Are you curious about the different types of wasps in Wisconsin that you can find? With over 600 species of wasps in the United States, it can be hard to track them all.
This blog post will explore all the different types of wasps in Wisconsin.
We’ll examine their characteristics, habits, and more to help you get to know these amazing creatures better.
1. Horntail Wasp

The horntail wasp (Urocerus spp.) is a species of large wasps native to Wisconsin.
The horntail wasp can reach lengths up to one inch long and is easily recognizable by its long, pointed abdomen and long antennae.
Horntail wasps can be found in wooded areas and forest habitats, where they feed on tree sap and other plant material.
In the summer, female horntail wasps build their nests in rotting wood or under the bark.
The horntail wasp can become aggressive when disturbed and will sting if threatened.
Horntail wasps benefit the environment as they help keep trees and woodlands healthy by controlling insect pests.
There are also types of wasps in Wisconsin that serve food for other predators, such as spiders and birds.
Although these wasps are not typically dangerous to humans, it is best to be cautious around them, especially if you are allergic to their venom.
2. Great Golden Digger Wasp

The Great Golden Digger Wasp is native to Wisconsin and is known for its impressive size.
They can grow to 1.25 inches long and are black with yellow stripes on their bodies and wings.
These wasps play an important role in the environment as they are natural predators of insects such as grasshoppers, caterpillars, beetles, and flies.
Despite their large size, these wasps are generally not aggressive toward humans and will only sting if threatened or disturbed.
Great Golden Digger Wasps are a type of wasp in Wisconsin. They build nests in the ground and are usually solitary creatures.
Interestingly, the female will lay her eggs in the nest and then leave the nest; the larvae that hatch from the eggs will feed off of the female’s captured prey left in the nest.
3. Great Black Wasp

The Great Black Wasp (Sphex pensylvanicus) is a species of wasp found throughout the midwestern and eastern United States.
In Wisconsin, it is common in agricultural and rural areas, especially near grasslands.
The Great Black Wasp is easily recognized by its large size, ranging from about 15 –
20mm long. It has a black body with yellow markings on the abdomen.
The Great Black Wasp preys on various insects, including grasshoppers, crickets, beetles, and other insect pests.
The female wasp constructs a mud-like nest on vertical surfaces such as trees and walls, filling it with paralyzed prey to feed its larvae.
The adults of these types of wasps in Wisconsin feed on nectar and pollen from flowers.
They are active during the day and can often be seen hovering around flower beds or in gardens.
4. Giant Ichneumon Wasp

The Giant Ichneumon Wasp is a species of parasitic wasp found in Wisconsin and other parts of the United States.
This particular type of wasp is part of the family Ichneumonidae, one of North America’s largest parasitic wasps.
It is distinguished from other species by its long ovipositor, which it uses to inject eggs into the tunnels of its hosts.
The host can be a beetle or a wood-boring insect, such as carpenter ants or termites.
The eggs hatch, feed on the host until they become adults, and eventually fly away to start the cycle again.
In Wisconsin, Giant Ichneumon Wasps are typically found in forests and wooded areas near deciduous trees.
They tend to be more active during spring and summer, with peak times being late May and early June.
While they may appear intimidating due to their size and formidable appearance, they benefit the environment and don’t threaten humans or other animals. There are also types of wasps in Wisconsin.
5. Five-Banded Thynnid Wasp

The Five-banded Thynnid Wasp is a solitary species native to Wisconsin. It is easily identified by its distinct bands of yellow on the abdomen and its long, slender body.
The wasp uses its long proboscis to feed on flower nectar and prefers living in grassy areas near lakes or ponds.
The Five-banded Thynnid Wasp is a helpful species as it helps to control the population of aphids, which can become pests in gardens or crop fields.
The Five-banded Thynnid Wasp can be found in Wisconsin throughout the summer months and is a welcome sight for anyone looking to observe these fascinating insects.
They are harmless to humans and can be easily identified by their bright colors and banded abdomens.
You can spot this lovely wasp and appreciate its beauty with patience and a keen eye.
6. European Paper Wasp

The European Paper Wasp (Polistes dominula) is a species of wasp found in many parts of Wisconsin.
This type of wasp is recognizable by its bright yellow and black coloration and slender body.
European Paper Wasps feed on insects like flies, caterpillars, and other arthropods like spiders.
They build nests of paper-like material made from chewed wood fibers. The nests are usually constructed under eaves, tree hollows, or attics.
While they do not sting humans unless provoked, they can still deliver painful stings if threatened.
It is important to exercise caution when removing a European Paper Wasp nest, as the wasps will forcefully defend their nest.
European Paper Wasps can also benefit the environment since they help control pest populations.
They are important pollinators for certain flowers and crops, which helps with crop yields and local ecology.
While it is important to use caution when encountering these types of wasps in Wisconsin, it is also important to remember that they can play an important role in the ecosystem.
7. Double-Banded Scoliid Wasp

This species of wasp is found in the northern Midwest, including Wisconsin.
The double-banded scoliid wasp is an impressive insect with a long body and prominent wings.
It is black with two orange or yellow stripes that divide the abdomen into three sections. They feed on small larvae or larvae of other insects, as well as flowers and plants.
This wasp species is found in gardens and agricultural fields but is not considered aggressive toward humans.
The double-banded scoliid wasp is an important predator of harmful insects, making it an important part of the ecosystem in Wisconsin.
8. Cuckoo Wasp

Cuckoo wasps are small, solitary insects found in many parts of Wisconsin. They typically have long, slender bodies with black and yellow striped patterns.
These wasps feed on the larvae of other insects, such as caterpillars, flies, and aphids.
Cuckoo wasps are known to be beneficial to gardens and crops because they help to control pest populations.
In addition to being beneficial, they are also an interesting species to observe as they fly around and collect their prey.
Cuckoo wasps often nest in the ground or trees, depending on the species. Some species build mud nests, while others construct elaborate paper-like cells.
Most cuckoo wasps are only active during the daytime, although some can be seen at night. It is one of the various types of wasps in Wisconsin.
To identify them, look for a black and yellow striped pattern along the body and a long, slender shape.
With so many species of cuckoo wasps living in Wisconsin, you may come across one if you’re lucky!
9. Common Thread-Waisted Wasp

The Common Thread-waisted Wasp, also known as Ammophila procera, is a type of wasp found in Wisconsin.
This species belongs to Sphecidae family and is commonly found near open sandy areas, such as beaches, meadows, and pastures.
These wasps are robust and large, up to two inches long. The head and thorax are black, and the abdomen is metallic blue or green.
The Common Thread-waisted Wasp, one of the types of wasps in Wisconsin, builds its nest in the ground.
The nest is made from small pieces of dry twigs, dried grasses, and leaves.
The female wasp gathers these materials around the nest and then packs them with saliva and mud to form a small, tightly packed mound.
Several cells are made inside the mound to house the eggs and young wasps. This species is a solitary wasp and does not form colonies like others.
10. Paper Wasp

The common paper wasp (Polistes exclamans) is a social species that builds small, open paper nests in sheltered areas.
These wasps are found throughout Wisconsin, typically in wooded and grassy areas.
The common paper wasp has a distinct black and yellow body with black antennae and four transparent wings.
This list of the types of wasps in Wisconsin includes those that feed on nectar and insects and primarily prey on caterpillars and flies.
The common paper wasp is an important part of the ecosystem in Wisconsin. It acts as natural pest control by eating harmful insects.
Common paper wasps’ nests are constructed from chewed-up plant matter mixed with saliva.
They hang the nests in trees, shrubs, and man-made structures like sheds and garages.
These wasps are very protective of their nests and will sting if threatened. However, the common paper wasp does not typically threaten humans unless provoked.
If you notice a nest in your yard, it is best to leave it alone and not disturb the wasps.
11. Braconid Wasp

The Braconid Wasp (Atanycolus spp.) is one of the types of wasps in Wisconsin. These wasps have a black body and are typically between 1/8 to 1/4 inch long.
The main difference between Braconid Wasps and other types of wasps is their antennae, which are curved and feathered.
Braconid Wasps feed on the larvae of other insects, such as aphids and moths, and can often be found in areas with large populations of these pests.
They are also beneficial to the environment since they help control insect populations.
Braconid Wasps build nests in wood or the ground, typically near the area where their prey resides.
If a person encounters a Braconid Wasp nest, they should leave it alone since they are usually not aggressive.
It is important to be aware of these types of wasps outdoors in Wisconsin, as they may sting if provoked.
However, their sting is generally not as severe as that of a bee or hornet.
Braconid Wasps provide an essential environmental service and should not be considered a nuisance pest.
12. Blue-Winged Wasp

The Blue-winged Wasp is a species of wasp that is native to Wisconsin. These wasps have large, black bodies, and their wings have blue markings.
They typically nest in the ground but can also be found in dead wood or other cavities. The female wasps are responsible for creating the nest and caring for the larvae.
Blue-winged wasps feed on nectar and can be seen foraging for food around gardens and flowering plants.
These wasps can sometimes be considered a nuisance when they construct their nests in the ground near human dwellings.
The Blue-winged Wasp is an important pollinator for many flowers and crops and is essential to the ecosystem.
It can also help to control insect populations by preying on other smaller insects.
If you spot a Blue-winged Wasp in your garden or yard, leave it alone. It is helping to keep your plants healthy.
13. Large Four-spotted Scoliid Wasp

The Large Four-spotted Scoliid Wasp, or Pygodasis quadrimaculata, is a species of wasp native to Wisconsin.
This species is typically between two and five centimeters long, with four black spots on its back.
A solitary species prefers open fields and meadows where they build nests in the ground.
They feed on nectar, pollen, and other insects, making them important pollinators. The adults are active during the day and fly low over vegetation for food.
The large four-spotted scoliid wasp is an important part of the Wisconsin ecosystem and can help balance insect populations.
Wisconsin‘s various types of wasps are important for native bees and other beneficial insects.
It also helps reduce the spread of pests and diseases by feeding on many bugs.
To protect this species from harm, leave undisturbed nests and do not use pesticides near these areas.
This species can help keep Wisconsin’s environment healthy for generations with proper protection.
14. American Pelecinid Wasp

The American Pelecinid Wasp (Pelecinus polyturator) is a type of wasp native to Wisconsin.
This species is rarely seen as it spends most of its time hidden in soil or wood, but its long abdomen and distinctive yellowish-brown markings can be identified.
These wasps hunt larvae and build their nests in hidden places such as woodpiles, rock crevices, and underground burrows.
They are most commonly found in fields and forests in Wisconsin, usually near rotting logs or other food sources.
They are also known to feed on nectar from flowers, making them important pollinators in the state.
15. Metric Paper Wasp

Metric paper wasps are a species of social wasps native to Wisconsin.
These wasps are found throughout the state in moist habitats near rivers, wetlands, gardens, and yards.
Metric paper wasps build large nests containing up to 200 individuals, which they protect aggressively.
They have black-and-yellow markings on their bodies and can grow up to 1 inch in length. Their sting is painful but not dangerous, and they are not aggressive unless provoked.
Metric paper wasps feed on nectar and prey on other insects such as caterpillars, spiders, and ants.
These types of wasps in Wisconsin are important pollinators and help to control pest insect populations.
16. Northern Paper Wasp

When talking about the types of wasps in Wisconsin, this species is a common sight throughout the state.
They nest in trees, on the sides of houses, and even under eaves.
The wasps are reddish brown and have yellow bands across their abdomens. They usually build paper-like nests made out of chewed wood fiber and saliva.
Northern Paper Wasps feed on nectar, insects, spiders, and other small invertebrates.
They play an important role in Wisconsin’s ecosystem by helping to control pest populations and pollinate plants.
It is important to remember that these wasps can be aggressive and protective of their nests, so it is best to leave them alone and enjoy them from a distance.
17. Potter Wasp

The Potter Wasp is a species of wasp found in Wisconsin. Members of this genus are widely distributed in the United States.
These solitary wasps have thin bodies and vary in color from black to yellow-brown. Most commonly nest around man-made structures such as buildings, fences, and sheds.
Potter Wasps, one of the types of wasps in Wisconsin, feed on nectar, plant sap, and small insects like caterpillars.
They construct their nests from clay or mud and use saliva to bind the materials together.
These nests typically consist of several cells with a larva inside each cell, built close to one another on a vertical surface.
Potter Wasps are important predators of insect pests, helping to control populations of these pests.
18. Red Paper Wasp

The Red Paper Wasp (Polistes spp.) is a species of paper wasp found in Wisconsin. It is easily identifiable due to its bright red coloring.
They measure 16-19 mm long and have slender bodies with long legs. Their antennae have short hairs and a black line running down the center.
These wasps build their nests by forming a paperlike substance, which they use to build their nests.
These wasps feed on insects, mainly aphids, caterpillars, and flies. They are solitary wasps in Wisconsin and prefer to remain near their nest sites.
Although these wasps can sting if provoked, they are usually not aggressive and will fly away when disturbed.
They provide excellent pest control by preying on insects that could damage crops or plants. They are an asset to the Wisconsin ecosystem.
19. Ringed Paper Wasp

The Ringed Paper Wasp is a common type of wasp found in Wisconsin. These solitary wasps are typically small and have black bodies with yellow and red stripes.
Their wings are dark brown, with an amber-orange colored ring at the tips.
They build their nests in sheltered areas, such as wood piles or the eaves of buildings, using chewed wood pulp.
The female wasps are responsible for gathering the food, while the male wasps protect the nest from predators.
These wasps feed on nectar, pollen, and small insects and larvae. They benefit humans by controlling the populations of other insect pests.
20. Sand Wasp

The Sand Wasp, or Bembix spp., is a species of wasp commonly found in Wisconsin.
These wasps prefer sandy habitats, which can be found in coastal areas, open fields, and even sandy riverbanks.
They range in size from 1/4 to 3/4 inch in length and usually have brown, yellow, and black stripes.
The wings are transparent, and the abdomen is elongated and tapered. Their diet consists mainly of other insects, such as flies, crickets, and spiders.
They build nests in dry sand and use their stingers to paralyze their prey before dragging them back to their nest.
To defend against predators, these types of wasps in Wisconsin will fly at them and attempt to sting.
They are an important part of the ecosystem and provide natural pest control.
21. Squarehead Wasp

The Squarehead Wasp is common in Wisconsin and can be seen flying around flowers and other plants.
The adult wasps are about 1/4 inch long and have black and yellow stripes along their bodies. They have four legs, a pair of antennae, and two pairs of wings.
Their head is square, with white and yellow markings. They feed on nectar from flowers and the sap of various trees and shrubs.
The female wasps construct mud nests where they lay their eggs, while the males guard the nest.
These wasps benefit gardens and farms since they feed on various pests and insects, making them beneficial predators.