The wasp is a fascinating creature with many unique characteristics.
For example, did you know that wasps can see in ultraviolet light? This helps them to find flowers that are rich in nectar.
Wasps also have an incredibly acute sense of smell, which they use to find food and identify mates.
This blog post will introduce the types of wasps in Minnesota. So, the next time you see a wasp, take a moment to appreciate all the amazing things these creatures can do!
Social Wasp Life Cycle
Minnesota’s life cycle of the types of wasps is interesting and complex.
The wasp starts life as an egg, which hatches into a larva. The larva then pupates and emerges as an adult.
The adult wasp then begins the process of starting a new colony. First, the wasp scopes out a suitable location for the colony.
Once a location is found, the wasp collects material to build the nest. Once the nest is built, the wasp starts to rear the young.
The social wasp colony typically lasts only one year, after which the wasps disperse and start new colonies.
The social wasp reproduction life cycle consists of four main stages: egg, larvae, pupa, and adult.
The female social wasp will lay her eggs inside the nests of other wasp species, which the host will care for until they hatch.
The larvae will then develop into pupae and finally into adult wasps. The adult wasps will leave the nest to mate and start the cycle anew.
Types of Wasps in Minnesota
1. Yellowjacket Wasp

This is among the types of wasps in Minnesota. They are usually yellow and black, hence their name.
Yellowjackets are known for their aggressive behavior and ability to sting multiple times.
They are also attracted to sweet foods, often leading to picnics and other outdoor gatherings.
While yellowjackets are not normally dangerous, their stings can be painful and, in rare cases, even fatal.
If you are stung by a yellow jacket, it is important to seek medical attention immediately.
The yellowjacket wasp is a small, yellow, black flying insect common in North America. These wasps are often mistaken for bees but are a type of wasp.
Yellowjackets are known for their aggressive behavior and ability to sting people multiple times.
These wasps are not just a nuisance; they can also be dangerous.
If you see a yellowjacket wasp, it is important to stay away from it and to call a pest control professional to remove it from your property.
2. Bald-faced Hornet

It is a large, aggressive wasp that is native to North America.
These types of wasps in Minnesota are most active in the summer months when they are known to build their large, ball-shaped nests.
These nests can often be found in trees or houses and seriously threaten humans if disturbed.
Bald-faced hornets are not hornets but are, in fact, a type of wasp. They get their name from their black and white striped bodies resembling a hornet’s.
These wasps are large, ranging from about ¾ of an inch to 1½ inches long. They are also aggressive and will attack if they feel threatened.
If you see a bald-faced hornet nest, it is best to leave it alone and call an exterminator. The bald-faced hornet is a large wasp that is common in North America.
These wasps are known for their aggressive behavior and ability to sting multiple times.
Bald-faced hornets can also spray a noxious substance that can cause irritation and swelling.
Despite their aggressive nature, bald-faced hornets benefit the ecosystem by helping control other insect populations. These wasps are also important pollinators.
3. Ichneumon Wasp

The ichneumon wasp is a small, parasitic wasp that injects its eggs into the body of a caterpillar.
The wasp larva then hatches and feeds on the caterpillar from the inside, eventually killing it.
The ichneumon wasp is a beneficial insect because it helps to control caterpillar populations.
However, they can sometimes be a nuisance because they will lay their eggs in the body of a caterpillar that another wasp is already parasitizing.
This can result in the caterpillar being killed before the first wasp larva can develop.
If you have a problem with ichneumon wasps, which are also a type of wasp in Minnesota, the best thing to do is to try to control the caterpillar population.
This can be done using insecticides or removing potential nesting sites, such as wood.
4. Sphecid Wasps

Sphecid wasps are a type of insect belonging to the Sphecidae family.
There are over 1,000 species of sphecid wasps, which can be found on every continent except Antarctica.
These types of wasps in Minnesota are carnivorous, and they prey on various insects, including flies, bees, and caterpillars.
Sphecid wasps are important predators in many ecosystems and are vital in controlling insect populations.
Sphecid wasps are a type of solitary wasp found worldwide. They are predators and play an important role in controlling the population of other insects.
Over a thousand species of sphecid wasps come in various sizes, colors, and shapes.
Some of the most common sphecid wasps include the great black wasp, the yellowjacket, and the cicada killer.
These wasps are all beneficial to humans as they help to control the population of harmful insects.
However, they can also be a nuisance if they build their nests too close to our homes.
5. Paper Wasp

The paper wasp is among the common types of wasps in Minnesota, and it is known for its ability to build intricate nests out of paper.
Paper wasps are found worldwide and play an important role in the ecosystem. They are predators of other insects, which helps to control the population of these pests.
Paper wasps are generally not considered a threat to humans, as they will only sting if they feel threatened.
However, if you are allergic to wasp stings, you must be cautious around these insects.
If you have paper wasps in your home, you may wonder how to eliminate them.
The best way to get rid of paper wasps is to contact a pest control professional who can safely and effectively remove them from your home.
Paper wasps (Polistes sp.) are social wasps that build their nests out of paper.
Paper wasps are not as aggressive as other types in Minnesota but can sting if threatened.
Paper wasps are interesting creatures that are worth learning more about. If you have ever seen a paper wasp nest, you may have wondered how these wasps build their nests out of paper.
What is the paper made of, and how do the wasps weave it all together? Keep reading to find out the answers to these questions and more.
Unless someone is blessed with a bag of paper pulp ( think about what old newspapers are turned into), each wasp will have to scrounge and harvest the raw materials needed.
Paper wasps utilize wood fibers. To find them, they will harvest bits of wood from aged boards and fences and decompose trees.
Paper waps then take these wood fibers and pulverize them into a pulp. This is where the saliva comes into play.
The wasps mix their saliva with the wood pulp to create a slurry. They can then spit this slurry out and dry it into paper.
Cellulose, a natural polymer found in plants, is the main ingredient of paper wasp nests and paper.
The wasps use saliva to turn the wood fibers into a slurry, which they spit out and dry into paper. The next step is to weave it all.