Oklahoma is home to many different types of insects, including several species of flies.
Although they can be a nuisance, these flies in Oklahoma are vital to the local ecosystem.
In our blog post, we’ll look at some of Oklahoma’s most common types of flies and discuss their behavior and habitat.
Whether you’re a nature enthusiast or just curious about the types of flies in your area, you will find something interesting about these creatures.
Read on!
1. American HoverFly

First on our list of types of flies in Oklahoma that are beneficial to people and entirely safe are Hover Flies(Eupeodes spp).
Because of its colors and striped abdomen, this genus is regarded as a bee imitation.
Some species’ resting wings appear to have two pairs (like most bees and wasps).
They create this effect by giving their one pair of wings a darker front border.
Adult hover types of flies in Oklahoma consume flower nectar while eating by visiting numerous blossoms each day.
Inadvertently, they pollinate gardens by carrying a lot of pollen from flower to flower on their bodies.
They also devour aphids and other plant pests when they are in their larval stage, as if the advantages of having them pollinate plants weren’t enough to urge them to flourish.
Hover types of flies in Oklahoma are beneficial to have around since their diet reduces aphid infestations that injure plants and reduce harvests.
2. Band-winged Hoverfly

The band-winged fly(Ocyptamus fascipennis) is next on Oklahoma’s list of types of flies. It is a little insect. The abdomen of a hoverfly is lengthy, like a wasp’s.
The black markings on its wings are visible when it is lazing around. This type of hoverfly does not sting or bite, like other types of flies in Oklahoma.
People have a brief opportunity to notice it while flying because of its ability to remain airborne without moving.
Look for the Band-winged Hoverfly above flowers in gardens, containers, and fields, just like other hoverflies. There can be many people in one place looking at the same plant.
3. Bee Fly

Although the bee fly (Anthrax aterrimus) resembles a bee, it does not sting.
The sides of the black body have a few gray or silver hairs. The thorax’s top is glossy and smooth.
The inky wings have a black leading edge that is slightly translucent at the bottom.
Under some lighting conditions, the wings could have a purple or blue metallic sheen.
This bird has a powerful flight and is nimble. Its ability to hover makes it similar to a bee.
4. Bee-like Robber Fly

Bee-like Robber (Laphria Spp) types of flies in Oklahoma are small, slender, and black, resembling bees or wasps in appearance.
They can fly well and only pose harm to the insects they consume. They don’t sting since they are flies.
This particular genus contains many species, making it difficult to distinguish them from one another at first glance.
They all have thick facial “beards.” Adults hunt after and eat other flying insects in the air.
Larvae eat softer ground-dwelling insects like grubs and caterpillars. Look at the woodland boundaries for this sort of Robber Fly, which resembles a bee.
When waiting for food to come by, they may perch on branches, beneath, or between leaves. They are amazing to see since they are small but quick.
5. Bee-like Tachinid Fly

Beelike Tachinid Fly(Hystricia abrupta) larvae are deadly predators of insects that some people might find bothersome.
Most of these fly larvae prey on several bothersome moth species’ caterpillars.
Some Tachinid types of flies in Oklahoma have been purposefully brought from different regions due to their diet to reduce populations of destructive moths.
The female Bee-like Tachinid Fly lays fertilized eggs on or near a moth caterpillar.
The caterpillar can unintentionally devour the eggs as it eats on the leaves they are on.
The caterpillar will eat its internal organs until the larva consumes them.
The fly larva will then fall to the earth, building a hole to pupate in before becoming an adult fly.
6. Big Dipper Firefly

In the summer, fireflies (Phototinus pyralid) are renowned for their spectacular nightly displays.
These amiable bugs’ bioluminescence makes both kids and adults happy. Their abdomen emits a yellow-green glow.
Chemical activities inside the firefly produce visible light without producing any heat. Such a phenomenon rarely occurs in nature.
The firefly’s neurological system regulates the light’s brightness and the frequency of its flashes.
As the light fades, this firefly will flash its strongest light before flying upward in a “j” curve.
Many people have happy childhood memories of catching fireflies. This bug can be delicately handled and should surely be admired.
7. Black Firefly

While other cousins’ elytra (wing coverings) have some yellow edging, Black Fireflies(Lucidota atra)’ are entirely black.
Round and yellow, the pronotum (also known as the “shoulder”) extends over the head like a shield.
A huge black spot in the center with red borders on either side.
Black types of flies in Oklahoma, when emerging from the pupal case, firefly males may use their light organ, but they do not use it as adults.
Instead, chemical pheromones are released into the atmosphere to alert other species members to their presence.
Both sexes still have diminished light organs, making them fireflies while only being active at night.
Like other types of flies in Oklahoma, Black fireflies can be found in meadows near bodies of water, parks, fields, and woodlands.
This species favors damp, humid environments. Instead of waiting for them to illuminate, which is unlikely, look for them in the air, on the ground, and plants.
8. Black Soldier Fly

The innocuous Black Soldier Fly(Hermetia illucens) looks like a wasp.
Although it is more noticeable than house flies due to its large size and powerful wings, it does belong to that family.
The eyes are large and rounded, and the long, black antennae do not bend or have an “elbow” joint.
The creature’s abdomen tapers so it barely begins to resemble a stinger, and its legs are black and yellow.
Two medium-sized dots that resemble window panes can be seen if its wings are extended apart.
They could be yellow, white, or green in hue, but they also almost seem clear or translucent.
The African Soldier types of flies in Oklahoma prefer wet environments.
Manure and animal waste are frequent locations where one can be seen moving around.
This fly does not spread disease despite hanging out near sewage and waste. Like several other huge flies, it does not bite either.
Look for Black Soldier flies in Oklahoma among compost piles, rotting plants, and manure piles.
Having around is considered relatively advantageous since it controls house fly numbers by reducing fly nymphal habitats.
9. Black-tailed Bee Fly

Black-tailed Bee Fly (Bombylius major)is next on our list of types of flies in Oklahoma.
Predators who do not want to cope with a stinger are often scared off by this species’ yellow body and legs. However, as it is a fly, it lacks a stinger.
The large tongue or proboscis rapidly reveals the animal’s true nature.
Bee flies’ long, slender legs are similarly devoid of pollen baskets.
Additionally, they lack the fuzzy legs that honeybees and bumblebees generally have on their back legs.
Adults enjoy lilac and plum blooms and drink flower nectar. The diet of larvae is more pernicious.
A female black-tailed bee fly deposits her fertilized eggs in a specific kind of solitary bee’s underground nest.
They can be seen resting on plants or buzzing around flowers in parks, backyards, and open fields.
Like a hummingbird, they can hover over the blooms they eat from. Males frequently linger near flowers as they watch for females to pass by.
Then, to mate with the female, the males run after her. While observers can get close, capturing the black-tailed bee fly can be challenging since it is aware of its environment and can flee swiftly.
10. Brown Mantidfly

Brown Mantidflies(Climaciella brunea) may initially be mistaken for wasps.
The abdomen and hairless body appear to be prominent signs, with bands alternating between yellow, black, and brown.
Its wings’ vein structure even resembles that of the wasp family.
The Brown Mantidfly has a little more physiology, though, and a closer look reveals an odd combination of traits rarely found in one insect.
They feature forelegs similar to the Praying Mantis and a long, broad prothorax (sometimes known as “shoulders”).
It has a solitary claw that it uses to snare tiny insects. The female has an ovipositor, a tube-like syringe used to lay eggs, at the tip of her abdomen.
Indirectly, the Wolf Spider has a natural opponent in the Brown Mantidfly.
Brown Mantidfly larvae sneak inside a female Wolf Spider’s developing egg sac after hatching from their eggs and entering covertly.
The Mantidfly larvae start eating the spider eggs as soon as they are enclosed.
Once adulthood, Brown Mantidflies hatch from the spider’s egg sac.
Brown types of flies are rarely seen in Oklahoma, but when they are, they leave a lasting impression.
They like marshes, meadows, woodlands, and open fields, which are most active from spring through summer.
11. Common Green Bottle Fly

Common Green Bottle(Lucilia sericata) is next on Oklahoma’s list of types of flies.
Flies consume nectar and pollinate crops, including kale, broccoli, cabbage, collard greens, and onions.
Adults have a hue of shiny green. Some have glossy bodies with shades of yellow. They all have big red eyes and scant black hair covering their bodies.
Due to its feeding and habitat, this species’ life cycle timing has been thoroughly examined and is now known.
Standard Green Bottle Fly larvae consume the remains of deceased animals.
The presence of maggots at a crime scene can help determine when the bodies will start to decompose because we know their size and life stage.
One of the first types of flies in Oklahoma to land on a corpse is an adult member of this species.
Due to their short lifespans, they go through different life stages in days rather than weeks or years, which provides forensic teams with important information.
When surgical methods are unsuccessful or unfeasible, maggots have also been employed medicinally to remove rotting tissue from people.
When placed in an infected, necrotic area, the maggots methodically eat the dead tissue while leaving the healthy tissue alone, cleansing the wound as they do so.
But sheep suffer because of the same species. sheep strike is a health concern brought on by larvae that infiltrate sheep’s healthy skin and, if untreated, kill the sheep.
12. Common Oblique Syrphid Fly

The Common Oblique Syrphid Fly (Allograpta obliqua)can be distinguished from other species thanks to the oblique or angled yellow dashes at the tip.
Short antennae and large, rounded, crimson eyes are quick clues that this insect is not a bee.
Most people can be fooled by the yellow and black banding and hovering flight ability, but a quick examination helps eliminate the worry of being stung.
This fly’s long, flat abdomen occasionally bends downward, just like the abdomens of other bee mimics in the Fly family.
The abdomen of a female tapers to a point, but a man’s abdomen is more squared off at the tip.
The stamps’ distinguishing features are the two rows of oblique yellow dashes on the outside margins and the two vertical yellow dashes in between.
When adults visit flowers, female flies in Oklahoma lay fertilized eggs on or near locations where aphids are present.
Tiny insects and aphids puncture plant tissues and sip the liquids inside. Aphids are regarded as pests because they multiply quickly.
Fortunately, Common Oblique Syrphid larvae are ferocious aphid feeders.
The fly eggs hatch within a week after being laid, and the tiny, worm-like maggots feed on aphids on the same plant.
13. Common Sawfly

Common sawfly (Various Spp) is next on Oklahoma’s list of types of flies.
With a saw-like mechanism, female sawflies may more effectively hide their eggs inside twigs and stems from the weather and potential predators.
Although sawflies appear to fly, they are wasps. Thankfully, this species of wasp is stingless.
Depending on the species, they could be brown, black, black, and yellow or black and red.
The Sawfly’s larvae resemble caterpillars very much. Butterfly and moth larvae frequently exhibit the same body forms, hues, and patterns as sawfly larvae.
By counting the number of prolegs, you can tell them apart (the back legs). Caterpillars have fewer than six sets, whereas sawflies have more than six.
Caterpillars can reach the length of the adult hand’s palm, whereas sawflies can only reach a maximum length of 25 mm (1 inch).
It helps identify a sawfly larva, especially if it destroys trees and plants. Many sawfly larvae can seriously hurt plants, even if healthy plants can endure sawfly damage.
14. Common Stonefly

The Perlidae family includes the Common Stonefly(Paragnetina media).
The presence of stone-type flies in Oklahoma indicates clear streams and water, along with dandisflies and mayflies.
Juveniles and adults have varied appearances. Dark brown or olive brown are the colors of adult Common Stoneflies.
With dark veins, the wings cross each other over the body. The lower portion of the head and the antennal bases are both yellow.
There are two more yellow spots between the “neck” and the “wings” (one near each shoulder).
Two tails, typically hidden by the wings from above, are seen on the body beneath the wings.
Naiads are the offspring, and they resemble tiny crustaceans more than insects.
Females sometimes pass away on the water after laying their eggs on or just above the surface.
The newly hatched naiads live their entire lives underwater, developing and feeding.
When ready to grow and develop wings, they fly to land and shed their exoskeletons to become winged adults.
Anglers frequently monitor the existence and life stage of a local population of stoneflies to better time their fishing excursions, as trout consume the naiad stage of stoneflies.
15. Crane Fly

Despite their enormous size, crane flies (Various Spp) are not actual mosquitoes. Their adults are not known to feed on anything, don’t have a long proboscis (snout), and don’t bite.
The frail, long legs of crane types of flies in Oklahoma are prone to breaking, which may cause some people to mistake them for huge Daddy-Long Legs (which are not spiders, by the way).
However, you can easily see that craneflies have wings up close.
Adults frequently hang from plants, gutters, and soffits or sit on walls when drawn to light. While some species favor more aquatic settings, others only inhabit the land.
16. Deer Fly

Deer flies (Chrysops vittatus), though physically smaller than the related Horse Fly, can pack a nasty bite, and their annoyance can make it unpleasant to be outside.
Bites are merely irritating and not fatal. Bite wounds will naturally heal, although applying ice may assist with some signs and symptoms like pain and swelling.
This yellow-orange species has four thinner black lines on the abdomen and three thicker black lines on the thorax. Females bite and ingest blood.
Males consume honey from flowers rather than drinking blood. The main host for this fly is a deer.
However, when they are not there, female Deer flies in Oklahoma may feed on the blood of anything or anyone. When near water, females deposit fertilized eggs.
After hatching, larvae consume aquatic insects and the mother’s blood meal. While they grow, larvae stay near or in water sources like puddles, troughs, and ponds.
Adults are everywhere, but they are more common in locations where deer are known to graze.
Getting them to leave regions they have established as hunting grounds, such as certain stretches of beach or patios in backyards is challenging.
17. Dobsonfly

Dobsonfly (Corydalis cornutus) males have mouth parts resembling tentacles and frightening appearances. In actuality, the species’ males are considered harmless to people and unable to bite.
On the other hand, the female can bite quite painfully when agitated, thanks to her powerful jaws.
The large, fleshy mandibles of male Dobsonflies can resemble a second set of short, rubbery antennae. The pincers on a female’s small jaw are big.
Both sexes have broad wings that completely encircle their bodies when seen from above. They are taupe.
Small white spots may be seen on the net-veined wings, which slightly overlap at the midline.
Before becoming an airborne bug, dobsonflies start as aquatic larvae. While young, they are known as toe-biters or hellgrammites and can get as big as a human finger.
They consume immature aquatic larvae, small fish, and tadpoles (like dragonfly naiads and stonefly hellgrammites) from other species.
Early larvae resemble underwater centipedes, and adults watch them from above the water nearby.
Since these hellgrammites have teeth, it is important to use caution when handling them and entering their habitat barefoot.
Anglers use them as live bait despite the potential for a bite on the finger.
18. Filter Fly

Fuzzy, dark Filter On the walls and doors of the restroom stalls, flies are frequently spotted resting.
Numerous people had swatted at one to prevent it from landing on them when they were exposed and vulnerable.
This sort of fly is not just seen in bathrooms and kitchens. It is frequently observed in nature next to foul ponds and other moist regions where degradation occurs.
However, most people connect this mothfly with waste, filth, and trash. Small white specks may be visible along the edges of the wings’ softly checkered border.
Its body and gray-black thorax are both heavily-haired (the abdomen). White-tipped and segmented antennas are present.
When resting, two of its six black legs are often extended in front of the fly. A thin, white ring should be seen around the legs.
The Filter Fly’s wormy(Clogmia albipunctata), black larvae, or maggots eat decomposing materials.
That could be garbage, or it could be vegetation growing close to a still pond.
The knowledge of the type of stuff the adult lands on is frequent enough to establish a strong aversion to this species even though it is not known to spread disease.
19. Fishfly

The winged insects known as Dobsonflies and Alderflies include fishflies(Chauliodes pectinicornis).
They are typically identified by their size, dark color, and chaotic-looking flight approach.
They have long, feathery antennae and jaws (mandibles) with teeth that resemble saws.
When closed, their wings curl tightly over one another and are at least as long as their bodies.
The transparent wings are covered in veins and color blotches. Males wrestle for females by using their mouths.
Females deposit hundreds of fertilized eggs on low-lying branches or bushes above the water.
When they hatch, larvae fall into the water. While their adult types of flies in Oklahoma can be spotted relaxing on land, they are typically found adjacent to submerged vegetation near running water.
20. Flesh Fly

Understanding the life cycle of particular genera of flesh flies (Sarcophagus Spp) can be useful knowledge.
The presence of adults and larvae at a crime scene may help a forensic expert estimate the length of time a body has been there.
The genus Sarcophaga deposits live maggots rather than eggs on carcasses, and their size and life stages shift rapidly.
When calculating the time of death, it may be helpful to keep track of both the moment the body was discovered and the current fly’s life stage.
Sarcophaga adult types of flies in Oklahoma have clear wings and red eyes.
Their thorax (‘shoulder area’) contains alternating metallic-looking black and gray patterns. The brownish-red tip and spiky hairs on the black abdomen’s end.
Adult flesh flies may also visit dung heaps and consume animal fluids. Some of the first insects to a dead animal are flesh flies.
Their larvae (maggots) consume the deceased insects and the rotting, decomposing meat of vertebrates.
Many continue to eat by crawling over one another at a single feeding spot until they pupate. The sight of them may make some people queasy.
21. Green Horse Fly

The Green Horse Fly (Chlorotabanus crepuscularis) is a sizable, vivid fly with red, white, or green eyes.
Males have eyes that are close together, whereas females have only a little space between them.
Knowing this is important because, in contrast to females, males do not bite. The bite is a severe nip; the female needs blood from horses, cows, and even humans to produce eggs.
It is challenging to hide from the fly because the female can smell traces of carbon dioxide, the gas that mammals naturally exhale.
This species has a moist habitat. Larvae grow in murky streams in forests, and adults are frequently close.
The Green Horse Fly is primarily active in the southern, warmer states of the United States and Mexico.
22. Hangingfly

Hanging flies (Bittacus Spp) fly in Oklahoma and resemble tall and lean.
It’s usual to see craneflies clinging to window screens in the summer, although these insects are smaller, more like mosquitoes.
Two pairs of wings make up a hanging fly’s total of four, frequently resting with all four wings extended.
They frequently hang on leaves or twigs while bending their long legs into a crouching position. Others are darker brownish or brown.
Some species have creamy white abdomens. Some species’ wings are transparent, while others have colored patterns.
They are all hunters and glide past smaller insects while catching them with their large, powerful back legs.
They pick up prey using their back “feet” and bring it to their mouth, where they eat it while flying quietly.
Common feeding sources include a variety of flies and other tiny insects. A male offers her either alive or dead food to entice a female into mating.
23. March Brown Mayfly

Mayflies (Maccaffertium vivarium) are a reliable indicator of water quality.
Mayflies spend their early stages of development underwater and do not flourish in tainted streams, creeks, or other aquatic ecosystems.
April Brown Anglers are interested in identifying mayflies by appearance, activity, and life stage since they are a common food source for fish, particularly trout.
Utilizing a fishing lure that matches the current species of Mayfly can boost one’s chances of success.
March Brown’s four main life phases are egg, nymph, subimago, and imago.
Huge swarms may generate a stir in highly developed places where people are not used to seeing them, mainly over water.
24. Ornate Snipe Fly

The Ornate Snipe Fly (Chrysopilus ornatus) has black and golden-yellow bands on its abdomen, making it imitate a bee convincingly.
Golden hairs can also be seen on the thorax. The fly’s small antennae demonstrate that, while appearing like a bee, it is a fly.
Its legs are yellow but turn darker at the feet, and its wings are translucent.
The male types of flies in Oklahoma are relatively slim, whereas females appear to have more bloated abdomens.
This fly frequently lands on leaves. Few insects have a shimmer that draws attention because of their realistic gold look.
The Ornate Snipe Fly can be found close to and inside wooded areas where its larvae have access to a consistent source of decomposing wood.
25. Whitefly

Lastly, on our list of types of flies in Oklahoma, Whiteflies (Various Spp) are incredibly tiny insects that do not belong to the fly family. They are regarded as real bugs and have a distinctive life cycle.
After hatching, a tiny nymph moves along a leaf until it locates a suitable location for the next few weeks.
It settles down, sheds its legs, and keeps molting. This static, spherical, eyeless state appears more like a scale.
Until it pupates into an adult with wings, it consumes the plant’s juices throughout this stage.
Since the whitefly reproduces quickly, a big population can harm the vigor and health of a plant.
It releases honeydew, a delicious, gooey material that can turn black with mildew over time and destroy the beauty of ornamental plants.
Both commercial farmers and backyard gardeners view it as a pest since it can spread plant infections.
A hand lens might be necessary when analyzing leaves because there is so little light to see clearly what they are.