56 Different Types of Ants in Louisiana

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Ants, ants, and more ants; there are various types of ants in Louisiana! You see them in your kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom.

No matter where you go in your home, there’s always that little army marching back and forth from the kitchen to their ant hill in the backyard. 

Going further, ants are small, hard-working insects that can fit in the palm of your hand.

But they’re still big enough to impact your life, as Louisiana has different types of ants

You probably don’t realize all the different kinds of ants that could be in your home right now…or maybe you do know and don’t like it!

No matter what kind of ants you find in your house, there are plenty of ways to keep them away, such as using natural methods and products around the home.

So, if you’re ready to figure out what kind of ants you’re dealing with and how to get rid of them, read this list of the types of ants in Louisiana!

1. Comanche Harvester Ant

The first on this list of the types of ants in Louisiana, which is very common in the state, is Pogonomyrmex Comanche.

It is also known as the Comanche harvester ant. These ants are usually reddish-brown and mostly found in the southern and central regions of Texas. 

These ants live outdoors and feed on seeds, berries, fruit, vegetation, and small insects.

They have been known to cause damage to crops like cotton, corn, and sorghum.

To prevent these ants from entering your home, you can seal cracks with caulking or other sealants around windows or doors and install door sweeps. This is so they don’t come through cracks at ground level.

2. Florida Harvester Ant

Florida harvester ants are a type of ant that can be found throughout the southeastern United States.

These ants in Louisiana are typically black with orange-colored heads and abdomens.

They grow from 1/4-inch to 3/4-inch long, so they’re not the largest on this list of the types of ants in Louisiana.

However, their size does not indicate their power. These ants are one of the strongest types on this list because they use their strong jaws to cut into plants and trees for food and nesting materials.

This creates a serious problem if you try to eliminate them at home because they’ll keep coming back.

3. Metallic Big-headed Ant

These ants in Louisiana are mostly found in the deep South but can also be seen in other areas.

They usually nest underground and forage on the ground for food. To make matters worse, they have a bad habit of nesting near homes.

Also, these ants can get into your home by climbing up through small cracks or holes. 

The best way to keep these ants out is by sealing off any cracks or holes you might see around your house and yard.

To get rid of Pheidole metallescens if you already have them in your home, set out bait stations that contain borax powder or diatomaceous earth. Put these baits where you know ant trails or nests are near your house.

4. Big Headed Ant

The Pheidole hyatti, or the big-headed ant, is one of many types of ants in Louisiana.

It is native to Central and South America. This type of ant looks very similar to the fire ant. 

It was once classified as a subspecies of the fire ant until it was discovered that they are slightly different from their close cousins.

The big-headed ants are black with orange legs and antennae and have a large head with eyes that protrude from the head capsule. The colony is either male or female, with no queens present.

5. Woodland Big-headed Ant

Woodland Big-headed Ants are a solitary species that can be found throughout the eastern United States.

They are often mistaken for carpenter ants due to their similar appearance, but their head size can usually differentiate them.

Woodland Big-headed Ants have disproportionately large heads and mandibles compared to other ant species. 

Meanwhile, these features make them more adept at capturing and consuming prey items than most other ant species. 

Woodland Big-headed Ants also have one or two nodes on the abdomen, which is another distinguishing feature of carpenter ants.

The only major difference between the two types of ants is that Woodland Big-headed Ants do not nest inside trees like carpenter ants. Instead, these types of ants in Louisiana live within the soil or under the bark.

6. Toothed Big-headed Ant

The Pheidole dentata, also known as the Toothed Big-headed ant, is a black and red species that inhabits forests and fields.

They are often mistaken for fire ants because they look similar, but Pheidole dentata does not sting humans or animals. 

The biggest difference between these two types of ants in Louisiana is that Pheidole dentata has a trowel-shaped mandible.

While fire ants have straight mandibles, plus, these ants are beneficial because they eat other insects and pests.

However, if their population gets out of control, it can be hard to eliminate them. This is because they live inside the ground and reproduce quickly.

7. Crazy Ant

Paratrechina longicornis, also known as the crazy ant, is one of the most prevalent types of ants in Louisiana.

They are difficult to eliminate because they do not rely on a nest or a queen for reproduction. Instead, new ants are produced from pupae and can be found under rocks and logs. 

Crazy ants eat many different types of food, including protein-rich foods like dead insects and other small animals.

For this reason, they have often been considered pests because they can damage crops and invade homes. You cannot know what you’re dealing with until you identify it by sight.

8. Rapacious Panther Ant

Pachycondyla harpax, also known as the rapacious panther ant, is mainly found in South America.

The ants are usually black with yellow or brown markings on their body and have a distinct pattern on their head.

They prefer to live in the woody parts of trees but can sometimes live inside human-made structures such as houses and sheds. 

They are considered one of the most aggressive types of ants in Louisiana. This is because they will swarm anything that disturbs them and can bite humans with their large jaws.

These types of ants in Louisiana are impossible to eliminate without professional help because any poison can’t deter them.

9. Nylander’s Crazy Ant

Nylanderia vividula, known as the crazy ant, is an invasive species that was first discovered in 2002.

They are a major nuisance pest because they can infest buildings and homes. This can cause severe damage by eating through electrical wiring, insulation, and other sensitive components. 

Also, these ants in Louisiana eat food intended for human consumption and contaminate food with their droppings and waste products.

They also create unpleasant odors from their nests and attack people who come into contact with them. 

To control this type of ant, you need to address the colony’s nest because if left alone, it will continue to grow exponentially.

10. New World Army Ant

Ants are insects that make up the order Hymenoptera, which contains wasps, bees, and ants. The most well-known ant is the red ant or fire ant. 

Further, these ants can be found in tropical areas worldwide and are found more commonly than other ants.

They are also one of the most aggressive types of ants in Louisiana and will sting anything they can get a hold of. 

11. Black Carpenter Ant

Types of ants in Louisiana that are common include the black carpenter ant. Carpenter ants get their name by building mounds from wood particles or soil near trees or stumps. 

This type of ant has been known for attacking electrical wiring and insulation around homes and being a major pest for termites during infestations.

12. Legionary Ant

Neivamyrmex moseri, also known as the legionary ant, is one of the most aggressive and destructive invasive species.

The Neivamyrmex genus is derived from two words: neo means new, and myrmex refers to ants with a fuzzy bodies. 

Legionary ants are considered an invasive species because they’ve been introduced into environments where they do not naturally occur.

In the United States, this invasive ant has been found in Southern California, Florida, Arizona, and areas along the Gulf Coast. 

They’re native to South America and Central America, which is why they’ve spread so quickly here.

The legionary ant can be identified by its dark brown color with lighter stripes on its abdomen and legs.

13. Common Army Ant

Army ants are common in Louisiana and throughout the southern United States and are often found foraging for food on the ground.

They build nests in damp, humid areas; although they do not sting or bite, their bites can be painful.

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Also, they feed on a wide variety of foods, such as other insects, arachnids, small rodents, reptiles, and amphibians. For these reasons, they are considered pests. 

The easiest way to get rid of an army ant infestation is by using insecticide spray or bait that has been designed specifically for them.

Remember to never apply any insecticide directly onto your lawn or garden as it could kill beneficial and harmful insects.

14. Timid Ants

Louisiana is home to different types of ants. One such type is the Monomorium viridium, or timid ants. 

These types of ants in Louisiana are about 1/8 inch long and have a dark brown head and thorax with a light brown abdomen. They are solitary foragers who don’t hunt in groups like most other ants. 

They feed on other insects, nectar from flowers, honeydew from aphids, and fungi growing on plants.

This makes them more attracted to outdoor spaces where they can more easily find food sources than indoor areas with fewer opportunities for food.

15. Floral Ant

The Monomorium subdentatum or Floral Ant is a medium-sized ant that can be found anywhere from Louisiana and the southern United States all the way up into the Midwest.

This species prefers moist environments and dark places, but they also can be found outside underneath logs and rocks. 

The Monomorium subdentatum is attracted to sweet foods, so it’s important not to leave anything sugary out to keep them away.

The best way to get rid of these ants in Louisiana is by using boric acid or sulfur dioxide bait.

16. Argentine Ant

The Linepithema humile, also known as the Argentine ant, is one of the most common types of ants in Louisiana.

These ants are not native to the United States and were likely introduced here during the 1990s.

They feed on various foods, including sugar, proteins, and other insects. The adults are usually dark brown or black, but they may have yellowish or reddish-brown markings on their heads and thoraxes.

17. Little Black Ant 

Monomorium minimum is a small black ant that belongs to the order Hymenoptera.

These ants in Louisiana are widely distributed throughout the southern United States and have been found as far north as Pennsylvania and Washington D.C. 

They have also been spotted in the Caribbean, Central America, South America, Africa, and Australia. Little black ants are not considered pests but occasionally invade homes. 

Sweets attract them, but will feed on other things if food sources are scarce. If you spot little black ants, there’s no need to panic because they’re more likely than not harmless.

18. Predatory Ant

Labidus coecus ants, also known as predatory ants, are some of the most dangerous types of ants in Louisiana.

These ants in Louisiana are aggressive and will attack other insects, animals, and even humans if they invade their territory. 

They will eat anything unlucky enough to cross their path. The best way to eliminate these types of ants in Louisiana is with a pressure washer or insecticide sprayer.

19. Ponerine Ant

Hypoponera opacior, or Ponerine Ant, is a small, reddish-brown ponerine ant.

These ants in Louisiana are often found nesting under rocks, logs, and other debris. 

They are also known to nest within or near the nests of other ants, such as Monomorium minimum and Pheidole sp.

Hypoponera opacior is not considered invasive; however, they invade structures and can be a nuisance as they tend to get into everything from food to electrical appliances.

20. Hypoponera Ant

Hypoponera ants, also known as the shiny black ants, are a species of ant that can be found in Louisiana.

They are small and look similar to fire ants with their glossy appearance. Their bite is not as potent as fire ant bites but can still cause allergic reactions.

The best way to get rid of these Ants in Louisiana is by using an insecticide spray or powder because they don’t nest outdoors as other species do.

21. Field Ant

The Formica pallidefulva, or field ant, is reddish-brown and can grow up to 5 millimeters long.

This species inhabits moist areas like rotting logs and soil and under stones. Field ants do not live in colonies but wander around looking for food.

They are attracted by sweet substances like honeydew or sugary drinks, so they have been known to invade homes during picnics. 

These ants sting their victims with their venomous stinger; this causes pain and swelling at the sting site.

The good news is that field ants are usually only found outdoors. And don’t pose much risk to humans unless you happen to step on one barefoot!

22. Allegheny Mound Ant

Formica exsectoides, commonly known as the Allegheny mound ant, is a species found in Louisiana.

They are often found nesting on the ground under rocks, leaves, logs, or other objects.

These types of ants in Louisiana have a dark brown abdomen with yellowish markings and dark brown legs.

They are sometimes confused with other types of Louisiana ants with similar coloration. 

Formica exsectoides queens are 12-14mm long, while workers are 6-8mm long. Queens and males have wings but cannot fly.

The queens usually stay inside the nest during winter, and males die off during this time.

23. High Noon Ant

Forelius pruinosus known as High Noon Ant, a type of Ants in Louisiana that is black, shiny, and can be identified by the large white spot on its back.

They are typically found around high noon and have been given the name high noon ant. 

These types of ants in Louisiana prefer dry, sunny areas and often nest under stones or leaves.

They are generally not considered agricultural pests unless they nest near cultivated plants. 

If they nest near cultivated plants, they can cause damage by sucking out sap from trees or causing premature fruit drops.

The best way to get rid of Forelius pruinosus is with a bait trap.

24. Pyramids Ant

Dorymyrmex pyramicus, or the pyramid ant, can be found throughout most of North America. They are typically found outdoors and are commonly identified by the large mounds they build. 

These ants in Louisiana have a sting that is typically not strong enough to cause significant pain but can cause localized swelling and itching. 

The best way to get rid of these ants in Louisiana is by mixing a natural pesticide with water into a spray bottle and misting them when they’re out in the open.

25. Crater Ant

Dorymyrmex flavus (crater ant) is a pest in Louisiana and the southeastern United States.

The ants can be identified by their long, spiny antennae, yellowish-red head and thorax, and brownish abdomen. 

Crater ants typically nest under objects like rocks or logs. To get rid of crater ants, you should seal off any entry points they might have into your home and make sure there are no moist areas near them where they can breed.

26. Pyramid Ant

Dorymyrmex bureni is also known as the pyramid ant because it forms a pyramidal nest.

The ants are about 2-3mm long, yellowish brown or dark brown, and have an elongated abdomen. 

They can be found under stones, logs, and leaf litter from spring through fall. This species eats mostly insects and other small invertebrates they find on the ground.

27. Taschenberg’s long-necked Ant 

Dolichoderus taschenbergi is known as the Taschenberg’s long-necked ant. It is found mainly in the southern United States, with most sightings reported from Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Mississippi

They are also found throughout much of Mexico and Central America. In Louisiana, these types of ants can be found along the Gulf Coast region from Cameron Parish eastward to Vermilion Parish and southward through Acadia Parish. 

They have a reputation for being aggressive towards other species of ants. But will tolerate colonies that do not pose a threat. 

28. Fungus Growing Ant

The fungus growing ant, or Cyphomyrmex rimosus, is a species from the myrmicine tribe that can be found in the central United States. It has one of the most dangerous venoms within its genus. 

The ants are yellowish-brown and black with a distinctive orange head and thorax. They grow fungus on their bodies, which they eat and use as food for their larvae. 

A colony can have up to 700 workers, with multiple queens laying eggs throughout the year.

Due to this, colonies can live for several years before dying out if they are not killed by pesticides or other means.

29. Lineonate Acrobat Ant

Crematogaster lineolata are a type of acrobat ants that have long, thin bodies and elongated legs.

Lineonate acrobat ants can be identified by their long, thin abdomens with two yellow spots on them. 

If you see these ants in Louisiana indoors, they are likely neonate acrobat ants.

Lineolate acrobat ants live outside during the warmer months, so if you see them indoors or near your home or business during the winter months, they may be looking for food sources, which can be avoided by sealing up cracks around windows and doors. 

Related:  19 Types of Moths in Texas

The Crematogaster lineolata species is found throughout North America but is most commonly found in southern states like Louisiana.

30. Valentine Ant

Crematogaster laeviuscula, also known as the Valentine ant, is a small black or dark brown ant.

They are found in Louisiana and throughout the United States and can be quite annoying if they reside inside your home.

To get rid of them, you’ll want to find the nest and follow these steps: 

  • Please find all the entrances on the outside of your home, then seal them off with caulk or wood putty so that they can’t come back into your home 
  • Place baits made from boric acid near all entrances.
  • Spray raid or another household insecticide around all entrances and inside your house.
  • Remove any food sources outside 
  • Cover any garden areas where they may be nesting.

31. Acrobat Ant

Crematogaster ashmeadi, also known as the acrobat ant, is a tree-dwelling ant found throughout Louisiana.

Crematogaster ashmeadi ants are 3-4mm long with an orange body and brown head. 

They have a black spot on the back of their abdomen, which can be seen above. However, it cannot be seen when viewed from below. 

The acrobat ant is commonly mistaken for another type of ant called a thief ant, which is usually found near lights at night.

This can lead to confusion when identifying these two types of ants in Louisiana by sight alone.

32. Mississippi Janitor Ants

Mississippi Janitor ants are typically found nesting inside homes and buildings, although they will nest outside if the conditions are just right.

These ants in Louisiana are harmless and pose no threat to humans or pets. 

The best way to get rid of them is by applying a pyrethrum-based insecticide labeled for indoor use.

A professional can also be contracted to spray the outside perimeter of your property with a pyrethrum-based insecticide.

33. Black Carpenter Ant

A common type of ant found throughout the state, Camponotus pennsylvanicus, also known as the black carpenter ant, is often mistaken for a termite due to its large size and dark coloring. What’s more, they are capable of infesting wood-based structures. 

You can use food-grade diatomaceous earth or borax powder to eliminate these pesky ants.

When applying either product, do not apply it directly on top of the colony; instead, use a thin layer around your home’s foundation and cracks in walls.

34. Smaller Carpenters Ant

Camponotus nearcticus are small carpenter ants. These ants in Louisiana have a dark brown head and thorax, with a lighter-colored abdomen

These ants in Louisiana do not cause much structural damage to wood but can be seen under the bark.

If you need help identifying these types of ants in Louisiana, please send us your contact information, and we will provide more information on where they live and how to get rid of them.

35. Bicolored Arboreal Carpenter Ant

The Camponotus discolor, or bicolored arboreal carpenter ant, is a common species found in Louisiana.

They are often confused with other carpenter ants, but they can be distinguished by their shiny black head and thorax and reddish-orange abdomen. 

These ants can nest on trees, logs, under bark and wood, and outdoors on fences, sidewalks, mulch, and landscaping.

They are considered a nuisance pest because they chew on wood, causing structural damage, and infestations indoors can cause allergic reactions.

36. Carpenters Ant

Carpenter ants are one of the most common ants in Louisiana. They typically live in moist, rotting wood and can be identified by their large mandibles.

Carpenter ants do not sting humans but will bite if they feel threatened. This type of ant is particularly difficult to eradicate because it nests inside walls and other structures. 

One way to eliminate carpenter ants is by spraying insecticide where they have been seen or nesting.

Other methods include filling potential nesting sites with petroleum jelly or dusting them with boric acid powder or a similar substance that will dry out the nest and kill them over time.

37. Reddish Carpenter Ant

The reddish carpenter ant is one of the most common pests found in homes and yards.

These types of ants in Louisiana are often confused with another species, Camponotus pennsylvanicus, sometimes called a black carpenter ant. 

These two species have many similarities, but some differences may help you identify them.

The reddish carpenter ant has a dark red head and thorax with a light brown abdomen that gets darker towards the end. It also has a long, slender body compared to other ants in its genus. 

The black carpenter ant looks similar but much smaller than this one, and its coloration tends to be more uniform.

These types of ants in Louisiana can be difficult to control and should be addressed as soon as possible!

38. American Carpenter Ant

Camponotus americanus is a common type of ant found throughout Louisiana.

It is often confused with Camponotus pennsylvanicus, but it has a yellow abdomen and hind tarsi compared to the black hind tarsi of C.pennsylvanicus. 

These ants in Louisiana are usually found nesting under rocks, logs, or bricks and can be identified by their large size.

They have been known to nest around homes where they can find moisture or food sources such as pet food, garbage cans, or compost piles.

In homes, these types of ants in Louisiana will most likely be found foraging for food or nesting inside walls, where they will deposit feces, which may contain formic acid and other substances that can cause staining.

39. Rover Ant

The rover ant is one of the most common types of ants in Louisiana. These insects are dark brown and have large heads.

They can run through cracks and crevices on sidewalks and driveways and nesting indoors near window sills or door frames.

Although they may seem harmless, rover ants can be quite pesky because their colonies are established all over a property. This means they will keep coming back if you don’t get rid of them. 

To get rid of these pests, an exterminator must thoroughly clean an infested space with insecticides before sealing up any openings that could provide entry for future invasions.

40. Dark Rover Ant

Brachymyrmex musculus, known as the dark rover ant, is a large ant species in Louisiana and the Southern United States.

They can be identified by their shiny black body, long legs, and yellow or orange-tinted head. 

These ants in Louisiana are also one of the few arthropod pests that can survive being sprayed with pesticides.

To get rid of these ants, you need to use a product that targets ants specifically, like Terro Ant Killer or Raid Ant Baits.

You will also want to spray their trails with an insecticide or wipe them away with a soapy water before they spread throughout your home.

41. Little Hairless Rover Ant

In the state’s southwest corner, a little-known type of ant known as Brachymyrmex depilis roams the soil.

These ants in Louisiana are tiny, measuring less than one millimeter in length.

As a result, they may go unnoticed by gardeners and homeowners. However, their small size is no indication that they aren’t an invasive species to be reckoned with.

Luckily, these ants in Louisiana can be eradicated with just a few simple steps.

42. Fungus Ant

The fungus is a tiny black ant only about .06 inches long. They’re hard to spot because they have such small colonies. 

But if you find them, it’s easy enough to get rid of them by spraying the nest with a mixture of water and dish soap. 

All you have to do is take a spray bottle, put some dish soap in the bottom, then fill it up with water, and shake it up for about 30 seconds before you spray it on the ants’ nest.

That should kill all the ants and their young within hours, but if not, try again!

43. Tennessee Collared Ant

Tennessee Collared Ants are a type of ant that can be found in moist, shaded areas near the soil.

They are usually found near the ground and prefer living under rocks or logs. The workers for this species have an orange head with a black body.

These ants in Louisiana do not have a sting, but they can spray formic acid from their abdomens if threatened. 

Their colonies contain up to 50,000 individuals, and they feed on dead insects, arthropods, tree sap, and other plant secretions like honeydew excreted by aphids.

Tennessee Collared Ants typically nest during the spring and summer months.

44. Ruby Amazon Ant

The Ruby Amazon Ant is a species that specializes in raiding and killing other ant colonies.

It’s common for these types of ants in Louisiana to raid their target colony and return with 50% or more of the colony’s members. 

Related:  15 Types of Ants in Georgia

The ants will not stop until the raided colony is destroyed. The Ruby Amazon Ant has earned its name because it raids other colonies for food, which can be harvested from the corpses left behind by the workers. 

They are also known as Red Imported Fire Ants because they were imported from South America and used as a pest control measure against other insects.

45. Pennsylvanian Hunter Ant

The Pennsylvanian hunter is one of the largest ants in Louisiana. It is also a particularly aggressive species and will attack other ants, even ones that are much larger than they are. 

They also swarm other ants to steal food or take over their colony. These types of ants in Louisiana originate from Pennsylvania and live primarily on the East Coast, but they can also be found throughout most of North America.

If you see these black ants with red abdomens coming at you, it’s best not to fight them. They will likely win. Instead, try researching and find out how you can get rid of them for good!

46. Prenolepis Imparis

Winter ants are a type of ant that can be found in Louisiana and throughout the southern United States. They typically nest outdoors near trees and shrubs but can also live indoors

Winter ants are attracted to lights, so a nest is likely nearby if you see them around your home or yard. The colonies have queens and males but no workers. 

For the colony to survive, other insects must be captured and brought back as food for the larvae to grow into adults.

If you are experiencing an infestation of winter ants in your house, here are some ways to eliminate them: – Vacuum up all visible ants.

46. Shining Dark Twig Ant 

The Shining Dark Twig Ant is a type of ant that can be found throughout Louisiana and the southern United States. This ant species prefers to live outdoors and nests near branches, trees, or bushes. 

The ants are usually blackish-brown and have a shining dark thorax with dark legs.

These ants in Louisiana are usually seen running up and down plants looking for food. 

They will feed on other insects as well as nectar from flowers. This type of ant is not harmful but can become a nuisance if they invade your home and start nesting indoors.

You can get rid of these types of ants in Louisiana by using insecticides or sticky tape around the outside perimeter of your house. Make sure you seal any cracks or openings that might let them inside.

47. Graceful Twig Ant 

Formica gracilis, more commonly known as the graceful twig ant, is one of the most common types of ants in Louisiana.

They are also among the smallest and most agile ants, so they are hard to catch. 

Their size can often cause them to be mistaken for a termite, but their unique coloration and nesting habits should help you identify them.

They generally nest under rocks, boards, or other pieces of wood on the ground, and their nests will appear like a ball-shaped pile of debris when they have finished building them. 

If you see this type of nest, it’s best not to disturb it because they can swarm in large numbers when they feel threatened, and that could result in stings or bites.

48. Northern Fungus Farming Ant

The Northern Fungus Farming Ant, Trachymyrmex septentrionalis, is a species native to the deciduous forests and shrublands of the eastern United States.

These ants in Louisiana are considered social parasites because they rely on other ant colonies for their food source.

They only collect dead or live arthropods they find in the soil, which they feed to their fungus garden.

The worker ants cultivate a special fungus that grows exclusively on insect body parts and secretions.

This fungus produces large amounts of protein-rich spores, providing the colony with a nutritious and diverse diet.

In addition, the spores are used as an antibiotic and immunosuppressant by the ants themselves.

49. Guinea Ant

The Tetramorium bicarinatum (Guinea ant) is a species in the subfamily Myrmicinae, belonging to the genus Tetramorium.

It is a small black and red ant that forages for food, mostly at night and on dark surfaces. 

They can be found under objects such as rocks and logs or in leaf litter. During the day, they hide inside cracks or crevices, often near walls of buildings. 

They are also known as cotton ants because they build their nests out of fibers from plants and trees.

The worker ants can sting humans if disturbed, but this species should be avoided because it may be an indoor invader.

50. Acorn Ant

The emnothorax curvispinosus ant, or acorn as they are sometimes called, is a species of ant often found in Louisiana.

They are large ants with brownish-orange coloration and can be identified by their mandibles, which have small teeth at the tip. 

The acorn is also one of the largest ant species in Louisiana, second only to its cousin, the carpenter ant.

Acorn ants are an outdoor species and are rarely seen inside homes or other buildings – it’s unusual for them to nest indoors unless there was some disturbance or infestation that caused them to move in.

51. Odorous House Ant 

Odorous house ants are one of the most common types of ants in Louisiana. Odorous house ants get their name from the strong, bad-smelling odor they produce when crushed. 

They are small and black with brown legs and about 1/4 inch long. They’re most active during the spring and summer months. 

Odorous house ants feed on almost anything, including sweets like sugar and honey and other household products such as baby oil, shoe polish, toothpaste, aspirin, and even boric acid. They also feed on other insects, such as cockroaches and termites.

52. Pallid Twig Ant 

Pallid Twig Ants are one of the most common ants in Louisiana and can be found in states from coast to coast. They are usually small, ranging from 1-3 mm, but they can be larger. 

Pallid Twig Ant colonies are polygynous and may contain hundreds or thousands of individuals.

The worker ants have a brownish-orange body, and their antennae have three segments, with the third segment being the longest and forming a pointed tip. 

The queen is 2-3 mm long with a golden brown coloration. Workers typically live for around four months, while queens may live up to 18 months or more.

53. Southern Fire Ant 

The southern fire ant is a small, reddish-brown insect about one-half inch long.

It has a pair of dark, erect hairs on its head and two projections (called spurs) from the lower part of the abdomen. 

The males are smaller than the females and have wings, while the females are wingless.

Queens are larger than workers, and both have wings; queens also have much longer abdomens than workers.

Workers can be identified by their distinctive three-segmented antennae. Male fire ants cannot sting, but females can sting with stingers connected to venom glands in their abdomen, which can cause painful swelling for humans. 

Fire ants feed primarily on live insects such as caterpillars or grasshoppers. But will eat dead animals if other food is not available.

54. Fire Ant

Solenopsis abdita, also known as the fire ant, is an invasive species from Louisiana. It has a sting that can cause a burning sensation and has been responsible for over ten deaths in the United States. 

They are not native to North America and cause billions of agricultural damage yearly.

Invasive species have become a major threat to agriculture because they can have very high reproduction rates and cause considerable damage by feeding on crops or competing with other insects for food sources.

Some examples are the fire ant, kudzu vine, zebra mussel, and Asian long-horned beetle.

55. Red Imported Fire Ant 

The Red imported fire ants are known for their painful stings. The Red imported fire ant is the most common ant in Louisiana and is considered one of the world’s 100 worst invasive species. 

To make matters worse, they’re also known for being difficult to control. They can be found in many habitats, including urban areas, where they often nest under sidewalks, and rural regions, where they’re usually found nesting in trees. 

Red imported fire ants are aggressive and will attack anything that disturbs their mound or gets near their colony.

This includes humans and pets who might unknowingly walk over a mound or get near a colony while gardening or playing outdoors.

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