Crested animals are a unique sight in the animal kingdom.
Whether a bird with a towering plume, a mammal with a tufted head, or a reptile with a raised crown, the crested feature distinguishes these creatures.
Crests can serve various functions, from communication to protection and courtship displays.
In this blog post, we’ll examine ten types of crested animals worldwide and explore their fascinating features.
Get ready to be amazed by these 33 extraordinary creatures!
1. Patternless Crested Geckos

Geckos are among the most well-known crested animals in the world, and Patternless Crested Geckos are a stunning and unique species.
Unlike other geckos, this particular species has no patterns or spots on its body.
Instead, their smooth, shiny skin is adorned with a distinctive crest that runs down their back, which adds to their regal appearance.
The Patternless Crested Gecko is a popular choice among pet owners due to its striking appearance and easy-to-care-for nature.
They come in various colors, from solid shades of green to bright orange or pastel hues.
While these crested animals may seem like a unique choice for a pet, they make for excellent companions.
They are docile and gentle, making them ideal for children and families. Additionally, they are relatively low-maintenance pets, requiring minimal care and attention.
Patternless Crested Geckos reside in various habitats in the wild, including forests and rocky outcroppings.
They are primarily nocturnal, so you’ll often see them basking in the sun during the day, only to become active at night.
They are also great climbers, using their strong legs and suction-cup-like toes to move effortlessly around their environment.
Overall, the Patternless Crested Gecko is a beautiful and fascinating species well-loved by pet owners and wildlife enthusiasts.
Whether you’re looking to bring one of these crested animals into your home or appreciate their beauty from afar, they are remarkable creatures worth getting to know.
2. Bi-color Crested Geckos
Crested geckos are fascinating creatures known for their unique crests, which run along their bodies and tails.
Among the various types of crested geckos, bi-color crested geckos are a standout.
These geckos have distinct color patterns on their bodies, usually consisting of two contrasting colors.
For instance, their bodies may have a solid base color with a stripe or band of a different color running down the middle of their backs.
Bi-color crested geckos are popular among gecko enthusiasts due to their striking appearance.
Their contrasting body colors make them stand out, making them a great addition to any gecko collection.
In addition to their distinctive coloring, bi-color crested geckos are known for their calm and docile temperament, making them great pets.
They are relatively easy to care for and don’t require much space, making them ideal for apartment living.
One thing to note when keeping bi-color crested geckos as pets requires a proper diet and habitat.
Giving them a diet consisting of live insects and fruit and a commercial diet specifically made for crested geckos would be best.
Setting up their enclosure with branches, plants, and hiding places provides them with a comfortable and stimulating environment.
They require moderate temperatures and humidity levels to thrive, so be sure to monitor these factors.
3. Bare-Faced Go-Away Bird
One of the most striking crested animals worldwide is the Bare-Faced Go-Away Bird, the Abyssinian Ground Hornbill.
These birds are found in various parts of Africa and are easily identifiable by their long, curved beaks and the large crests on their heads.
The crests on the Bare-Faced Go-Away Bird are particularly noteworthy because they are very tall and almost fan-shaped, giving the bird a regal appearance.
But what is the function of this crest? Like other crested animals, the crest on the Bare-Faced Go-Away Bird is mainly for communication and display.
During courtship and territorial disputes, the male Bare-Faced Go-Away Bird will puff up its crest and make a booming call to intimidate rivals or impress potential mates.
Interestingly, the Bare-Faced Go-Away Bird also uses its crest for temperature regulation. The bare skin on the bird’s face, which gives it its name, can heat up quickly in the African sun.
The crest acts like a parasol, shading the face and reducing heat absorption.
Unfortunately, the Bare-Faced Go-Away Bird is considered endangered in some parts of its range due to habitat loss and hunting.
However, efforts to protect these fascinating birds and ensure their survival are part of the plan.
With their striking crests and interesting behavior, the Bare-Faced Go-Away Bird is truly one of the most fascinating crested animals in the world.
4. Blue Jay

Another stunning crested animal is the Blue Jay. Known for its vibrant blue and white feathers, the Blue Jay has a distinct crest on its head that becomes pronounced when the bird feels threatened or aggressive.
This crest consists of longer feathers than the rest of the bird’s head feathers, a key feature that sets it apart from other birds.
The crest also plays a role in courtship displays, where the male Blue Jay raises and lowers its crest to impress a potential mate.
Overall, the Blue Jay is a beautiful and charismatic bird that showcases the beauty and diversity of crested animals in the natural world.
5. Crowing Crested Cobra
One of the most unique and intriguing crested animals in the world is the crowing crested cobra.
Found primarily in Southeast Asia, this venomous snake boasts a distinctive crest on its head that sets it apart from other cobras.
The crest, made of elongated scales, can be raised and flattened depending on the snake’s mood or situation.
When threatened, the cobra will raise its crest to appear larger and more intimidating to potential predators.
However, the most remarkable aspect of this species is its ability to produce a crowing sound.
When threatened or agitated, the cobra flattens its crest and pushes air through its trachea, producing a loud, trumpet-like noise.
This unique vocalization acts as a warning signal to other animals to stay away.
While the crested cobra is undoubtedly fascinating, it’s important to remember that it is also dangerous and should be treated cautiously.
In the wild, this snake primarily feeds on small mammals and reptiles, using its venom to incapacitate its prey.
6. Crested Porcupine

The Crested Porcupine, also known as the North African crested porcupine, is a large and heavily built rodent in parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia.
This impressive animal can grow up to 35 inches in length and weigh as much as 60 pounds!
As their name suggests, Crested Porcupines have a prominent crest of long, sharp quills on their backs.
They raise this crest when threatened to make themselves look bigger and more intimidating.
In addition to their quills, Crested Porcupines have strong, chisel-like teeth for chewing on tough vegetation.
These nocturnal animals are known for their strong digging abilities and spend much time burrowing underground.
Crested Porcupines are also adept climbers and can scale trees to forage for food or to escape predators.
Despite their intimidating appearance, Crested Porcupines are generally shy and non-aggressive towards humans.
They are omnivores, feeding on various plants, roots, tubers, and insects.
In some areas, Crosted Porcupines cause extensive damage to crops or property, but they are considered an important part of the ecosystem and are protected by law.
7. Flame Crested Geckos

Another striking example of crested animals is the Flame Crested Gecko.
This small, colorful lizard is native to New Caledonia and is popular among reptile enthusiasts for its stunning red, orange, and yellow coloration.
But what sets this gecko apart from other crested animals is the impressive crest of skin and scales that runs down its back, resembling a flame.
Flame-crested geckos are known for their friendly personalities and easy-to-care-for nature, making them a great choice for first-time reptile owners.
Like other crested geckos, they are primarily arboreal and prefer to climb and jump from branch to branch in their habitat.
They also can regenerate their tails if they become injured or detached, making them a hardy and adaptable species.
The Flame Crested Gecko is a unique and fascinating example of crested animals worldwide.
With its vibrant colors and distinctive crest, it’s no wonder why this little lizard has captured the hearts of reptile enthusiasts everywhere.
8. Cedar Waxwing

Cedar Waxwings are medium-sized birds with beautiful crests on their heads.
These birds are found in North America and are known for their soft, silky plumage and tendency to gather in large flocks during winter.
The Cedar Waxwing’s crest is small but distinctive, and it’s one of the many reasons these birds are so popular among bird enthusiasts.
Cedar waxwings, male and female, look very similar. They have grayish-brown bodies, black masks on their faces, and yellow-tipped tails.
Their crests are a subtle tuft of feathers that stick up on their heads, adding to their overall charm.
Cedar Waxwings are social birds often seen perching together on trees and shrubs while feeding on berries.
In addition to their unique appearance, Cedar Waxwings are known for their distinctive high-pitched trilling calls.
These birds are migratory, extending their range across much of North America. In the spring and summer, Cedar Waxwings breed in forests, wooded areas, and open fields.
During the fall and winter, they travel south searching for food, often traveling in large flocks.
Overall, Cedar Waxwings are a wonderful example of a crested animal. Their distinctive appearance and charming personalities make them a favorite among bird enthusiasts.
So, the next time you’re in nature, look for these beautiful birds and their stylish crests.
9. Harlequin

The Harlequin is a unique bird species with a striking crested appearance.
Its vibrant plumage and characteristic crest make it a fascinating sight to behold.
This bird species resides in the rainforests of Central and South America, where it feeds on various insects, fruits, and seeds.
The Harlequin’s colorful appearance results from a unique combination of black, white, and bright blue feathers covering its body.
The Harlequin’s crest is particularly interesting, comprising two distinct feather groups.
The first is a set of short, black feathers that form a “mask” over the bird’s face, while the second is a tuft of long, white feathers that sit atop its head.
This combination creates a distinctive, almost comical appearance that is hard to miss.
Like many other crested animals, the Harlequin’s crest plays an important role in communication and mating.
During courtship displays, the male Harlequin often fluff up his crest and perform intricate movements to attract a mate.
The crest also serves as a means of intimidation, as the Harlequin can raise it in moments of aggression to appear larger and more threatening.
Overall, the Harlequin is a stunning example of the diversity and beauty of crested animals worldwide.
Its striking appearance and unique behaviors make it a favorite of bird enthusiasts everywhere.
10. Crested Caracara

The Crested Caracara is a bird of prey found in the Americas. It is also known as the Mexican Eagle or the Crested Falcon.
As its name suggests, this bird has a distinctive crest of feathers on its head.
The Crested Caracara is a large bird, measuring 23-25 inches in length and having a wingspan of 4-5 feet.
Its feathers are predominantly black, and its neck and chest are white. Its distinctive facial skin is red or orange.
The crest on its head has black feathers that are more visible when the bird is alert or excited.
The Crested Caracara is known for its scavenging abilities and often feeds on carrion, insects, and small animals. It is also known to steal food from other birds, particularly vultures.
This bird thrives in various habitats, from open savannahs to forested areas.
It also resides in urban areas, where it often perches on telephone poles or scavenges for food in trash cans.
The Crested Caracara is a species of least concern, as it has a stable population and is not currently under no threat.
However, habitat loss and hunting threaten this bird’s long-term survival.
Overall, the Crested Caracara is a fascinating bird with a unique appearance and interesting behaviors.
If you are lucky enough to spot one in the wild, take a moment to appreciate this amazing creature.
11. Pinstripe Crested Geckos

The Pinstripe Crested Gecko is a type of lizard that belongs to the Rhacodactylus genus.
These geckos got their name after the pinstripe-like pattern that runs along their bodies.
The pattern results from the darker scales that stand out from the lighter background.
These geckos are native to the island of New Caledonia in the Pacific Ocean.
One of the interesting features of Pinstripe Crested Geckos is their prehensile tail, which means they can wrap it around objects like branches and hold on to them tightly.
This helps them to climb and move around their environment with ease.
These geckos are popular pets due to their unique appearance and easy care. They can grow up to 8 inches long and are generally easy to handle.
They require a terrarium with a temperature range of 72-82°F and high humidity levels.
In terms of diet, Pinstripe Crested Geckos are omnivores and will eat a variety of insects and fruit. They also eat nectar, which they get from a specialized diet.
If you’re considering getting a Pinstripe Crested Gecko as a pet, do your research and ensure that they have a proper environment and diet.
They can live up to 20 years in captivity with the right care.
12. Demoiselle Crane

One of the most elegant and stunning crested animals on this list, the Demoiselle Crane is a beautiful bird found across Asia, Europe, and Africa.
With a small, slender body and a striking crest atop its head, these birds will turn heads wherever they go.
The crests of Demoiselle Cranes are unique because they are composed of stiff, black feathers that stand straight up, almost like a mohawk.
Not only are they aesthetically pleasing, but Demoiselle Cranes also have a significant cultural significance.
In India, they represent symbols of loyalty and fidelity, while in other parts of Asia, they symbolize long life and prosperity.
Unfortunately, due to habitat loss and hunting, Demoiselle Cranes are currently the “least concern” species.
Overall, the Demoiselle Crane is a beautiful bird with a unique and eye-catching crest that sets it apart from other birds.
Its grace, elegance, and cultural significance make it one of the most fascinating crested animals in the world.
13. Eurasian Hoopoe
The Eurasian Hoopoe is a crested bird found across Europe, Asia, and Africa.
It is known for its distinctive crown of feathers on its head, which can be raised or lowered depending on its mood or level of excitement.
This crested bird is also easy to spot due to its colorful plumage, which combines pink, brown, and black tones.
The Hoopoe is a fascinating creature with unique behaviors and adaptations. For instance, it uses its long, thin beak to probe the ground for insects and other small prey.
It is also known for its defensive mechanism of producing a foul-smelling liquid when threatened, which it can shoot at predators from its cloaca.
In many cultures, the Eurasian Hoopoe symbolizes good luck, happiness, and protection.
Its distinctive crest and beautiful colors have inspired artists, poets, and storytellers for centuries.
The bird was even featured in Greek mythology as the messenger of the gods.
The Eurasian Hoopoe is just one example of the many crested animals you can find worldwide.
From birds and reptiles to mammals and insects, crests can be a defining characteristic that sets these creatures apart from others in their species.
So if you’re ever out in nature and spot a crested animal, take a closer look and appreciate the unique beauty of these remarkable creatures.
14. Phantom Pinstripe
The Phantom Pinstripe, also known as the Crested Gecko, is a fascinating lizard species native to New Caledonia in the Pacific Ocean.
It gets its name from the thin white stripes running down its back, which give it a phantom-like appearance.
The Crested Gecko has a distinctive crest of skin on its head, which runs down its back and consists of small spikes.
This crest serves various functions, including camouflage and communication.
When threatened, the gecko flattens its body and puffs up its crest to appear larger and more intimidating to potential predators.
One of the most unique features of the Crested Gecko is its ability to regenerate its tail. This means that if its tail is lost or damaged, it can regrow a new one.
Additionally, these geckos are nocturnal and have adhesive pads on their feet, allowing them to climb vertical surfaces easily.
Phantom Pinstripe geckos are popular pets because of their unusual appearance and relatively easy care.
They are also quite adaptable and can live in various environments, including terrariums and vivariums.
However, it’s important to note that these geckos can live up to 20 years in captivity, so owning one is a long-term commitment.
The Crested Gecko faces threats from habitat destruction and invasive species in the wild.
However, their status as popular pets has led to breeding programs and increased awareness of their conservation needs.
By appreciating and learning about unique animals like the Phantom Pinstripe, we can take steps toward protecting them and their habitats.
15. Gold-Crowned Kinglet

The Gold-Crowned Kinglet is a tiny bird belonging to the crested animal family.
With a distinctive crest on its head, this bird is native to North America and is known for its bright yellow and black markings.
The males have a fiery orange crown, while the females have a yellow one. This bird is one of the smallest birds in North America, measuring only four inches long.
Despite its small size, the Gold-Crowned Kinglet is known for its ability to survive in cold temperatures. It is often found in coniferous forests throughout the winter months.
The crest on the Gold-Crowned Kinglet’s head serves multiple purposes. It can be raised to display aggression or excitement and flattened to conceal the bird’s identity.
The crest also helps the bird regulate its body temperature and communicate with other members of its species.
In addition to their crested appearance, Gold-Crowned Kinglets are known for their high-pitched calls and ability to hover while foraging for food.
They feed on insects and spiders and dart through the air to catch prey.
Despite their small size, Gold-Crowned Kinglets play an important role in their ecosystem as predators of insect populations.
These crested animals are a testament to the diversity of animal life on Earth.
Their unique adaptations have allowed them to thrive in even the harshest environments.
16. Great Curassow

The Great Curassow is a stunning bird found in the tropical rainforests of Central and South America.
With its large size and distinctive crested head, it is one of the most beautiful birds in the world.
Great Curassows have black plumages, bright yellow beaks, and white-tipped tails.
The males of the species are particularly striking, with a bright blue crest on their heads. Females are a bit more understated, with a brown crest and smaller body size.
Despite their beauty, Great Curassows are a threatened species due to habitat loss and hunting.
They are an important part of the ecosystem, helping to disperse seeds and control insect populations.
In some indigenous cultures, Great Curassows symbolize power, and people hunt them for their feathers and meat.
However, conservation efforts are underway to protect these magnificent birds and their habitats.
If you are lucky enough to spot a Great Curassow in the wild, take a moment to appreciate its beauty and remember the importance of preserving our natural world.
17. Quadstripe
The Quadstripe is another fascinating addition to the list of crested animals.
This small bird is native to South America and lives in the rainforests of Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia.
Its scientific name, Enicognathus leptorhynchus, is derived from Greek words that mean “thin-billed hooked jaw.”
This refers to its distinctive hooked bill, which is specially adapted to help it crack open nuts and seeds.
But the Quadstripe is most famous for its striking appearance. As its name suggests, it has four stripes of different colors on its head – black, white, blue, and red.
When excited or threatened, the bird can raise its crest to display even more vivid colors.
The Quadstripe is also known for its playful behavior. It is a social bird that likes to interact with others of its species, often engaging in “play fights” or showing off its acrobatic skills.
Despite its small size, it has a powerful voice and can produce a range of melodic and piercing calls and songs.
Like many crested animals, the Quadstripe has faced habitat loss and hunting threats.
However, conservation efforts have helped to protect its rainforest home and raise awareness about its importance.
As more people learn about the beauty and diversity of crested animals, we can hope that these species will continue to thrive in the wild.
18. Dalmatian Crested Gecko
The Dalmatian Crested Gecko is a unique gecko species from New Caledonia, an island in the South Pacific.
As the name suggests, these geckos have crests running down their spine, giving them a distinctive appearance.
However, what sets the Dalmatian Crested Gecko apart from other crested geckos is its striking spotted pattern, resembling the coat of a Dalmatian dog.
Dalmatian Crested Geckos are small creatures, typically growing 8-10 inches long.
They are nocturnal and primarily arboreal, spending much of their time hiding in the branches and leaves of trees.
They are also known for their ability to change color, with their skin taking on different shades depending on their mood and surroundings.
These geckos are relatively easy to care for in captivity and have become increasingly popular as pets in recent years.
However, they are still considered rare and valuable species, and their habitat is threatened by deforestation and other human activities.
Overall, the Dalmatian Crested Gecko is a fascinating and beautiful creature that deserves more recognition and protection.
Whether you’re a fan of reptiles or just appreciate unique and interesting animals, this species is definitely one to watch out for.
19. Grey Crowned Crane
The Grey Crowned Crane, scientifically known as Balearica regulorum, is a striking bird with a distinctive crested appearance in the savannahs and wetlands of eastern and southern Africa.
These birds are highly recognizable, with a grey body and neck, a white under-tail, and a crown of golden feathers on top of their head.
The crests of Grey-Crowned Cranes are particularly prominent during courtship displays when they bow and jump around in a beautiful dance that has become a symbol of Africa’s wildlife.
Interestingly, the length of their crest also indicates their age and social status, with older birds having longer and more intricate crests.
Grey Crowned Cranes are known for their loud and distinctive calls, resonating long distances.
Their diet mainly consists of insects, small reptiles, and plant material, and they often forage in fields and grasslands.
These birds also have long lifespans, with some individuals living for over 20 years in captivity.
Unfortunately, Grey-Crowned Cranes face many threats, including habitat loss, hunting, and capture for the pet trade.
As a result, their populations have declined significantly in recent years, with some estimates suggesting that only 60,000 birds remain in the wild.
Conservation efforts are underway to protect these beautiful birds, and their unique crests remind us of the importance of preserving the natural world’s diversity.
20. Himalayan Monal

The Himalayan Monal, or the Impeyan Monal, is a colorful crested bird in the Himalayas.
With its striking appearance, it’s no surprise that the Himalayan Monal is the national bird of Nepal.
The male Monal is particularly vibrant, with metallic green, blue, and purple feathers, while the female is less showy, with brownish-black plumage.
Both genders have a distinctive crest on their heads that adds to their majestic appearance.
The crested animals, like the Himalayan Monal, can be found at high altitudes in their native habitat.
They prefer to live in the dense forests of the Himalayan region or near the tree lines.
The Himalayan Monal feeds on insects, fruits, and seeds and can often be spotted scratching the ground for food.
Unfortunately, the Himalayan Monal is vulnerable to habitat loss and poaching.
However, conservationists are trying to protect its natural habitat and ensure its survival.
The stunning beauty of the Himalayan Monal reminds us of the importance of preserving these crested animals and their unique environments.
21. White Spotted Gecko

The White Spotted Gecko, also known as the White-Spotted Lizard, is a fascinating crested animal in the southwestern part of the United States.
This gecko has a unique appearance, with a prominent crest of scales running down the length of its body.
The White Spotted Gecko earned its name after the distinctive white spots on its body.
These geckos are nocturnal and are active at night when they hunt for food. They primarily feed on insects such as crickets, mealworms, and waxworms.
Their crested scales give them an advantage when hunting, allowing them to move quietly and unnoticed.
White-spotted geckos are not picky about their habitat and can live in a variety of environments, including deserts, grasslands, and woodlands.
They commonly hide under rocks and logs during the day to avoid predators.
One interesting fact about White Spotted Geckos is that they can detach their tails if a predator threatens them.
This serves as a defense mechanism and allows them to escape unharmed.
They can later regenerate their tails, but the new tails may look different from the original.
22. Cockatoos

Cockatoos are crested animals native to Australia, Indonesia, and the surrounding islands.
These intelligent and social birds are beloved by many for their striking appearance, which includes a distinctive crest of feathers on their head.
One of the most notable features of cockatoos is their large, curved beak, which they use for cracking open seeds and nuts.
They are also known for their playful and affectionate personalities.
In the wild, cockatoos live in flocks and are highly vocal, using a range of calls and squawks to communicate with each other.
Unfortunately, many species of cockatoos suffer from habitat loss and poaching, and their populations are declining in some areas.
Despite these challenges, cockatoos remain among the world’s most fascinating and beloved crested animals.
Whether you admire their beauty in the wild or keep one as a pet, these charismatic birds are sure to capture your heart.
23. Pygmy Marmoset

If you’re a fan of crested animals, you should add the Pygmy Marmoset to your list.
These adorable creatures, native to the rainforests of South America, have a distinctive crest of hair on their head that gives them a unique appearance.
But there’s more to the Pygmy Marmoset than just their cute crest. They are the smallest monkeys in the world, with an average weight of just over 100 grams.
Despite their small size, they are incredibly social creatures, living in family groups of up to 15 individuals.
Their crests may be adorable, but they also serve a practical purpose.
Pygmy Marmosets are known for their impressive jumping abilities, and their crests help them to navigate through the dense branches and foliage of their forest homes.
Unfortunately, like many crested animals, Pygmy Marmosets are threatened by habitat loss and the illegal pet trade.
Conservation efforts are underway to protect these unique creatures and their delicate rainforest ecosystem.
So, if you ever have the chance to meet a Pygmy Marmoset, take the opportunity to appreciate their amazing crest and learn more about these fascinating creatures.
24. Crested Ibis

The Crested Ibis is one of the most iconic crested animals in the world, known for its stunning appearance and unique behavior.
Found in Eastern Asia, this bird features a striking crest of feathers on its head, known as a “punk hairdo.”
However, this crest serves more than just an aesthetic purpose – it helps the bird communicate with its flock.
The Crested Ibis was once critically endangered, with only a few birds left in the wild.
However, thanks to conservation efforts, the population has slowly started to recover.
In Japan, the Crested Ibis has been designated a national natural monument and is now a symbol of hope for many people.
These crested animals are incredibly graceful in flight, with their wings outstretched and long necks stretched forward.
They are known for their sharp eyesight and often perch on high branches or fly over wetlands in search of prey.
In addition to their striking appearance, Crosted Ibis are also known for their unique mating rituals. During the breeding season, males display their crests to attract females.
Once they find a mate, Crested Ibis often perform elaborate dances to win their affection. They form monogamous pairs and work together to raise their chicks.
Overall, the Crested Ibis is a fascinating example of one of the many crested animals found worldwide.
Their unique appearance and behavior make them popular for nature enthusiasts and bird watchers.
25. Bearded Dragon

Another interesting crested animal that deserves a spot on this list is the Bearded Dragon.
These lizards are native to Australia, and their scientific name, Pogona, is derived from the Greek term “bearded one.
This name is fitting since these lizards have a beard-like protrusion on their necks to scare off predators or show off during courtship displays.
Bearded Dragons are popular as pets due to their docile nature, hardy demeanor, and ability to thrive in captivity.
They are also known for their unique appearance, which includes spiky scales along their backs and a bumpy, armored texture.
These lizards are omnivores, meaning they eat insects and vegetation and usually develop strong bonds with their owners.
Overall, Bearded Dragons are fascinating crested animals that will impress anyone who comes into contact with them.
If you’re considering adopting one as a pet, research first and provide them with the proper care they need to thrive.
26. Puffin

Puffins are one of the most iconic seabirds and are instantly recognizable due to their colorful beaks.
They belong to the family Alcidae, which includes several other species of birds commonly found in the Northern Hemisphere.
Puffins can thrive in the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean, with the largest colonies being Iceland, Norway, and the United Kingdom.
The distinctive colorful beaks of puffins result from sexual selection, as they are only bright during the breeding season.
These beaks act as a means to attract mates and also help puffins to recognize each other.
Puffins also have a unique ability to hold several fish in their beaks simultaneously, which they catch by diving into the water.
Puffins are seabirds, as they spend most of their lives at sea. However, during the breeding season, they come ashore to breed in colonies on rocky cliffs and islands.
Puffins lay a single egg, which both parents take turns incubating and feeding.
The chicks hatch after around six weeks and are fed by their parents for several weeks until they are strong enough to leave the nest and fend for themselves.
Puffins face several threats, including habitat loss and degradation, pollution, and overfishing.
Several conservation organizations, including the National Audubon Society and the Puffin Foundation, are working to protect puffins and their habitats.
These efforts are critical to ensuring these iconic birds continue thriving for generations.
27. Shoebill

Another crested animal that is sure to capture your attention is the shoebill.
These unique birds reside in the wetlands of central and eastern Africa and are popular for their distinctive bill, which resembles a Dutch clog.
The shoebill’s crest feathers give it a regal appearance and increase its already impressive size, which can reach up to five feet tall.
What makes shoebills so fascinating is their hunting technique. They stand completely still for hours, waiting for prey to come within striking distance.
Once a fish or other prey enters range, the shoebill’s bill snaps shut, trapping the unsuspecting victim.
The shoebill population is declining due to habitat loss and hunting, so catching a glimpse of one in the wild is a real treat.
They are truly one of the most fascinating crested animals in the world.
28. Sloth

Sloths are some of the most adorable creatures on the planet. Their slow and lazy movements capture our hearts and make us want to cuddle them.
But did you know that some sloths have crests? The Maned Sloth is one such species.
Found in the rainforests of South America, this sloth has long hair on its neck and back that gives it a mane-like appearance.
This fur consists of specialized hairs that provide camouflage and protection from predators.
Another type of crested sloth is the Pygmy Three-Toed Sloth. This tiny sloth found only on a few islands off the coast of Panama, has a distinctive blonde crest on top of its head.
Scientists believe this crest may help regulate the sloth’s body temperature in the hot and humid rainforest environment.
Sloths are known for their slow movements but are very good swimmers.
They use their long arms to paddle through the water and can hold their breath for up to 40 minutes.
So next time you see a sloth lounging in a tree, remember that it’s not just a cute and cuddly creature – it’s also a skilled swimmer!
Overall, sloths are fascinating creatures with unique crests that stand out in the animal kingdom.
Whether admiring a maned sloth’s beautiful fur or watching a pygmy sloth swimming in the ocean, these creatures will capture your heart and imagination.
29. Indian Peafowl

The Indian Peafowl, also known as the common peafowl or peacock, is a well-known crested animal found mainly in India and Sri Lanka.
These birds are famous for their beautiful feathers, especially the males, with an impressive train of elongated feathers that can reach up to six feet long.
The Indian Peafowl is the national bird of India and is deeply rooted in Indian mythology and folklore.
These birds are often associated with beauty, grace, and love, and their feathers are useful in various cultural practices, such as decoration and religious ceremonies.
Apart from their beautiful feathers, Indian Peafowls are also famous for their distinctive crests, which consist of a fan-like arrangement of feathers on top of their heads.
These crests become more prominent during mating displays or when the birds are excited or threatened.
Indian Peafowls are omnivorous and eat a variety of foods, including insects, grains, and small vertebrates.
They are also known for their distinct calls, which vary depending on the situation and can resonate from far away.
Indian Peafowls are a popular sight in parks and gardens worldwide, and they are often kept in captivity for their beauty.
However, they are also considered a pest in some areas due to their tendency to damage crops and gardens.
The Indian Peafowl is a fascinating crested animal that has captured people’s hearts worldwide.
From their stunning feathers to their unique crests and calls, these birds are a true wonder of nature.
30. Northern Cardinal

The Northern Cardinal is a striking bird with a distinctive crest that adorns the top of its head. This bird is native to North America and is known for its brilliant red plumage.
The males are particularly impressive, with bright red feathers and black masks.
The females have a more subdued coloration, with a reddish-brown body and a hint of red on their wings and crest.
The northern cardinal is a popular bird among backyard birdwatchers.
It has a wide range of vocalizations, including a distinctive whistling song that is easily recognizable.
Cardinals are monogamous and often mate for life. They typically breed between March and September, and the female will lay a clutch of 2-5 eggs.
Cardinals are omnivorous and will eat various foods, including seeds, fruit, insects, and even small lizards.
Cardinals are non-migratory birds that often stay in their breeding territory year-round, consuming snails and spiders.
Unfortunately, the Northern Cardinal faces threats of habitat loss and fragmentation, as well as collisions with windows and other man-made structures.
However, the bird is still relatively common and is typical in backyards and parks throughout much of North America.
31. Oak Titmouse

The Oak Titmouse is a small songbird in the family of Paridae. It is native to California and can be found in oak woodlands, forests, and scrublands.
Oak Titmice have distinctive crests on their heads, which they raise or lower depending on their mood.
These birds are around 11.5 centimeters long and weigh only 9-10 grams. Their bodies are gray-brown, and their undersides are lighter in color.
Oak titmice have a small, stubby beak and big black eyes. They feed on insects, spiders, and small berries.
Breeding season for these birds occurs from February to July. The male Oak Titmouse finds a mate and builds a nest together, which can take up to three weeks to build.
The nest is made of moss, leaves, and bark and is usually in a hole in a tree. The female will lay five to six eggs and incubate them for 14-15 days.
Oak Titmice are fascinating creatures and an important part of California’s ecosystem. Despite being small, they play a big role in maintaining the balance of their habitat.
If you ever have the chance to visit California, look for these charming little birds in the oak woodlands.
32. Palm Cockatoo

Of all the crested animals in the world, the Palm Cockatoo is one of the most striking.
With its unique appearance, this bird is easily recognizable by the impressive black crest on top of its head.
It’s no wonder this cockatoo is sometimes called the “Goliath Cockatoo” due to its larger size.
Found primarily in Australia’s northern and eastern regions, the Palm Cockatoo is known for its intelligence and social behavior.
These birds form strong bonds with their partners and occasionally share food with one another. They are also incredibly vocal and can mimic human speech and sounds.
One of the most fascinating things about the Palm Cockatoo is its method of communication.
During courtship, the male cockatoo displays his crest in a dramatic way while emitting low-frequency calls. These calls help attract a mate.
Unfortunately, like many crested animals, the Palm Cockatoo faces the threat of habitat loss and illegal poaching.
We must do what we can to protect these beautiful creatures and their natural habitats.
Raising awareness and supporting conservation efforts can help ensure that these magnificent birds continue to thrive in the wild.
33. Pileated Woodpecker
The Pileated Woodpecker is a stunning bird found across the North American continent.
Known for its vibrant red crest, this woodpecker can grow up to 19 inches in length, making them one of the largest woodpeckers in North America.
These woodpeckers reside in mature forests, making their homes in large cavities carved into trees.
They have a distinctively loud call and are famous for their impressive drumming sounds as they excavate for food and nesting sites.
Regarding diet, Pileated Woodpeckers primarily feed on insects found in tree bark, fallen logs, nuts, and fruits.
They use their long, barbed tongue to extract prey from crevices and holes in the wood.
While the Pileated Woodpecker was once threatened by deforestation, its populations have since stabilized, and you can now spot it across North America.
Keep an eye and ear out for these striking birds on your next hike through a mature forest!