5 Different Types of Geckos in Texas

Different Types of Geckos in TexasPin
Photo by Craig Manners

It’s no secret that Texas is home to a wide variety of animals, including many different types of Geckos in Texas.

These fascinating reptiles are known for their ability to climb up walls and other vertical surfaces, leaving some to wonder if they’ve been secretly training with Spider-Man! 

But we don’t want to jump the gun here.  Let’s take a closer look at the types of geckos in Texas, how common they are, and where you can find them throughout the state.

Types of Geckos in Texas are some of the most easily recognized reptiles, thanks to their distinct physical features and tendency to hunt nocturnally.

Texas is home to seven species of geckos, three of which can be found in Austin alone! 

In this guide, we’ll take you through everything you need about these fascinating creatures, including where they can be found in the state, why they’re so beloved by reptile enthusiasts, and what kind of care they need when they’re kept as pets.

1. Common House Gecko

The first and most common house gecko, the Asian house gecko, is the most widespread type in Texas. They can be found throughout all but the aridest regions of the United States and Mexico

These types of Geckos in Texas have a long history with humans. They are one of the few animals that people domesticated.

The common house gecko has a tan or light brown body with darker spots on its head and back. The underside and legs are usually a lighter color, sometimes yellowish or pinkish.

A dark line often runs down its back from head to tail tip. The average size is about 10 cm (4 inches), including the tail. 

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In general, though, common house types of Geckos in Texas fare best in very hot, dry areas where their prey does not thrive. They feed on various insects, spiders, and other invertebrates.

So, it is not uncommon for them to reside in their homes. The common house gecko was first seen in the wild in South Africa during World War II when soldiers brought them home from Asia as pets.

2. Rough-tailed Gecko 

Rough-tailed gekies are one of the most common types of geckos in Texas and can be found all over the state.

They are usually dark brown or gray with white spots on their backs and sides. You may also notice that they have a tail made up of scales instead of skin

Sometimes, These little lizards are nocturnal and come out mostly at night, but some people have also reported seeing them during the day.

They eat insects, spiders, other small lizards, and eggs from other animals. So you may see them outside your home near your porch light or looking for bugs under rocks or logs.

This species is native to Texas, Egypt, Sudan, and India. It was introduced to North America in the late 1800s when Europeans brought live specimens back from Africa

In addition to being the most common type of gecko in Texas, these lizards are also one of two types of geckos in Texas that were domesticated by humans.

Because it can breed easily in captivity, males will show off for females by displaying brightly colored throat pouches called dewlap flaps, which make an orange noise when rubbed together.

3. Mediterranean House Gecko 

A common lizard found worldwide, the Mediterranean House Gecko is often seen as a pest because it can spread diseases and contaminate surfaces.

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They are small-to-medium-sized geckos that their light brown color can identify with darker brown spots on their back. 

Moreover, They have a long tail, which they use for clinging onto surfaces and jumping long distances, and long toes with adhesive pads.

These types of Geckos in Texas are nocturnal animals, so they sleep during the day and come out at night to hunt food or find mates.  

They are native to Texas, Southern Europe, and Northern Africa; this species was introduced to many other parts of the world through trade.

The Mediterranean House Gecko typically eats insects and spiders but will also eat fruit if given the opportunity. 

Sometimes, When threatened by predators or humans, they release an unpleasant smell from glands near their eyes; this smell deters predators from eating them while they try to escape.

The best way to identify these types of Geckos in Texas is through their size. These lizards measure about 3-5 inches long when fully grown.

4. Texas Banded Gecko 

 Coleonyx, or a banded gecko, is a common sight on the walls, ceilings, and furniture of houses and other buildings in its range.

The coloration is typically tan with brown bands on its back but can vary from grayish brown to light brown. 

It has a long tail that aids its climbing ability, which is restricted to vertical surfaces. The toes are covered with small hairs called setae that adhere tenaciously to any surface, including glass and metal. 

The toes also have adhesive pads on the undersides that can adhere tightly enough for a banded gecko to run across ceilings or even upside down along the undersides of horizontal surfaces such as tree branches. They are native to Texas, New Mexico, and Northeastern Mexico.

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These types of Geckos in Texas will eat crickets, mealworms, wax worms, roaches, and silkworms. Banded Geckos can be found under rocks near creeks or rivers and near waterfalls.

5. Reticulated Gecko

The reticulated gecko, one of the types of Geckos in Texas, is a medium-sized gecko found in Texas and northern Mexico.

The reticulated gecko has a brown, dark gray, or dark brown background with small white flecks or spots.

These speckles are often arranged into lines or rows. They have a long tail used for defense against predators and can be dropped off if an animal grabs them. 

Reticulated types of Geckos in Texas are nocturnal and feed on insects and spiders at night. The reticulated gecko’s diet includes other invertebrates like beetles, crickets, caterpillars, moths, flies, earthworms, slugs, and millipedes.

They are often spotted on roads at night a few feet from their burrows as they search for food.

In addition, these types of Geckos in Texas eat birds’ eggs, small lizards, and tree frogs. Breeding season begins in late March to early April, and females lay clutches of two eggs from April through June, which hatch in May through July.

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