Utah is a beautiful state full of diverse wildlife, including various flies.
While many people may not think of flies when they think of Utah, the truth is that there are various types of flies in Utah.
From small biting midges to large colorful crane flies, there are many other types of flies in Utah!
This blog post will explore Utah’s different types of flies and how they contribute to the local environment.
We’ll also discuss some of the best ways to control these flying pests and keep them from becoming a nuisance in your home or garden.
Whether you’re a nature enthusiast or want to learn more about the insects in your backyard, you’ll find something interesting here.
So, let’s dive in and explore many different types of flies in Utah!
1. Small Minnow Mayfly

The Small Minnow Mayfly is one of the many types of flies in Utah that can be found in the state.
This type of fly is often identified by its small size and large wingspan. The head and eyes are large and visible, and the wings have a glossy sheen.
This species’ color ranges from tan to dark brown, with some individuals even having a bright greenish hue.
This species is typically found near Utah’s streams, ponds, and lakes.
In addition to its bright coloring, the Small Minnow Mayfly has unique behavior that distinguishes it from other types of flies in Utah.
This species is known to float high in the air in search of food and will also lay its eggs in shallow water.
They are active during the day but can also be seen in the evening. During the mating season, males can be seen in their courtship rituals, where they flutter around each other to attract a mate.
2. Scorpionfly

Scorpionflies are a type of fly found in Utah and belong to the family Panorpa.
These flies are identified by their long tails and their long antennae.
They are generally dark in color, and their wings fold like a fan when at rest. They typically have dark markings on their wings and abdomen.
These flies usually live in forests and wetlands, although they can also be found in some urban areas.
The larvae of these flies feed on decaying plant material and other organic material, making them important decomposers in their environment.
Adult Scorpionflies can be seen flying around during the summer months, from June through August.
They are also types of flies commonly seen in Utah, feeding on pollen, nectar from flowers, and other small insects.
3. Robber Fly
Robber flies are a type of fly found in Utah. They are one of the largest families of flies and are known for their aggressive predatory habits.
Robber flies have elongated bodies, long legs, and wings usually patterned in black and yellow stripes.
They feed on other insects and can often be found hovering near the ground or resting on plants.
In Utah, robber flies are generally active in the spring and summer, when their preferred prey is abundant.
Robber flies, one of the many types of flies in Utah, play an important role in maintaining environmental balance.
They help keep populations of other insects in check, reducing the spread of disease and providing natural pest control.
Robber flies are also an important food source for birds and other predators, helping to balance the food chain.
These beneficial insects can be found all over Utah, so it is important to take steps to protect them when possible.
4. Tephritid Fruit Fly
The Tephritid Fruit Fly (Trupanea spp) is commonly found throughout Utah.
These flies can be identified by their distinctive yellow and black stripes along their wings and bodies.
They are typically found in orchards, gardens, and other areas with abundant fruit.
In Utah, there are also types of flies that are especially drawn to rotting or overripe fruits.
Tephritid Fruit Flies feed on the juices and pollen of the fruits and can quickly damage the harvest if left unchecked.
To control these pests, keep your area free of decaying fruit and inspect fruits before consuming them.
5. Rabbit Bot Fly

The rabbit bot fly is the next on our list of types of flies in Utah. It is usually found in the western and northern parts of the state.
These flies are small and often dark brown with a mottled pattern on the abdomen.
They prefer damp and sheltered areas such as wet meadows, deciduous forests, and creek beds.
The larvae of the Rabbit Bot Fly feed on the flesh of mammals such as rabbits and other small animals.
Adult Rabbit Bot Flies lay their eggs near or on the fur of these animals, where the larvae will burrow into the skin.
The Rabbit Bot Fly is considered a nuisance pest because it can cause irritation and itching for animals or humans who come into contact with it.
The best way to keep these flies away from your home is to ensure there is no standing water or food sources available for them to feed on.
Additionally, it is important to remove any organic debris or decaying matter that may be present in your yard, as this can attract flies.
6. Ornate Snipe Fly

The Ornate Snipe Fly is an interesting species of fly found in Utah.
This species belongs to the Chrysopilus family of flies, and its bright and vibrant coloring characterizes it.
The Ornate Snipe Fly is slender, usually light brown or yellow, with black stripes along the body and antennae.
This species has a long snout and large eyes that can detect its prey from a distance.
The Ornate Snipe Fly feeds on small insects like mosquitoes, beetles, and caterpillars, making it an important part of the food chain.
They are generally found near standing water, marshes, and other wet areas in Utah.
The Ornate Snipe Fly, on this list of the types of flies in Utah, is an important species for several reasons.
As predators, they help keep insect populations in check and can prevent the spread of disease-carrying bugs.
In addition, their bright colors make them an attractive feature to add to any garden or outdoor setting.
This species is also a valuable resource for scientific research, helping scientists to understand the complexity of the food web better.
The Ornate Snipe Fly is a beneficial species and should be appreciated in Utah.
7. Northern Caddisfly

The Northern Caddisfly (Pycnopsyche sp.) is on our list of the several types of flies in Utah.
This caddisfly species is typically brownish or dark-colored and has distinctively large eyes, long antennae, and aquatic larvae.
The Northern Caddisfly can be found near ponds, lakes, and streams with plenty of vegetation or debris to feed on.
They are commonly seen flying around in late summer and early fall.
As predators, they are known to feed on small insects and other aquatic lifeforms.
It is important to remember that the Northern Caddisfly can be a pest if it becomes too abundant and starts eating beneficial insects like damselflies or dragonflies.
The Northern Caddisfly is an important part of Utah’s ecosystem and is integral in keeping its waterways clean.
The larvae act as filter feeders, meaning they help remove suspended particles like algae and bacteria from the water.
Additionally, they are food sources for various fish, amphibians, reptiles, and birds.
It is essential to keep their populations healthy and balanced so they can continue to play their vital role in our environment.
8. Common Stonefly
The Common Stonefly is a type of fly found in Utah. It is identified by its large size and thick wings.
The adult Common Stonefly is about 3/8-1 inch long and has a wingspan of 2-3 inches.
Its wings have distinctive veins, with the front wings usually darker than the hind wings.
This species is typically grayish or brownish and often has a dark line along the middle of its back.
The Common Stonefly can be found near streams, rivers, and lakes in Utah, where it prefers areas with plenty of rocks and gravel.
It is an important aquatic insect that helps to filter the water by consuming algae and other organic material.
Aside from being one of Utah’s economic types of flies, it also provides food for many fish and other animals, such as frogs and birds.
This species is important to Utah’s natural ecosystems and should be protected and respected.
9. Bee Fly

The bee fly (Systoechus Vulgaris) is a type of fly found throughout Utah. It is a large and colorful insect that resembles a bee, hence its name.
Bee flies have distinctive yellow-brown bodies and long wings, which they rapidly use to fly from flower to flower in search of nectar.
They are known for their characteristic buzzing noise as they fly around, which can be seen on the sides of roads and fields.
They are common in areas with plenty of flowers and can be spotted in most regions of Utah.
Bee flies, one of the different types of flies in Utah, feed on nectar from flowers, pollen, and small insects.
They play an important role in the ecosystem as pollinators, helping to spread pollen from one plant to another.
Bee flies also provide food for other animals, such as birds and bats. In Utah, bee flies are usually found during the warm months between April and October.
They are beneficial insects and should not be disturbed or harmed in any way.
10. Dobsonfly

This is not left out of our list of the various types of flies in Utah.
Dobsonfly males have mouth parts that resemble tentacles and have a frightening appearance.
In actuality, the species’ males are considered harmless to people and unable to bite.
On the other hand, the female can bite quite painfully when agitated, thanks to her powerful jaws.
The large, fleshy mandibles of male Dobsonflies can resemble a second set of short, rubbery antennae.
The pincers on a female’s small jaw are big. Both sexes are taupe and have broad wings that completely encircle their bodies when seen from above.
Small white spots may be seen on the net-veined wings, which slightly overlap at the midline.
Before becoming an airborne bug, dobsonflies start as aquatic larvae.
While young, they are known as toe-biters or hellgrammites and can get as big as a human finger.
They consume immature aquatic larvae, small fish, and tadpoles (like dragonfly naiads and stonefly hellgrammites) from other species.
Early larvae resemble underwater centipedes, and adults watch them from above the water nearby.
Since these hellgrammites have teeth, it is important to use caution when handling them and entering their habitat barefoot.
Anglers use them as live bait despite the potential for a bite on the finger.
Adults naturally gravitate toward light sources at night because they sleep most of the time.
11. American Bluet Damselfly
The American Bluet Damselfly is a fly found in Utah and other western United States.
These slender, delicate-looking insects are active predators, catching and eating small insects like mosquitoes, moths, and even small fish.
They are usually found near standing water and are often seen along the edges of ponds, lakes, and rivers.
The males are vibrant blue-green with white stripes, while the females are usually dull brown or green.
These damselflies make a delightful addition to any garden or backyard pond.
Damselflies are an important part of the food web in Utah, providing food for various animals, such as birds, lizards, frogs, and fish.
Their presence can help control pests like mosquitos and other insects, making them an important part of any ecosystem.
While they are fragile-looking creatures, they are also important pollinators, helping to spread pollen from one plant to another.
These beautiful creatures, which are included on our list of the types of flies in Utah, should be cherished and respected for their vital role in nature.
12. Black Blow Fly
The Black Blow Fly (Phormia Regina) is a species of fly found in Utah. It has a black body and wings and typically grows between 5 and 8 millimeters long.
The Black Blow Fly is an important part of the Utah ecosystem. It breaks down dead organic matter, making nutrients available to other species.
It is also an important food source for fish, birds, and other insects, such as spiders.
Despite its beneficial role in the environment, it can become a nuisance when it enters homes and buildings, laying eggs on moist organic material like spoiled food.
Removing moisture and food sources and controlling the population with insecticides can help reduce the infestation.
13. Caddisfly

Caddisflies are a type of insect that can be found throughout Utah.
There are many caddisfly species, all with unique characteristics and behaviors.
Caddisflies are typically small to medium-sized and can vary in color from brown, gray, green, or yellow.
They are types of flies in Utah that are generally active during the day and often rest on vegetation.
Caddisflies feed on various aquatic organisms, including algae, mollusks, and worms.
They are also an important part of the aquatic food chain and help keep aquatic ecosystems healthy.
If you look closely at Utah’s streams, rivers, ponds, or lakes, you might spot some interesting insects!
14. Cimbicid Sawfly

There are several types of flies in Utah that you may not know about; one is the Cimbicid Sawfly.
This species is typically found on oaks, ashes, and sycamores, and they feed on the leaves of these trees.
The female Cimbicid Sawfly can lay up to 50 eggs per season, usually under the tree’s bark.
When they hatch, the larvae feed on the foliage until they mature and form adult flies. They are brownish, with a dark stripe down the center of their body.
The Cimbicid Sawfly is an important part of the Utah ecosystem as it helps control plant disease spread.
These flies also provide food for other organisms, such as spiders, birds, and insects.
Controlling the population of these types of pests helps to keep our environment healthy and balanced.
These flies are beneficial because they help keep our forests healthy and free from harmful pests.
15. Common Oblique Syrphid Fly

The Common Oblique Syrphid Fly is a type of fly found in Utah.
This fly is small, with a wingspan of about 5-7 millimeters and a body length of about 3-4 millimeters.
It can range in color from yellowish-brown to dark brown and is marked on the abdomen with a distinctive pattern of light yellow stripes.
It is mainly active during the daytime and can often be seen flying or hovering around flowers.
This fly feeds on pollen and nectar and is an important pollinator of many plants in Utah.
It also preys on other small insects, such as aphids, making it an important beneficial insect in the garden.
The Common Oblique Syrphid Fly can be found in most habitats in Utah, including meadows, woods, fields, and gardens.
With its small size and delicate features, this fly, on our list of the types of flies in Utah, is a favorite among those who appreciate the beauty of nature.
16. Filter Fly
The Filter Fly is a common type of fly found in Utah. This species is unique because it has been known to filter out pollutants from the air and water.
The Filter Fly has a black body with a white stripe running down its back, and its wings have a light orange tint.
This species is known to be quite docile and prefers to stay near lakes, streams, ponds, and other bodies of water.
The Filter Fly is a beneficial insect as it helps to cleanse the environment by removing harmful pollutants from the air and water.
It is an important part of Utah’s ecosystem, helping keep the environment healthy and safe.
17. Leaf Miner Fly

Leaf Miner Flies are small insects found throughout Utah.
They get their name because they feed on the leaves of various trees and plants, creating a network of tunnels, or “mines,” in the process.
Leaf Miner Flies are generally black and have yellowish-brown stripes on their wings.
Depending on the species, they can range from 1/2 inch to over an inch long.
Leaf Miner Flies can benefit the environment by helping control harmful pests. Do not forget that there are also types of flies in Utah!
However, they can also damage plants, so it is important to watch for them if you live in or visit Utah.
Control methods include removing affected leaves, using insecticidal soap sprays, and introducing natural predators such as ladybugs.
18. Whitefly

Whiteflies are not excluded from our list of the different types of flies in Utah. They are tiny, sap-sucking insects found in many parts of Utah.
They feed on the underside of the leaves of plants, causing them to turn yellow and weaken.
Some species of whiteflies can even spread plant diseases, making them a pest in agricultural fields.
As the name suggests, whiteflies are usually pale white or gray with transparent wings.
While they may seem harmless, they can cause significant damage if left unchecked.
Fortunately, several methods exist to control these pesky pests, including natural predators, chemical sprays, and physical removal.
19. Winter Stonefly

Winter stoneflies, also known as Capnia lacustra, are an important species of flies in Utah.
They inhabit streams and rivers with cold, clean water, usually in the state’s higher elevations.
These stoneflies are an important part of Utah’s aquatic ecosystem and provide an important food source for many fish.
During winter, the adults emerge from their aquatic habitat to mate and lay eggs.
Winter stoneflies are small insects, ranging in size from 1/4 to 3/4 inch long. They are light brown with darker stripes running along their bodies.
The adults have two pairs of wings and six legs, while larvae have three pairs of legs.
These insects feed on algae, diatoms, and other small organisms. They also help filter the water and can be used as water quality indicators since they are sensitive to pollutants.
As an insect that relies on its environment for food, the Western Pygmy-Blue Butterfly is particularly sensitive to changes in its habitat.
Climate change and other forms of human development can drastically impact the habitats of these small creatures, making it important for us to take care of our environment.
By preserving natural areas and protecting the habitats of these butterfly species, we can ensure that these beautiful creatures will continue to thrive in Utah for many years.
20. Transverse Flower Fly

The Transverse Flower Fly is a species of fly found in Utah. It is part of the Syrphidae family and is also known as the Drone fly.
These small flies are brownish-gray, with white and yellow stripes running down their backs.
The body size of the Transverse Flower Fly ranges between 8 and 12 millimeters long.
They are the types of flies in Utah that are most active during the day. During this time, they can be seen feeding on nectar from flowers.
They are usually found near Utah’s wetlands, ponds, and slow-moving streams.
The Transverse Flower Fly is important in the Utah ecosystem, as it is a pollinator for many plants.
Due to their similar appearance, they are often mistaken for bees or wasps, but they do not sting or bite like those insects.
Due to their small size and ability to hover, they can easily access the nectar from deep within certain flowers.
Additionally, these flies are beneficial in controlling certain pest populations, such as aphids and other small insects.
21. Snakefly

The Snakefly (Agulla adnexa) is the next species on our list of flies found in Utah.
These insects have slender bodies with long antennae and can be identified by their “snake-like” appearance. They are often seen in gardens, meadows, and along waterways.
Snakeflies feed on small flying insects such as aphids, moths, and caterpillars.
They lay their eggs in plant material, and the larvae emerge after a few weeks. The larvae are predatory and will feed on other small insects and arthropods.
Adult Snakeflies are generally about 1⁄2 an inch long and have dark brown or black bodies with grayish-white or yellow stripes.
Due to Utah’s low diversity of fly species, the Snakefly is an important component of the state’s insect ecology.
As natural predators of various small insects, they help to keep their populations in check.
They also benefit gardeners and farmers since they feed on aphids and other crop pests.
In addition, their larvae provide food for birds and other predators.
Therefore, Snakeflies are important in maintaining a healthy balance between plant and insect life in Utah.
22. Small House Fly
The small house fly is the last on our list of types of flies in Utah. These flies can be identified by their small size and dark gray bodies.
They feed on human and animal waste, decaying food, and other organic matter.
While not dangerous to humans, they can spread typhoid and dysentery.
To prevent infestations of house flies, practicing proper sanitation and storing garbage in sealed containers is important.
Small house flies are active during the summer months and will reproduce rapidly if given the opportunity.
To control these insects, it is best to use baits or traps that contain pheromones to attract them.
Additionally, ensuring windows and doors are screened and all potential breeding sites are removed can help reduce infestations.
By taking these simple steps, homeowners can effectively prevent an invasion of small house flies in Utah.
Hello! I am a naturalist living and working in Utah. A good number of the species identified here are not flies. Flies are insects belonging to the order Diptera. Mayflies, caddisflies, stoneflies, scorpionflies, dobsonflies, snakeflies, and white flies all have the suffix -fly in their common names, but none of these insects are “types of flies.” They all belong to entirely different orders of insects. Not listed here are mosquitoes, which belong to the order Diptera and are in fact a type of fly.
Damselflies are not true flies. Flies belong to the order Diptera. Damselflies and Dragonflies belong to the order Odonata.