10 Most Popular American Cat Breeds

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Photo by Tai Bui

Cats are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and love for humans. However, most cat owners cannot even identify their pet’s breed.

Moreover, most cat breeds come from the U.S. today, so yours might be one of them!

This article will discuss the different types of American cat breeds; keep reading.

American Cat Breeds

Although most cat breeds may be familiar, some are far less uncommon.

Cats classified as American breeds come in various shapes, sizes, and traits.

Here is a list of 10 American cat breeds to help you find the one that best fits your lifestyle.

1. American Shorthair

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by nilschristiankrogh is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

There are over 100 breeds of domestic cats. Some are exotic or rare, such as the American Shorthair.

This medium-sized cat has a long body, short legs, and a broad head. They weigh between 10 to 15 pounds.

These make lovely household cats. They are affectionate, require little upkeep, and can survive over 15 years.

2. American Curl

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by tanakawho is licensed under CC BY 2.0

American Curl Cats are domestic cats that originated in North America. However, they’re famous for their backward ears, a very dominant gene.

They are also known for their curly coats and distinctive personalities. 

These American cat breeds are amiable and playful, and you can find them playing fetch and wrestling with each other. They weigh 5 to 10 lbs and have a 12 to 14 years lifespan.

3. American Wirehair

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by Petful.com is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Wirehaired cats are famous for their unique look and personality. They are often considered to be very friendly and playful animals. What makes them so special?

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Wirehaired cats are also called American Wirehair or American Hairless Cats. These cats are native to North America and can be found in almost every state.

They are highly social animals and love to play. Their coat is short and smooth, and they have a distinctive white stripe down their back.

The hair on their head is soft and silky. These cats weigh 8 to 15 lbs and have 7 to 12 years of lifespan.

4. Bengal

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by Michael-Wilson is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Bengal is one of the American cat breeds developed by crossing a leopard cat with a domestic cat. Their features include a long fur coat, large size, and distinctive markings.

They are also known for being very affectionate and friendly towards humans. This makes them ideal pets for families who want a pet that won’t take over their house. They weigh 15 pounds and have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years.

5. Maine Coon

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Photo by fcja99

Maine Coons are known for their big ears, long tails, and friendly personalities. They also happen to be very intelligent animals.

This breed has a distinctive appearance with its large ears, thick fur coat, and long tail.

You’ll find them to be highly trainable and affectionate pets. Their intelligence level varies depending on the individual. Some Maine Coons are brilliant, while others are less so.

Maine Coons are great companions for families who want a pet that is both playful and intelligent. They weigh 10 to 25 pounds and have a 10 to 15-year lifespan.

6. American Bobtail

American bobtail is well known for its short tail, which can be curved, straight, or kinked. These adorable little felines are friendly, playful, and very affectionate.

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They love being around their owners and get along well with other pets.  Bobtails are American cat breeds that weigh 7 to 16 pounds and have a 13 to 17-year lifespan.

7. Balinese

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by M McBey is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Balinese cats, formerly long-haired Siamese, are known for their unique appearance. They have a slender body, long hair, big ears, and a round face.

In recent years, the popularity of Balinese cats has increased worldwide. There are now over 100,000 registered Balinese cats in the United States alone.

Balinese cats are also known for being very friendly and affectionate. They weigh 8 to 12 pounds and have a 10 to 15-year lifespan.

8. Selkirk Rex

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by Nickolas Titkov is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

This breed was developed from crossing American, Persian, British, and exotic short hair. They have a round head, large eyes, and medium-sized ears.

Selkirk Rex cats are popular for being extremely affectionate and friendly. They love attention and are often kept as pets. If you want to get a Selkirk pet, you should start looking now.

9. Ragdoll

by alicjap is licensed under CC BY 2.0

One of the different types of American cat breeds is the ragdoll, identifiable by its blue eyes and semi-longhaired coat.

They are highly affectionate and love to cuddle. Ragdolls are also very playful and enjoy being around children. In addition, they are very intelligent and trainable.

Ragdolls are prone to several health issues, such as chronic kidney disease, elbow dysplasia, heart disease, and cancer. To ensure your pet has a long life, taking good care of them is essential.

10. LaPerm

The LaPerm is also one of the American cat breeds known for being extremely friendly and affectionate. They love playing with other pets and humans alike.

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Their coat is soft and silky and sheds less than other breeds. They are also known for being hypoallergenic, which makes them ideal for allergy sufferers.

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