38 Types of Spiders in Wisconsin

Types of Spiders in WisconsinPin
Photo by Andres Herrera

Wisconsin has so many different types of spiders that it’s hard to know where to start if you’re looking to identify the little critters scurrying around your home or office.

The good news is, however, that spider bites are very rare in Wisconsin, and most spiders are harmless – so there’s no need to panic if one wanders across your path!

Here’s a list of 38 common spiders found in Wisconsin, along with some tips on how to get rid of them or avoid their approach in the first place.

1. Yellow Garden Spider

The yellow garden spider is one of the most common types of spider in Wisconsin. It lives in parts of the south and west but can be found throughout North America. It’s often found on grape vines, where it hangs upside down.

These types of spiders in Wisconsin typically build their web near green plants or flowers, making them hard to spot because they blend into their surroundings.

The yellow garden spider has a leg span reaching up to four inches! They also have a hairless abdomen with a patterned banding, varying greatly by region. Some have black spots, while others are completely orange.

2. Cross Orbweaver

The Cross Orbweaver is one of Wisconsin’s more common types of spiders. It’s one of the orb-weaving types, so it has a dome-like web with a zigzag pattern around the edges. The Cross Orbweaver is often confused with its close relative, the Garden Spider. 

They’re similar because they both build webs that look like crosses. However, if you look closer, you’ll find that their patterns and overall colors vary. 

The Cross Orbweaver can be found worldwide and was most likely introduced to North America from Europe or Asia by humans.

3. Bold Jumping Spider

The jumping spider is tiny and found all over the world. These types of spiders in Wisconsin are nocturnal hunters, so they only come out at night to hunt.

They are named after their ability to jump. Unlike other spiders, they often hide on top of flowers or leaves until prey comes by. 

The jumping spider is small and can be found all over the world. It is a nocturnal hunter, so it only comes out at night to hunt. The jumping spider gets its name from its ability to jump. Unlike other spiders, it often hides on top of flowers or leaves until prey comes by.

4. Dark Fishing Spider

The dark fishing spider, Dolomedes tenebrosus, is a large semi-aquatic spider from the waters around the Great Lakes region and Canada. It is one of Wisconsin’s most aggressive spiders and will bite if provoked. 

The dark fishing spider gets its name from their preferred habitat: slow-moving freshwater streams or rivers where they sit on submerged plants or rocks, waiting for prey to come close.

These types of spiders in Wisconsin are black or very dark brown with hairy bodies and long legs tipped with small hooks that help them crawl on the water’s surface to grab prey.

5. Zebra Jumping Spider

The Zebra Jumping Spider is known worldwide and is named for its distinctive black and white stripes. These types of spiders in Wisconsin have four pairs of eyes, two on the front and two on the back, that point upwards to detect prey.

Unfortunately, these spiders also have very powerful venom and will bite any animal that gets too close to them. 

As they are nocturnal, they are typically only seen at night when they leave their resting place to hunt. However, these types of spiders in Wisconsin have a unique way of hunting: they jump up to 15 inches high to snatch prey off vegetation or out of other locations.

Once it has captured its prey, it injects venom into its victim with a hollow fang on the underside of its chelicerae.

6. Goldenrod Crab Spider

The goldenrod crab spider is a small brown spider that resembles a yellowish-brown leaf. These types of spiders in Wisconsin can be found on flowers and plants and are not very aggressive. Females are about 1/4 inch long, and males are about 1/2 inch long. 

They have a narrow abdomen that looks like it has been squeezed, which gives it the name crab. Females have one pair of large, hairy front legs. Males have two pairs of smaller, smaller front legs.

These types of spiders in Wisconsin female’s back legs are longer than their front ones for carrying eggs or young spiders to new habitats.

7. American Nursery Web Spider

These types of spiders in Wisconsin are typically found on the undersides of leaves and bark. Its small size, two prominent eyes, and brown body with white stripes can be identified.

The American Nursery Web Spider spins an irregular web that does not form a funnel-shaped webbing. 

These types of spiders in Wisconsin feed on insects and other invertebrates. Although the American Nursery Web Spider is not considered dangerous to humans, it will sometimes bite if threatened or disturbed.

8. Banded Garden Spider

The banded garden spider is a relatively small, non-aggressive spider. Although it is one of the few spiders that could be considered ‘cute,’ the banded garden spider can be found outdoors and indoors.

These types of spiders in Wisconsin are usually tan, with darker brown bands on their abdomen. These types of spiders in Wisconsin have been reported to have bitten humans but do not have a nasty bite.

However, it is best to avoid them because some people are allergic; females lay an egg sac around May or June, which contains about 25 eggs.

Males die shortly after mating, so females must produce more than one egg sac for population growth; therefore, females eat males after mating to continue the production of eggs for their offspring.

9. Marbled Orbweaver

Marbled Orbweavers live worldwide and can be found in the tropics and Canada. These types of spiders in Wisconsin have a large, round, pale abdomen with dark stripes. In addition, the legs are banded with black and white, contrasting the body coloration. 

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These types of spider webs in Wisconsin are usually built near vegetation or foliage that protects from wind currents. They feed on small insects like flies, mosquitoes, moths, butterflies, and other spiders.

Marbled Orbweaver is harmless to humans and will only bite if threatened or handled roughly. If you see one in your house, leave it alone or use a broom or vacuum cleaner to remove it carefully without harming it

10. Grey Cross Spider

The gray cross spider is the most common type found in Wisconsin. It likes to live in dark places, under logs and stones, and inside buildings.

These types of spiders in Wisconsin are harmless and will not attack people. However, they can be a nuisance due to their large size and web-building habits. 

The gray cross spider is considered one of the world’s most harmless spiders because it has no venom that can harm humans.

The only problem with this type of spider in Wisconsin is that it builds webs near doors and around windows, which may annoy people entering or exiting houses.

11. Striped Fishing Spider

The striped fishing spider is a member of the genus Dolomedes. It is most often found near water, hence its common name.

These types of spiders in Wisconsin are usually gray with darker stripes on their back and orange or yellow underparts. 

The females are larger than males and can grow up to three inches long without their legs, while males only get to be two inches long.

Striped fishing spiders are semi-aquatic hunters who spend most of their time hunting around bodies of water for food.

These types of spiders in Wisconsin often take small fish as prey but will also eat crayfish, frogs, dragonflies, and insects.

12. Eastern Parson Spider

The Eastern Parson Spider is a medium-sized spider found mostly in the eastern half of North America.

These types of spiders in Wisconsin are often called violin spiders because they often have a violin-shaped marking on their backs or are zigzag spiders.

After all, the web is zigzagged, with strands radiating out from the center. They live at ground level and feed mostly on insects.

The female lays her eggs between May and September, and it can take up to two months for them to hatch. The males are smaller than females and don’t live as long.

Males die after mating, whereas females will continue laying eggs even though they may be over 2 years old.

13. Tan Jumping Spider

The tan jumping spider is found all over the world. These types of spiders in Wisconsin are known for their huge leaps and can jump up to 50 times their body length.

These spiders are agile and often hide on leaves and flowers, waiting to pounce on an unsuspecting prey animal.

The tan jumping spider’s diet consists mainly of large insects, but they occasionally eat smaller animals like small lizards or frogs.

14. Furrow Orbweaver

Furrow Orbweavers are known for their webs on the ground next to a plant stem or leaf. These types of spiders in Wisconsin typically have a leg span of around 5 cm, but they can grow as large as 7.6 cm.

Furrow Orbweavers hide during the day and come out at night to feed on flying insects, including beetles and moths.

These types of spiders in Wisconsin are not aggressive, so they will only attack prey extremely close to their web’s edge. Furrow Orbweavers are commonly found in North America and Europe.

15. Long-Bodied Cellar Spider

The Long-Bodied Cellar Spider is one of the most common types found in Wisconsin homes. This spider can grow up to 2 inches long, and they are so named because they live close to the ground and spend most of their time there.

These types of spiders in Wisconsin are usually light brown, but this color may change depending on where they live. 

They have dark marks on their heads that make them easy to identify. These types of spiders in Wisconsin also have hairy legs, which helps them move around easily without being detected by their prey. 

The Long-Bodied Cellar Spider usually does not bite humans unless provoked, but if it does happen, it will inject venom into the skin that can cause painful swelling or even an allergic reaction.

16. Arabesque Orbweaver

The Arabesque Orbweaver is a fairly small, nocturnal spider that lives in patches of grass. They are usually found near the center, where they make their web.

The webs are often built over shrubs or bushes, so the spiders have some protection from predators during the day. 

This type of orb weaver is mostly seen with its abdomen facing upwards, sitting on its legs. When it sees prey, it will move quickly and bite them. After biting, it wraps them up with silk and then eats them.

The Arabesque Orbweavers tend to only feed on insects such as flies and mosquitoes, but some may also include ants and other small insects into their diet as they can find a source nearby.

17. Shamrock Orbweaver

The Shamrock Orbweaver, a type of spider found in the state of Wisconsin, is often confused with the Goldenrod Spider because they are both yellow and green.

The difference is that the Shamrock Orbweaver’s abdomen is pointed and has red stripes, while the Goldenrod Spider’s abdomen is rounder and without any stripes. 

Also, when predators threaten Shamrock, Orbweavers will make a hissing noise to warn them off, while Goldenrod Spiders do not have any means of defense. 

The main differences between these two spiders are their coloration and shape.

18. Bronze Jumping Spider

The Bronze Jumping Spider is a species found in North America, Europe, and Asia. They are one of the smallest types of spiders in Wisconsin, with an average length between one-quarter to three-eighths inch.

They have a metallic bronze body with black spots on their abdomen. This spider does not build webs to catch prey but instead jumps from plant to plant, looking for insects like aphids and other small insects. 

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It is also known as The Bronze Jumper Spider or The Copper Jumping Spider. Bronze Jumping Spiders are often confused with another jumping spider species called the Golden Jumping Spider because they are metallic bronze in color and live on plants hunting for prey.

19. Spotted Orbweaver

The spotted orb weaver is a type of spider that gets its name from the distinctive pattern on its abdomen.

These types of spiders in Wisconsin have around or oval-shaped bodies with long, spindly legs that are off-white to dark brown. Male spiders are smaller than females and have no spots on their abdomens.

Females are larger than males and have three circular markings on their abdomen. The female’s cephalothorax (the head and thorax) will be visibly wider than the male’s cephalothorax.

The female is usually black, while the male is usually brown. Males can also be red or orange if they’re not mature yet.

20. Northern Yellow Sac Spider

The Northern Yellow Sac Spider is a web-building spider that spins its web in dark corners. It’s a non-aggressive spider but produces a strong bite if it feels threatened.

The bite is not fatal to humans, but the severity will depend on the individual and the age of the person bitten.

Spider bites are typically associated with fear, especially when it comes to children who may be frightened by seeing one or finding one crawling on their bed at night.

However, there are more beautiful ways to deal with spiders than killing them or getting off them without considering where they’re coming from or what they’re looking for.

21. Orchard Orbweaver

The orchard orb weaver is a large, hairy spider with bright colors found on leaves, flowers, and fences. Like another genus, Leucauge, these types of spiders in Wisconsin have a distinctive white stripe down their back.

The orchard orb weaver may also be called the garden spider because it spins webs near plants and flowers. 

The orchard orb weaver is found throughout most of the continental United States and Canada. This species prefers to spin its webs during daytime hours when prey is more active.

Webs are often constructed in low-hanging plants near flowers so pollinators can easily access nectar and pollen without being caught by the sticky silk threads.

22. Asiatic Wall Jumping Spider

Asiatic Wall Jumping Spider (Salticidae) The Asiatic Wall Jumping Spider is a rather small spider that can reach only about 1/4 inch long. They are brownish with a pattern of light and dark stripes.

They are nocturnal, so they hide during the day and come out to hunt at night. These types of spiders in Wisconsin have very long, thin legs and need to be handled with care because they will jump from their web to attack prey or escape predators.

23. Spined Micrathena

Micrathena gracilis are medium-sized spiders that are common throughout North America. They look very distinctive with their long spines, giving them a spider-like appearance.

When threatened, they extend their spines and play dead by remaining motionless on the ground. The Micrathena gracilis is one of the few species found in Wisconsin.

These types of spiders in Wisconsin often spin webs near water or other moist habitats. The Micrathena gracilis is known to eat mostly insects but occasionally prey on small frogs or lizards.

24. Woodlouse Spider

Woodlouse spiders are small, often less than a quarter inch. They have long, thin legs and are typically dark brown or black with an iridescent sheen.

If you see one on the edge of a rug or the wallpaper, they’re likely hunting for woodlice (hence the name). Woodlouse spiders are not aggressive and will only bite if they feel threatened. The bite is usually no worse than a bee sting.

25. Common House Spider

The common house spider is very small, and you won’t usually see it as they are not active during the day. They usually only come out at night when you turn off the lights to sleep.

When they are most active. These types of spiders in Wisconsin can grow up to 0.125 inches in length, with a leg span of up to 1 inch.

The females have orange or brown bodies with lighter stripes on their backs, and the males are mostly black with some brown on their bodies and legs. 

The common house spider has eight eyes that face forward, which gives them an excellent vision for hunting prey. One way to identify a common house spider is by looking for webs outside your home’s windows or doors after dark.

26. Six-Spotted Orbweaver

The six-spotted orb weaver is a spider usually found on trees and fences. They are also one of the most common types of spiders near humans.

This spider can be identified by their rusty red color and six large dark spots on its body. The six-spotted orb weaver’s legs are long, thin, and brown with cream or white stripes running down them.

The females have round abdomens, while the males have narrow abdomens. The name orb weaver comes from these spiders weave circular orb webs.

These types of spiders in Wisconsin webs are made out of silk, which they secrete from their spinnerets at the end of their abdomen.

27. Six-Spotted Fishing Spider

The Six-spotted Fishing Spider, Dolomedes triton, is one of the largest spiders found in Wisconsin. Females are bigger than males and can grow up to two inches long with a leg span five inches wide.

It has six sets of dark eyes, each consisting of three eyes and two rows of reddish spots on its abdomen. 

This spider has a mostly aquatic lifestyle and can be found near lakes, ponds, streams, and ditches. These types of spiders in Wisconsin eat insects, tadpoles, salamanders, and fish, so they benefit humans by eating bugs that cause disease.

The Six-spotted Fishing Spider will bite if threatened but does not inject poison or leave behind venom as other spiders do.

28. Tuft-Legged Orbweaver

The Tuft-Legged Orbweaver, or TLO for short, is a type of arachnid that dwells on top of leaves and branches. The tufts can identify it at its hind end, which is used to anchor the surface it’s on. 

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These types of spiders in Wisconsin feed on nectar and soft insects like ants flies, and moths, so if you see one, don’t panic! They’re not known to bite humans unless they feel threatened or are accidentally squished.

29. Common White-Cheeked Jumping Spider

The Common White-Cheeked Jumping Spider is a small, quick jumper that likes to hide during the day and come out at night. It can be found throughout the United States and has been spotted as far north as Alaska.

The male spiders are black with white stripes on their heads, while females are brown with white stripes on the back. These types of spiders in Wisconsin are nocturnal hunters that prey upon any small insect they can find.

30. Common Candy-Striped Spider

This spider is a member of the family Salticidae and one of four species found in Wisconsin. Candy Stripe Spider refers to its characteristic red and white pattern on the abdomen. 

Like other spiders in this family, it has large anterior median eyes well-suited for hunting prey during the night.

The Common Candy Striped Spider can be found from Canada to Florida and west to Texas. These types of spiders in Wisconsin are not known to be harmful to humans or pets.

31. White-Jawed Jumping Spider

The white-jawed jumping spider is a small, light brown spider with a white jaw. These are usually found on plants or the bark of trees.

Their venom is not powerful enough to penetrate human skin, and they do not have any health effects on humans. If you see one in your house, they will probably be found around windows, doors, and corners, waiting for prey to come by.

32. Brilliant Jumping Spider

Brilliant Jumping Spiders are a type of spider native to the Midwest region and can often be found on buildings.

These types of spiders in Wisconsin are fairly small and have brown cephalothorax, black abdomen with white stripes, and brown legs.

This species prefers to live on flat surfaces like walls, eaves, window sills, etc. and has good vision so they can see predators coming from afar.

Brilliant Jumping Spiders are usually nocturnal hunters who wait for their prey to come near them before pouncing. These types of spiders in Wisconsin will eat insects, including ants, beetles, wasps, flies, or even other spiders, when necessary.

When hunting for food, these spiders stalk their prey until it gets close enough, then jump onto it with their forelegs outstretched.

33. Triangulate Comfort

The Triangulate Combfoot is a brown spider with hair-like spines on its body. They have eight eyes and are generally small to medium-sized spiders ranging from about 1/4 inch to 3/4 inch long. 

These types of spiders in Wisconsin often crawl around leaves and grass, looking for insects or prey that might be hiding there.

The Triangulate Comfort is one of the most common spiders in Wisconsin and can be found all over the state.

34. Broad-Faced Sac Spider

The broad-faced sac spider is a member of the family Agelenidae and is found throughout the world, including the United States.

These types of spiders in Wisconsin prefer to live in dry habitats such as deserts and mountains. 

The females are generally shiny black with yellow markings on the abdomen. Males are smaller than females and brownish-black with faint markings on the abdomen. 

The female will typically lay 3–6 eggs wrapped in a thin, white silk sac she carries around until they hatch.

35. Dimorphic Jumping Spider

Dimorphic Jumping Spiders are not dangerous, but they may make you scream. The spider is named for its jumping behavior to evade predators, which can be quite startling.

The male and female resemble each other, with a brown body with two tan stripes on the abdomen and dark red-brown legs. They are usually found near water and among tall grasses.

36. Filmy Dome Spider

Filmy dome spiders are about 1/4 inch long, and their color can range from tan to yellow. This spider is often found in the corners of window frames, where they build webs that resemble a dome. 

Filmy dome spiders do not cause medical problems to humans or pets but may leave an itchy rash if touched. These types of spiders in Wisconsin are mainly found on the East Coast, including Massachusetts and Maine.

37. Conical Trashline Orbweaver

This spider is known to have a brown body with a pattern of yellow and red, much like an old clothesline. It can grow up to 3 inches in length and will make its web inside dark areas.

It is considered one of the most common spiders found throughout the state. These types of spiders in Wisconsin can be found mostly between October and April but have also been spotted year-round.

38. Nordmann’s Orbweaver

These are the largest type of orb-weaver spider found in Wisconsin. These types of spiders in Wisconsin are typically dark brown or black, with orange or yellow stripes on their abdomen. It will usually drop down from its web and play dead when threatened.

The female can lay more than a hundred eggs at once, with each egg about the size of a pea. These spiders use a combination of their web and venom to capture prey caught within their range.

The male’s role is to find females and mate before dying. It has been observed that males repeatedly return to the same female, sometimes even after mating with other females.

Males spend most of their time looking for mates, while females spin webs to catch food for themselves and their offspring.

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