Are you looking for low-maintenance pets that are easier to care for? If yes, you’re at the right place!
Having a pet around can be so much fun, but it can also be a lot of work and expensive to maintain.
When considering getting a pet, a cute little puppy or cat might have crossed your mind.
These pets are cool, but you might want to choose pets that require less maintenance, especially if you’re the busy type.
Some pets need a whole lot of attention, and it would be unfair if they don’t get it from you.
Lucky for you, there are various cute and fascinating pets that you can bring into your home, and guess what? They’re low-maintenance! These pets need less grooming and attention and are cheaper to own.
However, you should know that low maintenance doesn’t mean they don’t deserve love, care, and other essential things.
These pets, too, need good food, water, and overall health checks. So, you might be a working parent, and you want to have an adorable pet to come home to.
Or do you want something cute for your kids or just for the limitations of your apartment? These are the low-maintenance pets you can consider taking home.
1. Rabbit

These fluffy furry creatures are one of the cutest pets on the planet. Rabbits require much less maintenance when compared to cats or dogs.
They are, therefore, quite simple to take care of. Although they are not often particularly talkative, rabbits do have ways of expressing their affection.
These pets can show affection by licking, snuggling, running, and following you around. They can even ask you for food and beg for a pat on the head.
Rabbits are pretty affectionate pets. The way they bounce about is also quite amusing. However, bear in mind that, like people, rabbits come in a wide range of personality types.
Some rabbits are quite playful, while others are timid and quiet. They are also grumpy at times.
Sometimes, they just want to be alone and have some quiet time, and other times, they’re completely extroverted.
In addition, remember that rabbits form close ties with their owners. Nonetheless, remember that most rabbits dislike being picked up by anyone, including their owners!
They’re quite easy to care for; therefore, they’re suitable for any owner. Rabbits, like dogs and cats, can form strong bonds with humans.
Just keep in mind that they respond better to specific methods of pet handling. Bunny rabbits, for example, dislike being carried around, but they would love a pat on the head and some snuggling on the side.
2. Cockatoo

Are you looking for low-maintenance pets that love cuddling? Get a cockatoo! People have the misconception that cockatoos are unpredictable and occasionally unintelligent.
That does not exclude them from expressing any amount of love or loyalty, though. Those who believe so are often those who have never possessed one.
They have a playful side, and that playfulness tests their cognitive abilities. Nevertheless, cockatoos can learn tricks, and with the proper training, they may develop a close, fuzzy attachment with their owners.
In general, they are attention seekers. The bird will start to exhibit behavioral problems if not given attention. Furthermore, these birds are very gregarious, so it’s best to get a pair at once.
These pets love snuggling and following your movements. They’re also fond of making noises and gestures to attract your attention. They will even allow you to pick them up and handle them.
3. Fancy Rat

You probably just thought – ‘rats as low-maintenance pets? Ewww’ Well, we’re talking about fancy rats, not the usual rodents that spring out of the sewer and destroy your things.
Actually, fancy rats are quickly growing in popularity among pet owners, and for a good cause, too. They are kind, adorable, and loving creatures.
Aside from that, fancy rats don’t require much maintenance – toys, food, and a cage big enough for these small creatures to run around.
These adorable fluffy guys are quite friendly. They also enjoy playing games and watching them act out their crazy antics is entertaining.
You can create obstacles for them and observe how intelligent they truly are. It’s great when they sometimes want to hang out on your shoulders.
4. Chinchilla

This animal is gradually rising in popularity as a pet. What’s more? They’re also among low-maintenance pets that you can have at home. Due to their exceptionally plush and soft fur, these guys are quite cuddly.
According to some, a chinchilla has all the adorable qualities of a puppy, kitten, and hamster. They are also endearing because of their excellent intuition.
Additionally, chinchillas have a cheerful demeanor that is incredibly lovable. Moreover, it makes them very cuddly. They do well in a special area set aside for them; ensure they have enough food and water.
However, It takes time for chinchillas to adjust to their surroundings. Furthermore, they require time to get to know you.
It can be a little difficult to handle when you take one home, especially during the first week. So, don’t carry or touch them during this period.
5. Dogs
You didn’t think dogs would make it to this list, right? Well, dogs aren’t really low-maintenance pets.
But if you really want a cute puppy in your home, there are several low-maintenance dog breeds that will make a great pet.
Some of these breeds include Basset Hound, Boston Terrier, Chihuahua, Dachshund, Havanese, Greyhound, Maltese, and Pug. These pets are excellent companions and love to socialize with everyone.
All dogs are unique in their personalities. However, low-maintenance dogs are less energetic, less active, easier to train, and require less grooming than their high-maintenance counterparts.
So, don’t worry because you can still get one easy-going furry friend!
6. Hamster

Hamsters are small pets that easily come to mind whenever you think of low-maintenance pets.
They are omnivorous and belong to the rodent family. These animals are just 5 to 7 inches long, making them fairly small.
If you wish to keep having a hamster family for the near future, they can frequently be bred at home.
Though it could take some time for them to get used to human company, they eventually start to crave it.
Hamsters are easy to neglect because they don’t require a lot of daily interaction. Keep their cage tidy, don’t forget to feed them, and remember to check their water every day.
However, the love you give them will be what they learn to give back to you.
7. Guinea Pig
While guinea pigs require almost the same care as hamsters, they are usually friendlier from the onset.
Despite being bigger than hamsters, they are fragile creatures and are among low-maintenance pets.
Due to the risk of injury from harsh handling, it is sometimes preferable for older children to have them as pets.
The usual lifespan of a guinea pig is 4 to 5 years, and they don’t like to live alone. If you want a guinea pig, think about getting two so they have company.
Furthermore, omnivorous guinea pigs mostly require vegetable-based diets. They require more affection daily than a hamster would, but weekly cage cleaning is still necessary to keep them clean and healthy.
8. Turtles

The turtle is another low-maintenance, long-living small pet. There are numerous turtle species that you could keep as pets.
It all depends on the size, lifetime, enclosure requirements, and daily routines you are looking for.
The painted turtle is one of the simpler turtles because they remain little and live for more than 30 years.
They can fit in a typical terrarium and don’t even require daily feeding. Instead, give them food, such as insects, dark greens, and fish, four to five times per week.
Maintaining the water’s temperature and keeping the turtle’s enclosure clean are two of the most important aspects of turtle care.
Although they don’t require much handling, they don’t really care much one way or another.
9. Hermit Crab

Some people find it hard to believe, but hermit crabs are also low-maintenance pets. They’re one of those strange creatures that blend in between various animals.
They are often housed in aquariums with other marine animals and will happily drag their shell around for seven to ten years.
These crabs can grow up to 6 inches long. Therefore, finding the right shells for them to fit into as they outgrow their previous ones is one of the most complex aspects of keeping them healthy.
They require a terrarium with at least 5 gallons of space put in a spot with indirect sunlight. Even the hermit crabs’ habitat maintenance is minimal.
They generally like to be left alone and are not messy creatures. So it won’t take much effort for you to keep up with their diet of tiny pellets and powdered food.
10. Praying Mantis

Praying mantises are surprisingly among the low-maintenance pets you can have.
They are capable of remaining motionless for long periods of time before abruptly turning their heads to kill an insect that was left in their terrarium.
In addition, unlike several other bug species, they are quite colorful.
A praying mantis typically lives for one year in captivity. Due to their minimal movement, they just require a tiny tank.
They also consume other smaller insects, including fruit slides, moths, smaller mantids, and occasionally larger crickets.
Can you guess what the icing on the cake is? They’re free! Take a walk outside and look for one to adopt on a tree or in your garden.
11. Cats

Let’s face it: you can’t really say cats are low-maintenance pets, but some breeds are still easier to care for than the rest.
These breeds include British Shorthair, Maine Coon, Scottish Fold, Russian Blue, and the Sphynx Cat.
Imagine you desire a cat pal as a companion but are short on time, energy, or ability. In that situation, picking a cat breed with lower maintenance requirements will be perfect for you.
These cats require occasional petting and cleaning of their litter box a few times per week.
12. Butterflies

Butterflies are low-maintenance pets that are cute and easy to care for. So, your fifth-grader is finally learning about metamorphosis.
What better way to explain the process to them at home than by getting some caterpillars?
If you don’t like creepy crawlies, don’t worry; they’ll change into lovely butterflies in a week.
Their lifespan, from caterpillar to fully developed butterfly, is short, six to eight months, so if you’re not planning to keep a pet for a long time, you should know that. Butterflies eat common plants and are so attractive to look at.
13. Betta Fish

A freshwater fish, such as the betta fish, can be simpler to care for than a saltwater fish. Male betta fish should be kept separately in a tank with one gallon of water because of their territorial nature.
There should also be enough room at the top of the tank for your betta to breathe at the surface.
Finally, maintaining adequate water quality with regular water changes will help extend your betta’s lifespan.
14. Birds

Birds are one of the most beautiful, low-maintenance pets you can consider having. Depending on the sort of bird you choose, they can be simple to care for and don’t require much human interaction.
You can, however, get a bird that enjoys socializing and spending time with the family. To make a happy bird cage, ensure it is large enough for your bird.
Choose a cage that is twice the breadth of your bird’s wingspan and has close-fitting bars. They also like eating different things such as seeds, nuts, pellets, green vegetables, and fruit.
15. Tarantula

A tarantula might be an excellent addition to your household if you’re not against having spiders as pets.
According to the specialists at Petco, the average lifespan of tarantulas is only seven years, and males can reach up to ten inches in length.
The only thing a tarantula needs to live is a good terrarium, and the live insects it eats are roaches, mealworms, crickets, and superworms.
However, one thing to keep in mind regarding these critters is that they need to be kept in the dark area of your room, away from sunlight.
16. Dwarf Frog

Are you still trying to find the ideal little low-maintenance pets? Then, you should consider the African dwarf frog! They only reach a height of 1.5 inches on average and have a lifespan of up to 5 years.
Their diet consists of frozen Mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and bloodworms. They should have the water in their aquarium checked at least once a week and changed every two to four weeks.
If you want to have more than one type of pet, they can coexist peacefully with docile fish, such as bettas.
17. Bearded Dragon

No, they’re not real dragons but are gentle lizards. They’re low-maintenance pets and can be quite expressive, too.
Beardies can also be incredibly affectionate. They convey it through their body language.
Bearded dragons perform a strange dance by spinning one of their front legs in a circle, then the other front leg.
They act this way when they see something or someone they believe to be a threat.
It’s their way of letting the other person know they don’t mean any harm and don’t want any issue.
Of course, when they do that to you, you should immediately assure your bearded dragon that you mean no harm.
Furthermore, beardies consume a large amount of food regularly and grow fast. Feed them as much as they can consume in 15 minutes.
Beardies will often come running to you if they are used to you feeding and tending to them.