If you’re looking for the best places to find the different types of ladybugs in Texas, you’re in luck!
Texas is home to over 400 species of ladybugs and other related beetles, making it one of the most diverse locations in the country.
In this blog post, we’ll highlight the top 9 types of ladybugs you can expect to find in the Lone Star State.
Whether you’re a budding entomologist or just curious about the different species of ladybugs in Texas, read on to learn more about these fascinating creatures!
1. Cardinal Ladybird
The Cardinal Ladybird is among the most common types of ladybugs in Texas.
These bright red-and-black ladybirds can be found in many parts of the state, including urban areas.
Their distinctive black wings have a white triangle-like pattern that gives them their name.
The adults are usually found feeding on aphids and other small insects. They also produce an orange-colored chemical that helps to ward off predators.
The larvae are black and yellow and feed on aphids as well. Cardinal Ladybirds benefit gardens and farms since they help control insect populations.
2. Convergent Lady Beetle
The Convergent Lady Beetle is one of the most common types of ladybugs in Texas.
Its distinguishing feature is its bright yellow color, with black spots on each wing cover. It also has white antennae and yellow legs.
The Convergent Lady Beetle can be found in fields, gardens, and other open areas across the state.
It typically feeds on aphids and other soft-bodied insects, which makes it an important part of controlling pest populations.
In addition to Texas, this species is also found in other parts of North America, including Canada and Mexico.
3. Fourteen-Spotted Ladybird Beetle
The Fourteen-Spotted Ladybird Beetle is one of the most commonly encountered types of ladybugs in Texas.
It is distinguished by its yellow or red and black spots, forming 14 different spots on the back.
These beetles are usually found around crops, gardens, and other vegetation areas. They feed on aphids, scales, and other insects that can damage plants.
They are also important predators of some crop pests, such as whiteflies.
4. Seven-Spotted Ladybug
The Seven-Spotted Ladybug, also known as Coccinella septempunctata, is one of the most common types of ladybugs in Texas.
It is recognizable by its bright red or orange body with three black spots on each wing cover. Additionally, it has four black spots and a black head with a white ‘mustache.’
The Seven-Spotted Ladybug lives in habitats ranging from forests to gardens, and it can be found in most parts of the world, including Texas.
It is a beneficial insect, preying on aphids and other soft-bodied pests that damage crops. It is also important in controlling plant disease spread by pests.
The adult Seven-Spotted Ladybug feeds on nectar and pollen, and females lay their eggs in clusters on the underside of leaves. After hatching, the larvae consume large numbers of aphids, other insects, and mites.
The species in Texas has two generations per year, with adults overwintering in protected areas such as under bark or leaf litter.
Overall, the Seven-Spotted Ladybug is an important part of the types of ladybugs found in Texas and is beneficial for controlling pest populations and plant diseases.
5. Pink-Spotted Lady Beetle
The Pink-Spotted Lady Beetle, or Coleomegilla maculata, is one of the most common types of ladybugs in Texas.
Its distinct coloration and oval shape easily identify this bright pink and black spotted insect.
Pink-Spotted Lady Beetles are found throughout the state in various habitats, including gardens, fields, and woodlands.
In addition to their attractive coloration, these ladybugs are beneficial predators of small insects like aphids.
They will often congregate in large numbers in areas with abundant prey, making them a great option for controlling pests in your garden!
6. Twenty-Spotted Lady Beetle
This ladybug is native to the United States, with its name coming from the twenty small spots covering its back.
It is an orange-brown color with black spots and can be found throughout Texas.
These types of ladybugs in Texas feed on aphids, mites, and scale insects, making them beneficial insects in gardens and agricultural areas.
The Twenty-Spotted Lady Beetle is a great natural pest control method that helps farmers and gardeners keep their crops healthy and safe.
In addition to Texas, these ladybugs can be found in other states, such as California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Louisiana.
7. Fifteen-Spotted Lady Beetle
The Fifteen-Spotted Lady Beetle is one of Texas’s most common ladybugs. It has fifteen black spots on its yellow or orange wing covers and is slightly larger than other ladybugs in the state.
They are usually found around gardens, wooded areas, and open fields with many plants and flowers.
These types of ladybugs in texas feed on aphids, scale insects, and other small insects that can damage crops.
They also help keep insect populations balanced by consuming them before they can cause too much damage.
This makes them an important part of any garden’s pest control program.
While they can be seen throughout the year, they tend to be more active during the warmer months when aphid populations increase.
8. Asian Lady Beetle
The Asian Lady Beetle is one of the most common types of ladybugs in Texas. This ladybug can be identified by the yellow or orange markings on its black body and wings.
The spots may vary in size, but the average number of spots on this beetle is typically around 23. These beetles are found not only in Texas but in most parts of North America.
Asian Lady Beetles can help gardeners by feeding on aphids, which can help reduce the amount of damage these pesky bugs can cause to plants.
They also benefit farmers by feeding on crop pests like aphids, spider mites, scale insects, and whiteflies.
Though Asian Lady Beetles are beneficial to humans, they can become a nuisance when they try to enter homes in large numbers during the colder months.
These types of ladybugs in Texas are attracted to light-colored buildings and are known to congregate near windows and doors, looking for entry points.
Seal any potential entry points with caulking and weather stripping to keep them away from your home.
In conclusion, the Asian Lady Beetle is one of the most common types of ladybugs in Texas and can be a helpful insect when it comes to pest control.
However, it’s important to remember that these bugs can be a nuisance when they try to enter homes, so seal up any possible entry points.
9. Ornate Checkered Beetle
The ornate checkered beetle is among the types of ladybugs in Texas that is quite eye-catching. It is a member of the family Coccinellidae and is found throughout the state.
This beetle species is usually black with yellow or white spots, though some may also have orange spots.
The spots are arranged in rows on this beetle’s elytra or hardened forewings. The Ornate Checkered Beetle feeds primarily on aphids and other plant-sucking insects.
They can be found on flowers and vegetation during the day but retreat to dark places, such as tree bark at night.
The types of ladybugs in Texas are as varied as the wildlife.
From the harmless and beneficial varieties, such as the Two-Spotted Ladybird, to the less desirable species, such as the Mexican Bean Beetle, there is no shortage of ladybugs in the Lone Star state.
Knowing what types of ladybugs are present in Texas will help you better understand how to protect your garden from potential pest infestations.
Observing certain species of ladybugs can help you decide when to take further steps to protect your plants.