26 Different Types of Ants in New York

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New York is home to a wide variety of ant species, each with unique characteristics and behaviors.

Whether you’re an avid entomologist or just curious about the kinds of ants that make their homes in the Big Apple. 

This blog post will explore the various types of ants in New York.

From pavement ants to acrobat ants, learn more about the different species of ants living in the city and why it’s important to be aware of their presence.

1. Argentine Ant

Argentine Ants are the first on the list of types of ants in New York. If you’re living in New York, you might want to watch for Argentine ants. These small, dark-colored ants are one of the most common types of ants in New York, and they can quickly become a nuisance.

Argentine ants often form large colonies and can be seen traveling long lines looking for food. They are small, measuring only about 1/8th of an inch in length, and have light brown coloration. They have six legs, two antennae, and no wings. They love sweet foods like honeydew and nectar but will also feed on insects, plant matter, and other items in and around your home.

One of the biggest problems with Argentine ants is that they can easily enter homes or businesses through small openings. This means that if you have any cracks in your foundation, walls, or windows, these ants may be able to find their way inside. Once inside, they will quickly start building nests and foraging for food.

The best way to prevent Argentine ants from entering your home is to ensure that all potential entry points are sealed and properly maintained. Additionally, keeping areas around your home free of debris and clutter can help reduce their food sources and make it more difficult for them to nest. If you are dealing with a large infestation, it’s best to contact a pest control professional as soon as possible.

2. Allegheny Mound Ant

Allegheny Mound Ants are one of the types of Ants in New York. If you’re exploring the many varied ecosystems of New York, you may come across an interesting ant known as the Allegheny mound ant. These ants are found all over North America, but they can be especially abundant in the forests of New York City.

These ants in New York have a unique physical appearance and can be identified by their large heads and small bodies. They are reddish-brown and have a black stripe along their backs. They also have a pair of spines on their heads to defend against predators. 

The Allegheny mound ants are omnivores, meaning they feed on plant matter and other insects. They also collect small seeds and nuts for food, which they store in underground mounds.

These ants in New York are an important part of the ecosystem, providing food for many larger wildlife species, such as foxes, coyotes, and bears. They can also help break down decaying organic material and spread nutrients throughout the soil.

3. Pavement Ant

The pavement ant is one of the most common types of ants in New York. These small, brown-to-black ants measure up to 1/8 inch long and nest under sidewalks, driveways, and other paved surfaces. Pavement ants are omnivores and feed on almost anything they can find, including honeydew, other insects, and even small amounts of grease or meat.

They build large colonies that can become a nuisance if not addressed quickly. To help keep them away, keeping food sources such as trash and food scraps off your property is best. Sealing cracks or crevices around the house may help keep these pests out.

4. Pitch-Black Collared Ant

When it comes to types of ants in New York, one of the most common you might find is the Aphaenogaster Picea, also known as the pitch-black collared ant. This type of ant is typically found in moist environments such as leaf litter, soil, and logs and can often be found in wooded areas within the city limits. 

The Aphaenogaster picea is a relatively small ant species, measuring 2 to 3 millimeters long. Its antennae are long and slender and have a distinct black coloration with a gray or whitish collar around its neck. The body is covered in fine hairs and has a single segmented petiole between the thorax and abdomen. 

These Maryland ants feed on various insects, including other ants, spiders, termites, and grasshoppers. They typically nest in the soil but may also nest in rotting logs or other organic matter. As with many ant species, the Aphaenogaster Picea can form large colonies of hundreds of individual ants. 

In addition to being found in wooded areas, this ant species may also be found in residential gardens and parks. Since they tend to feed on small insects, they can help control pest populations. However, they can also cause damage to plants and should be monitored closely if found in residential areas.

5. Funnel Ant

Funnel Ants, one of the types of ants in New York, build colonies in dark, warm places, like under stones or logs, mulch, or in wall voids. While most of their activity occurs at night, they can be seen out and about during the day if the conditions are right. They are especially attracted to warmth and moisture. 

Fortunately, funnel ants don’t pose much of a threat to humans or animals. But if you find an infestation in your home or garden, it’s best to contact a professional pest control service.

6. Tennessee Collared Ant

The Tennessee Collared Ant, also known as Aphaenogaster tennesseensis, is a common ant in New York City. It is dark brown or black and can grow up to 1/4 inch in length. It is often seen on sidewalks, curbs, and other urban habitats. 

The Tennessee Collared Ant is considered a nuisance pest due to its propensity to invade homes and buildings. It prefers warm and moist habitats, such as kitchens and bathrooms, but it may also be found in other areas of the home or building. It is attracted to sweet foods and sugary drinks, which can lead to problems in homes and businesses. 

The Tennessee Collared Ant is also known to be a pest of ornamental plants and a disease vector. It can transmit diseases such as histoplasmosis and leishmaniasis and even spread bacteria from one food source to another. 

The Tennessee Collared Ant is considered a nuisance pest, but there are ways to control it. To prevent infestations, it’s important to keep your home and business clean and free of food sources that attract these types of ants in New York. If you find an infestation, it’s best to call an exterminator to help with extermination and removal.

7. Hairless Rover Ant 

The Hairless Rover Ant (Brachymyrmex depilis) is a species commonly found in urban areas of New York. These small, dark-colored ants typically measure between 1/8 and 1/10 of an inch in length. The Hairless Rover Ant gets its name from the lack of hair on its body. This species of ant is known for being extremely agile and quick, able to move quickly over walls and other surfaces.

Hairless Rover Ants prefer to live in urban areas, particularly near human structures. They prefer to nest outdoors, often occupying residence in cracks in concrete walls or beneath stones. Indoors are commonly found nesting in potted plants or near window sills. Hairless Rover Ants feed on sweet foods like nectar, honeydew, and syrup. 

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They will also feed on small insects, such as aphids, mealybugs, and other ants. They are also known to eat decomposing organic matter and stored food products. Overall, the Hairless Rover Ant is a species of ant that can be found living in urban environments throughout New York. 

Although they are not major pests, hairless rover ants can be a nuisance if they are found nesting indoors. If you suspect you have a Hairless Rover Ant infestation, it’s important to contact a pest control professional for help getting rid of them.

8. American Carpenter Ant

One of the most common types of ants in New York is the Camponotus americanus, or American carpenter ant. These ants can be found across the United States and tend to nest in moist wood, which is why they are often found around residential buildings. The American carpenter ant is usually black but can range from yellowish brown to reddish brown. 

These ants in New York form colonies that can grow up to several hundred workers, making them a nuisance for homeowners. The colony will include multiple queens who work together to protect and feed the larvae and workers. Camponotus americanus feeds on honeydew from aphids, plant sap, other insects, and sometimes even meat. They don’t generally bite humans but can give a nasty pinch if disturbed. 

The best way to get rid of an infestation of Camponotus americanus is to locate the nest and then treat it with an insecticide. It’s important to note that this ant is a protected species, so killing them isn’t recommended. For this reason, contacting a professional pest control service is best if you face an infestation.

9. The Reddish Carpenter Ant

Camponotus castaneus, or the reddish carpenter ant, is an ant native to New York. It is one of the city’s most commonly found ant species and has been found in nearly every borough. The reddish carpenter ant is identifiable by its distinct reddish coloration and long antennae.

These ants in New York tend to build their nests in wooden structures, which may cause damage if left unchecked. They feed on plant materials, such as nectar, fruit, and small insects. They also feed on other insects, such as aphids, to obtain honeydew, which they use to feed their larvae.

Despite their potentially damaging nature, reddish carpenter ants are beneficial in certain ways. They can act as predators of other insect pests, helping to reduce their numbers. Additionally, their tunnels can aerate the soil, promoting healthier root growth in plants. 

It’s important to identify and eliminate the nests to control reddish carpenter ant populations. This can be done by removing infested wood and sealing potential entry points. Professional pest control services can help with this task.

10. Hercules Ant

The Camponotus herculeanus, or Hercules ant, is next on the list of types of ants in New York. These ants get their name from their large size, measuring up to half an inch in length.

Hercules ants are dark brown and have short antennae. They usually inhabit rotting logs, stumps, and leaf litter on the ground. Their nests are found in dry and damp areas and can even be seen crawling around the city sidewalks.

Hercules ants feed mainly on small insects but eat fruits, flowers, and other plant material. They are a beneficial species to have around, as they help to control the population of pest species like aphids, caterpillars, and mites.

These ants in New York do not bite humans and rarely sting, but they may wander inside houses during heavy rainstorms. If you spot Hercules ants in your home, sweep them up and discard them outdoors.

11. Smaller Carpenter Ant 

Smaller carpenter types of ants in New York are often found inside buildings, often around windows and door frames. They feed on various materials, including wood, plastics, wallpaper glue, sugar, and other insects. They tend to build their nests in moist and rotting wood, which makes them ideal pests for households and businesses. 

The main concern with this species is its potential to cause structural damage to buildings. Carpenter ants will tunnel through wooden structures, weakening them over time. To prevent damage, it is important to identify where the ants are located and address the problem as soon as possible. In some cases, pesticides may be necessary to eliminate the infestation. 

Overall, Camponotus nearcticus is a relatively common type of Ants in New York that can cause significant damage if left untreated. If you believe you have an infestation, you must contact a professional exterminator to assess the situation and properly provide the appropriate treatment.

12. The New York Carpenter Ant

Camponotus novaeboracensis, or the New York carpenter ant, is one of the types of ants in New York. It is native to New York and the northeastern United States. This species of ant is easily identifiable due to its black color with a reddish-brown head and thorax.

The New York carpenter ant is an omnivore, meaning it eats plants and animals. It is particularly fond of sweet foods and often gathers around food sources such as picnic tables and garbage cans to scavenge for scraps. 

This type of ant is known to damage wood structures as it builds its nests inside them. However, these types of ants in New York are considered beneficial to their environment, as they help to break down organic matter, thus aiding in the process of decomposition. 

They are also important pollinators of native plants and predators of other insects. If you see a colony of New York carpenter ants near your home, it is best to leave them alone and not disturb them. While they may cause some damage to wood structures, these ants are an important part of the local ecosystem.

13. Black Carpenter Ant

One of the most common types of ants in New York City is the Black Carpenter Ant (Camponotus pennsylvanicus). These ants are black, have a red-brown thorax, and are about 1/4 to 1/2 inch long. They live in colonies, which can be found in rotting wood, such as in tree stumps and decaying fence posts. 

These Ants in New York feed on other insects, such as termites and wood-boring beetles, as well as sweet foods like honeydew, fruit juices, and nectar. They also feed on plant sap and other plant materials. They can become a nuisance if they invade homes or buildings and get into food. 

To control an infestation of black carpenter ants, it’s important to locate their nesting site and remove any food sources that may attract them. Additionally, spraying insecticide is recommended to get rid of any existing colonies. Finally, sealing any potential entry points can help keep them out. 

By taking these steps, you can prevent an infestation of Black Carpenter Ants in your home or business.

14. Valentine Ant

The Crematogaster lineolata Valentine ant, also known as the Valentine ant, is a type of ant native to New York. These ants are dark brown or black and range from 1/8 to 1/4 inch in size.

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Valentine ants are considered an invasive species in New York City. They are aggressive foragers and disrupt the natural balance of many ecosystems. They are omnivorous and eat various foods, including dead insects, fruits, and vegetation.

Valentine ants have a distinctive three-segmented body with a distinct waistline and curved antennae. Their long legs and broad heads help them move quickly and efficiently. This ant is also known for its aggression when threatened and will sting when disturbed.

Overall, the Valentine ant is a nuisance that needs to be controlled if it becomes too much of a problem. If you notice them around your property, take the necessary steps to eliminate them.

15. Allegheny Mound Ant

The Allegheny Mound Ant, Formica exsectoides, is an ant found in New York and other northeastern United States. These ants are typically dark brown or black and measure approximately 1/8 in length.

The Allegheny Mound Ants are most commonly found in mounds of soil and decaying vegetation. This mound-building behavior helps protect them from predators and the elements. The Allegheny Mound Ant is also a very aggressive species that will defend its nest and food sources aggressively.

Regarding food sources, the Allegheny Mound Ant is an omnivore, meaning it feeds on plant and animal matter. It also scavenges for food, often coming out at night to search for scraps and leftovers. It has even consumed other insects, such as termites and caterpillars.

If you spot a large mound of soil or decaying vegetation in your garden, chances are there is an Allegheny Mound Ant nest nearby. If you don’t want to disturb them, it is best to leave them alone as they can benefit the garden by helping to aerate the soil and consuming pest insects.

16. Western Thatching Ant

The Western Thatching Ant, also known as Formica obscurities, is commonly found in the greater New York area. These blackish ants range from 1/16 to 1/8 inches long and build large, dome-shaped mounds that can measure up to two feet in height.

The Western Thatching Ant is an aggressive and highly territorial species of ant. As such, it is known to attack other ant colonies or insects that wander too close to its mound. This species of ant is also highly active during the warmer months when it can be seen foraging for food.

The Western Thatching Ant is omnivorous and feeds on plants and animals. They have consumed aphids, small caterpillars, and even dead insects. They also feed on honeydew produced by aphids and nectar from flowers and fruits.

Despite its aggressive tendencies, the Western Thatching Ant can benefit humans in several ways. For instance, it can help keep other pest populations in check, such as aphids, small caterpillars, and other pests. It can also help aerate and enrich the soil by digging tunnels and breaking down organic matter.

17. Pergande’s Mound Ant 

Pergande’s Mound Ant (Formica Pergandei) is also a type of ant in New York. This ant is usually found in urban areas, such as sidewalks, driveways, parks, and yards. It can be identified by its large reddish-brown body, which can grow up to 1/4 of an inch in length.

Pergande’s mound ants are social creatures and live in colonies of several hundred or even thousands of ants. They build mounds of soil or sand around their nests, reaching up to six inches tall. This ant typically forages for food at night, when it is less likely to be disturbed.

These ants in New York are omnivores, meaning they eat plant and animal matter. They feed on fruits, vegetables, seeds, insects, and small animals. They will also scavenge for food and even enter homes searching for food. 

Although they may seem harmless, Pergande’s mound ants can become a nuisance if not controlled properly. If you find a large mound of soil near your home, contact a pest control professional immediately to help you identify and deal with the problem.

18. Black Field Ant

Formica subsericea, colloquially known as the Black field ant, is the next type of ant in New York. Black field ants are social insects living in colonies headed by a single queen. 

They work together to build tunnels underground, where they keep their eggs and larvae. The workers feed on other insects and sweet substances like honeydew. They are considered beneficial because they help control pest populations but can become pests if they enter homes or buildings searching for food.

Black field ants are difficult to eliminate, as they can detect poison baits and sprays quickly. However, blocking entry points, removing nests, and using baits with slow-acting insecticides can help manage these pests. If you’re dealing with an infestation of black field ants, contact a professional exterminator for help.

19. Cornfield Ant

One of the most commonly seen types of ants in New York City is the Lasius alienus, or the cornfield ant. These ants get their name from their tendency to live in and around cornfields, but they can also be found in urban areas. 

The Lasius alienus is a small black ant growing up to 1/8 of an inch. Their large head and thorax easily recognize them compared to their smaller abdomen. Their antennae have 12 segments with two small clubs at the end, and their legs are long and spindly. 

These ants in New York are considered beneficial insects, as they eat smaller insect pests such as aphids and caterpillars and scavenge for food such as sweets, proteins, and grease. They will also consume dead insects. However, if the colony becomes too large, it can become a nuisance and cause damage to plants or invade homes. 

To control a Lasius alienus infestation, it is important to locate and eliminate the nest, which can be done using insecticides or other methods. If necessary, using baits can help reduce the population size. It is also important to prevent future infestations by sealing off any cracks or crevices that ants may use to enter the home or yard.

20. The Smaller Yellow Ant

Lasius claviger, also known as the smaller yellow ant, is one of the most common types of ants in New York. This small, yellow ant is typically about two millimeters in length and can be seen living in the soil near trees, under rocks, and in areas of high moisture. 

Lasius claviger has interesting behavior when threatened. Instead of running away, the ant curls its abdomen up and clamps down with its jaws, allowing it to stay put until the threat passes. The ant’s bright yellow coloration also helps to keep it safe from predators. 

When foraging for food, Lasius claviger will search for dead insects or other organic matter. These ants in New York are also known to eat nectar, honeydew, and aphid honeydew. Lasius claviger has a mutualistic relationship with certain types of aphids, sheltering them in exchange for their sugary secretions. 

In New York City, the smaller yellow ant is an important part of the ecosystem, playing a role in maintaining healthy habitats. Although they may look intimidating when they come into contact with humans, Lasius claviger is harmless and should be left alone.

21. Citronella Ant

Citronella ants, also known as Lasius nearcticus, are next on the list of types of ants in New York. These ants are small and reddish-brown and have a strong lemon scent often used in natural insect repellents. 

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While citronella ants can benefit gardens by aerating the soil and helping break down organic matter, their presence can also be a nuisance for homeowners. They can damage plants and even enter homes to search for food. 

Unlike other Ants in New York, citronella ants tend to nest outdoors. They create large mounds in soil or lawns visible from a distance. Inside these mounds, the ants dig deep tunnels and chambers to store food and lay eggs. 

Fortunately, citronella ants are fairly easy to control. Removing their nests and using insecticides around their entry points can help keep them away. Natural repellents such as lemon-scented oils or citrus fruits can help deter them from entering your home.

22. European Fire Ant 

The European fire ant, Myrmica rubra Linnaeus, is one of the most common types of ants in New York. These small red ants are native to Europe but have made their way to the Big Apple and can be found in parks, gardens, yards, and other green spaces.

European fire ants can be distinguished by their bright red coloration and yellowish-orange abdomen. They are 2-5mm long and have six legs and two antennae. The ant’s head is slightly bent and rounded at the top, and its legs are short and sturdy.

These ants in New York are social creatures and build colonies of up to thousands of workers and a single queen. As they search for food sources, these ants often enter homes and buildings, causing a nuisance to homeowners.

European fire ants are omnivores and feed on various food sources, including other insects, fruits, vegetables, and even small vertebrates. Due to their large numbers and ability to sting multiple times, they are also considered a pest. While the strings may be painful, the venom is not considered dangerous to humans.

When dealing with a European fire ant infestation, it is important to call an experienced exterminator, as these pests can be difficult to eliminate. Proper identification is key to ensuring that the correct treatment plan is implemented.

23. Little Crazy Ant 

The Little Crazy Ant, or Nylanderia parvula, is one of the most common types of ants in New York. These small ants are usually brown or black and measure between 1/16 and 1/8 of an inch in length. 

These ants in New York are extremely active and can be seen scurrying around various places, such as sidewalks, parks, and backyards. While they are not particularly dangerous, they can become a nuisance if their population grows out of control.

Little Crazy Ants are most active during the warmer months of the year, making them more likely to invade homes and businesses. They feed on a wide variety of food sources, including both plant and animal matter. As with other ant species, the Little Crazy Ants can become pests when they start building large colonies in and around buildings. 

Because of their tiny size and quick movements, it can be difficult to locate and remove these ants from your home or business. If you think you may have an infestation, it is important to contact a professional exterminator as soon as possible. Prompt action can help prevent any potential damage or health risks associated with an uncontrolled infestation.

24. Hairy Big-headed Ant

Pheidole pilifera, the hairy, big-headed ant, is commonly found in New York. The ants are characterized by their small size, black color, and, most notably, their hairy bodies. They are one of the most common types of ants found in New York City and can often be seen scurrying around yards and sidewalks.

These ants prefer to nest in dry soil or mulch but can also be found in rotting logs, under stones, and tree bark. While they are not considered a nuisance pest, they can damage flowers and other vegetation when they feed on plant sap. 

Pheidole pilifera are omnivorous and will eat both plant and animal material. They feed on other insects, sugary foods, oils, and decaying organic matter. They are also scavengers, meaning they will feed on whatever food sources they can find.

These ants in New York generally live in small colonies of up to 200 individuals, but larger colonies have been observed. They are active year-round and tend to be most active during the year’s warmer months. If you spot these little critters around your home or yard, don’t worry! They are usually harmless and can help reduce the number of other unwanted pests.

25. Slave-raiding Ant

The Polyergus sanwaldi ant, otherwise known as the slave-raiding ant, is native to the New York City area. Due to its unusual behavior, this ant is one of the most fascinating types in New York. 

Unlike other types of ants in New York that scavenge for food or build nests, the Polyergus sanwaldi ants raid the colonies of other ant species and steal their larvae. The larvae are then brought back to the Polyergus sanwaldi colony and forced into slavery, where they take care of the queen and do all the hard labor.

This unique behavior has made them a highly sought-after species among entomologists who study social behavior in insects. Despite their impressive reputation, these ants are relatively small and can easily be missed when out exploring nature in NYC

26. Dieck’s Slender Ant

Last on our list, Dieck’s slender ant, or Stenamma diecki, is one of the most common types of ants in New York. This ant can be identified by its narrow, cylindrical body and light yellow coloring. It is often found under logs and rocks, in leaf litter, rotting wood, and soil.

Dieck’s Slender Ants’ diet typically consists of small insects, nectar, and honeydew from aphids and scale insects. While they are not necessarily pests, they can become a nuisance when large colonies start forming in homes and businesses.

If you have Dieck’s slender ant infestations, the best way to get rid of them is to combine baiting and physical removal. Baiting involves liquid or granular insecticides that attract the ants to feed on it. These insecticides contain either a slow-acting poison or an insect growth regulator that helps to prevent the colony from growing further.

Physical removal methods involve removing the ants’ nesting sites by sweeping up any piles of wood chips or leaves where the ants might be living. You can also use a vacuum to suck up the ants, making sure to dispose of the bag afterward.

Overall, Dieck’s slender ant is just one of the many types of Ants in New York. To ensure they don’t become an issue, take proper preventative measures and remove any nesting sites you find around your home.

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