Fish are an excellent way to add healthy proteins, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to our diets.
You probably know the word blue refers to the color of their scales, but did you know there are different colors of blue fish, too?
Many different types of bluefish have been identified worldwide, and all of them have one thing in common: they all taste great!
If you want more information on different types of blue fish and why they’re amazing, you’ve come to the right place!
Here’s an in-depth look at some of the most common blue fish today!
1. Anchovy
Many different types of blue fish are unique in their way. However, the most common type of blue fish in the grocery store is the anchovy or anchovy paste, as it’s also known.
Anchovies pack a punch of flavor with just a little salt but are also great for adding to sauces or using as a base for making your tartar sauce.
Other famous blue fish include Pacific Saury, which is often served battered and fried in Japan.
In addition to these two, bluefish is made up of many other types, including hake, horse mackerels, herrings, and sardines.
These types of blue fish have a variety of uses, too: some can be eaten fresh while others are more commonly eaten smoked.
Some classes, like the jacksmelt, are only eaten raw because this type would become much more challenging if cooked.
When buying any bluefish, check out the ingredients label before eating to know what it contains and how healthy it may be for you.
2. Tuna

As much as we love tuna, other fish are also blue. Bluefin tuna can be found in a variety of places around the world, but it mostly swims in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.
Other species include Southern bluefin tuna, northern bluefin tuna, Pacific bluefish, Japanese butterfish, and Australian red snapper.
All of these types of blue fish have varying sizes, textures, tastes, and levels of health benefits.
So when choosing what type of blue fish to eat next time you’re at the market or grocery store, consider all options!
A person may want to try sushi for the first time and not enjoy raw fish, so cooking bluefin tuna may be more appropriate.
For someone on a budget, buying cheaper species, such as southern blue fish tuna, may work out better because it’s less expensive than those like northern bluefin tuna.
3. Sardine

There are wide varieties of bluefish, but we’ll focus on sardines. They can be found canned or fresh in the grocery store. Sardines are perfect for those looking to reduce their intake of red meat.
You can use them in any dish where you would typically use tuna or salmon but don’t forget that sardines also have a mild flavor, which can be enhanced by cooking with lemon and garlic. Another bonus about blue fish is that it’s easy to find at your local grocery store.
It doesn’t take much effort to cook either, as sardines can go in any dish where you typically use tuna or salmon. You only need a little lemon and garlic; your meal will taste great!
4. Herring
One type of blue fish that you may have heard of is the herring. The herring is a fish found in salt and fresh water, depending on where it was born. They are ubiquitous, meaning you will find them in many world areas.
Herrings like living in large schools, making them easy to catch. These types of blue fish are usually seen scooping the school up with a net or taking advantage of their tendency to swim near the surface of the water by catching them with hooks or spears thrown over the side of boats or ships.
Once caught, they are commonly used for food because they are plentiful. However, they can also be processed into oil, fertilizer, bait, etc. Some people eat raw fish, while others prefer cooking it first eating.
The site does not have one specific recipe for herring, but some popular ways to prepare it include pickling, salting, and smoking the fish before frying it or boiling it until tender.
So, if you want to try one of these delicious types of blue fish, then try some pickled herrings! You’ll love how tangy and salty they are.
5. Jack Mackerel

The jack mackerel is a medium-sized fish found in the Atlantic Ocean.
It’s most notably known for its blue fish scales, which give it its name. The Jack Mackerel is a predator fish that hunts other animals in the sea.
They will eat plankton, shrimp, squid, crab, and small fish. These types of blue fish will also eat other smaller jack mackerels to grow larger themselves.
The jack mackerel is also at risk of being caught by fishermen because of its commercial value as food.
Unfortunately, this puts them at high risk of overfishing and depleting their population.
In general, these bright blue fishes have been found to have an average lifespan of three years but may live up to six years.
6. Dogfish

Blue dogfish is also known as the common roughtail dogfish. The blue dogfish was first discovered in 1836 by Mr. Gardner on his fishing voyage.
This fish can be found in temperate water but typically lives near the shore.
They are ambush predators, which means they wait for prey to come by and then attack it in a second of vulnerability.
Their favorite foods include squid, octopus, crabs, lobsters, shrimp, and other fish like herring or cod.
These types of blue fish are around 20 inches long, but we all know size doesn’t matter when it comes to being tasty! Just ask any person who’s ever tried these types of blue fish before-they’ll say that these little creatures pack a big punch.
Unfortunately, when you catch them, you’ll find them buried under the sand waiting for their next meal-so watch your step!
7. Turbot
The turbot’s body is very dense, which means it tends to be moist and has less fat than many other types of blue fish.
However, they are also on the seafood watch list as they can accumulate methylmercury, which might lead to problems later in life with neurological development.
When farmed, these particular types of fish could have an increased risk for listeria bacteria, which could affect a fetus.
However, the health benefits of eating this fish outweigh this drawback.
It’s high in omega-3 fatty acids, low in mercury, and a source of selenium, which is essential for the immune system.
So I recommend it if you haven’t had it before. Herring: These types of fish are not only sustainable but relatively inexpensive.
8. Swordfish

The swordfish is a fish with a blue streak on its side. It is found mainly in the tropics of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans.
Swordfish are typically not caught in U.S. waters because they live deep.
These different types of blue fish have very little fat or oil (about 2%), making them a good source of lean protein.
Swordfish is also one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
Many health benefits have been attributed to this type of fat, such as the reduced risk for heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes mellitus type II, and other inflammatory diseases.
Additionally, studies have shown that these fats can help combat weight gain by promoting satiety and reducing appetite.
So, next time you need some healthy fats, ensure you include some swordfish in your diet!
9. Salmon

There are many types of blue fish, but salmon is the most common type of blue fish found in grocery stores.
Salmon is a delicious, healthy fish perfect for lunch or dinner.
It’s easy to cook and contains omega-3 fatty acids, which help your heart stay healthy. Add salmon sandwiches for a snack.
When choosing a salmon filet, look for ones that say wild-caught.
These types of blue fish will be more expensive than those with farmed-raised tags because farmed-raised seafood has higher rates of contaminants such as PCBs.
10. Bonito
The bonito is a type of tuna, also known as the katsuo in Japanese. They are found in the Pacific Ocean and are known as giant tunas.
The bonito is a popular ingredient in Japanese cuisine due to its firm texture, mild flavor, and deep red color.
The bonito’s unique features make it a popular delicacy around the world.
In addition, these types of blue fish are an excellent source of selenium, which helps your immune system stay healthy by boosting white blood cells.
Selenium is also essential for good brain health because it assists with the production of specific proteins in your body.
In addition, the bonito is high in Omega-3 fatty acids, meaning you’ll get healthier skin and hair from eating this fish!
11. Conger
Many different types of bluefish have been around for hundreds of years, but not all bluefish are created equal.
The most common type of blue fish is the conger eel. This fish is an ocean dweller and can grow up to eight feet long with a lifespan of about 60 years.
They are often called conger eels or slippery devils because they slither quickly through rocks on the sea floor. Bluefin tuna, on the other hand, don’t live in water at all.
Instead, these blue fish feed off small crustaceans like krill that live near the surface and are known for their long migrations from cold to warm waters yearly.
12. Bluegill
One of the most common types of blue fish is the Bluegill. These are found in freshwater but can also be found in brackish waters.
Their yellow-gold sides easily identify them as orange-brown back, black spots on the fins, and a dark line that runs along their jaw to just below their eye.
The other type of blue fish is called the Golden Blue Tilapia. This type is golden, with white dots on its scales that make them appear speckled or spotted.
These types of blue fish can also be found in freshwater but prefer slightly salty water.
This type of fish can be found in Central America, Africa, Asia, India, and North America. Some people use these for both food and bait for fishing.
However, you should always try to catch these alive because if you don’t, they will release toxic substances into your water, potentially killing all other marine life around it.
There are many different types of bluefish, so don’t forget to explore them all!
13. Horse Mackerel

Bluefish are a diverse group of creatures in the sea. And while all have blue skin, some are more sought after than others.
For example, horse mackerel is a type of fish that is meaty with a high fat content which helps it stay moist and tender even when cooked for long periods.
Its dark red flesh can be found on the Atlantic coast of North America and Europe.
It’s known to swim close to the shore, where it feeds on crustaceans, invertebrates, and small fishes.
These bluefish live in schools at depths between 40 and 300 feet during spawning season but scatter throughout the ocean during the rest of the year.
There are many types of blue fish. They come in a variety of colors, patterns, and sizes.
You can find these fish worldwide but are more likely to see them in tropical waters.
Bluefish typically eat smaller fish or plankton from the water’s surface. These types of blue fish use their teeth to chew their food before swallowing it whole.
Some bluefish have hard scales, while others have soft scales, like fins. It is believed that the colors of some blue fish depend on where they live.
The shade varies based on the type of light and whether there is a lot of sunlight.