14 Types of Flies on Dogs

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Photo by Njegos K

Flies are one of the most annoying things about summer and spring, but it’s even more aggravating when you have to deal with flies near your dog.

When you see one or two flies at a time buzzing around your pet, it’s easy to brush them off as nothing to worry about, but you should start worrying if your pup has more than three types of flies on him at any given time, as that could be dangerous if left untreated.

Dogs may not be able to tell us about the different types of flies on dogs that annoy them, but we can tell by their behavior how miserable they are when these insects are around. 

Depending on your dog’s breed, size, and age, sure flies will be more bothersome than others.

For example, some species have short snouts and noses, challenging swatting or biting at annoying bugs.

1. Stable Fly

If you’ve spent time outdoors with your dog, you may have noticed that they seem irritated by something.

In some cases, it’s likely because they’re being bothered by flies. Stable flies are a type of fly often found in grassy or wooded areas. 

These flies on dogs don’t just bother dogs; they also feed on blood and can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions in humans and animals. 

Stable fly bites can produce an itchy rash or scabs if left untreated, so getting rid of these pesky bugs is essential as soon as possible.

To combat stable fly bites for humans and dogs alike, use topical remedies like hydrocortisone cream to reduce the redness and irritation caused by the edge. 

Additionally, cleanse the area with antiseptic lotion and keep wounds dry to prevent infection. If symptoms persist after a few days, speak with your doctor about antihistamines or corticosteroids.

2. Face Fly

Face flies are one of the most common types of flies on dogs, and they can be found everywhere, from forests to parks.

Commonly found in Central America, these insects have an affinity for moist environments such as dirt and mud. They are often attracted to a dog’s wet mouth and nose. 

Face flies have a slender, long body that makes it easy to enter through open eyes or a wet nose.

Once inside, the face fly deposits eggs on the dog’s fur around the nostrils or mouth. The larvae then hatch and live off secretions from the dog’s mucous membranes.

After about two days, the larvae will move to a different location and repeat the process until pupation, when they will emerge as adult flies. 

3. Housefly

Houseflies are one of the most common types of flies. They can be found anywhere in the world, from sub-arctic regions to tropical rainforests.

These flies on dogs are more significant than most other types and tend to travel in groups. 

Houseflies can be identified by their grayish-brown bodies with yellow or brown stripes along the abdomen.

The larvae for these flies live in moist soil or manure and then crawl onto surfaces where they will wait for a source of food to arrive.

When a fly is disturbed, it typically flies away quickly, only stopping when its journey has been completed or when food is no longer available. 

Houseflies also carry pathogens that cause serious diseases such as typhoid fever and dysentery. Another type of fly found on dogs is the blue bottle. 

Bluebottles are less likely to be seen near homes but rather near decaying animals, stagnant water, and garbage cans.

These flies feed primarily on animal carcasses, so if you see them on your pet’s fur, you may want to take them to the vet immediately.

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4. Blowfly

Blowflies are one of the most common types of flies on dogs in the United States and are attracted to the dog’s skin oils.

Blowflies lay eggs on a wound or near an open sore and often lay eggs near an animal’s eyes or nose. during warmer months.  

The larvae then hatch into maggots that eat dead tissue, causing irritation and pain for the animal.

The adults have short life spans, but the larvae can live for several years and spread diseases like malaria. 

5. Botfly

Botflies, warble flies, or gadflies are the most common types of fly found on dogs.

Botflies often lay their eggs on cattle and other animals but can latch onto a dog’s skin if it brushes up against a cow patty.

The larvae then burrow under the dog’s skin to develop before emerging from the dog as an adult fly. 

If you see a small bump on your pup that looks like a mosquito bite might have caused it, you may have found a botfly egg instead! In some cases, vet visits will require surgical removal of the larva to prevent infection.

These flies reproduce more quickly in warm climates than cold ones because they don’t need cows to lay eggs in warmer regions.

6. Horse Fly

Horse flies are one of the more irritating types of flies on dogs. These pests tend to bite and produce large numbers, which can be an unpleasant experience for both dogs and their owners.

They are also tricky to swat due to their small size, so getting rid of horse flies by hand is often unsuccessful. 

To keep these bugs away from your dog, use fly-repellant wipes or sprays that can help discourage them from sticking around.

You could also try removing standing water from flower pots, kiddie pools, bird baths, and rain gutters. Doing this will remove habitats where larvae can grow into pupae and flies. 

Another thing you might want to do is regularly check your dog for ticks and use tick shampoo if necessary.

If there’s one thing about types of flies on dogs that we wish we could say, it avoids them altogether!

But the truth is that some kinds can be worse than others when annoying our furry friends. 

Though not every bug in this category poses problems for humans, most breeds will aggravate your puppy and you with their buzzing sounds and bites. And once a style has attacked, there’s no telling when they’ll strike again!

So, if you’re worried about types of flies on dogs – make sure to take steps now before something gets out of hand!

7. Muscidfly

Muscidflies are the most common type of fly on dogs; they usually come out in summer. They lay their eggs near water and on manure, rotting fruit, and sewage.

After a few days, the eggs hatch and give way to larvae attracted to odors like sweat and urine. 

They produce more muscid fly eggs, sometimes leading to an infestation as populations grow.

The best way to eliminate these flies on dogs is by traps or spraying insecticide around your yard.

Repellents are also available at pet stores but only work briefly.  You’ll need to reapply it often. Check your dog’s fur regularly and brush it daily during summer.

If you don’t want to use insecticide, try switching to a more natural repellent. Like insecticides, natural repellents kill insects or keep them from reproducing. 

You can find bug sprays for dogs in many pet stores. Just be sure to check the ingredients before you buy anything because some organic products may still contain chemicals that could harm your dog.

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8. Biting Midge

Biting midges are tiny and are one of the most common types of flies on dogs. They’re so small that you might not even know you’ve been bitten by one.

Biting midges typically feed at dawn and dusk, when the weather’s more relaxed and comfortable for the fly.

A bite from a biting midge doesn’t usually cause pain or itching for humans or animals.

Midges are attracted to carbon dioxide and will be drawn to your dog’s mouth as he breathes heavily during playtime or while panting due to high temperatures or humidity.

These minuscule flies can also be found near water sources where they lay their eggs. You’ll find them circling garbage cans, septic tanks, manure piles, etc.

When larvae hatch out of the eggs laid by adult biting midges, they look like black specks moving through standing water. 

Larvae can survive in nearly every body of fresh or salt water and breed prolifically under warm conditions.

The larvae stage lasts two weeks before they pupate into adults who continue to lay eggs until fall weather starts cooling down again.

9. Black Fly

Black flies are one of the most common types. They can be found in rural and suburban areas, and they’re often seen in late spring and early summer.

Black flies are a problem during the day because they bite your dog anywhere on its body, but the bites usually won’t break the skin. 

These flies on dogs are typically not a big deal for dogs, but black flies are one of the most common sources of Lyme disease in humans.

Keeping your dog away from this type can keep it from becoming infected with Lyme disease. To avoid these insects, try walking your dog before sunrise or after sunset when black flies are less active. 

You can also avoid getting bitten by applying insect repellent to yourself and avoiding long grasses where these insects might reside.

If you have a dog covered in these flies, you should groom them as soon as possible to remove the bugs before they start biting your pup.

10. Fungus Gnat

An ordinary fly that makes its presence known is the fungus gnat. These flies are about one-eighth inch long and have yellowish bodies with black wings.

Fungus gnats feed on decomposing plant matter and fungi, but they will bite humans if given the opportunity. 

The saliva these flies inject into their human or animal hosts can cause allergic reactions in people sensitive to insect bites and infections in animals or humans who scratch at the biting site.

Fungus gnats are often found around potted plants, old leaves, moist soil, mulch, and decaying fruits and vegetables in your kitchen trash can.

To keep them away from your dog, do not leave dog food or water bowls in the open for extended periods, and empty dirty dishes from the kitchen sink. 

Use non-citrus cleaners to wash out countertops after preparing fruit or vegetable dishes, especially those containing sugar.

Don’t let your pet drink from standing water, such as rain puddles on the ground; use a bowl instead.

11. Deer Fly

Deer flies are one of the most common types of flies on dogs. These pesky pests can be found in almost any region, and they’re known for biting humans and animals, including dogs.

They breed in wet areas, so they’re often seen near lakes, streams, and other bodies of water. 

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Deer flies peak during warmer months when the weather is warmer, and their population is more significant.

If you find yourself with a deer fly problem, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them.

Dealing with deer flies can be tricky as they have many types of bites that cause different reactions from people or animals bitten by them. 

Some bite victims may develop red bumps that itch, while others may become swollen and painful.

Furthermore, if an animal has been bitten, it could become anemic, suffer an allergic reaction, or develop skin ulcers.

Although it’s impossible to completely avoid being bitten by these flies on dogs, you can reduce your chances of getting bitten by them in several ways.

12. Phorid Fly

Phorid flies are a type of fly that is commonly seen on dogs. Phorid flies live in the tissues or skin and muscles of mammals.

They can’t infest humans but can annoy dogs and owners alike!

A dog often scratches or chews on its skin because these flies irritate it. They do not usually bite, but it feels like a nasty mosquito bite when they do.

Unlike other types of flies on dogs, phorid flies lay eggs inside the animal’s tissue; this is what causes all the irritation. 

Usually, phorid fly bites look like small red bumps that may itch and swell up. These bites can also be found in clusters, making them hard to treat. 

One way to avoid getting bitten by these flies is to keep your pets off the ground using furniture and platforms.

If you find one of these flies on your dog, don’t panic- flick it away with your finger and forget about it!

13. Eye Gnat

Eygnats are one type of fly that can bother dogs and humans. They are also called eye gnats because they usually flock around your eyes for a drink.

Eygnats typically come out during the summer and live in large numbers on moist ground or near fresh water. They will travel from up to 100 miles away if they sense food sources.

Gnats will land on you, bite you, and then feed off your blood. A dog’s nose is much closer than yours, so it doesn’t take long for them to find an elegant one. 

Sometimes, they’ll rub their noses at things to get rid of them. If your pet has constant problems with gnats, have their vet examine their eyes and ensure there isn’t anything in there that could be causing the pain.

14. Tsetse Fly

Tsetse flies don’t necessarily like to feed on dogs specifically, but they have an affinity towards blood, making them even more dangerous than most other types of flies on dogs.

These pests in Africa can spread deadly diseases affecting humans and animals, such as African sleeping sickness and river blindness.

Fortunately, tsetse fly bites are rare, and the conditions these pests transmit are treatable with proper treatment.

Hence, there is no need to worry about contracting illnesses just because your dog attracts a few tsetses flies here or there. 

One way to keep the pesky flies away from your pup would be to pick up after them whenever possible since these insects seem attracted by animal feces.

You could also install an insect repellent device in your home, which releases chemicals harmful to tsetse flies.

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