrain. 

These warmblood horse breeds are usually smaller than other warmbloods and have an ambling gait.

Though they can’t perform as well at racing as some other warm-blood horse breeds, their size makes them perfect for beginners or those who want to take a leisurely ride around the countryside.

23. Holsteiner

The Holsteiner is a one-of-a-kind horse that has been bred for centuries to have the perfect temperament and athleticism.

As a result, they are known for their elegance, intelligence, obedience, ease of handling, and endurance.

This breed was first developed by crossing Arabian stallions with local mares at the end of the 18th century. 

The Holsteiner is one of the most popular breeds to compete internationally due to its versatility and athletic ability.

These warmblood horse breeds were also prized for their intelligent nature and obedience. This breed is for you if you want a horse that will do anything for you!

24. Lipizzaner

Lipizzaners are a type of warmblood horse. Originating from the Lipizza stud farm near Vienna, Austria, these warm-blood horse breeds have been bred for centuries for their white coat, graceful stature, and intelligence. 

They come in two varieties, the Spanish Lipizzaner and the Austrian Lipizzaner; both are noted for their excellent temperament.

The Austrian Lipizzaner is best suited to dressage and show jumping, while the Spanish Lipizzaner excels at bullfighting.

25. Lusitano

The Lusitano is a breed from Portugal. They are medium-sized and slender yet muscular, with long legs and well-formed joints.

The head is rather small but proportional to the horse’s size, with a broad forehead, small eyes, and ears. 

The neck is short and strong, and the chest is wide. The back is slightly sloping but strong, with a short tail and round croup. 

The coat is smooth and glossy, often chestnut or bay in color, but it can also be black or gray. It is a versatile breed for dressage, show jumping, eventing, and endurance racing.

26. Morab

The Morab can be traced back to the 1700s and is a crossbreed between a Shire horse and a New Forest pony.

The Morab’s name comes from Moravian, meaning Moravia, part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, where they were originally bred.

These warmblood horse breeds are popular in Europe because they are usually gentle enough for women and children to ride, yet they are strong enough for hard labor and are used as light draft horses.

The Morab has high withers and large shoulders but has a slimmer body than other draft breeds like Clydesdale or Percheron.

They have an average height of about 15 hands, with some individual animals reaching as high as 17 hands tall at maturity.

27. Morgan

The Morgan is an American breed developed by crossing breeds like the Thoroughbred and the Standardbred.

The Morgan horse is known for its versatility, good temperament, intelligence, and athleticism. Morgans come in all colors and are great for children. 

These warmblood horse breeds are versatile as they can do sports and trail riding. They excel at jumping, dressage, eventing, polo, driving, endurance riding, and more. Not to mention, they are easy on the eyes, too!

28. National Show Horse

The National Show Horse was bred to excel in the show ring. They are well-proportioned, strong, and powerful horses with a good temperament and willing attitude.

They have long back muscles, deep girths, and powerful haunches. The National Show Horse is used for dressage, eventing, and showing under saddle or driving.

In addition, they can also be used for harness racing. There are about 1,500 breeding mares in North America today.

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