Did you know that over 280 animals have names starting with the letter B?
From big bears to tiny beetles, the animal kingdom is full of fascinating creatures whose names begin with this letter.
Animals that start with B come in all shapes and sizes, living in diverse habitats across the globe.
You might find a baboon in the African savanna, a beaver building dams in North American rivers, or a blue whale swimming in the vast oceans.
Each of these animals has unique traits and behaviors that make them special.
Learning about B-named animals can be fun and educational. It’s a great way to explore biodiversity and discover new species you may have never heard of before.
Whether you’re an animal lover, a student, or just curious about nature, there’s something interesting to learn about these creatures.

Bears are large, furry mammals found in various parts of the world.
They have thick fur, small eyes, and round ears. Bears walk on the soles of their feet and have long, sharp claws.
There are eight species of bears. The American black bear and Asian black bear are two common types.
Brown bears, which include grizzly bears, are also well-known.
Bears are omnivores. They eat both plants and animals. Their diet can include:
- Berries
- Fish
- Small mammals
- Insects
Most bears have an excellent sense of smell. In fact, bears can smell better than dogs.
This helps them find food and detect danger. Bears are known for their ability to hibernate.
During winter, some bears like the American black bear can sleep for up to 100 days straight! This long nap helps them survive when food is scarce.
Interestingly, bears have a sweet tooth. They enjoy honey and fruits.
This love for sweets often leads them to raid campsites and garbage cans in search of tasty treats.

Bees are small flying insects known for their role in pollination and honey production. They belong to the same family as wasps and ants.
Over 20,000 bee species exist worldwide. About 4,000 of these species can be found in the United States alone.
Bees come in various types, each with unique traits:
- Honey bees
- Bumble bees
- Carpenter bees
- Mason bees
These insects have a special body structure that helps them collect pollen. They have hairy bodies and pollen baskets on their legs.
Bees are vital for our ecosystem. They pollinate many plants, including crops we eat. This makes them very important for food production.
Some bees live in large colonies with a queen bee. Others are solitary and live alone.
Colony bees work together to build hives, care for young, and make honey.
Bees communicate through dance. They do a “waggle dance” to tell other bees where to find food.
Many people keep bees as a hobby or for honey production. Beekeeping is an ancient practice that’s still popular today.

Bison are large, powerful animals found in North America. These impressive creatures are often mistaken for buffalo, but they are a distinct species.
Bison have a few key features that make them easy to spot:
- Shaggy brown fur
- Large, curved horns
- Massive heads and shoulders
- Smaller hindquarters
Bison can weigh up to 2,000 pounds and stand 6 feet tall at the shoulder. They are the largest land mammals in North America.
These animals are known for their strength and speed. Bison can run up to 35 miles per hour and jump fences 6 feet high. They are also good swimmers.
Bison played a crucial role in Native American culture and history. They provided food, clothing, and tools for many tribes.
Today, bison populations are much smaller than they once were. Conservation efforts have helped increase their numbers in recent years.
There are different types of bison, including the American bison and European bison.
Some extinct species, like the Long-horned Bison, were even larger than modern bison.
Bison are herbivores and spend much of their time grazing on grasses.
They live in herds and can be found in national parks and protected areas across North America.
Bighorn Sheep

Bighorn sheep are large mammals native to North America. They get their name from the huge, curved horns on the males’ heads. These horns can weigh up to 30 pounds!
Bighorns live in mountainous areas. They’re great climbers and can jump from ledge to ledge with ease.
Their hooves have special padding that helps them grip rocky surfaces.
These sheep come in different colors. Their coats can be brown, gray, or even white. Males are bigger than females and can weigh up to 300 pounds.
Bighorn sheep eat plants. They like grass but also munch on shrubs and small trees. In winter, they may dig through snow to find food.
These animals live in groups called herds. Females and young stay together all year.
Males form their own groups but join the females during mating season.
Bighorns face some threats. Disease from domestic sheep can make them sick. They also have to watch out for mountain lions and wolves.
People enjoy watching bighorn sheep in the wild. Many national parks have bighorn populations that visitors can see from a safe distance.

Buffalo are large, powerful animals that belong to the bovine family. They come in two main types: African buffalo and Asian water buffalo.
African buffalo live in the grasslands and forests of Africa. They have big curved horns and can weigh up to 2,000 pounds. These animals are active day and night.
Asian water buffalo are found in parts of Asia. People often use them as farm animals. They help plow fields and give milk.
Buffalo live in herds. A herd can have hundreds of animals. They stick together for safety from predators like lions.
These animals eat grass and other plants. They spend a lot of time grazing each day. Buffalo needs to drink water often.
Buffalo can run fast, reaching speeds up to 37 miles per hour. This helps them escape from danger. They’re also good swimmers.
People sometimes confuse American bison with buffalo. Bison live in North America and look similar, but they’re different animals.
Buffalo are strong and can be dangerous. In the wild, it’s best to watch them from far away.
Farmers who keep water buffalo know how to work safely with them.

Bats are the only mammals that can truly fly. They belong to the order Chiroptera, which means “hand-wing” in Greek.
These fascinating creatures are found all over the world, except in very cold regions.
Bats come in many sizes. The smallest is the bumblebee bat, while the largest is the flying fox. Most bats are small and weigh less than half a pound.
These animals are mainly active at night. They use a special skill called echolocation to find their way in the dark.
Bats make high-pitched sounds and listen to the echoes to locate objects and food.
There are two main types of bats:
- Microbats: They mostly eat insects.
- Megabats: They prefer fruits, nectar, and pollen.
Bats play a big role in nature. They help control insect populations and pollinate plants.
Some bats even spread seeds, which helps new plants grow. Many people think bats are scary, but they’re actually quite helpful.
They rarely bother humans and mostly keep to themselves. Some cultures even see bats as symbols of good luck.
Sadly, many bat species are in danger. Habitat loss and disease are big threats.
People are working to protect bats by creating safe places for them to live and educating others about their importance.

The bongo is a unique and striking animal. It’s a large forest antelope found in parts of Africa.
Bongos have a reddish-brown coat with bright white stripes. This pattern helps them blend in with the forest. Their stripes look like sunlight filtering through trees.
These animals are big. They can stand over 10 feet tall at the head.
Bongos are the third largest in their family, after common and greater kudu.
Some key features of bongos:
- Large, spiral horns
- Long ears
- A white chevron between eyes
- Chestnut-colored coat
Bongos are shy and mostly active at night. They eat leaves, grass, and fruits. Their diet changes with the seasons.
These antelopes face threats from hunting and habitat loss.
Conservation efforts are trying to protect them. Some zoos have breeding programs to help increase bongo numbers.
Bongos are amazing animals. Their beautiful coats and large size make them stand out in the animal kingdom.

Boobies are seabirds found in tropical and subtropical oceans.
They’re part of the Gannet family and are known for their funny-looking feet and clumsy walk on land.
These birds come in different colors. The blue-footed booby is famous for its bright blue feet. Other types include the red-footed and brown boobies.
Boobies are great divers. They plunge into the water from high up to catch fish.
Their bodies are built for this, with special air sacs that help protect them when they hit the water.
These birds nest on islands and coastal areas. They usually lay two eggs, but often only one chick survives.
Both parents take turns caring for the eggs and young. Boobies got their name from Spanish sailors.
The birds were easy to catch and seemed silly, so they called them “bobos,” meaning foolish.
Despite their name, boobies are smart birds. They have good eyesight and can spot fish from far away.
Some types of boobies even fish together in groups. Sadly, some booby species are at risk.
Climate change and overfishing affect their food supply. Protecting their habitats is important for their future.
Blue Jay

The Blue Jay is a striking bird found in North America. It has bright blue feathers with white and black markings. This bird is known for its distinctive “jay-jay” call.
Blue Jays are smart and curious creatures. They belong to the Corvid family, which includes crows and ravens.
These birds are about the size of a robin but have a more robust build.
Their diet is quite varied. Blue Jays eat nuts, seeds, and insects. They also sometimes eat small animals or steal eggs from other birds’ nests.
One interesting fact about Blue Jays is that they mate for life. They choose a partner and stay together until one dies.
This shows their loyal nature. Blue Jays are not shy around humans.
They often visit bird feeders in backyards. If you want to attract them, try putting out peanuts or sunflower seeds.
These birds play an important role in their ecosystem. They help spread oak trees by burying acorns and forgetting about them. This allows new trees to grow.
Blue Jays are adaptable and can live in different habitats. You can find them in forests, parks, and suburban areas.
Their bright colors make them easy to spot among the trees.

The bobcat is a wild cat native to North America. It’s about twice the size of a house cat, with adults weighing around 20 to 30 pounds.
Bobcats have distinctive spotted coats and short “bobbed” tails, which give them their name. Their fur ranges from light gray to reddish-brown, with black markings.
These cats are skilled hunters and very adaptable. They can live in many different habitats, including forests, swamps, and even suburban areas.
Bobcats eat a variety of prey, such as rabbits, birds, and small deer.
They’re mostly active at night and are excellent climbers.
There are several types of bobcats across North America. Some examples include:
- Lynx rufus rufus (Eastern bobcat)
- Lynx rufus fasciatus (Pacific Northwest bobcat)
- Lynx rufus floridanus (Florida bobcat)
Despite being wild animals, bobcats sometimes come into contact with humans.
They’re generally shy and avoid people, but may occasionally be seen in rural or suburban areas.
Bobcats play an important role in their ecosystems by helping to control populations of small animals.
They’re fascinating creatures that continue to thrive across much of North America.
Bactrian Camel

The Bactrian camel is a unique animal that starts with B. It’s famous for its two humps, which set it apart from other camel species.
These camels live in harsh desert areas. They can be found in parts of Central Asia, like the Gobi Desert.
Bactrian camels are big and strong. They can weigh up to 1,800 pounds and carry heavy loads for long distances.
Their thick fur helps them survive in extreme temperatures. It keeps them warm in cold winters and cool in hot summers.
Wild Bactrian camels are very rare. They’re in danger of extinction, making them one of the least-studied animals in the world.
These camels eat plants like grass, seeds, and shrubs. Their tough mouths can handle prickly desert plants that other animals can’t eat.
Bactrian camels have been useful to humans for a long time. In the past, riding them was seen as a sign of high status in some cultures.
Here are some fun facts about Bactrian camels:
- They can go without water for long periods
- Their humps store fat, not water
- They have long eyelashes to protect their eyes from sand

Badgers are short, stout mammals that belong to the Mustelidae family. They have a distinctive black and white striped face and a stocky body.
There are 12 different species of badgers. The most well-known is the European badger, but other types live in North America and Asia too.
Badgers have strong claws that help them dig. They use these claws to make their homes, called setts, which are a network of underground tunnels and chambers.
These animals are omnivores. They eat a varied diet that includes earthworms, insects, small mammals, and plants.
Badgers are known for their bravery. They can be fierce when threatened and will stand their ground against much larger animals.
Some interesting facts about badgers:
- They can run at speeds up to 30 km/h
- Their thick fur protects them from bee stings and animal bites
- Badgers are mostly nocturnal, meaning they’re active at night
Badgers play an important role in their ecosystems. They help control pest populations and their digging can improve soil quality.

Barracudas are fierce-looking fish found in warm ocean waters.
They have long, sleek bodies and powerful jaws filled with sharp teeth.
These fish can grow up to two meters long. Their size and speed make them impressive hunters in the sea.
Barracudas are known for their quick bursts of speed. They can swim as fast as 27 mph when chasing prey. This makes them one of the fastest fish in the ocean.
These fish are carnivores, which means they eat other animals. They hunt at night, looking for smaller fish to eat.
Barracudas have some things in common with other sea creatures:
- Like bull sharks, they have a fierce reputation
- Similar to banded butterflyfish, they live in warm waters
- Both barracudas and bull sharks are skilled predators
People often see barracudas while snorkeling or diving in tropical areas.
While they look scary, they rarely bother humans unless provoked.
Barn Owl

The barn owl is a unique and striking bird with a heart-shaped face. It stands out from other owls due to its unusual looks and sounds.
Unlike many owl species that hoot, barn owls make screeching and raspy noises. These sounds can be quite eerie, especially at night.
Barn owls are found in many parts of the world. They live in different places, from old buildings to holes in trees.
Their name comes from their habit of nesting in barns and other structures.
These owls have amazing hearing and eyesight. They use these skills to find food, often hunting at night.
Barn owls fly almost silently, which helps them catch their prey by surprise.
The diet of a barn owl mainly consists of small animals. They eat mice, voles, and other rodents.
This makes them very helpful to farmers by controlling pests.
Barn owls have light-colored feathers, often white or pale gold. Their faces are white, which makes their dark eyes stand out even more.
These birds are medium-sized, with long legs and strong talons.
Their wings are rounded, which helps them fly smoothly and quietly through the air.
Beluga Whale

The beluga whale is a unique and fascinating sea creature. It’s easy to spot with its all-white color and round head shape.
These whales live in the cold waters of the Arctic and nearby seas.
Belugas are vocal animals that can make many different sounds. They use these noises to talk to each other and find food.
Some people call them “sea canaries” because of their chirps and whistles.
These whales are not very big compared to other whales. They grow to about 13-20 feet long.
Belugas have a thick layer of fat called blubber that keeps them warm in icy waters.
Beluga whales eat lots of fish. Their diet includes salmon, herring, and squid.
They use a special skill called echolocation to find their food underwater.
Belugas are smart and social animals. They often live in groups called pods.
These pods can have anywhere from a few whales to hundreds of members.
Sadly, beluga whales face some dangers. Climate change and pollution hurt their homes.
Some countries have made laws to protect these amazing animals.

Beetles are amazing insects. They form the largest order of animals on Earth. These little creatures come in many shapes, sizes, and colors.
Some beetles are tiny, while others can grow quite large. Their colors range from dull browns to bright, shiny greens and blues.
Beetles have hard wing covers called elytra. These protect their delicate flying wings underneath. Many beetles can fly, but some cannot.
There are lots of different types of beetles. Here are a few examples:
- Ladybugs
- Fireflies
- Dung beetles
- Stag beetles
- Weevils
Beetles eat all sorts of things. Some munch on plants, while others hunt small insects. A few even eat decaying matter, which helps clean up the environment.
Many beetles are helpful to humans. They pollinate flowers and control pests.
Some, like ladybugs, are even considered lucky in some cultures.
Beetles live all over the world. You can find them in forests, deserts, and even in your own backyard.
Next time you’re outside, keep an eye out for these fascinating insects!

The binturong is a unique animal that starts with B. It’s also known as the bearcat, though it’s not related to bears or cats.
Binturongs have long, heavy bodies with short legs. Their faces look a bit like cats, with pointed snouts and white whiskers.
They have thick, dark fur that’s usually black or dark brown.
These animals live in the dense forests of Southeast Asia. They’re great climbers and spend most of their time in trees.
Binturongs have strong, prehensile tails that help them grip branches.
One cool fact about binturongs is their smell. They give off an odor that’s a lot like buttered popcorn! This comes from a gland under their tails.
Binturongs eat both plants and animals. Their diet includes:
- Fruits
- Leaves
- Small mammals
- Birds
- Fish
They’re not very fast on the ground, so they rely on their climbing skills to catch prey and find food in trees.
Sadly, binturongs are vulnerable to extinction. People are cutting down their forest homes, and some hunt them for food or medicine.
Protecting these forests is key to helping binturongs survive.
Black Widow Spider

Black widow spiders are famous for their shiny black bodies and red hourglass markings.
They’re about 1.5 inches long with their legs spread out. Females are bigger than males.
These spiders make messy webs to catch their prey. They have poor eyesight and use vibrations to sense what’s around them.
Black widows are known for their strong venom. It’s 15 times more potent than a rattlesnake’s.
But don’t worry too much – deaths from their bites are rare.
Female black widows sometimes eat their mates after breeding. This habit gives them their scary name.
Not all dark spiders are black widows. Some lookalikes include:
- Cupboard spider
- Noble false widow
- Red house spider
The noble false widow has a skull-shaped pattern on its back. This helps tell it apart from real black widows.
Black widows prefer warm, dark places. You might find them in woodpiles or empty boxes.
If you see one, it’s best to leave it alone and call for help if needed.
Blue Whale

The blue whale is an amazing sea creature. It’s the largest animal to ever live on Earth, even bigger than the biggest dinosaurs!
These giant mammals can grow up to 105 feet long. That’s as long as three school buses put end to end!
Blue whales have huge appetites. They eat tiny shrimp-like animals called krill.
A blue whale can eat up to 6 tons of krill in one day. Despite their size, blue whales are gentle giants.
They swim gracefully through the ocean, using their massive tails to propel themselves.
These whales breathe air like we do. They come up to the surface every 8-12 minutes to take a breath.
When blue whales exhale, they create a spectacular sight. They can shoot water, air, and mucus up to 9 meters high from their blowholes!
Blue whales make very loud sounds. Their calls can be heard for hundreds of miles underwater.
Sadly, blue whales are endangered. People used to hunt them for their blubber and meat.
Now, laws protect them, but they still face threats from ship strikes and pollution.
Scientists work hard to study and protect these amazing animals.
They hope to ensure blue whales swim in our oceans for many years to come.

The bonobo is a fascinating primate that shares many similarities with humans.
These apes have dark brown or black fur and pink lips. They are often called pygmy chimpanzees, but this name is not accurate.
Bonobos are closely related to humans. In fact, they share up to 97% of our DNA. This makes them one of our closest animal relatives.
These intelligent apes live in the forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
They are known for their peaceful nature and problem-solving skills.
Bonobos have a unique social structure. Unlike many other primates, their groups are led by females. This helps keep the peace in bonobo communities.
Sadly, bonobos are endangered. Their population is decreasing due to habitat loss and hunting.
Conservation efforts are crucial to protect these remarkable animals.
Bonobos communicate through vocalizations, facial expressions, and gestures.
They are highly expressive and can convey complex emotions and ideas.
These apes are omnivores. They eat mostly fruit, but also enjoy leaves, flowers, and occasionally small animals.