5 Types of Eagles in Kansas

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Eagles are a bird found in many different parts of the world.

Kansas has many different types of eagles, each with its unique set of characteristics.

In Kansas, the most popular types of eagles are the bald eagle, the golden eagle, the red-tailed hawk, Cooper’s hawk, and the Swainson’s hawk.

Each one of these eagles has different adaptations that allow it to survive in its particular habitat.

Please keep reading to learn more about these types of eagles and what makes each special here on our blog post!

1. The Golden Eagle

The golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) is first on our list of types of eagles in Kansas and is a large bird of prey native to North America. It is the most widely distributed species of eagle and one of the North American continent’s most secretive and formidable birds

These magnificent hunting types of eagles in Kansas are highly adapted to soaring and long-distance flight and can reach more than 120 mph (193 km/h). The golden eagle is found throughout North America and is most common in the Western mountains and plains. The golden eagle is easily recognized and admired with its bright golden-brown plumage.

Golden types of eagles in Kansas are powerful hunters and feed mainly on mammals such as rabbits, marmots, and squirrels. As their preferred prey can range in size from mice to deer, the golden eagle uses its large talons and powerful beak to take down larger prey. They also eat carrion, fish, and large birds.

Golden eagles in Kansas breed in mountainous areas, commonly found near cliffs and in tall trees. The female will lay one to four eggs per clutch, which hatch. The Golden Eagle is one of Kansas’s most popular types of eagles. 

This type of bird lives in the mountains, prairies, and other open areas. It can also be found in urban areas, especially with plenty of wide-open hunting spaces. 

Golden types of eagles in Kansas generally have a wingspan ranging from 5.5-7.5 feet and a body length of 28-38 inches. They are dark brown on the top and paler on the bottom with a yellow beak and feet. They typically hunt small mammals, carrion, and birds, making them a powerful predator of Kansas’s wildlife. 

Another interesting fact about the Golden Eagle is that it can soar up to 8,000 feet into the sky. This allows it to spot potential prey and hunt in various habitats easily. 

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Additionally, it can reach speeds of up to 88 miles per hour, which can help it swiftly steal away its prey. Because of their speed, agility, and hunting skills, Golden Eagles are one of the most popular types of eagles in Kansas.

2. The Bald Eagle

Another type of eagle found in Kansas is the Bald Eagle. This bird is easily identified by its white head, tail, yellow feet, and beak. Its wingspan can range from 6-7 feet, and its body length can be 29-38 inches long. 

Bald eagles in Kansas typically live in wooded areas near wetlands or along waterways. Its diet consists mostly of fish, although it has been known to hunt and feed on small mammals such as rabbits, squirrels, and muskrats. Its powerful talons and sharp beak make it a formidable hunter. 

Bald Eagles have also been known to steal food from other animals. For example, Bald eagles in Kansas have been known to steal fish from Ospreys and recreate. This intelligence and adaptive behavior make the Bald Eagle a successful hunter in Kansas.

The bald eagle is the national bird of the United States and symbolizes freedom. Its life span can reach up to 20 years in the wild. Bald eagles are carnivores and hunt for fish, turtles, and waterfowl

They also eat carrion if fresh prey is scarce. Its distinctive white head, tail feather, brown body, and hooked yellow beak make it an easily recognizable bird. The bald eagle symbolizes hope and triumph and is a favorite among birdwatchers and wildlife enthusiasts.

3. The Harpy’s Eagle

The Harpy’s Eagle is another type of eagle found in Kansas. Its light brown and white feathers and striking yellow eyes characterize it. It is mostly found in the Amazon rainforest or other tropical locations

The Harpy’s Eagle is a powerful predator that mostly feeds on monkeys and sloths but has also been known to hunt birds, rodents, and iguanas. It has a powerful grip that can break bones and a sharp beak that can rip flesh. It is usually seen perched on tree branches in search of prey. 

The Harpy’s Eagle is so powerful that it was nicknamed “the flying wolf” due to its ability to out-hunt the largest mammals. It is a magnificent bird that is an iconic symbol of the rainforest, and it is becoming increasingly popular in the Kansas area due to its majestic presence.

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The Harpy’s Eagle is a large bird of prey with black or brown feathers and white breast feathers. It belongs to the family of eagles and is related to other large raptors like the Golden Eagle, Bald Eagle, and White-tailed Eagle. Its wingspan can reach 6.5 feet (2 meters), and its average weight is between 4.4 and 6.6 pounds (2 and 3 kg).

The Harpy’s Eagle inhabits the tropical forests of Central and South America, ranging from Mexico to Bolivia and Brazil. It usually prefers high-altitude forests with tall trees and a dense canopy. It prefers to hunt small mammals, birds, and reptiles but will also take larger prey such as monkeys and other large mammals.

Due to deforestation and habitat loss, the Harpy’s Eagle is considered a near-threatened species. Other threats include egg collecting and illegal trafficking in some countries. Conservation efforts have been taken to ensure its future.

4. The White-bellied Sea Eagle

The White-bellied Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster) is next on our list of types of eagles in Kansas. It is a large, impressive raptor in Australia, Southeast Asia, and India

It is a threatened species whose numbers decrease due to habitat destruction and other human-related disturbances. Juveniles of the species have mostly white plumage, while adults of both sexes have a black-and-white coloring on the body and wings, with a gray-white head and breast.

The White-bellied Sea Eagle has an impressive wingspan, sometimes reaching 2.2 meters. It is an opportunistic feeder, preying on various sea creatures such as fish, crustaceans, and sometimes seabirds. It will soar above the ocean to scan the waters for food and then plunge quickly to catch its prey.

The White-bellied Sea Eagle often uses the same territory for breeding, sometimes for years. The adults mate for life and build their nests atop high trees and poles.

The White-bellied Sea Eagle is another type of eagle that is becoming increasingly popular in Kansas. This bird species can reach wingspans of up to 7 feet and a body length of up to 1 meter. It typically has white or gray feathers on its head, chest, and wings with a black back and tail. Its feet and legs are generally yellow or orange. 

The White-bellied Sea Eagle is typically found near bodies of water, such as the ocean, lakes, forests, wetlands, or rivers. Its diet consists mainly of fish, but it has also been known to feed on carrion, insects, and small mammals. 

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The White-bellied Sea Eagle has a powerful hunting ability due to its sharp eyesight, agility, and speed. It also has a large wingspan, which enables it to stay in one spot while searching for prey. Due to its impressive hunting abilities, the White-bellied Sea Eagle is becoming an increasingly popular eagle type in Kansas.

5. The Philippine Eagle

Lastly, The Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi) is the national bird of the Philippines and the only extant species in the family Accipitridae. It is found in tropical forests and rainforests, primarily on the Philippine Islands. 

This powerful bird of prey has a massive beak and a wingspan of up to 2 meters, making it the country’s largest and most powerful eagle. It is critically endangered due to deforestation, poaching, and other human activities. The Philippine Eagle remains one of the world’s most revered and threatened species.

The Philippine Eagle is one of the rarest types of eagles in Kansas. This bird usually has grayish-brown feathers on its head, dark brown feathers on its chest and wings, and white feathers on its back and tail. It typically reaches wingspans of up to 8 feet and a body length of up to 2 meters. 

The Philippine Eagle lives mostly in tropical forests and mountains but can also be found in other habitats, such as lowland rainforests and mangroves. Its diet mostly consists of larger birds and mammals such as macaques and wild boars. It has also been known to feed on reptiles and large insects

The Philippine Eagle is a powerful bird with impressive hunting ability. It has the sharpest eyesight of any bird of prey and can spot potential prey up to 1 kilometer away. This species of eagle is a protected species in many countries and, unfortunately, is becoming increasingly rare in Kansas. 

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