9 Animals That Eat Squirrels and Their Pictures

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Photo by Mayukh Karmakar on Unsplash

Rodents with big, bushy tails and quick reflexes when climbing trees are called squirrels.

The squirrel is an essential component of the food chain. Due to their small size and herbivorous diet, some animals eat squirrels. 

Our post will discuss the many animals that eat squirrels and how predators capture these fast and agile rodents.

When finding their next meal, various species might prey on squirrels. 

Alligators, coyotes, snakes, domestic cats, and birds of prey could eat this fuzzy little mammal!

All the animals that eat squirrels will be listed below;

1. Eagle 

Eagles - Animals That Eat CarrionPin
by Andy Morffew is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Eagles are the first animal on our list of animals that eat squirrels. Large birds of prey, eagles are distinguished by their sharp beaks and strong talons. 

The feathers of eagles are usually brown or black. Although they are not the largest raptors, they may reach a maximum width of 8 feet, a maximum height of 40 inches, and weigh up to 20 pounds! 

Eagles hunt squirrels by soaring the air and scouring the ground and trees for prey.

Upon seeing the unfortunate squirrel, they will use their paws and lightning-fast reflexes to kill it—sometimes even devouring it whole!

Fish are their main food source besides squirrels, followed by rabbits, snakes, and other small rodents.

2. Hawk

Types of Hawks in ArizonaPin
Photo by Anthony on Unsplash

A hawk is also an animal that eats squirrels. Medium to large-sized predatory birds, hawks are distinguished by their razor-sharp claws and even more acute vision. Their beak is hooked, and they have large wings. 

Even though animals that eat squirrels are smaller than eagles, they are just as lethal!

Like eagles, they hunt squirrels by flying above the treetops and looking for their next meal. 

When they see a squirrel, they dive to the ground, seize it, and kill it with their nails.

Hawks also hunt other species, such as birds, reptiles, and rodents.

3. Great Horned Owl

Great Horned OwlPin
by brendan.lally….away is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The great horned owl is a nocturnal predatory bird. These are medium-sized to small animals with enormous eyes that can fly quite silently. 

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These animals that eat squirrels can weigh between 2.7 and 3.5 pounds and measure between 17 and 25 inches in length.

They are stunningly colored in black, white, and brown stripes and have characteristic “horns” on their heads. 

These owls will hunt for squirrels at night and find their nests using keen vision and sensitive hearing.

When a squirrel spots its meal, it seeks it out, uses its razor-sharp talons to grasp it, and then, similar to an eagle, eats it whole

Aside from other small mammals, owls also consume insects, birds, and other small rodents.

4. Snake 

Northern WatersnakePin
by Judy Gallagher is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Black rat snakes, corn snakes, and other kinds of tree-climbing snakes are among the animals that eat squirrels.

Typically, these snakes are long and thin, aiding their ability to move through the foliage. They also have pointy heads on smooth scales. 

When hunting, these snakes would scale trees and burrow into squirrels’ nests or tunnels.

Once they’ve caught a squirrel, they will smother and kill it by constriction and then eat it whole.

In addition, these snakes will consume a variety of other species, such as rodents, birds, and occasionally even other snakes.

5. Fox

Gray Foxes - Animals Most Faithful to Their MatesPin
by ZionNPS is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Small to medium-sized omnivores with bushy tails and long snouts, foxes are easily recognizable. Their coats are thick, typically brown, red, grey, or white.

From snout to tail, these animals that eat squirrels are 35 to 40 inches long, and their adult weight ranges from 7 to 15 pounds. 

Foxes frequently search for squirrels on the ground or in trees, using their exceptional speed and agility to grab them.

They have even been known to burrow inside a squirrel’s nest to reach the tiny, defenseless squirrels for a quick and simple meal.

Because they are omnivores, foxes consume various foods, such as berries, fruit, plants, birds, rabbits, and other rodents.

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6. Coyote 

by Bob Haarmans is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Coyotes are a native breed of dog found in North America. These predators could be mistaken for the wolves’ near relatives. 

Conversely, coyotes are marginally smaller than red and eastern wolves and larger than gray wolves.

Coyotes typically weigh between 18 and 44 pounds for males and between 15 and 40 pounds for females. 

Although this varies according to the area, their fur is often red and light gray. Compared to the gray wolf, the coyote is smaller and has longer ears.

A wolf’s tail is held horizontally, but a coyote’s tail is carried downward during running or strolling, making the difference between the two easy to identify.

Coyotes are excellent hunters; if they spot a squirrel, they snap it up and consume it. 

Coyotes consume a wide variety of foods and will eat almost everything they can lay their hands on.

They consume poultry, animals, deer, rabbits, rats, and insects. In times of scarcity, coyotes have also been known to consume pet cats and dogs.

These animals that eat squirrels may consume fruit and berries as part of their diet because they are omnivores, just like foxes. 

7. Bobcat 

Bobcat - Species of Wild CatsPin
by snowpeak is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Another animal that eats squirrels native to North America is the bobcat. These medium-sized wild cats are widespread throughout the United States.

These predators can be found in woods, semi-desert regions, wooded areas, and even the periphery of urban areas. 

The adult bobcat weighs between 8.8 and 40 pounds and is 18.7 and 49.2 inches long. The tail is the most characteristic trait that sets the bobcat apart. 

The species gets its name from its tail, which is 3.5 to 7.9 inches long and has a “bobbed” appearance.

Because bobcats are expert climbers and incredibly cunning hunters, squirrels have little chance against these predators.

The bobcat eats insects, rabbits, hares, chickens, rodents, deer, and squirrels. Their diet varies according to the season, location, and quantity of prey. 

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The bobcat excels as an expert stalker and hunter. Its ability to climb and move quickly makes it the ideal predator for capturing and consuming squirrels!

8. Cat

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Photo by doanme on Pixabay

Being a predator, the adorable and petite house cat is more than capable of going squirrel hunting.

They can hunt thanks to their muscular, flexible bodies, keen fangs, fast reflexes, and claws. There is a wide variety of colors and patterns among domestic cats

Some of these animals that eat squirrels have long hair, some have short hair, and others are nearly hairless!

A domestic cat’s usual length is approximately 18 inches and its typical weight ranges from 9 to 11 pounds.

These creatures may be little, but their hunting prowess is immense! 

Domestic cats are known to chase tiny rodents and birds. While not often, these skilled hunters occasionally catch and kill squirrels. 

9. Crocodile

by personaltrainertoronto is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Crocodiles are next on our list of animals that eat squirrels. They are massive reptiles that may grow to a length of 12 feet and a weight of 1000 pounds! 

They have large snouts, muscular tails, and sharp teeth. Having the fourth-strongest biting force in the animal kingdom, they are frightening predators that rarely attack people.

However, they are still a threat to all animals! Alligators’ tough, armor-like skin is usually grayish-green.

Alligators, particularly in marsh settings, are known for consuming whatever they can swiftly catch, including squirrels.

With their strong teeth and lightning-fast reflexes, they can capture squirrels and devour them whole.

Alligators wait for their prey to approach, concealing themselves in the water or remaining still until it is safe to move.

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