50 Types of Beetles in North Carolina

Types of Beetles in North CarolinaPin
Photo by Alan Emery

There are plenty of different types of beetles in North Carolina, many of which you’ve probably seen before.

But you may not know what they are called or what they’re doing there.

North Carolina has one of the most diverse beetle faunas in the country, with more than 7,000 species identified so far and more being discovered every year. 

This guide will help you identify the most commonly seen beetles in North Carolina, from the large and colorful stag beetles to tiny ground beetles that look like specks of brown dust.

With these tips, you can identify any beetle you find and answer your friends’ questions about the many fascinating species in our state.

We will also explain each in detail. This is so that you can identify them yourself the next time you see them.

With this guide, you’ll be able to identify beetles quickly and easily, giving you more time to enjoy the natural beauty of our state.

Now, let’s explore the different types of beetles in North Carolina!

1. Woodland Ground Beetle

Woodland ground beetles are one of the more abundant beetles in North Carolina, with over 350 described species.

They live in diverse habitats, from forests to meadows and wetlands, and are found on every continent except Antarctica. 

In North Carolina, they feed on slugs, snails, earthworms, and other invertebrates. Woodland ground beetles sometimes overwinter as adults or larvae in leaf litter or soil.

The larvae grow into adults that hibernate under logs or rocks, where they enter diapause for up to 7 years until conditions become favorable again.

2. Rove Beetle

The Rove beetle is one of the more commonly seen types of beetles in North Carolina. It can be seen in flowers and plants that feed on pollen and nectar.

Often, it’s attracted to lights at night, which is why it’s sometimes called the electric light beetle. Rove beetles are omnivorous and will also eat tree sap and fruit.

3. Round-necked Long-horned Beetle

The round-necked, long-horned beetle, also known as Megacyllene antennata, is one of the types of beetles in North Carolina. It is found in both hardwood and coniferous forests.

The following characteristics can identify it: Adults are 8-11 mm long and 5-6 mm wide. They have a cylindrical body with an oval head, wide pronotum, long antennae with 11 segments, and long labium.

4. Rustic Borer

Rustic borers are beetles that live in decaying wood and can be found throughout eastern and central North America.

They measure around 3/8 inches, have a yellowish-brown body with brown elytra (wing covers), and are usually rusty red. Equally important, they are on our list of the different types of beetles in North Carolina.

Furthermore, Rustic borers lay eggs on either side of tree sapwood, where they meet with heartwood. This is where their larvae will feed for up to two years before pupating into adults.

Adult rustic borers will emerge from the bark when it cracks open or is removed due to injury, death, or decay. The adult beetle lives for about three weeks before laying eggs on another piece of rotting wood.

5. Round-headed Apple Tree Borer

The round-headed apple tree borers are types of beetles in North America native to this area. It is part of the weevil family, small beetles with an elongated, cylindrical head shape. These insects typically coil their abdomen over their head at rest like a bow tie. 

Additionally, they measure about 4mm in length with a pale green or brown body and metallic shine on their elytra (wing coverings).

The larvae burrow beneath trees’ bark in search of fungi on which they feed. The adult’s goal is to reproduce as soon as possible since its life span only lasts about three months.

6. Rose Chafer

The rose chafer is one of the types of beetle in North Carolina and can be found in other states in the southeast. The adults are about 1/4 inch long but have large wings that make them look much larger.

This member of the scarab family is shiny dark green with white stripes on its thorax and elytra (wing coverings). The larvae feed on decaying organic matter, while the adult beetles eat pollen and flowers.

7. White-spotted Sawyer Beetle

The White-spotted Sawyer Beetle is one of the most commonly seen types of beetles in North Carolina. They are typically found outdoors and congregate near rotting logs, stumps, and other decaying wood. 

These beetles are generally brown or black with white spots on their elytra (wing covers). Females grow up to 1⁄2 inch long, while males are slightly smaller at about 1⁄4 inch long.

Female white-spotted sawyers have three parallel grooves running from just behind their head to just before the tip of their abdomen. 

However, males lack these grooves. If you find many of these beetles in your yard, you will likely have rotting logs or stumps nearby. These insects don’t bite people, so alarm is unnecessary!

8. Rice Weevil

Rice weevils are among the most destructive pests in agriculture. They eat rice, other cereal grains, and many seeds and nuts.

Adults are about 3/8 inches long and have a short snout. They are not left out of the types of beetles in North Carolina. 

Meanwhile, females lay eggs in cracks in stored grain or on grain kernels. Larvae hatch from eggs and tunnel into kernels, feeding for about two weeks before emerging as adults.

The larvae secrete an enzyme that digests starch, making it easier for them to digest their food. The tiny white rice weevil is similar to rice weevils but is more likely to infest beans than maize (corn).

9. Scarites Ground Beetle

Regarding the types of beetles in North Carolina, Scarites ground beetles are one of the most prolific. They are often referred to as ‘bloodsucking’ beetles.

This is because they feed on other insects and can transmit diseases like typhus, but they don’t suck blood from humans or livestock.

Moving on, adult scarites ground beetles are about an inch long with shiny brown bodies. Their bodies can vary in color depending on their age (younger adults are reddish-brown while older adults become black).

The elytra (wing covers) have three black lines running down them. Scarites ground beetle larvae look similar to adults but have six legs instead of eight and lack wings altogether.

10. White Oak Borer Beetle

The white oak borer beetle, also called Goes tigrinus, is one of the most common types of beetle in North Carolina.

It gets its name from a black dot on each wing cover, resembling an arrowhead or tiger. It can be distinguished from other beetles by its shiny blue-green color with black dots on its wing covers.

The white oak borer beetle typically lays eggs and burrows into dead hardwood trees. This includes many different types of oaks, chestnut, and hickory trees.

When it becomes mature, it will bore out galleries within the tree and lay eggs within them. The larvae feed on inner bark tissue until they pupate and emerge as adults.

11. Whirligig Beetle

We are still on our list of the different types of beetles in North Carolina, and we have  Whirligigs. These are among the most commonly found beetles in North Whirligig Creek at NC State University.

They are about 3 mm long and jet black with distinctive white spots on their wing covers. 

These beetles can fly but don’t often, preferring to walk on water’s surface by using air bubbles in their bodies.

This is how they get their name, whirligigs, which is a term that refers to anything that spins or twirls rapidly around its axis.

Related:  19 Types of Moths in Texas

12. Water Scavenger Beetle

Water scavenger beetles are not only easy to identify but also quite unique. These beetles use their long antennae and small legs to swim and wade around in search of food.

They are often found in damp areas, such as under rocks or near water sources, which is how they got their name.

Interestingly enough, two types of water scavenger beetles reside in North Carolina– Hydrochara spp. and Hydrophilidae (family). Their differences lie in where they typically live, with Hydrophilidae preferring drier habitats.

13. Southern Sculptured Pine Borer Beetle

Southern Sculptured Pine Borer Beetles are among the many types of beetles in North Carolina. These beetles are approximately 1/4 inch long and have an elongated body with brown, blue, and yellow stripes on their wing covers, which is also known as elytra. 

These beetles can be identified by looking at their antennae, which will appear curved and much longer than the rest of their body.

The Southern Sculptured Pine Borer Beetle is mostly found in pine trees. They usually lay eggs in cracks in old or dying trees that are infested with bark beetles and need fresh sap for food. 

Southern Sculptured Pine Borer Beetles do not attack healthy trees. They only feed on unhealthy pine trees that bark beetle larvae have infected.

14. Soldier Beetle

Speaking of the several types of beetles in North Carolina, the soldier beetle is one, and it is in the genus Silis.

These beetles have long, slender bodies and are black or brown with prominent yellow or white stripes on their elytra.

Adults feed primarily on pollen and nectar, but larvae feed primarily on other insects and small invertebrates. 

Soldier beetles live throughout the year outdoors and can be found under logs, stones, leaves, bark, and other debris.

They can also be found indoors around cracks in walls or window sills that are exposed to sunlight. 

15. Soldier Beetle

Soldier beetles are often confused with other types of beetles in North Carolina. These beetles use pincer-like mandibles for defense; when they feel threatened, they release an unpleasant smell. 

Often, the larvae are called wireworms because of their ability to burrow through soil and plant roots, damaging crops. They are dark brown in color and measure between 1/2 inch and 3 inches in length as adults.

16. Soft-winged Flower Beetle

The soft-winged flower beetle, Anthocomus equestris, is one of the most commonly found beetles in North Carolina. The beetle feeds on nectar and pollen from flowers like dandelions, goldenrods, and sunflowers.

Also, they are attracted to lights at night and may occasionally be seen indoors. They grow up to one inch long and can be identified by their elongated body shape with short antennae on their head. They are nocturnal and emit little squeaks when they walk or fly.

17. Six-spotted Tiger Beetle

Have you ever heard of these Six-spotted Tiger Beetles as one of the many types of beetles in North Carolina? Let me tell you about them.

They are usually seen in moist, lush habitats such as wet meadows and swamps, where they feed on any prey they can find. They have six spots on their back that form a W pattern when viewed from above. 

Male six-spotted tiger beetles have brighter colors than females. Furthermore, males are brown with dark green stripes, while females are dark brown with orange stripes.

Both genders will rear up and open their wings when threatened, revealing bright orange wings with black spots.

18. Water Penny

Water penny beetles are small dark brown beetles that are very active and can fly. They are often found under moist leaves, moss, or rotting logs.

Water pennies have six legs and two antennae, with the male being slightly smaller than the female. 

What’s more? They feed on decomposing organic materials and fungi but eat other insects when they can’t find any food.

This beetle is not considered an agricultural pest because it doesn’t damage plants or crops. As you know, it is on the roll of the various types of beetles in North Carolina.  

19. Six-spotted Neolema

This six-spotted neolema beetle is one of the more common types of beetles in North Carolina. The name six-spotted refers to its characteristic markings, while neolema is Greek for bumblebee. 

This particular type of beetle measures between 1/4 and 3/8 inches long. It has long antennae, and it usually moves slowly.

20. Signate Lady Beetle

The Lady Beetle is one of the most recognizable beetles in North Carolina. They are also known as ladybugs or ladybirds but are not always red. Instead, they can be black, orange, or yellow with spots. 

Mostly, they live on plants and have been considered beneficial due to their appetite for pests and garden disease-causing insects such as aphids and scales.

It’s important to note that all beetles are predators, so it’s not like there are good and bad bugs. They’re all just doing their own thing!

21. Shining Leaf Chafer Beetle

The Shining Leaf Chafer Beetle is most commonly found in the eastern United States, particularly in North Carolina.

This beetle is known for its red head and black body, with a white line on either side. It has three dark spots on its thorax that can be seen from above or below. 

These beetles in North Carolina are typically between six and eight millimeters long, with females larger than males.

Females lay their eggs under tree bark or in rotting logs. Larvae hatch in mid-summer and feed on decaying matter. They then pupate before emerging as adults by late summer or early fall.

22. Seven-spotted Lady Beetle

The Seven-spotted Lady Beetle is quite recognizable with its seven red spots. Adults are about 1⁄4 inch long, oval-shaped, and have short wing covers that are black with three white stripes. 

Larvae are small, round, and yellowish-orange in color. The larvae feed on aphids, scale insects, and mealybugs, while adults eat nectar from flowers. They are equally one of the more common types of beetles in North Carolina.

23. Seedcorn Beetle

The seedcorn beetle is also common in North America, with more than 150 species. They are small, black, and white beetles in grain storage bins or other food sources. The adults are 5-8 mm long, with narrow bodies and long legs. 

Further, the larvae are yellowish-white grubs that feed on stored grains like corn, wheat, barley, oats, and rice.

Eggs will hatch into larvae, which will then burrow into kernels. This is where they eat for two weeks before pupating and emerging as adults after two weeks. 

This insect is often confused for the flour beetle (Tribolium confusum), which has three rows of black spots on its thorax instead of just one row, as seen on the seedcorn beetle.

24. Vivid Metallic Ground Beetle

Vivid Metallic Ground Beetles are also known as Chlaenius spp. They are most commonly found in leaf litter and wood piles. 

Their metallic sheen can identify these types of beetles in North Carolina. This sheen is produced from an outer layer of hydrophobic hairs on their elytra (wing coverings). They feed on invertebrates that live in rotting logs or leaf litter.

25. Vietinghoff’s Ground Beetle

The Vietinghoff’s Ground Beetle is likewise one of the most recognizable types of beetles in North Carolina. Its vivid yellow-and-black colors and large size make it stand out from other ground beetles.

It can be found throughout much of the eastern and central United States, including many Midwestern and Eastern Canadian states. 

They are typically found near streams and ponds, feeding on snails and slugs. They are also known for their aggressive defense when disturbed or threatened. This can include spraying an unpleasant odor from their abdomen (reflex bleeding).

Related:  28 Different Types of Weevils With Pictures

26. Sculptured Pine Borer Beetle

The Sculptured Pine Borer Beetle is one of the more common beetles in North America, especially in areas with pine trees.

The Sculptured Pine Borer Beetle is about six millimeters long and can be found from Quebec to California

They are dark brown and have yellow-orange spots on their heads and backs. The larvae feed on pine needles and other plant matter, while adults eat pollen, nectar, and sap from pine trees.

27. Scarlet Malachite Beetle

The scarlet malachite beetle (Malachius aeneus) is often mistaken for its close relative, the green malachite beetle (M. aeratus). They are similar in size and coloration but significantly differ in wing shape. 

While M. aeratus has rounded wings, M. aeneus has more pointed wings at their end. The bodies of both beetles are also different colors.

While M. aeratus is green, M. aeneus is red with black spots on its back and legs. Above all, our role in the numerous types of beetles in North Carolina isn’t complete without them.

28. Scarlet Lily Beetle

These beetles are about 3 mm long and 1 mm wide and are typically bright red with black stripes on their wing covers (elytra). The larvae for this beetle feed on many types of plants, including dandelions, thistles, and clovers. 

This type of beetle is also known as the lily bug because it feeds on flowers that look like lilies. We’ve still got many other types of beetles in North Carolina that you wouldn’t want to miss knowing. Read on!

29. Scarites Ground Beetle

Similarly, like other types of beetles in North Carolina, Scarites ground beetles are also common. Their rough, convex thorax can distinguish them from black-banded antennae. The head and pronotum (the front part) are glossy blacks with a bright green or blue metallic sheen. 

Scarites ground beetles are attracted to lights at night and will fly towards them; they are primarily nocturnal and seen in moist areas during the day.

Scarites ground beetles feed on decaying plant matter, fungi, and carrion from animals such as squirrels or mice.

They will lay their eggs in decaying material, hatching them into larvae with black legs that are orange-reddish.

30. Variegated June Beetle

The Variegated June Beetle is a large, bright green or blue-green beetle, often with brightly colored markings on its wing covers.

It measures up to 1.5 inches long and has almost as long antennae as its body. This large beetle is active day and night and lays eggs in the ground during late summer and fall. 

Additionally, the larvae look like small white grubs with brown heads. They burrow into the soil, where they live for two years before emerging as adults.

If you find one of these types of beetles in your garden in North Carolina, please don’t squash it! They do not harm plants or humans but will fly away if handled too much.

31. Varied Carpet Beetle

The Varied Carpet Beetle is often found in furniture, carpets, and clothing. It is typically more active at night when it’s dark and can be attracted by lights.

These beetles are about 1/4 inch long and have a shiny black body with rows of white stripes on their wing covers. 

If you have carpet beetles, you will see small yellow or brown spots from their droppings that look like coffee grounds on your carpet or furniture.

You may also see tiny moths flying around your house in the summer as they fly toward light sources at night.

The Varied Carpet Beetle larvae feed on animal hair, lint, and other organic materials. Materials are probably found in carpets, upholstery, and clothing, while adults feed on pollen.

32. Two banded Japanese Weevil

The two-banded Japanese weevil (Pseudocneorhinus bifasciatus) is among the largest weevils of the types of beetles in North Carolina. It is about 1.5 inches long and one of our state’s largest beetles.

It has an elongated body with conspicuous black markings on its forewings that form two distinctive bands across its elytra. 

In addition, the adult eats leaves from trees such as elm, birch, and maple but does not damage tree health. Their larvae eat dead or dying plants underground for up to five years before emerging as adults. 

They are found east of Interstate 40 and may be seen during daylight hours from March through September. During this time, they may feed on leaves or lay eggs on living plants near their host trees.

33. Two-lined Leather-wing Beetle

The two-lined leather-wing beetle, Atalantycha bilineata, is one of the more widespread black and brown beetles in North Carolina. It is often seen on flowers in late summer and early fall.

Adults are 1/3 inch long and grayish black with an orange head. The larvae are also grayish-black with an orange head and can sometimes be found feeding on plant roots or inside decaying logs.

The scientific name for this beetle comes from two Greek words: atalantos, a leathery wing, and chilena, meaning two.

This refers to the thickened forewings (elytra) with gaps between them for flight (imagine butterfly wings). They are on our list of the different types of beetles in North Carolina.

34. Twice-stabbed Lady Beetle

The Twice-stabbed Lady Beetle (Chilocorus stigma) is one of the more commonly seen types of beetle in North Carolina.

This beetle has a dark, oval-shaped body with pale yellow or white spots on its wing covers. It can be found in many habitats but is usually not as abundant as other beetles.

The adult form will eat aphids and scale insects while they are larvae, and it lays eggs near its food source to ensure that its young have enough food nearby.

35. Tumbling Flower Beetle

It is usually about 1/4-inch long and reddish brown with black stripes. They are usually active from April through October but can be found year-round in southern states.

These beetles feed on decaying plant material and live for approximately six months. 

Adults lay eggs in or near their food sources and then die soon after laying eggs. If you notice these beetles, please do not disturb them, as they may be laying eggs that will result in new generations of tumbling flower beetles.

However, the tumbling flower beetle is one of the more colorful beetles in North Carolina.

36. Triceratops Beetle

The Triceratops Beetle is one of the several types of beetles in North Carolina. The adults measure about 3/4 long and are black with two yellow stripes on each side.

These beetles are often found in people’s homes, especially during the summer months when they are attracted to lights from windows or lamps.

Surging, they can become a nuisance by flying into light fixtures or windows and making noise at night. The larvae feed on decomposing organic material such as leaves, rotting fruit, dead animals, and other foods rich in cellulose (such as wood).

The larvae go through four stages of development before pupating and emerging as adults. This beetle takes up to 2 years from the egg to the adult stage, depending on environmental conditions such as temperature and moisture level.

37. Tormentose Burying Beetle

These beetles spend most of their time on carrion, which they feed upon and lay eggs in. In some cases, Tormentose Buries can be so aggressive that they will attack living prey. 

Tormentose Burying Beetles are one of the largest carrion types of beetles in North Carolina. They tend to be found all over North America but prefer wetter climates.

Related:  17 Different Types of Insects Explained

38. Three-lined Potato Beetle

The Three-lined Potato Beetle (Lema trilinea) is one of the more common beetles in North Carolina. It is found on both sides of the Atlantic and has been observed feeding on many plants.

It has been known to feed on potatoes, eggplant, tomato, and other vegetables. The beetle feeds by puncturing plant tissues with its mouthparts. 

In addition to these vegetables, this beetle can also be found feeding on weeds like ragweed, nettle, and dandelion.

The adult three-lined potato beetle ranges from 1⁄2 inch long in females and up to 1 inch long in males. Like all types of beetles in North Carolina, it has a hard exoskeleton that covers its wings underneath its skin.

39. Sweet Potato Weevil

Still, on our list of the types of beetles in North Carolina, the sweet potato weevil isn’t missing. This is a small beetle that is black with white markings. It can be seen feeding on the vines and roots of sweet potatoes. 

Moreover, they are not very picky in their diet and feed on other plants, such as soybeans and tomatoes. The adults lay eggs in the soil near host plants, hatching into larvae that tunnel plant stems to feed on leaves.

40. Swamp Milkweed Leaf Beetle

The Swamp Milkweed Leaf Beetle is one of the most common types of beetles in North Carolina. This beetle is found in wetland areas such as marshes and bogs. 

Meanwhile, they are also known to live in prairies. These beetles feed on milkweed leaves and are usually active from May through September.

41. Striped Cucumber Beetle

The striped cucumber beetle is an agricultural pest on the list of types of beetles in North Carolina that can quickly infest cucumber crops.

The adult beetles are small, measuring only 1/8 inch long, and are dark brown with stripes on their back. 

To spread, they lay eggs in clusters on the undersides of leaves. Then, the larvae hatch from these eggs, feeding on plant sap and causing significant damage to plants.

42. Striped Blister Beetle

The striped blister beetle (Epicauta vittata) is one of the largest types of beetle in North Carolina. Its yellow-brown longitudinal stripes can be identified on its dark-brown back and red or orange spots on its abdomen. 

It has three pairs of stripes running down each elytron, alternating either longer or shorter rows. The bristles on this beetle’s body are long and white.

It feeds primarily on plants in all stages of growth but also eats fungi and fruit if available. This is one type of beetle in NC you’ll want to avoid!

43. Strawberry Seed Beetle

One of the most commonly found types of beetles in North Carolina is the strawberry seed beetle (Harpalus rufipes).

This small brown beetle feeds on many types of plants but is attracted to strawberries, hence its name. If you are concerned about these beetles being in your garden, there are a few things you can do. 

First, ensure that weeds are properly removed from around your plants so that there is no overgrowth near your crops.

Second, ensure you regularly water and fertilize your plants with organic material.

Third, if pesticides are necessary, ensure they are organic and labeled for use on food crops.

44. Strawberry Root Weevil

The Strawberry root weevil is not just one but includes three closely related species native to the United States.

The strawberry root weevil (Otiorhynchus ovatus) is found in Eastern Canada, New England, and the Mid-Atlantic states. 

Strawberry root weevils feed on over 100 plant types, including strawberry plants, so growers need to be on the lookout for this pest. Nonetheless, it is one of the types of beetles in North Carolina.

45. Stag Beetle

The Stag Beetle is the largest beetle native to North America. It can reach up to 3 inches long and have wingspans as wide as 7 inches. 

Plus, they are black with white spots on their body and have long antennae that are usually curved upward.

The male stag beetles also have mandibles used to fight other males during mating season. We still aren’t through with our role of the different types of beetles in North Carolina.

46. Squash Lady Beetle

Next to be discussed on our list of the various beetles in North Carolina is the Squash Lady Beetle (Epilachna Borealis).

These black beetles have two yellow spots on their back and feed exclusively on plants that grow above ground. 

It eats cucurbitaceous crops like squash, pumpkin, cucumber, corn, and many other types of plants. The female beetle lays her eggs near these plants, and they will start eating them when they hatch.

47. The Rhinoceros Beetle

The Rhinoceros Beetle (Xyloryctes jamaicensis) is one of the largest beetles in North America and can grow up to three inches long.

These beetles are mostly black, but their wing covers and antennae will be red or brown. 

Further, they have small hairs on their bodies that can cause an allergic reaction if they come into contact with your skin.

The adults feed primarily on rotten wood, but larvae eat fresh wood. These beetles are nocturnal, so if you see one during daylight hours, they may be sick and unable to fly.

48. Spotted Cucumber Beetle

The Spotted Cucumber Beetle is an agricultural pest that feeds on cucurbit crops such as cucumbers, squash, pumpkin, and other family members.

They are typically green or brown with black spots on their wing covers. They are one of the types of beetles in North Carolina.

The Spotted Cucumber Beetle has one generation per year and overwinters in plant debris, weeds, and woody materials near infested plants. The larvae feed on roots but can also feed on plant stems near ground level.

When adults emerge from overwintering sites, they move to find new host plants where they mate and begin laying eggs, which hatch into larvae in just seven days! Once a larva matures, it will pupate for about two weeks before emerging as an adult beetle.

49. Spotted Tree Borer Beetle

The Spotted Tree Borer Beetle (Synaphaeta guexi) is an invasive insect of the types of beetles in North Carolina and across much of the United States. It’s about one-half inch long, black, with four cream-colored spots on each wing case.

That being said, females lay eggs near tree bark or small branches, and larvae bore into trees, making large winding tunnels that can eventually kill the tree.

This beetle mainly infests hardwoods such as maple, oak, elm, and birch trees. Trees typically die within a few years after being attacked by this beetle.

50. Spotted Pink Lady Beetle

Finally, the Spotted Pink Lady Beetle is on our list of the different types of beetles in North Carolina. It is also known as Leng’s Pink Lady Beetle.

This beetle is from the Coccinellidae family, which are beetles with eight legs and two pairs of wings. 

The Spotted Pink Lady Beetles are about 1/4 inch long, which makes them one of the smaller beetles in this family. Their coloration usually consists of black or red spots on their yellow bodies. 

They can be distinguished from other ladybirds by their black head, thorax, and wing covers that contain red spots that do not cover all their surface.

When they fly, they will often hold their abdomen out at an angle from vertical to horizontal.

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